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RP: 188604 [188604] 1: Meet the Team

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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[1] Meet the Spy

Hey remember that job I mentioned? I want to get serious about it. You up for some action?"

Raphael rolled over in his bed when he heard the chime. Exhaustion racked his body from his last mission. He groaned as he grabbed his datajockey, rubbing his eyes to read the message. Once he realized Uso was the one messaging him, he bolted up right. All his tiredness left him in a mere instant. He began typing back.

Hey, you mean the one we spoke of on our first date right? The one we talked tactics about? What do you need from me?
Where are you? We should talk in person.
I'm am just finishing up a job. We can meet when I make port. How about we meet where we first met?
Great, meet you there. I'll have a whiskey-rocks.
- Uso

Uso flopped down into the booth in the back of the love bar, sitting right at the tip of the heart shaped table. Her dark green hair had been pulled back into a braided pony tail, two perfectly styled heart shaped bangs framing her face in typical yamatain style. She was wearing high cut stockings that came up above her knees, leaving her radiators on her legs exposed, a one-piece swimsuit along with a similarly deep blue jacket covering the rest of her body.

Raphael opened the door to the love bar, finding Uso back in the corner. He smiled, this having been the second time he actually got to see her in person. He walked to the bar, and purchased a bottle of whiskey and to glasses with ice. He set them on the table and sat down next to her. "Long time no see Ms.Uso." He said with a smirk. He poured her a drink and handed it to her, then making his own. He was not as formally dressed as last time. He wore a loose fitting work out shirt, and his hair was messily tied back in a pony tail again.

"You look comfortable! A great step up from last time." She commented, picking up the drink he made and giving it a taste, swirling it around a bit in her hand before returning to the conversation, "I think I'm gonna do it... which means time to staff up, get a few trusthworthy people together. You're already in right?"​

Raphael smiled. "Well, I have had my eye on the boss of this operation. Plus when your queen and all..." Raph trailed off, shrugging his shoulder. "Of course I'm in. What do you need from me darlin?"

"I need maybe 4-5 people, some power armors, guns, ammo, and some basic supplies. I figure I got a medic in mind, myself, and you can handle a gun.

'Course it can't just be anyone. Need people who are motivated.

What I need from you is that motivation. This ain't some big operation like the kind Wazu or Yui would run. It is something like 5 people vs 5 billion. But uh, I guess that's all kinda nebulous right now."​

Uso finished her drink off and gave him a smile,

"What I need from you right now is help putting together a team.... And maybe another drink."​

Raphael smiled and poured Uso another drink. "I can help with that. Back in my Marine days, I knew fairly competent Lt. who was able to get anyone to follow him." Raph pulled out his data jockey and encrypted it. "Supposedly he was discharged for striking a superior officer for being incompetent, and moved out to New Belfast. Supposedly he runs a PMC out there now. A small organization called Ragnarok. If you want loyal troops, he is one to provide them. However, we will need to get him PAs and a ship to operate from." He said leaning back in the booth and handing the datajockey to Uso. "Take a look." He said downing his glass and refilling it.

"Ha, there is something to be liked about the anti-Authority types. I suppose he can handle himself? I'd like to arrange an in person meeting at some point.

As for the ships I uh.... Kinda running low on money again. But I got a friend who can drop us off and keep some supplies coming.

Gonna have to buy power armors and guns and such."​

Uso took another sip of her drink, and took a brief look at the datapad he handed over, giving him a slight nod before handing it back.

Raphael looked over at her. "No wonder I am buying the drinks." He said smirking. "I just got paid for my job, plus I have some money stored away from the family. When I was disowned they at least gave me some money to use. Guess that is gonna come in handy." He poured another drink. "However, I believe that this means we are 'partners' if I help pay for this." He said smirking as he put an arm around her.

"You'll get a fair cut, this is a whole PLANET we'rd talkin about. Riches, resources, ect, sold back onto the nepleslian and yamatain markets. Easy bank."​

There was a short pause before she added,

"And uh... Title of nobility for ya. Duke of.... Somethin."​

"Oh really?" Raphael laughed. "I will settle for Spy Master. That is my area of expertise." He said looking up thinking. "I can start your own network of spys."

"Spymaster Raphael," Uso said with a chuckle, "just don't expect a in the park. It is going to be more shootin and intimidating at first. Plus with those wings you aren't going to be able to easily slink around all spy like.... first things first though, lets pay your friend a visit. hm? Maybe drop by my friend's place. Meet the medic."

"Sure, let's go meet your medic friend." He said standing and holding out his hand.
[2] Meet the Medic

"So do you like the outfit? I saw something like it on one of those cartoons and though it looked silly at first.... but it totally feels great having the legs exposed like.... OK WE'RE HERE!"​

Uso cut off her conversation as they finally reached one of the houses overlooking the beach. It was the same place he had dropped her off last time, simple, white, spacious, and clean, a simple stone path leading up to the front door.

"UH... just one quick thing ok? Ivory's kinda... that kinda girl. Try not to take too much advantage of her got it?"​

Raphael was about say something about how beautiful Uso was before he was cut off. He got out of the cab and walked with Uso to the house. He looked at her. "What do you mean that kind of girl?" He asked clearly puzzled

"You'll figure it out I'm sure," Uso said, quickly running up to the door and giving it a knock, "Hey Ivory! I got someone for you to meet!"

It would be a few moments before the door would open up. On the other side was another woman, humanoid but certainly not a neko. She stood about 5 8', nearly platinum blonde hair, white skin, and a similarly white bathrobe pulled over a rather ample bustline. She would give them both a warm smile, stepping aside and opening the door to her home as she had a look at the pair of them,

"I take it this is the friend you were telling me about? Mr. Raphael?" Ivory asked,

"Yeah, figured you two should meet before we get underway." Uso replied, simply walking into Ivory's house without giving it much thought. The entire place had quite an open floor plan, and it sounded like there was someone upstairs as well... but Uso made a line right towards the bar setup in the living room, preparing herself another drink and leaving the introductions to the two of them.

Raphael became a tad more formal. He bowed. "Hello Ms. Ivory, it is a pleasure to meet one of Ms.Uso's friends." He said standing. "May I come inside?" He asked purely out of respect.

"Sure! Have a seat... would you like a drink?" Ivory asked, reaching out and gently taking Raphael's hand, the woman practically bubbley as she brought him into her home.

Of course, Uso was just snickering to herself as she watched the two of them. "Is the formality your go-to when you meet someone new?" She asked,

"Oh hush, you could do to be a bit more polite at times," Ivory said, her voice still warm, offering a gentle reminder more than a stern lecture.

"I've seen you naked,"​

Uso's return jab left Ivory stammering a bit. a bit of color comming to her face, "I... Uso..."

Raphael smiled as she led him through her home. He looked over at Uso. "Oh be nice Uso. She is the host." He looked back at Ivory. I would like a drink, do you want one?" He asked flashing a kind smile.

"Just let me know what you'll have," Ivory responded, heading back behind the bar, "Elysian and then Nepleslian Intelligence correct?" She asked, "... and while we're at it. Any medical history I should be aware of? familiy genetic conditions? Last time you've had an ST Backup?"

"How about a glass of whiskey?" He asked taking a seat. "I haven't been sick in quite sometime. I have a gentic mutation for two iris colors, and I haven't been backed up in a couple of months." He said looking over at Uso. "Anything you want to know?" He asked with a smirk

"Neat or on the rocks?" Ivory asked, her well manicured hands reaching down for a glass bottle, and placing it on the counter next to a glass cup, "I do hope your liver is in good health?"

"UUUggh.... Don't be a fucking buzz-kill. His kind drink all the time and their livers don't just fail." Uso replied,

"You wanted me as a medic," Ivory reminded, booping Uso on the nose with a finger, "I am certain our friend is quite healthy. But I still need to ask." She then looked over at him and gave him a big smile, "And bloodwork! I have all the equipment I need to do it here but we will likely need to get a few of the preliminaries out of the way. Blood type, preparing synthetic plasma and oxygenators.... dropping your trace metal amounts in your blood stream just in case we need to pump you full of medical nanomachines later."

Raphael rolled up his sleeve. "Sure, you can do a blood test. I haven't had one in a while. Oh, and on the rocks please."

"You're already getting his clothes off," Uso teased,

"He's your catch, by all means you go first," Ivory responded in kind, getting some ice and placing it in the metal cup, followed by a splash of whiskey. She'd use a measuring cup to seal off the top, give it a few shakes, and then pour the chilled whiskey into the glass, placing it infront of Raphael as Uso fished out what looked like a small clutch from under the table. She'd rifle through things a bit before pulling out a small patch,

"OK, Shirt off angel-boy." Uso said, getting up from her spot and walking over to Raphael.

"Your just jealous darlin." He said winking at Uso taking off his shirt. He stood flexing his wings, as he folded his shirt and placed it on the table. He sat back down taking a sip of his drink. "You know this is the first time you got me to take my shirt off. Take a good look!" He laughed

Uso would peel the back off the patch she got, and then place it on his chest, pressing firmly and smoothing it out against his skin.

"You could have placed it where it is supposed to go, on his arm." Ivory added with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, totally could have done that," Uso replied, walking back to the bar and pouring herself another drink.

Ivory would reach for the clutch, and pull out a small datapad, pressing a few buttons to get things going, "Just leave that on for a day, go through whatever you do normally so I can build a baseline profile for you. Then we can see how you preform when you're exerting yourself."

"Or you could just drop the robe now, help spike his blood pressure," Uso responded, her fingers trailing up Ivory's leg only to get gently batted away.

"Work first," Ivory replied.

Uso then turned her attention back to Raphael, "So I got a good feeling about him, I don't think he's been too... uh... in the shit I guess. This ain't super-illegal or anything so we should be fine if Yamatai comes sniffing around.... but I'll need to check with Erika on that just to be sure. I haven't done law in a while. Figure this is as good a time as any to vet fresh meat."

Uso would then point over at Ivory, "And she's been around for a few years... maybe a bit less than a decade? The old-man has her patch him up from time to time when he can't visit the legal hospitals. Earned her a decent amount doin that kind of off the books medical stuff. She had her fill of fightin' waaaay back in the day so don't expect her to do much when it comes to holdin a gun."

Raphael smiled. "Then it is a good thing that I am here. I should be able to handle the enemy. Plus if we get Cyrus on board then, we will be fine." He said putting his shirt baack on and taking another sip of his drink.

"Our hero!" Ivory said with a smile, giving a happy little bounce.

"Still have to meet Cyrus and do the introductions there. Then we should start doing some buys for equipment. Stick with cash, keep the buys small so we don't attract attention." Uso said, mostly thinking out loud, "I have some information on the planet I got picked out, but it is all stale, canned, outta date. I need to speak to my transporter friend about getting something setup over there to get some eyes on.... but unless some weird shit has happened in the past year or two I don't expect much more than primitive firearms..." Uso tapped her fingers a bit, lost in her own thought bubbles.

As she thought, Ivory would head back towards the living area. There was a small fire going in a glass bead fire pit in the center of the room, and she was happy to lay on the plush white sofa, taking a small glass of reisling with her, "So Mr. Raphael... what's your story?"

Raphael smiled as he leaned back. "You don't want to hear my life story. I am a just a Marine sniper and former IPG agent. Nothing other than that." He said taking another swig of his drink. "I am sure you are much more interesting than I am." He said with a grin.

"Humor me... I'd like to hear the way you tell it..."
[3] Meet the Soldier

"HEY RAPH! When are we going to meet up with Cyrus?!" Uso asked, pounding on the door to the guest room once, shouting, and then immidiately heading downstairs towards the kitchen wearing little more than a thin black shirt that just barely came down far enough to cover her hips. It would take a while for the meeting to get setup, so they had decided to spend the night at Ivory's place.

Raphael was sitting in the guest room, finishing up a conversation with Cyrus when Uso began knocking at the door. He smirked and got dressed. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "You are so impatient darlin." He tossed his datapad down showing the purchase of two tickets to Icefall on New Belfast. "Our shuttle leaves in a few hours. We will meet Cyrus here." He said pointing on the map of New Belfast. "Is that fine with you?" He asked smirking.

"My lifespan is like, a quarter of yours. I don't got time for waitin!" she said as she bounded into the kitchen, going right to the fridge to grab some milk and frozen waffles.... two of which she tossed in a toaster, another that she immediately started eating. "I already had a talk with Ivory last night. She'll be getting medical supplies for the two of us as well as some multi-purpose stuff, but we'll need to let her know who else we're bringing along so she can plan accordingly.

She looked at Cyrus briefly,

".... I guess I should go put on pants,"



Raphael and Uso walked down the frozen streets of Icefall. The streets were crowded and it was hard to navigate, unless you happened to be a 7 foot tall Elysian. The people parted as they walked, giving Raphael a wide birth. After a while of walking they finally arived at a bustling bar in the center of Icefall, The HollowPoint Pub. The IDSOL bouncer informed them to head up the stairs and wait for Cyrus. Raphael brought Uso up to the VIP section and took a seat at the bar. "Well, this is a nice hole in the wall. Don't you agree?" Raphael asked

"Quite, though I am starting to think people just build stuff on ice planets because it looks cool." She said, her body tucked inside of a large black parka with a similarly large hood that was pulled over her head, making her look amorphous, black, and bloby. "Your friend run this place? Or does he just drop a lot of money on bottle service?"

"This is my bar! Of course I get bottle service!." Called Cyrus. He walked up the stairs and straight up to Raphael. Raph stood and looked Cyrus straight in the eye. "I thought I wouldn't see you again Raphael. After you got sent off to the IPG we all thought you wouldn't remember us Mr. Hotshot." Cryus broke out into a huge smile. "It is good to see you again son." Raphael grabbed Cyrus's hand and gave him a hug. "It's been to long Lt. This is Uso." He said nodding to her. "She is the one with the job." He said walking behind the bar and pouring drinks for the three of them. "Shit Raph, you are already making yourself at home eh? Fine get me a scotch." Cyrus said sitting down next Uso. "So, I hear you have a job for Ragnarok then?"

"I need a few guys, and Raph here accused you of being good at this kind of thing," Uso said, her eyes scanning the room as she lazily walked around the edges, avoiding the table at the center for the moment as she quietly mapped out the place, "The idea is pretty straight forward, I got a planet that's in need of invading. They have a tech level that is low enough that power armors should be more than enough to walk all over their military forces. After that it is just a matter of getting the population in line and then turning the local resources into something we can sell on the open market.

Ragnarok provides a few motivated guys who can do more than just look pretty and hold a gun, we provide a fair cut of the profits."

"An interesting proposition..." Cyrus said stroking his chin. "So you want us for crowd control and shock and awe? This also means we are taking an IOU from you because you need to turn the natural resources and make a profit? Is that right?" Cyrus asked catching the scotch as Raphael slid it over to him. Cyrus took a long sip. "Ms.Uso I can provide people, and a personal Helo, but you will need to provide PAs and transportation." He said as Raphael slid a glass of whiskey to Uso.

"I was hoping to offer you equity in this enterprise as the initial funding, but if you would like us to pay for your services from the start using currency then that can certainly be discussed... but do think of what this means. We'd be controlling a planet along with everything that entails. People, resources, liquor, whathaveyou... plus," Uso said, finishing her walk around the room, and then picking up the glass of whiskey by the bar, "Some sort of title. Lord-Conqueror-Cyrus!"

Uso held up her drink for a moment, treating it like a toast before continuing.

"The exploratory phase of this should take about a month. At which point we will have a better idea of what resources can be put onto the market and what the eventual returns will look like, but worse case scenario we could ferment the local plant life and sell it as an exotic liquor. The returns wouldn't be much compared to someone like Wicked Arms but we'd only need to split it 6 ways. This endeavor doesn't have to pull in a lot of profit to make us all very comfortable."

"Very interesting..." Cyrus said looking deep in thought. "Well I think we can take a percentage of the recources sold if that is okay with you. Plus we can hire some of the people from this planet for Ragnarok's purposes." He said standing "We can make this work. Ragnarok will be your personal shock troopers. It will put us on the map and give us the resourses to build ourselves a proper base." He set his glass down. "How about a 20% cut from the resources you sell from the planet?"

"Sounds like we have a solid agreement on the price. A handful of soldiers who can handle themselves, and then you get a 20% cut of the profits. Lets say we start payment on a net60 system? That should give us plenty of time to get operations going planet-side. Your side of the bargain should be fairly straight forward. We will need your 'shawk and awe,' right at the get go and then after that we'll need your men to setup a defensible base camp, keep us from getting exploded in our sleep, and handling any additional problems that come up. Raph and I can handle organizing the local population.

Transportation is already taken care of for the time being.

That leaves power armors, weapons, and other gear correct?" Uso asked.

"That is correct. We have basic small arms, but if we have PAs then we need some heavy duty weapons. I will also have my personal helo to ferry troops and supplies, but that is strictly for Ragnarok's uses." Said putting a hand out. "This sound fair?"

