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RP: 188604 [188604] 17: Afterwards: Raphael

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Raphael's Room:

Raphael layed in his bed, resting after the events of the storm. After he had a Mt. dropped down ontop of him, several of his ribs were fractured. One of his legs was twisted in the wrong direction, and he lost a lot of blood. But, he was still alive. His senses slowly returned to him one by one. First he could hear the machines monitoring. One of them chimmed as he slowly gained conscienceness. Second to come was his sense of touch, and damn it if he didn't hurt. When the Mt. fell ontop of them, he had been closest to the explosin. It was a mircale he had surived such a blow like that. His armor was in pieces, completly unrecoverable. He groaned as he tried to move around. He was greeted with fresh waves of pain. "Damn it all." He said over cracked, dry lips.

"You know, you're never going to have kids if you get yourself blow up." Ivory said, gently placing a hand on his arm, applying a soft, steady, pressure, "You're still alive. We didn't even have to restore your mind from backups. Most of the damage is repaired, but you're going to need some time for your body to get used to all the new tissue... and for us to treat the heavy metal poisoning from the nanomachine medications."

Raphael's eyes slowly opened to look at Ivory. Once he recgonized her he smiled. "Well, it was either that or let a Mt drop ontop of the city. I'd make that trade again if I had to." He said smileing slightly as he left her push him back down. He shakily brought a hand up and placed it over her's. "Did everyone else make it?" He asked, closing his eyes again.

"We have plenty of everyone else's." Uso said, her voice coming from the corner, where she was seated, reviewing something from a datapad, "But you did do a good job. We would have lost a lot of the Ragnarock someone else's."

"She's glad you're ok," Ivory added.

Raphael gave a slight chuckle. "It's good to see you too your highness." He said opening his eyes to look over at her. He smiled over at her, before returning his head to the pillow. "Though Cyrus won't be happy I destroyed his project." He said looking at Uso.

"His people lived... they'll just be unhappy until we can dig them all out." Uso said dismissively, still focused on her pad, taking her eyes off it for a moment to look over at him, then returning down to the pad.

Ivory would reach behind Raphael, fiddling with something behind him for a moment, his body feeling a warm, numbing sensation, "How's that?" Ivory asked.

Raphael shrugged, knowing he wasn't going to get anymore out of her. Then he felt the a nice heat course from his IV site across his body. "That's good... Codine or Morphine?" He asked as the pain began to subside.

"Nanomachine treatment, we're dulling the pain signals right as they reach the neck rather than messing with your blood chemistry. We're already having to filter out heavy metals." Ivory said, placing a hand on his shoulder,

"You should be up and about in a few hours. We need you operational sooner rather than later," Uso said, "Lewis is still out there, and we have more than one crew member chomping at the bit for their own little kingdom."

Raphael frowned at Uso's new revalation. "So we need to reign them in? Or do we need to just keep an eye on them?" He asked slowly sitting up to look at her. "Who wants to do this?" He asked, his brain now swimming with questions.

"You could let him rest a bit," Ivory said, turning her attention to Uso for a moment.

"He can rest when he's dead," Uso replied,

"He will be if you keep this up..."

"Don't you have other patients?"

"Not right now"

Raphael growled. "Enough." He said tiredly. He looked over at Uso. "Just send me a detailed afteraction report." He said laying his head back. He sighed a threw a quick glance at Ivory. "I'll be okay. I probably need to start putting out fires as soon as posible anyway." He said looking over to his nightstand, where he kept his datajockey. He contemplated if he really wanted to work right now. He decided against the idea and just rested his head. "I'll look in a minute." He muttered.

Uso would get up and head for the door, leaving the two of them alone.

"Just get some sleep for now. You can take a day off after having a mountain fall on you." Ivory said.

Raphael just sighed as Uso walked out. "Was I being rude?" He asked as held out his hand for Ivory to take.

"Uso was," Ivory replied, holding his hand. "You're still recovering."

"Is..." Raphael looked thoughtful for a moment. "Is she upset, about us?" He asked.

"Maybe a little... maybe not. Uso doesn't really.... emote." Ivory said, adding a small laugh, "Besides, if she was that upset about it I'm sure she'd make a move"

"I really am just tired of trying to figure it out, especially when she is going around trying to do it with Arcoss and Errowyn." He looked up to her. "Besides, I am happy being with you." He said with a smile.

Ivory didn't say anything for the moment, content to just hold Raph's hand while he laid there. "It... can be a bit demanding at times. She expects people she works closely with to have a sorta... understanding with her. No... that isn't a great explanation... " Ivory had to think about it for a moment. "It is more like being in a band, she expects everyone to know the song and be able to improvise as they go along. Not many people can keep up."

Raphael just went quiet. He really didn't know what he should say. He sighed and closed his eyes. After a few seconds he finally broke his silence. "Okay, I think I understand." He said eyes still closed.

"Your local friend