"Fair enough," Uso said, reaching out to shake his hand, "How much would it cost us to retain the option to procure additional soldiers? lets say an option on 10 additional soldiers should we need them, assuming we'll be paying in cash."

"It will depend on where you want to hire you soldiers from..."

"From your current reserves. Assuming you get a base setup on our little project-world then we'll need to have an entirely different conversation about your role and compensation. " Uso replied

Cryus looked puzzled for a second, then looked to Raphael. "Did you not tell her Raph?" He said. Cyrus turned back to look at Uso. "Ms. Uso, Ragnarok has only 7 members on staff including me at the moment. Does this change our deal?"

"HA!" Uso said, before quickly covering her mouth, "Ok, 7 guys? That's just fine... I just thought you were a bit bigger. I didn't realize I was paying for ALL of Ragnarok.

Just uh... sounds like we're going to do this without a saftey net. How soon can your crew be ready?" She asked.

Cyrus smirked. "How soon can you get us our gear?"

"Good answer... " Uso replied, finishing her drink and moving over to Raphael, reaching for his arm and locking it around her own, "Imma steal him for a bit, start putting together the weapons and equipment we need. I promise I'll let you have him back at the end of the day so you can finish your drinks."

He smirked. "Raph, I never imagined someone could steal your heart like this. You were always so serious." Cyrus said grabbing his drink and downing it. "Have fun love birds, we will be right here."

Raphael smiled and pulled Uso a bit closer. "Thank you Lt. We will be back later." He said leading Uso down the stairs and out the door.

"Ok, so now we have to get a half-dozen power armors, and maybe a few cases full of guns...." Uso said as she led Raphael back out into the cold, "I assume there is a market around here we could get started at?"

"I saw one while were walking. Here, follow me." Raphael said, taking the lead.

Uso would pull her hood back over her head, covering herself up almost completely as she followed Raphael, "Yeah, picking up guns will be easy, they have those in vending machines here... their power armors are probably going to be junky rust buckets....but it ain't like we need some top-of-the-line Nermian machine.... I have a friend that might be able to hook us up with some salvage armors... but I haven't heard back from them yet.... which leaves those Origin powered armors as our best bet. I mean, we could go .... zen arms" Uso's voice had an air of disgust in it as she said that name.

"Honestly Origin will be our best option for now. It is really all we need to get the job done anyway." He said moving to one of the many arms dealers in the area. He turned back to her. "And what is wrong with Zen? They made my Anti-Material Rifle that I always use." He said with a sly grin.

"What's wrong with Zen?!" Uso asked, "Are you kidding me? Have you seen their demon line of power armors? I... I just can't wrap my head around them. They look ridiculous!"

He laughed. "Okay, that might not be one of their finest moments." Raph relented. "But the other weapons and armor can't possibly be that terrible. I personally love my sniper rifle." He said

"Shotguns, pistols, SMGs.... yeah they fill a niche I guess but the market is flooded with that low-end-anti-personnel crap." Uso huffed, "Man... I remember when that used to be all you needed. Now everyone's wearing power armor... you just can't stab someone in the face anymore."

"Ohhh poor baby!" He teased. "Stabbing people has become that much harder..." He snickered.

Uso laughed a bit along with Raphael, "Though, in all seriousness.... we should probably limit ourselves to smaller weapons. Maybe one big thing for some shocking and aweing.... but we don't want to bring weapons big enough to hurt our own power armors and then have them get stolen.... I'd be embarrassed for life if I got killed by some stone-thrower using my own cannon."

"Yes, that would seriously be a problem if that got ahold of these weapons. But, the thing is they won't understand how to use these weapons. At least for a little while anyway." Raphael paused for a moment. "What we will need is to get some of the local populace to swear loyalty to us, give them crap weapons that are better than their stuff, but won't hurt us. And have our own personal militias. They would keep the peace all for a better life. Keep them fighting amongst themselves." He looked at Uso and sighed. "Sorry, I am rambling again aren't I?"

"Not at all... just remember there is a big difference between not having access to information, and being stupid. These people won't know how a rail gun works, but they won't be stupid... well... not ALL of them will be stupid. They are going to put two and two together fairly quickly." Uso responded, "As much as I think that I could do this with only a handful of people, I don't expect it will be easy."

"Very true." Raphael said as they made their way through the shops. "Do you see anything you like?" He asked passing another weapons stand. "New Belfast has a serious issue with illegal gun sales, and the government doesn't give a damn."

"Just lookin at power armors right now... Is Origin's Impulse really our only option?" She ended up asking, "I mean BESIDES zen arms...."

Raphael smiled and pulled Uso closer. "It would appear so. Lets go put in an order for it." He said stopping in front of one of the arms dealers.

"Can I interest you in a pistol for the pretty lady?" The gun dealer asked, offering up a rose colored 9mm with white inlay, "Finest 9mm you can buy! Custom hair trigger, craftsman manufactured upper receiver... won't break or rust EVER!"

Uso chuckled a little bit and leaned in towards Raph, putting on her sweetest sounding voice, "Oh I don't know honey... It looks a bit small... maybe we should go for something that provides a bit more protection?"

Raphael smiled. "Tell me want you want darlin, and we will get it." He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, playing along with Uso.

"Well... I'm worried about someone shooting me.... maybe we should get some power armor?" Uso asked.

"Power armor for the lady!" The dealer looked pleased, his short, bearded form ducking under his table of guns for just a second to pull out a magazine complete with centerfold, "Have I got power armors! Demons, used by the reds during the war! They were purchased by Aethersperm and fitted with speakers for one of their concerts! Ended up getting a few myself.... real pieces of Nepleslian history!" He said, unfolding the magazine, showing off a rather large picture of gaudy, red, powered armor with flames painted on the side. "Course, I can getcha anything you want!"

"I don't know sweat heart. I think the Demons look like some one on some serious drugs designed a bug that could walk up right." He looked at the arms dealer. "I dont think my beautiful girl needs to walk around looking like an ugly bug. Besides the Reds were defeated so how can we really trust this stuff." He said barely containing himself.

"So You want something sleek!" The arms dealer said, flipping through the magazine until he found Origin's impulse power armor, a full centerfold of the armor spread out on a beach now being show to The couple, "How about this! Origin builds them slim, I'm sure she'd appreciate the warm insides of this armor on those cold days...."

"Hmm, what do you say about that honey? I think that this will show your slender curves..." He said letting his hands trace down her sides to her hips.

"Oh you," Uso snickered, "How many do you have in stock? I think I'll need ten."

The portly arms dealer looked over at Raphael, as if expecting him to confirm what the lady was saying.

Raphael nodded looking down at Uso. "What ever the lady wants my good sir." He said. "Also, I might be in the market for a melee weapon. What might you have for me?" Raphael asked.

"AH of course!" He said, setting down the magazine and picking up a small datapad, entering in the request on the device, "What is it that you would like? Axes and Hammers are quite popular around here."

Uso would turn to face Raph, burring her face against his chest so she could whisper, "Don't overindulge at one location. Big purchases are tracked harder than lots of small ones..."

Raphael brought a hand up to her head and held her close. "Oh don't worry honey. I highly doubt that this fine gentleman would attempt to scam us. Would you sir?" He asked giving the mn a quizzical look.

"No sir! I have the best prices Anywhere! You go ask those down the street, they cannot sell like I can sell!" He said, sounding quite pushy, "Now what can I get you? You're a big man... How about a big hammer?!"

"Hmm, how about a scythe? I think that would be quite the intresting weapon, what do you think hunny?" Raphael replied

Uso scowled up at him, "Anything you want honey"

He smiled. "We just need the power armors sir. I think the Misses would like to get out of this cold. How much we talking?" He said kissing Uso again on the forehead.

"10,000ks Per!" The man said,

"10k per?" Uso said, "Bull-shit, you cangnnfmmmmff..."

Raphael threw his hand over Uso's mouth. "Now hunny, let me handle this." He said nodding at her, waiting to see if she was gonna bite his hand and continue.

"Mgmm...." Uso groaned.

"Okay baby. He said releasing his hand from her mouth." He turned flaring his blood colored tipped wings. "Sir..." He said taking on a sinister tone. "I thought we wouldn't have a problem with you screwing us. Seems we were wrong." He said walking up to him. He placed his hands down the table. "You and I both you know you purchased these illegally. You probably got these for dirt cheap and are trying to push your illegally peddled crap for a price that I would get for brand new armor. So..." He started leaning in. "... do you want to rethink that price?" He asked flashing a wolfish grin.

"Very well, it seems you don't want the top of the line impulse armors... I could give you my used inventory for say... 7k a piece?" He offered.

"I dont think so..." He said. "How about 6500KS for the new stuff." Raph said walking over to him. "Say, do you know a Cyrus Marshal by chance?"

"6-5? You're killing me here. 7-4 is as low as I can go. I'm barely making a profit as is!" He said, shaking his head, "Never heard of no Cyrus either..."

"Oh so you have never heard of the Metal Typhoon eh?" He said pulling out his data jockey. He played the video from back when Cyrus duel wielded hand cannons and tore three thugs apart... on this very street. "I am quite sure you have."

"Careful... The great Urquhart is many things... but he is no Snitch!" He replied.

"Is that so..." He said realizing who he was talking to. The IPG wanted to speak with him based on the fact the he sold murder weapons on several high value cases. "Mr. Urquhart, I almost didn't recognize you!" He siad throwing his arms out wide. You have never seen me though. I have only seen you through the scope of my rifle. You seriously believe you could sell in broad day light with IPG agents all over this place." He said holding his arms out. "The Metal Typhoon" is near by, and if I snap my fingers then he will come in here and haul your ass off with out a second thought." He tapped his chin. "However if you were to sell to me at the 'Not turn your ass in' discount, then I will leave you alone.

"Why THAT is extortion!" He snapped, not sure if he believed this man... He took a close look at him... and then a close look at the woman he was with... "7k or you might as well fuckin arrest me,"

Raphael turned becoming the lovey dovey boyfriend again. "Is that good with you sweat heart?"

"That's fine honey," She replied with a toothy grin,

"Extortion!" Urquhart huffed, "...but it looks like we have a deal, Where'd you want this all sent to anyhow?"

"Have it sent to the HollowPoint Pub." He said walking up to Uso and pulling her close. "Remember, the IPG is watching what you do. Don't screw this up." He said turning and walkinng away with Uso. He looked down at her. "Well? How did I do?" He asked.

Uso shook her head, "You did fine dear.... but you're attracting a lot of attention."

"Sorry, I am quite hot headed." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well... we have plenty of time to work on that," Uso said, "I don't think it'll be a big deal now, but if we're going to work together we need to start getting in sync. Right now we need to keep things quiet... later you can let loose."

"As long as your happy 'dear.'" He smiled rubbing her back.

"Come on, lets get back to the club," Uso said, "We can pick up the rest of the supplies tomorrow when we have less people looking at us... besides, I gotta pilot I need to meet."
[4] Meet the pilot


- Errowyn

Heard from a friend of a friend you were looking for a job. Wanna meet up? There's a bar called the Hollow Point Club on Icefall if you're interested.


Uso had a taken a seat by the bar, watching the doorway. She had only set down a little while ago once she heard that the pilot was on her way. A large parka was covering her body, the hood pulled down over her face to keep it both covered and warm. Alongside her was a bottle of hot wassle, freshened up with a splash of Vodka. She did seem to oddly stand out, as the room was already fairly warm compared to the chill of the outside, plenty of patrons having discarded their jackets as they found their warm seats or hot dates.

Errowyn entered the place, after getting passed the Bouncer/Doorman. She was wearing a simple dress with tights and shiney mary janes shoes with an old leather earth style bomber jacket. There was old SAOY ship patches of various ships and assignments of her past. Her hair was loose and long with blue highlights of the effects of light hitting it. When she turned her back to the bar, exposing the back of the jacket was an embriodered snarling sabertooth tiger. "Hellcat" curved underneath it. She open the jacket as the place was warm and displaying Nepleslian HHG Service pistol in an easy cross draw under the armpit type of holster over an almost shear blouse.

"Shit, you look like a neko... you might want to hide those patches," Uso said, waving at Errowyn to come over and sit down beside her. Uso didn't need to be told that this person was who she was here to meet. She had 'pilot' written all over her like how Uso was too lazy for metaphors,

"So lets get your story out of the way. Retired? AWOL? Discharged?" She asked.

Errowyn turned her laser emerald green eyes upon Uso, "I am a Neko." With pride as she wiggled her ears, "As for the service.... Who knows and who cares. If its any concern of yours. I am a free agent to do what I please." Motioning for a stiff drink from the Bartender, laying some of the local currency on the bar to pay for her drink. "I heard you was looking for a pilot and here I am." Giving a smile that totaly made a lie of her profression. Giving her the more teen-ager look that you would find in any high school.

"Hmm... you couldn't be shouting 'Here I am' more even if you were naked," Uso poured her guest a drink and then placed the glass of warm juice infront of her, "I need a pilot, but it is more important that I trust the pilot than the pilot be some hot shot fighter ace. So have a seat and tell me your story. Why'd you end your promising career as Yamatai's best fighter-ace?" She asked, still not eager to give out her own name.

"Best place to hide is in the open. And yes I was an Ace,And decided to explore a bit." Errowyn took the drink and took a drink, more to quench the thirst than for getting drunk. "If you care to see my dischard papers. They are with the craft I flown in to this Iceball of a place. I am on inactive reserve status." Which was the truth.

"Best place to hide may be out in the open, but my little black dress still leaves a bit to the imagination." Uso replied, "So why'd you leave and go exploring? Get bored? Tired of being told what to do? Or are you just the kind that has wanderlust?... you know, stead of the regular kind."

"Wanderlust. Once get a taste and access to travel vast distances.... Its like getting your first car. You just want to travel to see what lays beyond the next curve or hilltop. In my case, the new planets and meet new people. But there comes a time when even I need money to keep my bird in the sky. And myself up to par." Errowyn leaned her back against the bar to look over the patrons of the place as she sipped her drink. "Whats this job you need a pilot for?" Speaking softly with the glass between her lips and the patrons to prevent lip-reading.

"Oh come on... I ain't quite convenced I like you yet. I need to get to know you first and wanderlust pilot smells like a half-baked SAINT cover story." Uso replied, tapping her finger against the side of her face for a moment. "So who was your first kiss?"

Errowyn tilted her head down to hide the blush, whispered, just loud enough to be heard. "I have never been kissed." An involuntary squirming as Errowyn looked at Uso. "Is that a requirement for the job to get hired?" Softly as her eyes darted about the room full of males, trying to discern who to pick for the first kiss if it was required to get the job as a pilot.

"No first kiss?" Uso sounded somewhat surprised, "Well... that sounds a bit more trustworthy." She finally turned to face Errowyn directly, getting a much better look at her from close up, "What about your name Ms Hellcat? I assume you got one of those when you came out of the tube?"

"I was dubbed it for my aggressiveness against the NMX Fleet we came up against. Often leaving my wingman floundering at my antics. As for my name I was tagged with Errowyn as the instructor was an Abwherain to thumb his nose at the powers to be. Of course I would have to have a second additional name to fit in with society. Since I was always had my nose stuck in a book or looking out at the stars, Yumeoibito. Dreamchaser..." Errowyn had that soft natural smile and a distant look in her eyes that warmed up her emerald eyes.

Uso nodded along, watching how Errowyn started to zone out a bit at distant thoughts. She was getting a much better feel for this fighter ace now. "Ever killed anyone?"

"NMX? Yes." Errowyn focused on Uso, losing the distance look. Her head tilted to the side in question. "Other than that, please clarify what you mean?"

"Heh, well I guess the next question is do you consider NMX to be people? The job might not be all... clean and sanitary like. I really do just need a pilot, but I will also need.... you to be ok with how we conduct busness. We aren't going out of our way to kill women and children but we are going to do some killing."

This gave Errowyn visible pause as she used the excuse of taking a drink to give herself time to think a bit. She answered a bit hesitantly. "Huh, they was an enemy that needed to be sent packing.." She squirmed again, motioning for a refill. "I could..."

Uso would quickly pour her a drink.

Errowyn watched her refill her glass. "I have always been a team player." She was curious, yet hesitant to give an answer that may be awkward to her in the long run. She shrugged. "I have always had a definite enemy to face."

"Well, we need a pilot to ferry us planetside, help move some cargo, and maybe stick around a bit to help out with some work on said planet." Uso said, finishing off her own drink, "I do not expect there to be much in the way of dogfightin going on but we may need to leave in a hurry. We will also be hurting the native population of said planet and it won't be a fair fight. Now are you still interested?"

"What are planning to do? Pull a coup and establish yopurself as Supreme Ruler of the planet?" Errowyn snickered a bit.

"Yeah." Uso replied, "Though Supreme Ruler I am not fond of... maybe 'most glorious empress' or something simple and classy like, 'your highness'."

"I will tell you what, Miss Glorious Empress, " With a bit of snigger. "I will get your stuff and you to the planet. And assess the situation to renew my contract with you or not. If enroute. I will defend myself if required. And or provide the necessary protection to make groundfall." Errowyn simply spoke. This woman she was talking to could take it or leave it. "Will there be room for my small craft to tag along. I would hate to lose it."

"..." Uso stumbled a bit with her words, not saying anything just yet. She had been trying to play it off.... but she NEEDED a pilot and right now Errowyn was her only real option. "We'll get a transport big enough to bring your little ship along."

Uso would then lean in, putting one hand on the back of Errowyn's neck and pulling her close, pressing their lips together, gently sharing the sweet taste of the Wassel from earlier, Uso gently sliding her tounge along Errowyn's lips, applying a soft suction before pulling away with a quiet, 'pop!'

"And I expect that you won't be runnin off on us. I take it you're interested and you want to discuss the job itself and the compensation?"

Errowyn tensed up at the touch on the back of her neck, then relaxed as the intent became clear with the kiss. She felt all sorts of emotions and other senstation awakening in her. "Y-yes." Then licked her lip quickly. "Pay... in YS script or Free Spacer script? Or you will allow myself access my choice of ordinance for my personal craft?" Shifting a little, just enough to cause Uso hand to fall free from her neck.

"YS script if you like, I can pay a small advance now, about 5k, ks. After that how about a 10% cut of the profits from this endevor paid out every two months?" Uso offered.

"Free Spacer Script.10 k in advance." Errowyn spoke as she took a sip of her drink. "Open contract to be renegotiated once I get you and your group with equipment on site. You are going to need air support as artillery does only so much and Armor."

Uso smiled, "You know, the rest of the negotiations were pretty easy. Ended up paying a bit less than I was expecting even...." She was looking at Errowyn now with absolute delight in her eyes, "And then you came here all unsure of yourself.... cute as fuck though. Quite frankly I'm not sure I can trust that you won't just run off... then you turn around and have a bit of spine when it comes to talking monies... I'll pay the 10k in advance just to see how this pans out..."

Uso then licked her lips,

"Plus I hear that I'm your first kiss... Wanna meet the rest of the team?"

Uso would then turn around and shout,


A tall Elysan could be seen standing from the VIP section. His Long white hair tied back in a ponytail. "Coming honey." He said as he flexed his wings. As he reached the bottom of the stairs he walked up to their table and bowed. "Hello Ms.Errowyn, I am Raphael Castiel." He said taking a seat. "So your the pilot eh?" He asked

"Yup." Errowyn spoke looking over the Elysan with a bit of interest. "Just the two of you?" She finished off the drink, setting the glass on the barcounter. Maybe she would take the money and run. She had a few anti-ship missile left on her bird. But then they would crap at seeing the craft she had under her control.

Raphael flashed a wolfish grin. "Of course not just us, but I am the one who clears all of Ms.Uso's applicants. After all, my background is perfect for this sort of thing." He said calling over the waitress and ordering a drink. "So I have been informed that you have quite the skill set. I have heard that your flying is quite exceptional." He said taking the glass from the returning waitress and taking a drink. "A strong service career with countless hours of flight time." He paused. "Is that correct?"

Errowyn nodded, "I am still here and seen plently of action. Both Service and private contracts." She studied him for a bit to get a feel of the gentleman. "Even come with my own craft. If you folks need me in a more combative role. But then you would have to provide the munitions for my craft. Missiles, the assorted type to be more versitile." Also making the motion for a refill of her drink to waitress as she filled Raphaels order.

"Very intresting." He said passing her refill to her. "What craft do you pilot by the way?" He asked taking a sip from his drink.

"Ke-V8-2b." Errowyn simply spoke as she took the refilled drink from Raphael. She proceeded to watch the both of them as she took a sip of her drink.

"Maybe you two could take this upstairs for a moment? I got one more person to interview down here." Uso said.

"Of course dear." Raph said standing. He held out a hand. "Errowyn, please follow me ups stairs to the VIP area. We can discuss your exploits further." He said giving a friendly smile.

Errowyn stood up, "Lead the way, Mr. Castiel, so that the Glorious Empress can have her time."

He led her up the stairs to the VIP section's bar. It was unoccupied at the moment so they were the olny two up there. "All right, I have a little ice breaker. For every question we ask about each other we take a shot. What do you say?" He asked stepping behind the bar and preping two shot glasses.

"Sure," Errowyn moved to the bar and sat on the barstool opposite of him at the counter. Knowing that if the liquors was any good, Raphael would be quickly smashed. "You want to start this game?" As she watched him pour the shots.

He smirked. "Alright," He said pouring a shot of whiskey. "easy question. How many targets did you take out overall?" He asked, downing the shot.

""A lot. Who has time to count when crap is hitting the fan. It is kill or .. well we whont go there as there is no point in the matter. I ended up independant and along ways from home." She paused as she took a shot. "Why are you guys out to conquor a planet?"

Raphael poured himself a new shot as he answered. "I don't really know why Uso wants to, but I can tell you I am here for the chalange. My skills haven't been put use in quite sometime." He said taking his shot. "What will you do once we take over the planet?"

"Probably move on to the next job as fates may take me." She looked thoughtful as she filled her shotglass. She looked thoughtfull. "What is your profession?" She took a drink, emptying the glass.

"I used to be a marine sniper. I climbed through the ranks to become a Sgt. After that I became an IPG operative." He said taking another shot. "What do you do for fun?" He asked with a grin.

Errowyn looked thoughtful, "Work on 5 and read books or surf the info net." Which was basically she did between looking for jobs that would take her to the next port of call. "Have you and Uso been together for awhile?"

"We have only been together recently, we have only actually been on two real dates so far." He replied. "Tell me about your craft." He said, again, downing a shot.

"Top of the line Yamataian Aerospace fighter. Its fast and maneuverable with good fire power and shielding. It is like an extension of me when I fly it.," Her eyes do distance and her voice softens as if she was speaking of a lover. "We've been through hell and back. We take care of each other quite well. even though we go into harms way to remove the threat of NMX and Misth from this sector of space." She paused briefly, feeling a bit of comraderly with the ex-Marine. "Got addicted to being where the action is?" She poured herself another shot and tossed it back.

"Yes I have." He said leaning against the bar. "It was me an my High Caliber sniper rifle agianst the world. Assassinating high value Reds, Pirates. You name it, I have probably shot at it." He replied with a laugh. "You still love the thrill of a good dog fight?" He asked already anticipating the answer.

"Always." She paused and then spoke again, "It makes a person value their own life and at the accomplishment of facing death in the eye and spitting in its eyes. while leaving your opponent in smoking ruins." She played with the empty shot glass for a second or two, before refilling it. "What made you go independant?" She tossed the drink down.

"Well..." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Long story." He began. "My family used to be a high ranking house back in Elysia. During the Third Elysian War, my father, one of the commanders of the Heaven's defense forces was killed when we lost the Heavens. After that my family was disgraced and my mother disappeared. I have been looking for her ever since. The IPG had info on her, but they refused to share. So I left and started freelance work..." He said pouring another drink. "Now you know my life story." He said downing a shot.

Errowyn listened to the story with polite interest. "From awakening to now. All I ever knew was being a pilot of the fighter craft. I knew I had to be the best if I wanted to see the end of my service contract. We... the squadron I flew with had entered ... a weird place where the NMX had a base we was suppose to hit and our squad was broken up to to do two jobs. Rerscue some Triple S.. Scientist from them and rest would carry out the mission of destroying the place. Volitile explosive energies and the phenomenon had a strange reaction. Ever since I have been trying to get back to report in. But apperantly the Mother ship YSS Hieten had reported us all killed in action and remade us using our back-ups to replace us. " She gave a one of those natural wide goofy grin that brings the warmth out. "Much to my shock. I have heard about myself being assigned to another Yammie ship of the line. So I am a free agent with a starfighter with ftl jump capibilities and being intimate with my craft. I knew how to keep 5 flying."

Raphael also listened intently as Errowyn spoke. "Quite the story, and there are two of you out there." He handered her a drink. "I don't think that I can top that." He said raising his glass to her. "Toast?" He said raising an eyebrow

Errowyn filled her shot glass, "Yeah. I wonder if she has ghost like I do." She raised her glass to his "To Success or being just plain weird?"

He laughed. "From intresting beginings to tales of glory." He said downing his shot.

Errowyn downed her drink and fell back off the stool, arms windmilling trying in vain to catch herself, quite drunk, not being used to the amount of hard liquors being consumed.


Raphael stummbled out from the back of the bar. The liquor was hitting him hard as well. "Heh, did you forget how...how to use a chair? Your butt goes on it!" He said laughing as he made his way to her. He tried to put his hand out to help her up, but ended up faceplanting next to her.



Errowyn was full of giggles at her clumsiness and when he fell to next to her. The giggles turned into laughter, "How was your trip?" she gasped out between peals of laughter.

Raphael didn't even move his head as he answered her, so his words were quite muffled. "It was great... I love the view." He said to inebrated to move.

She looked over at him, still laughing, not even bothering to hide or stop it to show concern, which only would make the laughter harder to bring under control. "Good thing I do not have to report to the Ready Room later." She gave a few more peals of laughter before recovering from it. "So anymore questions?" She move to help him up. She was stronger than she look being a Neko as she got him to at least sit up and lean against the bar as she knelt next to him. "Maybe we should have stuck to beer..."

As the neko helped Raph up he yelled "NO! Beer... is for bitches who... who can't hold their liquor!" He said with a dead serious face. Then burst out into laughter. "Damn you woman, I haven;t had to drink this hard since my military days." he replied with a dumb smile. "I think we are going to be good friends you and I." He said looking (somewhat) at her.

"Yeah we are. Since you and Uso are paying my way and to help clear some debts before I leave this Iceball for good." Errowyn, then sat next to him, with her back against the bar counter. "I hope the hell that world you guys planning to conquer is hell a lot more warmer. than this place."

*Hickk* "You and me both sister." He snickered. "I am not a big fan of this frozen hell hole." He laughed lightly pushing her shoulder.

She nodded. "How long you have this place? I may spend the night here. But then. I am getting a cut rate for sleeping in my craft as I pull security." She was dreading the walk back as she could hear the wind howling outside of the building.

"Hell, you can crash here. I know the guy who owns this bucket." He said smiling at her. "The owner is a nice guy. He won't make you walk back in the cold." He said trying to get his bearings. "..." There was a long pause. "Where are we again? And who are you?"

"The pilot you guys are hiring.. Hellcat." She used her callsign.

"Ohhhh yeahh." He slurred. "Well...why are we on the floor?"

"Less distance to fall." She nodded sagely. "But unfortunately, the drink is on the bar." She slipped out of her leather bomber jacket and placed it behind her, exposing the HHG Service pistol she had picked up in her travels..
He nodded. "You are wise oh great one." He said laughing. He then groggily noticed her service pistol. "Your not gonna shoot me are you? I thought we were getting along." He said a tinge of sadness touching his face.

"Not on the first date. you have not shown me you are a jerk. Yet." She gave him a cheeky smile. "If it makes ya more comfortable I can take it off." She removed the weapon, at times in the process caused her her physique become more pronounced. She placed it on the side farthest from him, on the floor next to her.

"Well, I wouldn't you to be uncomfortable in the midst of an asshole like me." He said with a grin. "It is a really nice pistol though, want to see mine?"

"Sure." Errowyn smiled warmly at Raphael as she relaxed.

He smiled back as he pulled a Zen Armaments .45 Caliber Pistol from a hidden holster on his side. He pulled it out in expert fashion, dropped the clip, slid the rack, and caught the round that was in the chamber. He might have been drunk off his ass, but that was muscle memory. He fliped it over so that he was handing it to her butt first.

Errowyn took the weapon from him and looked it over. She liked the weight of it. She mocked snapped aim across the room at picture of a tropical island paradise. "Ni-ice!" She softly exclaimed as she lowered to work the weapons slide and peer into the open well of the pistol. She nodded as ashe let the slide forward with a snap of metal hitting metal and handed it back to him, handgrip first like he did to her. "Very comfortable weapon."
ON> Hollow Point Club, Icefall

[5] Meet the Demo

I got someone who has got some mining chops if you want to meet her.
- A
Alright, send her my way. Hollow Point Club, Icefall, Ect.


Uso had left the rest of her consorts in the VIP room, sitting herself back down by the bar. This time she got a table off to the side where she could watch the front door. Her parka covering her body, warming her outsides just as much as the wassle was warming her insides.... Though she had already grown tired of that drink. Uso would turn to the bartender, jumping up a bit so she could lean over the counter and get a better look at what they kept,

"One Coffee.... and that rum liquor over there..." Uso said, pointing to one of the bottles higher up on the shelf, "and the vodka... and sugar, and cream .... and HOT." She asked, watching as the bartender reluctantly went to fix the overly sweet drink the vested man going about mixing, pouring, and heating as Uso sat perched on one of the stools, the rest of the bar completely unaware of their latest patron who had managed to walk in very much under the bouncer's nose.

Under the bouncers nose, which was a surprise, because even though her stature was very very small, less than a foot small, the newcomer looked like a pink puff ball. The creamy skinned mini nekovalkyrja had long bubbldgum pink hair, tied back into two high pony tails. She was wearing a long poofy fluffy pink furr coat that her feet almost did not reach past. These tiny feet were clad in heavy military style boots and she had fluffy earmuffs and a matching fluffy pink hat on atop her head.

The newcomer buzzed along through the air, floating her way into the club and up to the bar.

"Carbomb!" she ordered from the bartender, someone she had become familiar with over the last month or so since she had arrived on this ice ball.

The bartender would set down the warm drink infront of Uso, and then give a slight nod to the new arrival.

"What the shit?" Uso said, lowering her head down until her chin was on the bar, putting her eyes about level with the mini-neko, taking in the sickly-sweet sight of the pink neko infront of her, "You know that drink is bigger than you are right?"

"It is!" the pink puff ball replied, flashing Uso a big grin as she clapped her hands together with excitement. "I've worked hard, and this is my reward!" she eyed the barkeep, waiting for her drink with anticipation.

"Would you like a straw little lady?" The bartender asked, setting down the first glass ontop of a napkin infront of the mini-neko, and then the shot glass just beside it. The bartender holding up a small coffee stirring straw... though it looked giant compared to the neko it was easily the smallest they had.

Uso, meanwhile, kept watching, fixated, wondering what this creature was going to do with this drink.

"Oh why thank you!" the mini replied with a big grin, accepting the straw. She set it in the larger glass and floated up, taking a long sip through the straw. "Mmmmm awesome!" she breathed and hugged the straw to her, her cheeks turning rosey.

"Do... you need help pouring the shot?" Uso asked.

She smiled at Uso. "I got it" she replied and drifted over to the shot glass, wrapping her arms around it and lifting it up, pouring the shot into the bigger glass, then went back to sipping her drink happily.

"So, whst brings you to this ice ball?" she asked. "Not many nekos come here"

"Schemes," Uso said with a chuckle, "Specifically meeting up with someone to interview them for a job. Course, I could ask the same to you. What's a mini like you doing all the way out here? In Nepleslian territory no less?"

"Oh, lookin for work, y'know" the mini replied. "You know who you were supposed to meet with?" she asked, the corners of her tiny lips turning up into a smile.

"Demolitions expert by the name of uh....something." Uso replied, "Said I'd know her when I see her."

"Well. You noticed me, didn't you?" she grinned and stuck her hand out to shake,

"Really?" Uso asked, sounding skeptical, lifting one eyebrow as she stuck out one finger, placing it against the mini's hand so she could 'shake' it, "How do you.... I mean blasting charges are larger than you. I feel like I might accidentally thow you instead of a grenade some day."

"Hahahaha!" the mini laughed and shook Uso's finger. "Trust me, I'm very good at what I do" she said. "Tenryu Haruhi at your service" she said and nodded. "See, I can wire explosives where no one else can go" she added with a wink.

"So.... tiny...." Uso said, squinting a bit at the mini neko, "... shit. I have no idea how to vet someone like you... uh.... do you like...." Uso scratched her head a bit, the wheels turning in her head as she tried to figure out exactly how to talk to someone so tiny, "I take it, you like.... explosives?"

"Explosives, heavy weapons, if you need it to go boom, I'm your neko" Haruhi replied. "And you can always check my service record, I put in a long time in the military and have a long list of happy cliants that can provide references if needed... And some that can't... Anymore" she grinned.

"So a stellar career in the Star Army huh? Why'd you leave?" Uso asked.

she shrugged. "I got old, in their eyes. Didn't want to drade in for a new body, got tired of the rules, didn't want to get promoted to a desk, a bunch of reasons" she replied.

"Uhh...huu....." Uso said, skeptically, the mini-neko's back story sounding a bit too familiar for her taste. "Moonlighting for SAINT?"

"I may have..." she took a long sip of her drink. "for a bit" she grinned. "How about you, perspective employer?" she asked, raising a pink eyebrow.

"Everything here is on the up and up... but I prefer not to draw attention to myself if I can help it." Uso said, sitting up, pulling her face away from the smaller neko, "You smell like a SAINT agent."

Haruhi laughed again. "Sheesh, I haven't worked for the government in ages. I got my own thing going now!" she grinned.

Uso narrowed her eyes again, trying to peice together this mini-neko. Raphael was straight forward, and Errowyn barely had a sense of who she was yet... but this mini-neko... Uso just couldn't relate to being only a foot tall... then an idea came to her... a wonderful, awful idea.

"So, what is the worst thing you've ever done?" Uso asked.

"Officially sanctioned.. Or not?" she eyed Uso, sipping her drink. Then she moved closer to the green haired big neko and whispered into her ear. "Guess officially, first Mishhu war, rigged and bombed a squiddy cloning facility, blasted it right to hell, none of them even saw it coming.. Idiots security systems didn't extend to thwir air ducts" she shrugged. "Unofficially, took out some big time drug cartel fool a couple years back, her in Nep space, their competition paid good, the explosions were big. Burned down a whole city block on Vandenberg" she smiled. "Smuggled myself in inside a hand bag" she added eith a chuckle.

"Hmm.... Certainly sounds ... " Uso let her voice trail off. She would pause for a bit, and think about what this little neko had to offer.

"... I need some help with strip mining on a planet filled with restless natives. The up front pay is pretty minimal, but I can provide you with a cut of the profits from the overall operation. Say 5% paid every two months?"

"Five percent, huh?" Haruhi asked. "Guess that depends what the five percent is of" she grinned. "And what other benefits and opportunities there are to this gig?" she asked.

Then the little neko returned to her drink, taking a few very long sips, enjoying every drop she downed.

"Five percent of an entire planet's output. We've only got a handful of people working on this endevor so we're looking at having quite a lot of money split very few ways. If this goes well you're looking at a payday that will set you up for life, along with a very fufilling job that requires quite a bit of creativity.... plus we'd run a planet so we'd get some sort of crazy title. Ever want to be a princess?" Uso asked.

"Ohh well, thata not to bad at all" Haruhi grinned. "Donno about princess, but supreme overlord of all I survey, or minister of explosives, supreme admiral of the heavy weapons, I can think of somethin'" the tiny neko grinned.

"So then you're in" Uso asked, just to be sure, "We got a few of the other recruits waitin for us upstairs, and we still need to get together the initial supplies. Bring what you can, what you think you'll need, and then expense it. I'll pay you back for whatever supplies you use up... Just keep in mind we're going to be a bit out of the way. It may not be easy to arrange for new supplies to be brought in at first."

haruhi smiled. "Yes, I'm in" she replied. "And I don't need to pack, I got all my stuff on my ship. Should be enough supplies to get started" she winked.

"Right, then it sounds like you're about ready to meet the rest of the team,"
Hollow Point Club, Icefall

The team had been assembled in the VIP room of the Hollow Point Club, and infront of them was their self appointed leader,

"Good Morning Team,"

Uso was looking stern, wearing her tight fitting deep blue bodysuit and a serious look that was just as out of place on her as the red tie secured around her neck.

"Time to be serious for a moment. We have five days until we head out. This means we need to go over the operation, what is required from each of you, and our next moves. We still need some equipment before we start the operation. This includes purchasing an FTL capable ship that can get us allover to our target world, purchase additional small arms for use planetside, and aquire medical supplies nessisary to ensure basic functionality in case of injury.

Errowyn and I will handle the ship.

Raph and Smalls over there will handle the small arms.

And Ivory will handle the medical supplies.

We will now listen to Ivory as she talks medicine."

Uso would move aside, letting Ivory stand up from her seat. The team's medic was human, or at least looked like one. Platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, fair white skin and a similarly white, heavy, jacket covered her body. She looked to be in her early 30s, and moved with a careful slowness that Uso seemed to lack.

"Good Afternoon," Ivory said, flashing the room a warm smile, "I will be handling the medical needs of this expidition. If you feel sick or injure yourself please come to me. However, before we begin I will need to get a baseline medical profile for each of you, NH-series included. I would also like to draw some blood, and start building up a supply of your blood for later in case of emergency. I have already spoke with Raphael regarding this, but I will still need to speak with the rest of you. Specifically, Errowyn, I would like to get started with you."

Uso popped up again,

"And that that is out of the way, time to talk about the operation itself. We have a bit of canned intelligence from Elysian scouts that checked out the place a few years ago. They speak a language that is close enough to Trade for us to get by. There are also a bunch of small cities, but all they have are ancient weapons. Our power armors should be basically invulnerable to everything they have but that doesn't mean I want us to play with our food.

We'll immidiately head to the largest concentration of people, cause massive casualties in a short time span, and then capture anyone important looking. We want to establish that they will not be able to resist us, but we also want to use the local infrastructure to support our operations. This means leaving things as intact as possible. Focus on destroying weapons not infrastructure, but also don't hesitate to kill if you aren't getting the results you like from the locals.

We will stay in power armor while we are planetside. Don't pop your suits because you get stuffy. We'll keep the ship in orbit, and swoop down for pickups occationally. I don't want anyone sleeping planetside unless they have to. Not getting caught with your pants down should be self-explanitory. Again, this is mostly playing it by ear so there isn't much of a plan beyond a basic outline.

As far as resourcing is concerned, Errowyn will be assisting with bringing objects rich in resources to the planet using a combination of our power armors and her starfighter. Smalls will setup strip-mining operations, and the rest of us will be figuring out how to turn a profit on whatever else we find.

I would also like Errowyn to be on standby in case we detect another ship entering the system. If we do, and we need to leave, we'll have maybe an hour to collect everyone on the ship and get out. We don't have a backup ship avalible right now, nor do we have any space based assets capable of fighting off a force of any real size. This isn't a do or die mission, and if a bigger fish comes along we leave."

Errowyn listened to the briefing and nodded to Ivory. "Sure anytime." Giving the teams medic a smile. It was nice to know that they had one. If they was going to take over a planet, she was thinking of several ships they could use for the endeavour. A nice big frieghter with multiple cargo bays. As one could be turned into a hanger for the personal crafts and the rest for what ever was needed at the time. With the advance payment secured and her debt paid off. Her aerospace fighter still safe in the hanger she was leasing for her own use. And a few private dealings to restock on missiles, even though they was blackmarket stuff, would be a boon to her survival and the group she was part of.

Errowyn looked at Ivory. "I will be at hanger 19. just pop on by when ever you are ready for me." Errowyn bundled up un her bomber jacket and headed for the exit. "I will be at Hanger 19, looking after my craft and looking for a frieghter to buy or lease." This was directed at Uso.

"Right then, lets all break off and meet back here tomorrow." Uso said, letting the group split out into their different parts.
Sometime Later...

Hollow Point Club, Back Room,

The tiny explosives and heavy weapons specialist, or for this mission, mining and demolitions expert, sat on top of a table, her legs splayed out like a kid would sit, sorting through various explosive devices. Detonators, triggers, charges, det cord, plastic explosive blocks, even some red sticks of TNT. A big grin was on her face as she paused her sorting, reached over and grabbed a candy and stuffed it in her face, chewing happily as she went back to work.

"Excuse me, Smalls?" Ivory asked as she walked up to the doorway, knocking twice on the frame to get the tiny Neko's attention. "I was hoping you had a moment to talk?"

Haruhi glanced up at the big curvy woman who had appeared by her table. "Hi!" she said, waving, some det cord in her tiny hands. "What's up?"

Ivory would walk in and take a seat at the table, smoothing out her coat a bit before continuing, "I should appologize for Uso, she tends to name people.... and I didn't catch your actual name."

"Oh, I'm Haruhi, Tenryu Haruhi" she stuck her hand out to shake.

Ivory held out her hand, gently pressing it against the Neko's in order to shake.

"I am responsible for everyone's health during this operation, and I am a bit worried I will not be able to operate on you effectively during an emergency... That, and all of my tools are designed for full-size patients. Since I am not up to date on the Mini-Nekos I thought I would come speak with you about it. There are a few basic things we can get out of the way such as drawing blood with a very, tiny, needle... but unless you're aware of some special off the shelf tools we may need to have gear custom-fabricated." She explained.

"Oh, okay" she replied and stretched, floating off the table. "Maybe we should do this over there, where theres less explosives" she smiled and floated to another spot a few feet away from the bomb stuff, rolling up the sleeve of her pink coveralls at the same time. "Well, my physiology is judt like a regular neko, just smaller" she said with a shrug.

Ivory scooted over towards the other side of the table, holdin up her hands, "Much small, my hands are delicate but they can only do so much. I'm afraid I'd have to do surgery on you with a tiny needle and some thread. " She said, getting out a tiny hypodermic needle and blood bag. "Unfortunitly this is the smallest bag I have... it barely seems like it will hold much... but if we start building up a supply of your blood now we should be much better off later in case something happens." She explained, "Now, can you hold out your arm please?"

Haruhi stuck her arm out and looked the othwr way, eyes clamped shut. "Don't take too much!" she squeaked. "There isn't too much to give!"

Ivory gently stroked her finger along the mini-neko's arm, being as gentle as she possibly could. "I'm sure deep inside you're a big girl. Be brave little neko!" She said. Haruji would feel a small pinch, and then a little bit of blood would start to flow out into the collector. "Of course if Errowyn's blood is compatable with yours, then we shouldn't have to do this again."

"Any hemosynth will work" she replied, her eyes still clamped shut as dhe refused to look at the needle or the hemosynth draining from her arm.

"There we go, you did great," Ivory said, patting the neko on the head with one finger for just a moment before removing the needle. "I suspected as much, but I would be failing in my job if I did not go through the same process I do with my other patients." Ivory then pulled out a small bandaid.... or at least one that was small for a normal person, along with a green sucker. She'd place the bandaid over the neko's puncture despite it having almost healed aready, then set the sucker down infront of Haruhi. "I was also hoping to generate a medical profile on you... but all my sensor equipment isn't setup for people of your size."

Haruhi grabbed the sucker with both hands and started gnawing on its rounded edge, already feeling better. "Um, pretty standard demiliterized NH-29M mini nekovalkyrja" she replied between gnaws. "No major injuries since I retired, sadly all my military spec stuff was removed" she added and rolled her eyes.

Ivory would hold onto the bag for a moment, "Never had the desire to change into a full size?"

The tiny neko shrugged. "Not really" she replied. "I mean, I could, but I like what I am" she smiled. "Anywaus, comes in handy at times, no one looks for someone my size when there is trouble" she grinned and winked at Ivory.

"How sbout you? Ever thought of switching to a mini body?"

"I suppose I am in the same boat as you... a friend of mine used to say, 'My mom gave me this body, I'm kinda attached to it,'" She would give Haryhi a warm smile, "Sorry, I guess that was an inappropriate question. I'm sure you're asked about it all the time."

"Oh, no worries" Haruhi replied. "And. It doesn't bother me. Maybe someday I will go full sized" she shturgged. "Just right now, this is the one I like... Well I miss my old NH-12 body, but that's something else"

"Well if there is anything I can do to make you feel more at home around us, just let me know ok?" Ivory offered.

The tiny pink haired neko smiled a toothy grin. "I will let you know" she said and gnawed on the sucker again. "So, what brought you to this little venture?" she asked after a moment.

"What brought me here?" Ivory asked, sounding a bit surprised. "Well... I had a daughter at a young age, and I really don't want to have to put her through what I went through so I transitioned to a strictly medical role instead of something with the military. A few friends needed a doctor and I have been working these kind of side-jobs since then. In this case, Uso's an old friend, and she needed a doctor, so I am here."

Haruhi nodded. "That works" she said and gnawed on tie suckershe had made a moderate dent in it's curved side. She sighed contently, feeling the sugar flowing into her system. "How many of these do you have?"

Ivory would reach into her pocket, fishing out a handful of multi-colored suckers, "Here you go," She said, placing the pile down infront of the mini-neko, "I suppose I will need to stock up for our trip... and I should take care of this blood before it gets cold... " She would give a warm smile to the Mini neko, and see herself out.
Icefall Docks

"Errowyn, wait up!"

Uso ran out after the pilot, pulling her heavy coat around her body

"...I know we're probably just going to end up in one of those generic light freighters but I still wanted your opinion on it. You're our expert pilot after all!"

Ahead of them lay one of the massive lakes that fed the local population with water... of course the top of that lake was frozen solid, making it an ideal place to land starships. Small cargo drones were constantly flying overhead, competing with the harsh wind chill for the prize of 'loudest thing nearby'. of course, once they were at the edge of the lake they'd find a small custom's checkpoint as well as a vending machine with a sign over it that just said 'Starships'.

Errowyn glanced at the vending machine that said starships. Then looked out over the lake with it confusion of ship parked here and there in a random fashion. Some had a lot of snow piled up around their landing struts, looking forlorn with a blanket of snow upon them. Even some of the newer ones were getting a frosting of snow on them. Tractors with treads moved between the ships that were either abandoned or repo-ed by the loan sharks that operated about the city and at the terminal that housed the spaceport control tower.

She turned and began looking through the listed frieghters that were available. As she worked her way through the listing, she came across a medium class frieghter of a Free Spacer that was dumping his craft onto the market. "Black Nova. Elysian Medium Frieghter." Errowyn pulled that one into shopping cart to look more closely at. Then resumed her search. Several more Light Freighters ended up in the shopping cart along with the Medium Freighter. "Got any preferences? Medium Freighter has hard points for defensive weapontry, a shuttle bay for 1 craft. My Kawarime will fill that up nicely."


The loud voice practically BOOM'd from the vending machine, volumetric text displaying the words quite exactly just below the machine's main screen, a large, floating, smiley face appearing right above.

"What the shit?" Uso asked, looking at the machine for a moment, her hand swiftly moving for the mute button.


The voice cut out mid-sentence, leaving the smiley face still floating in the air, talking as if they were listening to what it said, a row of text still scrolling along the bottom, asking for what job they were trying to take care of with their choice of ship. Uso would then put her hand on Errowyn's shoulder and peer over her towards the display,

"I figured we could always strap your fighter to the outside of whatever we get, and honestly we need speed more than we need anti-ship weapons. If we get attacked by something big enough to take on our freighter then we are probably need to be getting away rather than fighting. I'd love to have one of those sexy T4s but it ain't easy to get your hands on one... we might be better off with the generic F6 and then just cutting off weapons and armor to make it go faster... plus that would have ample space for a nice bedroom or two.

What do you think?"

"I like the second a lot better. F6..." Errowyn quickly brought up the specs on it. looking over the various configerations. "Definitely the F6." She demeanor turned more confident when it came to spaceship.

"And my mechanic hasn't been returning my calls lately..." Uso sighed, "... That asshole lives for shit like this too... Don't suppose you know anything about how to fix up one of these? I can fly one, but I ain't exactly a qualified engineer nor do I do flying when someone else is shoot in at me... I mean, beyond power armor stuff... Or naked."

While Uso ranted she had her head perched on Errowyn's shoulder, looking over the options for F6 Starships. There was one brand new one in stock, and a few used ones. One was being sold 'furnished' and another was listed as 'as is'. Followed by another four that were listed as salvage.

Of course, the floating head was enthusiasticly explaining all of this to them while muted...

Errowyn looked between the two. Seeing that as is was the better deal. But still the F6. "I am a passable tech. But most wuold call me a shate tree mechanic. Been learning on my own to keep my bird in the air. But a lot of stuff is still for an experienced tach and shipyard where they have the equipment and access to the parts." Errowyn ignored the pressure of Uso chin on her shoulder as she looked over the other possibilites. "Lets look at both and then decide. If we buy the /as is/ one. buy one of the salvage ones for fill and parts."

"Hey, mind if we look around? No? Thanks!" Uso said, pressing the button for 'inspect ship' on the nearest F6 and then heading off toward the ship across the ice sheet, her hand taking a hold of Errowyn's to bring her along. Uso would then continue their conversation,

"So that means you can kick the space-tires and make sure it's flyin right?" She asked as she mooved a cross the long, flat, ice sheet towards a one of the junky freighters that was just opening it's loading ramp for them.

Being caught of guard, and using her inate ability, she just floated along, letting Uso plow her way across the snow covered ice. "Yeah." She eyed the ship that was opening itself up for their inspection. The picture looked hell of a lot better than the actual thing was. She settled down on the ice and snow free ramp and scampered up the ramp to take a look inside. She moved through the silent ship, light still being powered on. Some still remained dark, but that didnt bother her. She was getting the feel of the ship. Making her way to the engineering section first to look over the various gauges and dials as she listened to the ship as it powered up for its guests to inspect. She then moved to the bridge of the ship. She knew what she was looking for and was disappointed that there was no SPINE Connection for the pilot.

She looked over the helm console for a few seconds. Then began to bring helm inline and started the aether generators as if she was getting the aether engines warmed up for flight. But knowing there was a lock to prevent anyone from flat out stealing them.

The floating face would appear again, saying something about the ship... though the salesman still seemed to be on mute.

The ship was listed as pre-furnished, and it was quite easy to see why. Most anything of value had been removed already, but left behind were chairs, desks, and some odds and ends like pencil and paper. It certainly didn't look luxurious... more like someone left in a hurry and just grabbed the important stuff. The gauges and dials around the ship's one large reactor seemed to be in good order, even if they were a bit cold to the touch thanks to the atmosphere.

"So what do you think?" Uso asked, hopping into the captains' chair and immidiately leaning back, watching Errowyn's rear as she leaned over the console, the ship's systems slowly comming to life, a soft breeze starting as the life support began to cycle out the stale air and replace it with freshly scrubbed oxygen.

"Solid as most Neppy stuff is." Errowyn spoke quite pleased. She brought up the specs on volumetric display so that both could takea look at them.

The ship certainly had seen better days, but just like all the other F6 series ships the thing seemed basically indestructable. Despite all the wear and tear it was certainly able to take off, and the crew wouldn't have to worry about dieing from lack of air.

"I wonder why they're getting rid of this ship?" Uso thought outloud.

Errowyn looked at the data, seamingly like she didnt hear Uso. "Mmmm.... " working the data system on the ship. "You know a Wazu? or what ever that thing is?" Volumetric display changed. She moved it away from the salemans volumetric appearance so she could read it. "Pushy little bastard..even in volumterics..."

Uso chuckled, "You could say that... What's that old man got to do with this?"

The sales-face would be swatted aside as Errowyn waved her hand at it... the image quickly moving over to Uso and continuing its pitch silently. The display infront of Errowyn was showing that the ship's computer had a few degraded hard drives, and its communication system had a few useless antennas, but all in all was still functional and would easily last another few years. She also found some documentation relating to Nepleslian Bench Warrents for the previous crew still in the ship's communication logs.

"His name appears in some garble police communications." She expanded it to be easily read. "It seems like they dumped the ship here. Port Authorities, trying to be on the good side of the Neppy Law. Impounded the ship." She brought up the official documents of Impoundation of ship in conjunction of criminal activities. To Errowyn they looked seriously trumped up. But non the less still effective. "When abandoned. Sold it as auction to recup cost of storage and fines."

"HA! Idiots... How hard is it to keep a space ship out of police hands? They should have just hid it somewhere in space." Uso seemed to get a good laugh out of the story, "But, if they did get caught while doing something, that at least means the ship is flyable AND being sold at impound makes it legal. No surprises there to worry about."

"Yeah we got lucky on this one." Errowyn read farther on till coming to the auction bill of sale. "Oh this is nice. looking at 500,000 ks or double that in Freespacer script. which they got it for. I wouldd offer at least another 10 percent added to the cost so that they make some profit." Errowyn spoke softly. just enough to be heard. "Looks like there is several other buyers lined up for this tub."

"Balls..." Uso said, "That'll drive up the price... and we're cutting it close on funds as it is... Maybe we should go check out the other ship? I don't want to get involved in a bidding war with a bunch of Nepleslian wanna be pirates."

Errowyn started to laugh softly, "I wouldnt worry to much. If anyone with a half of brain can see that the auction date is way over due...." Suddenly the auction date changed to a more current future date with a new set of buyers showing interest. "... Yeah. we dont want a government impounded ship anyways. Too many little bugs get attracted to this type of ships anyway." Errowyn discretely made motions towards the exit of the ship. "Lets go check out another ship, later. I need to get back to mine for a bit." Errowyn shut the volumetric displays down after she had copied the information to a wrist computer.

"Sure, you got a hot date back at your own hanger?" Uso asked, jumping up from the chair, "... If this place is infested I'd rather get out now... I hate bugs."

"Yeah. Bill Collector." Errowyn moved from the bridge towards the exit.

"You want me to shoot em?" Uso said, putting her arm around Errowyn as they headed back out into the cold, happy to use one another to help stay warm, "... speaking of, didn't you have an army-ship? Who's bills are you paying?"

"I have a Kawarime. A bit of battle damaged showing, but repaired so it is still quite deadly. As far as I know 5s been entrusted to me to take care of till I either return it to the proper authorities or it gets destroyed beyond any intel value." Errowyn wrapped an arm around Usos waist and lifted them both up off the ground and increased speed. Uso would nuzzle up against Errowyn's neck, happy to hold on tight as they Headed to the portside of the frozen lake where the hangers for rent were. She came to one that was at the very end, closest to the shipyard was.

Errowyn set Uso down and blocked her view of the key pad and typed in the code to gain access to the much warmer interior. Under the few overhead lights sat the deadly Kawarime looking ragged with it battle scarred hull. Looking deadly and sleek even with a few miissile pods that were showing very few missiles left. "My 5." Errowyn spoke with intense pride as she moved around the craft, inspecting it for signs of tampering. In the back seat of the two seater Kawarime looked like there was a person sitting there in a Daisy.

"And your armor I take it?" Uso asked, having a look at the craft from the doorway. It certainly looked like it was one of the Star Army's own, more than enough firepower to deal with the day to day stuff... even some cute markings on it, "Its pretty clear you take some pride in your work. Did you do the custom paint yourself?"

Errowyn nodded motioning Uso to enter and take a closer look. "Survive multiple forrays against the NMX, Miths squids and whom ever they decided to thros at the squadron." In a soft tone, "21st Fighting Diamonds..... Even earned by call sign and christened it by the Taii of the Carrier I was based on." She looked over at Uso, like a little girl beaming with pride at the praise they received for doing something outstanding.

"And what'd they end up calling you?" Uso asked, hugging Errowyn from behind and looking over her shoulder at whatever she decided to point out, "I'm suprised that Taii didn't make a move..."

"Hellcat", she simply said, leaning back against Uso. "She had a carrier to run and over see."

"Pfft, She missed out on a good thing... you wear the armor while you're flying the fighter?" Uso asked.

"I wear a flight suit that can dual as a space suit, if needed." Errowyn spoke as someone pounded on the door they had entered by. "The armor for ground operations." She straightened up and moved to the door as several Goons entered.

"This looks aggressive... " Uso said, letting go of Errowyn and walking off to the side a bit, putting some distance between the two of them, "You guys lookin for something?"

"Yeah, our money or get booted." One of thm growled out. Both of them being experienced brawlers had also separated.

"Yeh!" The other agreed in a dumb sounding voice as his beady eyes took in the both of them.

"I got your money right here." Errowyn pulled out the payment she had received from Uso earlier that morning. She counted off the payment in Free Spacer Script as they looked at the cash with greedy eyes.

"Really? This is just about cash?" Uso asked, "That is so.... boring."

Errowyn approached one of the Goon, without blocking Uso line of sight, nor getting in the way if she has to shoot them. "Reciept, please?" Coming to a stop a few feet away from the closest Goon.

The odds were even and the goon wrote out a receipt and gave it to Errowyn. He accepted the payment and they left.

"You in trouble with someone?" Uso asked, "Or is this really just how they collect dock fees around here?"

"it is how they do business here." Errowyn spoke as she locked the door to the hanger. "You can use this hanger as a storage also. My fighter takes up little room."

"Yeah, not super worried about that just yet. I figure we can wing it once we've gotten to the planet, then figured out what we can take from it. Kinda looking forward to getting off this ice ball... too cold for my liking..... course, if we weren't trying to stay under the radar right now we could go punch those thugs right in the face. Human-types have no busness trying to intemidate our kind." Uso replied, forming a bit of a toothy grin in the process as she thought of violent things.

"Ufortunately, they have the numbers here and I do have to get food occasionally." Errowyn moved some scaffolding next to her Kawarime. "This needs to be returned eventually," She patted the landing strut. "Any ways. Those are Beagle Brothers and this is one of the many hangers they own." Errowyn spoke as she moved over to where some paint was at and began looking through the meager selection.

"So what? That just means we have to punch a lot of people instead of a smaller number of still punchable people,"

"Go punch them and get your money back. I have the receipt of payment." Errowyn smiles at Uso. "Need their address of residence?"

"Yeah, I need to stretch my legs. Lets go!" Uso said... "Uh... actually, you might want a mask or something if you want to do the whole 'punch people' thing."

Errowyn looked thouhtful. "I am only violent when needed."

"Fiiiine.... lets paint your ship up and get back to shopping. We still need to get that freighter."

Errowyn moved over to the desk and phone. She dialed in the numder to the ship broker. "why go back out into the cold when we can do it from here." Holding out the phone receiver to Uso.

She laid out the brochure of ship that was normally on display at the kiosk.

"Well part of it is seeing the ship for yourself," Uso said, taking the phone from Errowyn and then having a look at the brochure.

"So, F6s.... The Geshrini shipyard ones... got anything fast and not-gross?....Oh.... I see.... ok." Uso frowned, looked over at Errowyn, and mouthed the word 'receptionist'.

A few minutes later she'd be back on with someone else,

"Geshrini shipyards F6, was hoping to get one that's decently fast and not gross. Weapons ain't a priority, just need the basics." Uso inquired.

Errowyn relaxed back in her seat and removed her bomberjacket. She listened to the one sided conversation. She moved over to the small makeshift kitchenette began making something to eat. A high energy foods.

The faceless guy on the other end, "Is this going to bea lease? Or outright buy?"

"Outright buy," Uso replied, "Cash in hand."

Silence came back over the line except for the usual static of connection. "You have 700 grand to spend just like that?" Finally he replied.

"For an F6?! Come on, its not like I'm asking for something shiney and new. I just need a ship." Uso replied.

"I got a stripped F6 Geshrini in the yard for 500 grand. KS or double in Freespacer Script." He came back sounding a bit cold.

Errowyn moved back to the phone and hit the speaker button, turning on the speaker so everyone can hear. Even she could hear without it being on.

"Not that peice of shit on the icefield is it?" Uso asked, "I need one that flies, not one that just kinda floats but only when its on ice."

"IIf you wanted a new ship, go Greshrini Yards in Nepleslia." He replied snooty. "I will let my other buyer its free again."

"Other buyer huh? Does this other buyer have a name?" Uso teased, "Betcha you'll let that ship go for 400 grand? Specally if I pay you in spacer script... but you know, 800-k-spacers."

"Yeah yeah... I have no name, but they are a couple of cuties. they gave an offer of 500k + 10 percent. Can you beat that?" He replied. It was obvious he was listening in on their conversation when at the ship on the lake. "They even checked it out. 475 k we have a deal.""

"Yeah I can beat that, I'm waaay cute and my friend over here is god-damn adorable." Uso snapped, "475k is fucking bullshit but I'll pay it. Lets meet up at the ship and have a look."

"Our representive will be there to handle the final transaction. 20 minutes?" He spoke as there was a slight rustle of papers.

Errowyn hand moved over to her Kawarime and opened the canopy. She disappeared into the Kawarime.

"Yeah, see you there in 20... the place listed on your flier right?" Uso asked

"Yup. Lot 6 on the lake." He spoke quiet happily. The same ship they had looked at.

"475 is more in my price range though... but that taps me out... you think this one is worth it Erro?" Uso asked.

"It would be the one I would buy if needing a ship nd had money to burn." Her voice sounding a bit mechanical, coming from the open canopy of the Kawarime. Then servo-motors her heard as the Daisy maneuvered awkwardly from the back of the Kawarime. "Besides. You will make billions once you claim your planet."

Errowyn was getting into the spirit of the venture. She landed with a soft thump onto the floor of the hanger. "Care to ride in style, Your Highness?" She kneeled, crooking on arm as a seat for Uso to ride comfortfully. It was easy to see how to climb up to position herself.

"Right... billions" A wide grin came to Uso's face again, distracting her for quite a bit before she finally snapped back to reality, "Lets get going! Show me what this ship of yours can do," Without any further hesitation Uso would climb into position in the back seat of the fighter.

Errowyn exited the Daisy and power it down and secured it. Then changed into her flight suit. before climbing into the front seat of the Kawarime. She fired it up as the canopy lowered and locking into position.

Soon they was exiting the hanger and semi-flying across the snow covered ground and out onto the lake. She did a rool out that put them right next to the desired ship. She turned the Kawarime around so that snow would not get insidethe open cockpit. Allowing Uso exit.

"Well... I guess we're getting this one," Uso said as she hopped out of the fighter and made her way to the ramp, fishing out her datapad from the pockets of her coat as she got her space script wallet together. "Lets go pay the man..."
Raphael stood, laughing to himself at the circumstances that he found himself in. He looked for the mini Neko opening his hand palm up. "Let's go little one. I don't know your name." He said giving a friendly smile.

The tiny pink haired neko floated about, arranging the last of her on hand collection of explosives when the other showed up and needed her attention.

"It's Haruhi" she said as she landed on Raphael's hand "So, where too?" she asked as she stuffed her tiny hands into her tiny coats pockets.

"This is a mining town, so they should have a good deal on consumer explosives. Plus, we need to pick up small arms so we can go shopping. How does that sound?" He said carefully lifting Haruhi to his shoulder and deposting her there. "My name is Raphael by the way. Call me Raph, everyone else does." He said moving to leave.

"Oh, gun shopping" Haruhi grinned as she perched on Raphael's shoulder and stretched her arms out. "Wonder if we can find some mini NSP's for sale?" she mused.

Raphael smiled "Sure we can keep an eye out for it." He said patting down his jacket as he opened the door and stepped out side. "Don't get blown away please? I don't think Uso would be very happy if I lost our demolitions expert." He said smirking at Haruhi.

They walked in silence for a while, until Raph spoke. "So Ms.Haruhi, why did you sign on to this crazy adventure?" He asked

The tiny neko shrugged. "Well, need the money, need to blow things up.... And Uso offered me money, explosives and candy" she shrugged and smiled. "And sounded like an interesting gig" she added and patted Raphael on the side of the head.

"What got you into this little party?" she asked.

Raphael laughed a bit. "Well, I used to be IPG but that didn't really pan out. So I began freelancing. I am Uso's intelegence officer. I am also her boyfriend." He added smiling. "So I guess you can say that it is in my best intrest to see tat Uso succeeds. Funny huh?" He asked as they walked.

"Oooohh boyfriend!" her pink fuzzy ears pirked up. "Gimmi all the juicy details!" Haruhi leaned forward and rubbed her little hands together.

Raphael patted Haruhi on the head lightly. "You are quite michevious little one." He said snickering. "We have been dating for a few months. We started dating on Love day. We hit it off and had actually talked about this job. We kept in contact after that and agreed to go on another date when I got back." He replied. "So a few days before I arrived she told me she was serious about getting the job done so I came to help." He said rounding another corner. "That is about as juicy as it gets." he said smiling.

Haruhi stuck her tongue out. "Humphh!" she planted her hands on her hips. "not that juicy" she commented and eyed tye big person. "Guess I'll hsve to bug Uso for details...." she trailed off.

"Well that would be a good idea. I have had intergation training, even from cute little fur ball like you." He said chuckling. "Not much you will get out of me I don't want you to know." He tapped his chin for a moment. "Though I don't want the misses mad at me. My one weakness." He said sighing. "We did share a steamy kiss after our first date. Juicy enough for you?"

Haruhi stuck her tongue out again. "Not really" she muttered. "Lets find guns. We need more guns!" she waved her arms and tugged at Raphael's hair. "Yah, yah mule!" she said pointed forward.

Raphael turned an gave the scariest deathstare he could muster. "Do that again, and I will make sure that you get left on the ship with no one to talk to." He said in his best attemot to threaten her. He couldn't be mad at her though. He sighed. "Come on little Haruhi." He said walking to a weapon stand.

The clerk walked up with a huge smile "How can I help you today sir?"

"Can we get a catalog please?" Raph asked.

"Sure." The man said placing one down. "Tell me if you see anything you like."

"See anything little Haruhi?" Raph asked

"Hmmmmmmm....." she leaned forward, her big eyes scanning the list of weapons... "Ohh soo many to choose from!" she grinned. "I can use any of this stuff with powerarmor if we can find a Sylph, or modefy something for me..." she trailed off.

Raphael flipped through the pages looking to see if he could find anything that Haruhi could use. As he flipped he stummbled upon an old Mindy 1-H. "Look little one. Can you make that work?" He asked pointing at the older Mindy.

Haruhi floated over, looking at the MINDY-1H. "Hmm.... Not sure. These require a physical body inside to fill and move the arms and legs... I mean if we can rig a mini SPINE connection I could control the limb survomotors, but its gonna lack a lot of the internal support from having a person inside" she chewed on her upper lip. "Maybe we could build something for that too.." she thought for a minute. "No SYLPH's in there?"

Raphael coughed and got the salesman's attention. He sauntered over and smiled broadly. "Have we found something?"

Raph shook his head. "Negative, I am looking for a Slyph. Happen to have one in stock?" He asked.

"A Slyph? I don't get to many people asking for those. I do happen to have one though..." He said. He pulled out another book with his special items. "Take a look."

Raphael nudged Haruhi to look. "Take a look Haruhi."

"Hmm" she looked at the entry in the catalog. "Can we see it?" she asked the vendor. It was all well and good seeing an entry in a book, but if she was going to trust her life in it, she needed to inspect and test drive it.

The salesman tapped his chin. "I guess that is okay... follow me." He said starting to walk towards a large warehouse.

Raphael gently plucked Haruhi from the table andplaced her on his shoulder again. "I think this is kind of shady... what do you think little Haruhi?" Raph asked in hushed tones as they followed the man.

The little neko waved her arms as she was picked up and placed on Raphael's shoulder. She sighed and nodded. "Maybe" she replied and patted her coat, reassuring herself of the presance of two mini NSPs in the inside pockets.

"Keep your eyes peeled" she whispered into his ear as they followed the vendor.

Raphael patted his weapon to make sure it was still there, that was when he realized it wan't there. A moment of shock could be seen in his eyes and his step faultered for a second and then he continued. He silently cursed himself as he walked making sure to stay vigalent.

After a while of walking. The salesman walked to the side of the warehouse on the outerdistrict of the town. Haruhi could feel as Raphael tensed.

"Right inside here. I have my special stock." He said smiling and opening the door.

Raphael hesitantly stepped inside. As he walked he could see many boxes with parts strewn about and weapons littering the shelves. "The salesman called behind them. It is in the middle aisle. I will meet you there."

Raphael walked cautiously as he made his way to where the salesman specified. "Haurhi. There are others here..." Said as he walked. He picked her up gently and placed her on a shelf that was about eye level. "Their plans are not of good intent." He said turning to see if anyone was watching.

Haruhi slipped in between some items on the shelf, making her way down its length, keeping to the shadows and obscured by various items as she advanced. As she moved, she drew the two mini NSP's and thumbed off rheir safeties.

Coming to the end of the shelf and kept behind a small box and carefully peered around it's corner to see what was beyond.

Raphael played off the stop as if he was looking at a piece on the shelf. He continued to the middle aisle where he was told. 'Time to spring the trap...' he thought as he reached it. He started to walk down it as the lights went out.

Several pairs of feet could be heard shuffling and weapons being aimed. When the lights came back on Raphael had his hands up and 5 people had him surronded with rifles trained on his head.

"Raphael Castiel..." One of the men said as he stepped up to Raph. "You have quite the bounty on your head. Thought that hiding behind a scope would save you? Well you screwed up cause now the tables are turned."

Raphael face didn't change. "So..." He said "I killed someone you knew." He said enphazing the last word. At this the man slammed the butt off his rifle into the back of Raphael's head.

'Well, shit' Haruhi thought to herself as the lights went out. That wasnt really an issue for her as her neko eyesight immediatly switched to night vision, allowing her to see the five stooges pop out, weapons drawn on Raphael before the lights even came back on.

Seemed they all had some history and now she was involved. She grumbled quietly as ond of them slammed Raphael on the back of the head. She had a few moments, but they would notice her absense soon. She pocketed one of her pistols and drew something small and spherical out of her pocket. A little invention of her own, a mini flash grenade..

Liftijg off from the shelf silently via her internal gravity control, she thumbed the trigger on the sphere and chucked it right into the middle of the group, overting her eyes as the small BB sized device clattered alnost silently onto the ground and went off, bathing the area in blinding white light. As soon as the flash subsided she opened fire with her mini NSP. With Raphael doubled over from the blow she did not worry about hitting him.

Blue white bolts from her tiny scalar weapon sizzled through the air, aimed for trying to hit eyes and ears and such. The blasts from her weapon could not do the same kind of damage a full size NSP could, but it would permanently destroy an eye!

Raph fell to the ground, his head throbbing, but before the man could follow up with another attack Haruhi attacked. The men, stunned by the flash bang didn't see her attack until it was too late. Raphael stayed still while the bullets flew several bolts stuck two of the men in the eyes, who began screaming the other clambered for cover still blinded. Raphael spun around and into a crouch. He opened his wings and propelled himself forward witha blast from his wings. He shot down the aisle like a bullet towards the enemy before they had a chance to regain their senses.

One of the men didn't make it to cover in time and found themselves being slammed into the ground with the force of Raphael's forward momentum.

Harhi had her second pistol ot now. She kept moving, floating around, circling the enemies to keep herself from being a stationary target and to avoid the one Raphael sent flying. He slammed into a crate and slid down to the floor, a smaller, heavy metal box knocked off by the impact landing on his head with a crack.

The mini neko adjusted her aim, shooting more accuratly now since her pal was up and moving now.

Raphael let his years of CQC training take over as he began to fight the combatants with no weapons. The enemy was back to there senses and began to fire at Raph and Haruhi. Haruhi hit the second to last combatant in the ear and the man dropped his weapon, clutching his ear. Raph took the opertunity to grab the man and use him as a human sheild as he ran at the man who had struck him

That man went down with a thud, unable to resist the impact of twmens weight. He cracked his head on the floor and went still.

Haruhi floated over to the vendir who had screwed them over, now kneeling on the ground, clutching at a cotorized left eye. "Hey, dickweed. What the fuck do you think you were going to accomplish?!" the little pink haired neko demanded, both her NSP's aimed at his face.

The man looked up at the mini Neko indignantly. "Your friend was gonna make me rich, you stupid little...Umph!" He didn't have a chance to finish as Raphael grabbed the mans face and lifted him int the air. Raphael's face was covered in blood from the gash where he was struck. "You don't get to speak to her like that. You thought that trying to get her killed was a good idea?" He said intensifying his grip. The man screamed in pain. Raphael's blue eye was closed to keep a stream of blood from getting into it only leaving his blood red eye open. "You are going to pay for tying to hurt her, with your life!"

"Hold on, Raph" she interjected. "Lets not get hasty here" she glanced between the two of them andlet the silence linger, let the vendor have a little hope. "See, how is he going to learn from his mistakes and suffer his punishment if he is dead?" she grinned and holstered one of her mini NSPs.

"See, Mr. Asshole, we came here to buy stuff. We brought money, we liked what we saw on your catalogand were going to pay for things on the up and up. But, since you lied to us, tried to kill us and were an utter jackass, were going to just take what we want instead." she held up a tiny tiny finger to forstal any complaints or rebuttal from the man and went on. "The way Isee it, you being mean like that forfits your right to getting shit from us, since we kicked all your asses. Seriously, five of you idiots and you couldnt get the drop on one guy and a mini. We saw your trap a lightyear away"

She grinned and backhand slapped the vendor across the face. Even though she was small, she still had a lot of strength for her size, so it hurt. "And its going to cost you." she added offhandedly as she made an adjustment to her mini NSP.

Raphael dropped the man on his ass and turned. "Your lucky I didn't get my way." he said as he walked away. As he walked down the rows, he stumbled and fell. He caught himself and tried to wipe the blood away and only managed to smear it. "A nap seems nice right about now..." he mused.

Haruhi frowned as Raphael stumbled andsaid something about anap. "No naps right now, we have work to do" she called after him. She would have to get him checked out for a concussion from that blow to the head.

She turned her attention back to the vendor. "Now for the price you pay for all the trouble you caused us" she said and took aim with her mini nsp and fired, burning out the one eye he had left. She then gave him a swift kick to the head to knock him out.

"Raph, wanna tie up and gag whoevers still alive, then we can go shopping" she said, giving him a sweet smile.

Raphael tried to stand and fell over again. "Shit!" he exclaimed as he hit the floor again. He crawled to one of the shelves and pulled himself up. He felt around his head and found a huge gash across the back of his skull. He grimaced as he stumbled over to the combatants and began fumbling around, trying to bound and gag them.

"Ah jeeze" she frowned. "I'll take care of it" she said, spotting the gash. "Sit there, aim that gun" she indicated one of their blasters, "shoot any of them that wake up and try anything stupid before i have them tied up. Do not fall asleep" she commanded and quickly busied herself binding and gagging the lot of them.

He slummped against a suit of armor and grabbed the blaster. Raphael took off his shirt and tore a huge strip off it. He then proceeded to wrap his head with it. "He rested his head against the leg of the suit fighting to stay awake. "I am sorry little Haruhi..."

Haruhi grumbled and quickly found the surplus medical kits and cracked one open. She grabbed a hypo injector with a combination stimulant and pain supressor and some field bandages that would instantly cling to a wound and stop bleading.

Zipping over to Raphael, she deposited her armfull of supplies on his lap and took the injector, pressing it to his neck. A hiss indicated it had dispensed its contents and she dropped the single use device before grabbing a bandage, tearing its cover off and pressing it to his wound

Raphael smiled. "What a mess I am." He said watching Haruhi fly around him. His eyes widened as the stimulants began kicking in. He turned and plucked Haruhi from the back of his head. "Go, I will be okay. find your stuff." he said looking down at her. "I don't want to be a burden." He said watching for any other signs of movment.

"Youre not a burden" she said." You are lucky I know field medecine. And I am gonna need your help. See were gonna take everythoming. There is a lot of good stuff here we can use and I want to cram as much asI can onto that delivery truck over there" she pointed at the big box truck sitting at the other end of the warehouse.

Raphael began to stand and leaned against the armor. That is when he finally figured out what it was. "That is a suit of Anthedon Power Armor!" He said with a start. He moved to it and popped the seals. "It is still in working order." He said as he stepped into the suit and sealed it. The operating system booted up and began testing the suit. All functions came back normal. He flexed his metal wings. "Let's load everything up." He said moving to grab some crates
ON > Ivory's Appartment, Icefall

"What is wrong with you!? Why didn't you come to me sooner!"

Ivory rushed over to raph as he came in the door, her hands gently reaching for his jawline, guiding him to look off to the side so that she could take a look at his injuries. It certainly looked bad, there was a lot of dried blood on the side of his head. The team's doctor would carefully look over the wound, and then have him look straight forward, so she could examine his eyes... the woman was a bit taller than Uso, but she still had to stand on her tip toes to get a good look at him. She spoke quickly, but her voice was filled with genuine concern, even as she left him to go grab her medical kit from the closet.

"Go sit down on the table Raphael... and count backward from 20 for me ok?"

Raphael after stumbling through the door, did as Ivory said and laid down on the table. The stimulant shot was wearing of and the room was spining.

"20, 19, 17, 16, 14, 11..." This continued until he reached zero.

Ivory didn't even need to get out the scanner, she'd end up setting the kit down beside Raphael, and then headed to the fridge.

"Slurred speech, swelling... How did you get a concussion that bad? You could end up really hurting yourself...."

As she spoke she got some ice from the fridge and wrapped it in a small cloth, bringing it back over to Raphael and gently pressing it against the wound on the back of his head.

Raphael tried to smile. "I made someone maadd. They... hit me in the...the back of my...head." He replied pointing to the back of his skull. "Where is...Uso?" He asked, stumbling to get his girlfriend's name out.

"She's still out searching for a ship..." Ivory said, sighing, "She can take care of herself. She's a big girl... but you are hurt pretty badly." Her genuine concern was slowly turning into legitimate worry as his slurrying got worse. She would reach for her medical kit and pull out a small flash light, checking one eye, then the other.

"Do you know where you are?"

"..." Raphael looked troubled for a few seconds. "Home?" He asked not quite sure. He looked around for a minute. "No, that... that is not right. I am..." He didn't finish his statement as his eyes slowly started to drift close. "So tired..."

"No sleeping," Ivory said, setting the flash light down and then going to her medical kit again, "It looks like the damage is already done, but I don't think it is too bad... " She huffed, trying not to sound worried as she brought him back a pair of pills and a glass of water, "Here, take these and then I'll have another look at your head,"

He opened his eyes slowly. "I...am sorry Ivory." He said lifting his head up just enough to get the medicine down. "I...am a bad...friend." He said laying his head back down. "Making you worry...about me."

"Hey! No laying down!" She said, putting her hands on his shoulders and giving him a puuuush, the woman doing her best to lift the muscle-heavy Elysian back to a sitting position. "I need you to stay awake for me ok? Tell me all of what happened..."

Once Raphael was steady...ish she put her hand against his, gently pulling it away from the ice pack, and then setting that aside. As she went to work, Raphael would feel a dull pressure against the back of his head as Ivory applied a numbing agent, and then began stiching up the wound.

"Okay." he said as Ivory sat him up. He felt the pressure and wanted to move away from it, but really had no means to do so. "We... were attacked by some...thugs. I got hit in the back of the head. "I also got... a cool...Power Armor." He said. "Then we found... Explosives and stuff." He said, continuing to ramble on. It would appear that he lost his filter, as what ever popped into his head, he spoke.

"Tell me about the power armor? What makes it so cool?" She asked, wanting to keep him talking while she finished stiching up his head. She'd then apply a little bit of liquid bandage over the area before quietly reaching for her scanner to get a better look at whatever brain damage he might have incured.

"It is an Anthedon, the...same kind my...my dad trained me with." There was a long pause, saddness plain across Raph's face. "I miss him and Mother so much."

"Tell me about them," Ivory said, "What were they like?" She set the scanner down, there was a lot of swelling under he skull... but there was nothing to do about it right now. The pills she gave him would reduce that swelling and he would be ok in a few hours.... but if he fell asleep now he could end up with some real damange... not that she would let him know that. Instead, she focused on keeping him awake, distracting him with questions, her hands reaching just under his wings and applying a gentle pressure, her thumbs sliding outward along his back in a gentle massage.

"My dad...The Commander was...very strict, very commanding. The military... the military does that to you." He said placing a hand on his face. "He died saving me...us from the Yamatai." A tear started to well in his eye. "The other families called him weak for... for losing our home. They cast our family from grace." The tear fell, streaking across his face. "Then my... my mother disappeared. She left... me, alone. When I was only..." He placed his other hand on his face as another tear fell.

Ivory put her arms around him, warmly holding him from behind, "What happened after that? You seem to be doing alright for yourself now."

Raph started to shake. "They left me, alone. So I left them..." Another tear fell. "They dis...disowned me. I can never go back. I can never go back... home." He said as more tears fell.

"It can't all be sad, what was your best memory of them?" Ivory asked, moving around infront of Raphael and taking ahold of his hand, guiding him to stand up and come over towards the sofa.

Raph leaned against Ivory as she moved him to the sofa. "My 13th birthday...was the last time we... were all together. We had a... big party. Everyone came to celebrate. They... they were so happy to be with... me." He finished as het ploped down onto the couch.

Ivory would sit down next to him, "And we're all happy to have you here with us now." She would keep him where he was looking at her, so she could continue to monitor his eyes. She still wasn't confident about leaving him alone with himself at the moment,.. but maybe she could guide him towards happier thoughts, "Tell me, what type of cake do you like to have for your birthday?"

"Red velvet, that is...my favorite." he said looking at her. "To bad I forgot to get one today..." He said staring off into space.

"Why Red Velvet?" She asked, just trying to keep him talking, putting a hand on his cheek and turning him back to face her, moving just a bit closer, "You could have told us it was your birthday..."

He smiled and leaned into her hand. "I thought it ...didn't really matter. Everyone... had other stuff to... do." He replied

"We would make time," She said, running her hand down the side of his face slowly, "... What kind of ice cream goes with Red Velvet?"

"Mom... always made vanilla. It was good." He answered looking up at her. "I didn't think anyone would... care. No one has... for a long time. Maybe Uso..."

"Well, I don't have home made Vanilla, but I do have some store bought vanilla... How about I get you a bowl?" She asked, gently putting her hands on his shoulders to lean him back against the sofa as she got up and went towards the kitchen again... getting out the ice cream, a bowl, and this time remembering to grab the ice pack. "Is Uso the first woman to take intrest in you?"

He nodded. "She... was the first person... that made me feel like I mattered. She was the first person that has ever... made me feel like more than an... instrument of war. Than just a killer." He said taking a bite of ice cream. "You, are... the second." He said tilting his head and smiling at her.

"Lean forward a bit," She said, gently placing the ice pack against the back of his head again, "Hard to belive a girl never took intrest in you... you're pretty cute... what's your flaw? Snore in your sleep? Leave the toliet seat up?" She said, teasing him good naturedly.

Raphael laughed a bit at that. "I just never tried. I never took leave and only stayed... in my bunk when I was off duty. No body wanted to hang out with an... Elysian. Only when I joined the IPG did I make some friends. They are the closest thing to family I have. That is... until I met Uso and you."

"And your IPG friends never brought you ice cream?" Ivory asked, "I'm a bit dissapointed thats all I have for you... is there something else you'd like for your birthday?"

"I never told them... when it was." He said taking another bite of the ice cream. "I haven't celebrated my birthday in so long... I don't know what else to do." He said looking up thinking what he wanted.

"Well... your speech is no longer slurring, I think the medicine is kicking in," Ivory said, taking the ice pack of the back of his head for a moment so she could check, "And the swelling has done down too... Looks like you'll make it to your next birthday with your brain intact!"

"And, here I thought... that today was just gonna be a normal day." He said running his hand along the back of his head feeling Ivory's handy work.

She tapped his hand with her own, "No touching," She insisted, though from what he could tell, the stiching was quite smooth and the liquid bandage made it feel like just a small, unbroken, lump on the back of his head.

"Thanks for the gift Ivory." he said pointing to the back of his skull. He leaned against her again. "I am so tired."

She put her arm around him, cuddling up and letting him rest his head against her chest, "No sleeping, not for a few more hours,... How about you tell me another story?"....
ON > Recently Purchsed F6 Freighter, Icefall

Uso dragged another pallet of supplies into the freighter through the ramp at the bottom before bringing it over to one of the spare rooms and throwing several inflatable mattresses in around it just to keep things sorta in place. It made the storage room look disorganized, but things certainly seemed to be staying put. There was really no space left between the walls and the cargo thanks to all the inflatables. She then grabbed her datapad and sent out a message to her crew, heading over to the main room on the ship. They had already thrown the table out, leaving it sitting on the frozen surface of the lake. They had left the sofas along either side of the main room, and buckled most of the power armors in. Her own was in the center of the room, and had a set of kitty-ear-looking loud speakers glued to the top of the helmit, while another had the head removed, and numerous wires sticking out.

"Hey, where is everyone? We're going to get headed out soon and I want to make sure we've got everything and everyone."

"Raphael and I are almost there, but I still want to keep an eye on him for a little while longer,"

There was the whine of aether from a small craft filrering in through the various opening on the F6 freighter. Then came a dull thump from the ceiling of the freighter and the creaking of the F6 settling on its heavy duty landing legs. Even there was a few sharp gunshot cracks as the cracked under neath the addition weight in one location. Then the whine of Aether generators died to be replaced by the frozen wind moaning through the other ships parked nearby looking forlorn and snuggled under their covering of snow and ice. Then came the thumping of someone walking on the roof of the F6 freighter. Scrapings of pre-placed cables filtered into the ship. Then it was quiet again.

Errowyn had landed her sleek battle-scarred Kawarime on the top of the freighter and powered down the craft. She jumped out of her craft and began the one person job of securing her fighter to the F6. Once that was done. She took off back to her leased Hanger for one more item, using her inate abilities. She shurgged mentally losing out on the rest of her lease. But At least she was enroute off this Iceball of Icefall. Reentering the open hanger bay, letting in the wind driven iceparticles and snow flurries.

The cold gave her incentive to strip down into a skinsuit. She packed away her clothing she was wearing, shivering in the freezing air and letting out little yelps as nasty wind blew ice particles on her exposed skin. Soon she was climbing with her back exposed to climb into her Daisy that had been riding shotgun in her EWO seat behind her. She sighed as the heaters came alive as the Daisy powered up. She checked her P.A out and smiled as everything came up green. She Arched her back a little and alinged the SPINE interface up and settled her back against them, feeling the little shocks as the connections were made. She closed up the armor, cutting off the biting wind.

Once everything was sealed up, she took off, leaving the interior of the hanger wide open to the elements. Letting the owners deal with the mess of the ice and building up snow where it shouldnt be. She had a ship to catch. But then she had no worries in missing it. Cause she was the pilot of the ship and definitely it wouldnt leave without her.

Raphael walked slowly and methodicly making sure to not to stress his wounds. The immediate effects of the concussion had worn off, but he still had trouble with his balance. Still, he requested that Ivory let him walk by himself and she reclutently let him take the lead. He made his way down the crowded streets to the hanger that was specified. After a while of walking he finally reached the hange. He walked inside and across the slick snow that was building up. He slowed his steps even more to make sure he didn't slip. As he walked his foot hit a small piece of ice and his step faultered. He caught himself and held out a hand to keep Ivory from carrying him the rest of the way.

He finally walked up the ramp of the ship and passed his new armor. He patted the shoulder of the armor as he walked past it and made his way inside. As he walked he managed to see Errowyn. He cleared his throat and called out to her. "You the pilot of this piece of crap?"

Errowyn was securing the last straps to her Daisy Power Armor. She looked over at the man that spoke to her. "No... It is the little fighter on top we are going to take. I wouldn"t be caught dead in this flying coffin." Giving him a grin to let him know she was just pulling his leg. "Of course. You think Her Highness is knows how to fly? Besides a bed?" Grining at Raphael. "Welcome board the Royal Express."

He tilted his head and smirked. "The Royal Express? Y'all couldn't have thought of a better name?" He said as he walked up to her. "Is everything locked down?" He asked

"My stuff is all secured. I just arrived about fifteen minutes before you guys showed up." She stepped away from her armor. "This ship has no name still, except what the last owner called it before being sold from the Planetary Impound. And from what I have been told. You are going to conquar a planet."

"I can neither confirm nor deny with out the empress's approval." He sayed coyly. "Speaking of her royal highness, where is she?"

"Cargo hold blowing up air mattresses," Errowyn giving a soft giggle. spotting Ivory. She gave her a nod and turned her attention back to Raphael. "The small cabin near the bridge of this ship is mine. Get your stuff stowed if you have anything and let Uso know you are onboard so we can depart this iceberg."

Raphael saluted in mock fashion. "Aye aye Captian Errowyn." he grinned. "My stuff should have been delivered. My clothes and weapon should already be here." He said moving to lock down his armor. "When her Highness gets here, send her my way." He said as he walked

"I am sure she will come a running when I fire this baby up." Errowyn gave a cursery glance at her power armor and then closed up outer cargo doors. "You know if there is anymore coming?" She called out to Raphaels back.

"We still have our demolitionist, and our PMC buddies who need to show up. But, they should be..." At this the thunderous sounds of feet could be heard pounding out side, and a familiar voice calling out orders. "Lets go boys and girls! Get you shit stowed and get ready for take off!" As he said this ten people clad in Murr armor stormed into the ship and passed everyone. All except the last man to enter. Cyrus walked in after everyone and smiled at the pair. "Sorry we are late. Had to lock up the bar." He said, moving to examine Raphael. "Son, did you get the shit kicked out of you...again?" He asked.

Raphael stared back at the man. "That time on Fortuna does not count." He said as Cyrus examined the back of his head.

"Shit Raph. They clocked the shit out of you!" The man said stepping back. "Good thing our doc is worth he stuff."

Errowyn watched semi-wide eyed at the towering soldiers of both genders moved past her with purpose. She was the smallest and still in her skinsuit. Being 5 ft 3 inches. Cleary the smallest and looking more like a teenager than hotshot ace pilot. Once the rush ended she quickly unslung the bag off the pristine Daisy. She could feel the eyes upon her in a very lustfull manner. as the Soldiers rushed by to get secured where ever they could find room. She darted towards the front of the ship and up the ladders to the upper levels of the Neppy F6 freighter. Maybe she should have set the passive security on her armor. She stopped long enough in her cabin to put on her everyday clothing and Bomberjacket.

Errowyn left her small cabin and locked it behind her so no strays would try to claim it. She went to the bridge of the F6 and settled in the pilots seat. She began the pre-flights and powering up ships systems for launch. The running lights on the exterior began to flash alerting ships nearby that this one was getting ready to launch. The Ice thrummed from the vibrations emminations from the F6 sitting there in anticapation of the upcoming launch.

Meanwhile, while everyone had been loading up the new F6 freighter, the mini neko, Tenryu Haruhi, had been absent from all the tiresome manual labor. She had mentioned something to Uso about having to go ger her things for this job before zipping off. Now outside the distinctive sound of a ship approaching could be heard through the hull of the F6. Soon the ship came into view, ducking out of the cloud layer, a battered looking Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner painted overall dark gunmetal gray with blue trim and a demons face on the forward hull. The ship did a slow loop around where the other larger freighter was landed, before it extended its own landing gear and settled down onto the thick ice of the frozen lake. As the ship powered down, steam billowed from its engines as hot gasses met cold air.

A minute later the boarding ramp dropped down from the port side of the disk shaped ship's underside and Haruhi floated out, clad in her pink fuzzy cold weather gear. The pink puff ball miandered her way over to the F6 and up through its own access ramp, looking for the others.

"Heeyyyyyyy! I'm baaaaaaaack!" she announced.

"Raphael turned to see the mini enter the ship. He smiled and held out his hand. "Hello little Haruhi."

Haruhi 'high fived' Raphael's finger. "Whats up, boo?" she asked as she then slipped off her pink fuzzy earmuffs.

Raph shrugged. "Oh you know, just fighting off a concussion and all."

"Seee, this is why you don't let people hit you on the head!" Haruhi commented and floated up to pat pat Raphael on the top of his head, like one would when comforting a pet dog.

Errowyn heard the high pitched voice of a mini-neko. ~~This crew is getting weirder and weirder...~~ She turned her attention back to the helm, watching the power levels rise to meet the demands that would soon be placed upon it. All she needed was the go ahead from Uso to resume the process for launching.

Raph grummbled as he picked up Haruhi and held her in front of him. "Please don't do that little Haruhi." He said setting her back down on his shoulder like one would do with a pet bird.

"Heyyyyy!" she squeaked as she was plucked out of the air. She waved her little arms and legs until she was set down on Raphael's shoulder. "Soooo whats everyone up too? All packed and ready to go?" she asked.

Raphael tapped Haruhi on the head with his index finger gently. "I am ready to get this show on the road. "We are waiting on her Highness though." He said looking at Cyrus.

"Ragnarok is ready to go. The boys and girls are getting set up and ready to roll." Cyrus nodded, looking at the exchange between Raph and the mini. "When did you get a soft side?" He asked playfully.

"Same time you got discharged." Raph countered.

Haruhi made a biting motion at Raphael's finger, though she didn't really make any attempt to bite him. "Well, I got my boat with all my junk on it" she announced. "SPace for other passengers too, unless you're all packed in comfy here...and where's Uso? She and I need to talk about a PA for me on this little adventure" she went on, eyes darting about, looking for their fearless leader.

Errowyn came from bridge and leaned on the door frame and watched the interplay between Raphael, Cyrus and the mini. "Everyone secured?" She was looking directly at Cyrus.

"Yes ma'am. My people have their shit stowed and ready to go. They have taken up residence in the cargo hold. Something about watching their equipment." He replied

"I hope so. The weather is going to make for a rough launch. Blizzard conditions coming up. If Her Highness, Uso dont show up. We are gonna be shoveling this ship out from under the snow and ice." Errowyn spoke in her soft manner.

"I can always set up some thermite to take care of the snow...." Haruhi commented with a devilish grin on her tiny lips

"We would have to tie a string to you to prevent you from being blown away by the gale force winds expected." Errowyn gave rueful smile to Haruhi.

Raphael tapped Haruhi on the head again. "I got the little one."

Haruhi scrunched up her face as she was head patted again. "Heyyyy, don't make me rig your bunk to explode!" she threatened, mockingly.

He smiled "You like me to much to do that." he laughed

"Im going to launch while we got decent weather." Errowyn stepped back onto the bridge. "She can catch a shuttle up to the ship. We launch in five minutes." She called over her shoulder.

"Guh, guess I'm goin back out into the cold" the mini neko said and threw her arms up. She still did not have her candy filled power armor, this made her not happy. She needed candy. "Anyone wanna hang out on the cool ship, while we wait for Uso?" she asked as she kicked in her anti grav andf floated off Raphael's shoulder.

"I'm back here!" Uso yelled, putting her finishing touches on securing the remaining cargo, while Ivory came up into the ship with two large duffel bags. "That's everyone right?" She asked.

Ivory would quickly head towards one of the rooms, seeking to claim it for herself and turn it into something that at least looked like a medical bay, "I was the last one out there, we should be good to go."

Uso would then look over at the mini-neko, "You ridin with us and leaving your ship on auto-pilot? Or are you going to follow us Smalls?"

"Autopilot with no crew aboard?" Haruhi waved her tiny arms. "Hell no! I'm flyin!" she said. "That's why I was asking if anyone wanted to come hang out on my ship" she shrugged and stuck out her tongue.

Raphael smiled. "I will walk you to your ship little Haruhi." He said plucking her out of the air again.

Errowyn settled in and strapped herself into the seat as she fired the F6 main propulsion systems and began to activate the ships anti-gravs to assist in taking off. She was already in contact with the Icefall Tower.

"Guhh!" Haruhi squeaked again as she was again plucked out of the air. She swing her little fists at Raphael's fingers, missing them. "Fiiiiinneeeeeeeeeee!"

Raphael smiled. "I will be right back." He said putting Haruhi back on his shoulder again. He slowly walked down the ramp and over to her ship.

"Ugh, IVORY! GO KEEP SMALLS COMPANY!" Uso shouted as she headed towards the cockpit, taking a seat behind Errowyn, "I'm glad you're flying this and not me. Not sure I'd know what to do if the auto-pilot turned off..." She said, pausing for a moment as if she was lost deep in thought,

"Crap, should I be saying something like Engage? or LAUNCH or like... counting down?"

"What ever you desire, Highness," Errowyn responded as she was more focused on her job. Working the controls. The ship strained at the leash and slifd a little under a sudden gust of wind. If Raphael didnt return soon, he would be riding with the mini-neko.

Ivory would sigh, and then turn around, leaving the ship for the biting cold of Icefall to take her bags over to Haruhi's ship. All in all, it might be a lot more comfortable than spending time in close quarters with Ragnarok, "Hey, Haruhi, Do you have a room I could use on your ship?"

"Oh yeah, cabin 2 is open for guests!" the little neko replied as she darted about her ship once she had been deposited by Raphael. "Cabin 1 is mine and 3 is..well just don't go into three" she said with a shrug as she zipped back to the engineering compartment to make sure the engine heaters were still on.

Raphael smiled and waved at the mini. "Bye little Haruhi. See ya Ivory." He said hurrying back to get on the freighter.

"Hang on!" Errowyn spoke through the ships P.A system.

Raphael walked up the ramp as the ship started to take off and slammed the cargo ramp shut behind him.

Soon as the light turned green for the ramp stowed and the outer hatch closed, she hit full thrusts, with the wind on her tail. The F6 shot across the ice towards the cluster of building on the shoreline. Working the controls, soon lifted the nose up towards the sky, missing a few rooftops of the building she thundered over as the ship clawed for the sky into the grey haze of the clouds. The ship shook and shuddered through the turbent air till finally breaking free into the brillant sunlight as they gain altitude. And the sky before them turned black with pinpricked stars.

Haruhi sealed up her ship and floated into the small bridge. There, she settled into her command chair. The bridge of her ship had been heavily modefied. While it still retained much of it's original hardware, the pilot's station had been rebuilt to me a miniature version of the bridge, with a mini sized command chair behind a mini version of the pilot's controles and consoles. She had, for her, a vast expanse of volumetric displays wrapping around the space in front of her command area, showing ships systems, sensor feeds and views from various external cameras on the ship's outer hull.

"Blast off!" she announced loudly as she dropped into the chair and slapped several control switches and levers. The ship shuddered as it's counter grav kicked in, lifting it off the ice. The ship rotated to a heading to follow the F6 before she retracted landing gear and goosed the throttles up to power, sending the disk shaped light transport into the sky.

"Alright you two, sending over the flight plan now. I'm planning to make a short stop in deep space just so we can make sure we're not being followed... shouldn't add too much time to the trip. We've got a few hours to get our gear ready... I'd go over the plan too but I'm really just winging it." Uso broadcasted her quick speech over her datapad as she watched out the front viewscreen, leaning over towards Errowyn before adding, "Once we get there, lets get a low orbit going and start surveying the surface. Find the biggest city there and a good landing spot nearby."
During the layover in space.

Errowyn, laid on her bunk in her small cabin, near the bridge. She was wearing her skinsuit that had the opening in the back for the SPINE interface. She was reading the manuel on the F6 to be really more familiar with it. Since she had to fly it manually, insterad of through the SPINE like her Kawarime. Her Bomber Jacked draped over the chair with the back facing the doorway, exposing the growling Sabertooth Tiger on the back. Her normal clothing was folded neatly nearby with her maryjanes beside her bunk.

Cyrus Marshal had slipped his men and was wandering around the ship, looking for Errowyn... Over the course of the trip, Errowyn might have noticed the side long glances he threw her way, or the way he started acting like a gentelman when she appeared. Either way, Cyrus decided to take a chance and talk to her. He took a deep breath and knocked on the entrance to her room. "Excuse me, do you mind if I come in?"

Errowyn looked at the door when it opened. She had forgotten to turn off the outside sensor which triggered the door to open. "Ok." She was warey of him as she moved very gracefully, moving her neatly folded clothing from the chair and placing it on the desk. "Have a seat." She spoke softly in a pleasant voice, almost as if she was purring. She settled back on her very neatly made bunk in a serious shipboard military fashion. There wasnt much of her personal stuff to be sean. Just what she need was out and visible.

Umm, thank you..." he said. His one cybenetc eye turning as red as his face was. He sat down on the chair turning towards her. "Thanks for letting me in. I, uh, need to hide from the guys." He silently cursed himself then added. "Plus I really wanted to talk with you. I hadn't gotten a chance to yet, and you seemed preety cool..." He said as his cybernetic arm rubbed the back of his head.

"Id-Sol." She spoke Identifying him as a Neppy Soldier. "You retired?" In a voice that held no rebuke, nor snooty towards him, but with a trace of curiosity.

He laughed. "No not ID-SOL. Just cyborg." He said showing off his cybenetic arms and eye. "I was forceibly discharged after I struck some up and coming Lt. who thought sending my men at a heavily entrenched postion was a good idea." He said leaning back in the seat, relaxing a bit.

"Fortunes of war." She shrugged, Her emerald eyes lost a bit of focus that veteran fighters have that seen heavy action, either on the ground or in the skies. Even though she probaly looked like someones beauty pageant grade daughter. "I gotten separated from ship during the Misth wars. Unfortunately... we are programed for that type of action. But then... " She flioundered for words which caused her cat ears to wiggle a bit.

Cyrus moved and sat next to her. He drapped his arm across her shoulders. "Hey... I understand..." He said looking at her. "I lost my arms and eye in the first waves against the Misths. I understand." He said pulling her in close.

Errowyn wiggled deftly and stood up and moved to the chair he just vacated. She was skittish and was obvious that she wasnt used to close contact to anyone. "So....Uso hired you and your troops to tag along on this endeavour?

Cyrus shot up. "I... I am so sorry. I...I didn't mean too..." He said fumbling for words. His face turned beat red and he started rubbing the back of his head. "Uh, yeah. I know Raphael and he knows Uso so he lined us up with the job..." Cyrus said not bring his eyes up to her's feeling bad for making Errowyn uncomfortable.

For a brief quick minute, her eyes went unfocused and her lips moved as if speaking to someone, which caused her to turn bright red. When her eyes refocused, the red flush began to fade quickly. Unsure how to proceed. "you have your own powered armor." Trying to regain her equilibrim.

Cyrus looked at her as she turned red and staired off into space. As she came back down to reality and made her statement, Cyrus tilted his head. "Ms. Errowyn? Are you okay?" he asked scanning her face for anymore signs.

"I am fine. I was in communication with 5." Errowyn spoke quickly. Bit to quickly as if she was hiding something. "5 detected an anomoly, but it is gone now." Giving him a soft smile, hoping he would drop the subject.

Cyrus looked even more confused. "5?" he said sitting back down. "Who, or what is 5?" He asked

"My ship." Errowyn spoke more sure of herself. But then he didnt know about the fighter riding piggyback on the F6. But then he saw her near her Daisy when his herd of soldiers boarded and rushed by.

"So... you are linked to the ships systems?" He asked stroking his chin. "But, why did you turn so red? I have seen Nekos do that before, but they have never turn as beat red as you just did..." He asked, concerened about her.

"More ways than you would believe." She blushed again as she quirmed. "There is two of your troops .... huh... having a ..... tryst on the bridge. I just hope they dont accidently hit any of the controls. And tell your troops to quit pawing my Daisy, please." Being polite.

He stood again. "I am so sorry." He said radioing the pair in the bridge and yelling at them to get their asses back in the hold. He did the same with the ones messing with the daisy. He sighed. "Ms. Errowyn, I am sorry about them, and I am sorry for bugging you. I will, uh, just see myself out." He said slowly turning to leave.

Errowyn stood up. "Huh.. Tag along. I was about to get something from the kitchen." She slipped on a skirt over her skinsuit and a shirt. "You guys probably never really got a close look at my Daisy. Compared to the crap that Uso has on hand for you guys." She moved passed him, towards the exit of the small cabin. She lead the way to the kitchen. As he could see, her cabin door was right near the bridge access way.

Cyrus mummbled an okay as he followed behind her. 'Shit. This is going horribly...' he thought as he walked. 'I have totally screwed this up.' He looked up as the pair entered the kitchen.

She moved to the pantry and grabbed enough stuff for sandwiches for the both of them. She deftly fixed them. Simple with meats sliced thinly and leaf lettuce sandwiches. Simple yet filling. She served him his and took hers to the nearby table to eat them. "What you getting out of this deal?" She looked at him with her vibrant emerald eyes and her black hair gleaming with a bluish tinge.

Cryus thanked her for the sandwich and sat down. When she started to speak he looked up, getting captavated by her emerald eyes. He was in mid thought about how beautiful she was when remembered that she had asked something. "Oh, um, we are getting 15% or so of the resources sold here plus letting us build a base and get new recruits here as well." he answred quickly.

"I am contracted to transport her and her troops to a planet. Then renegotiate the contract if she wants to retain my services as a fighter pilot for air superiority and to provide quick back up for your troops on the ground." She spoke more confidently when talking military matters.

Cyrus gave her a half hearted smile. "Awesome, I will look foward to calling down the thunder." Cyrus replied.

"I will need the frequency of your power armor so that I can listen in. Hellcat is my callsign." Errowyn spoke as she took another bite of her sandwich. Enough to chew, and easy to swallow if she needed to respond.

"Sure thing." He said also taking a bite of his sandwich. "Intresting callsign. My men used to call me Boss, back when I was enlisted. Some of my men now call me that as well, but..." He trailed off thinking about each of them rolling his eyes. "They are quite a handfull."

"I was getting to the point where I was beginning to lead other pilots into combat. I was a bit wild at times." She smiled one of them goofy grins that was obviously natural. "I even landed on the hull of the Misths Battleships" She even actualy gave a soft purrrrr that eminated from her as her eyes sparkled in delight and pride of her accomplishments.

Cyrus actually choked. "You did what? You landed on a battleship? That is insane!" He exclaimed. He stared deep in her eyes, seeing the glint of pride. "That is amazing Errowyn." he replied. "I have never done anything really worthy of note." He said thinking back on his own career.

She reached out and took one of his metal hands that was free, "You did one thing that was worthy and worthwhile. First you were there to stop the bad guys from attacking the innocent. Second thing that is noteable is you survived to pass on your knowledge to those that follow in your footsteps." Her voice softened as she made eye contact with him.

As Errowyn grabbed Cyrus's hand, he stiffened. He blushed and turned away. "No, I just did what anyone would have done. They needed to be stoped so I did my part. Just a small cog in an even larger machine." He said looking back up at her. "I have never done anything as amazing as you..." He said looking away again.

"My first forray in ground actuion. Even with a Daisy. I was a super clutz and let my team down." She bowed her head, eyes downcast in shame. "At least you was there to make a difference and didnt let your team down like I did."

"Hey..." he said softly stroking her hand. "If I have learned anything as an NCO is that, as long as you gave your all, and did everything in your power to complete your mission, then you didn't let them down Errowyn." He looked deeply into her eyes. "You are a brave soldier, and a hell of a pilot. We all make mistakes on the battlefeild, and there are consquences, but you have to let go of what you can't change." He said giving her an encouraging smile. "Be proud of yourself." He added

She nodded. "Afterwards I sought out help to master the Daisy. But never got the chance to prove myself in it." She finished up her sandwich. "I got to get some sleep. We will be exiting FTL in a few hours and I want to be well rested." She stood up. "What is your name. I am Errowyn." she had the look of remembering to ask his name and to intro herself.

Cyrus looked confussed for a moment, but it was soon replaced as he smiled and stood. "Cyrus Marshal. May I walk you back to your bunk?" He asked smiling.

"Sure," She smiled up at the taller man, Cyrus. "At least to the cabins door. You know there is a vacant cabin on this level for your use."

He smiled and held out his arm. "I would like that. May I?" He asked, offereing to escort her back to her room.

She took his arm in the way a lady would a gentleman. As they headed back up towards the bridge and her cabin, "cabin 6" Patting the door to the cabin as they passed it by. "We'll probably living on the ship till hostilities on the planet stops."

"You're probably right." He said as they passed the room. "Though I feel confident with you watching my back from the sky." He said winking at her.

"I will be doing my best. And hopefully the rest of your team." She looked up at Cyrus, coming to a stop at the access to the bridge and her cabin. She did a quick glance at the visible helm console at the backwards running clock, marking off the FTL Flight time.

He walked with her until they reached her cabin. "Here we are." He said hoping that this moment wouldn't end. He didn't want to let go but would as soon as Errowyn wanted to pull away. "So, how much time is left?" he asked, stalling for time.

"Seven hours and forty-three minutes left of flight. before we exit from FTL" Errowyn was stuck. As he was between her and her doorway to her cabin. "Huh.. excuse me." She stepped back only to be stopped by the wall behind her.

"Oh, I am sorry." He said stepping back to allow her to get to her room. "Goodnight Ms. Errowyn. It was nice to walk with you." He said blushing.

She thought it was cute the way he was reduced in his mannerism from the confident Warrior that was used to women falling to his charms. She recalled a few romance novels she had read in the past. This was usually the time for the kiss to happen. Since he was breaking the way the romance novels say it would happen. She reached up and grabbed his shirt front, levitating up his level and gave him a soft shy kiss.

Cyrus was stunned for a mere second. It all then melted away as he leaned in and kissed her back. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked her in the eyes. "I... uh...oh screw it." He said leaning back in and kissing her again.

She had a look of wonderment on her face, slightly flushed from his responce and when he kissed her again, She kissed back, quite inexperienced at it as her nose kept bumping into his. She let herself drop back to the deck, letting him go. "I-I.. uhu..er... need.. mmmm.. " She floundered bigtime as all sorts of feeling coursed through her making her squirm in a childish manner. "get.." turned bright red, "need .. huh.. bathroom.. yeah.. excuse me!"

He looked back at her with the exact same wonder and amazment. "Uhh. Okay...um...bye." He said as she slammed the door behind her.

"Sorry!" Came the muffled responce as it was an accident that the door slammed shut. Errowyn didnt know what to do. and was unsure of herself at the way her body responded to his kiss. She also felt something that wasn't there before in her pants either.

He blushed and leaned against the wall. 'Oh my... that was...' His mind was a jumble of thoughts as he to attempted to process what had just happened. He looked at her door. "Umm, are you okay?" He asked

"I am fine!" Errowyn replied through the door that was between them. "I think you should retire. Get some sleep. I need to be fresh.. I got to fly."

"Oh, sorry...um goodnight." He said staring at the door for a moment before he began walking down the hall towards his new cabin.


A few day later.

Cyrus was laying in his new bunk, he had finished running some drills with his soldiers to keep them sharp during transit. His beret was laying across his face as he snored softly. Everyone had gone to bed and was catching some much deserved sleep. Except for one...

Errowyn finished off checking the new course to their destination. Her mind drifted as she she worked unaware that the ship had fallen quiet and the majority on the ship were off in their own little worlds of the mind and rest. She stood and stretched then made her way through the F6 to the mess for a meal. She pretty much kept hereslf scarce, unless it was to talk with Raphael or Uso. She entered the ships mess and began to make herself a meal before retiring to her cabin.

Cyrus stired as he heard someone walking down the hall. He went to sit up but banged his head against the rack above his. "Shit!" He cried as he held his hand to his head. He slid out of his bunk and attempted to mive to his door, when he tripped and fell. "Son of a..." He didn't finish his statment as he hit the floor. He sighed, considering whether or not to just stay there on the floor.

She glanced up at the ceiling of the mess, hearing the muffled thumps from the Senior Crew Cabins. She gave a soft giggle as she finish up her sandwich and was now digging around in the fridge for something to drink. What was left didnt give her much choice. She grabbed what was left the fruit juice, slamming the fridge door shut.

Cyrus stood and opened his door. He decided it would probably be good to go get a pain killer for his headache. He walked down and into the galley to grab something to drink when he ran into Errowyn. "Oh, hey there Errowyn." He said slidding just close enough so that he brushed past her as he grabbed some water. "What are you still doing up?" He asked turning to look at her.

"Plotting the new course to our destination." She glanced up from her book she was reading as she ate her sandwich and drinking the last of the juice. "Was hungry." She looked at him as she studied his features.

"I see." He said noticeing that she was staring at him. He tilted his head and stared back. "Is there something on my face?" He asked playfuly as he took another sip of water.

"You have blood dripping down the side of your head," She stated calmly. Not squeamish at all. She was all business like, her hair was loose and fell in curly waves down. Typical shirts that was loose and semi-hid her physique and shipboard uniform pants of the Yammie Army. "Have a round with the top bunk?" Her eyes sparkled mischeiviously in the ambient light.

He touched the side of his head to find a small trickle of blood. "Oh, hell" He said as he attempeted to find something to clean his head with. His black hair was matted from his nap and his uniform was disheveled from sleeping in it. "Oh, this one has jokes" He retorted as he continued to reach for something to wipe away the blood.

"Here," She tossed him her napkin that her sandwich had rested upon. "I shoulda warned ya about the cramped spaces on a ship." She wiped her hands on her pants legs.

He caught the napkin and held pressure to his head. "All well. Those bunks are quite comfy actually." He said as he straightend his uniform, seeing how wrinkled it looked. He held the napkin in place till the blood stopped then placed his beret back on his head. "How do I look now?" He asked spreading his hands.

"Much more human." She gave him a smile, "They are concidering the cabins are designed for the shipboard officers. What was with all thumping around the ship? Sounded like a stampede at times."

"Oh, I was running drills with my men down in the cargo hold earlier. But, that was awhile ago..." He said drifting off in thought. He then blushed as he thought what other thumping she could have been hearing. He laughed the nervousness away as he drank more water. He finished it off and put the glass away. "You about to turn in for the night?" He asked trying to change the subject.

Errowyn had moved from her seat to dispose of the empty carton and replace it with a fresh one. "I'm planning to suit up and do a little eva to check up on my other craft." She pointed towards the top of the F6 Freighter. "My craft, 5, is riding piggybacvk and need to check on him." She moved to grab e-note book which had a lot of star-navigation squiggles and icons on it. "To see how well 5 faring."

"Oh, sounds like fun." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Hey, would it be okay if I tagged along? I have never actually done an eva before." He asked. He wanted to spend more time with her and if he had to throw his ass out into space he would do it.

She mentally facepalmed as she didnt want to be stuck with him. But she would be the one to cover his team and his cute butt from the air if the natives had any surprises that Uso intel reports had missed."Sure. Just make sure you dont remove the tether. I would hate to have to chase ya down." She motioned him to follow her through the ship.

"I don't know, I might like that." He teased as he followed her through the ship.

Several minutes later the two were floating out in space as they moved to check on 5. If Errowyn was paying attention to Cyrus, she would notice that he was a tad frightened to be out in open space. He tried to hide it, but it was easy to see.

Errowyn did noticed his body language and subtly helped him maneuver to the top of the F6 Freighter where her Kawarime sat hull to hull and with cables that were designed for securing heavy objects and or towing other ship in space. "What a view." She spoke softly over the radio link between them. The Kawarime looked beat up with its battle scarred exterior. It has seen some heavy fighting, yet it was taken care of. Just iunder the canopy was her Rank : Joto-Hei : then her last name followed by "HellCat" then her first name. It still had the markings of the Famed 21st Fighting Diamond logo and a big 5 on the top of the nose and one of the tail fins. It still had it missile pods for assorted missiles. But it was nearly empty. A lot open slots in the missile pod that sat hooked up underneath the main wings.

"Plant yourself on the F6 hull. And activate the magnets in your boots." She floated up and drifted to her Kawarime, coming to a stop and settling on the wing. She opened a panel and connected her e-notebook to her fighter.

Cyrus was terrifed. 'Shit this was stupid!' he thought as he did as Errowyn told him to and planted himself on the F6. "Yeah...nice view." He said as he consentrated on breathing slowly and deliberitly.

Once the e-notebook was connected, she typed in a few commands and then let the notebook float in space as she moved gracefully obver her fighter, inspecting it. Several minutes later she had done the complete check of the exterior. "Quite a different perspective?" She spoke to him via radio as she came back into view. She looked at him to see if he was still there and didnt float off.

Cyrus was standing very still, his hands wrapped around his tether for dear life. "Yep, very... eye opening." he said as he looked up at her. All he wanted to do was spend time with her, but didn't relize until just then how much he hated space.

Errowyn moved to the floating e-notebook and disconnected it. Closing the panel, she spoke again. "Head back to the air lock. release the magnets in your boots and just pull yourself along the tether, like if you was climbing a rope." She floated down next to him.

"Okay..." He said relasing his mag boats. He began to float upwards and started to pull on the rope. 'I am gonna die...' is all he thought as he pulled himself along. He methodicly placed one hand infront of the other to make sure he didn't let go. After several minutes of this the pair was getting dressed back into their normal clothes. "Remind me to never do that again.." He said as he put his beret on again.

Once safely back in the ships airlock and ship. She gave a soft laugh. "Dont feel bad. My first time on a EVA was pure disaster." She had changed into her clothes without the concerns of modesty, showing off her lithe feminine form. Till properly dressed. She grabbing her e-notepad and moving back through the ship to the lounge.

"Yeah, but that was still bad." He said as he looked up at her from the couch in the lounge. He sighed as he rubbed the side of his head. "Man that cut still hurts."

"Should go wake up your teams medic to get it check out." She had curled up in her seat and was going through the data she gleaned from her Kawarime.

"Nah, then I wouldn't get to hang out with you. Your more fun." He replied as he moved closer to her.

"I'll still be here." She spoke, more focused at looking at the data scrolling across the e-notebooks screen. "5 faring quite well. Concider shes a carrier based ship."
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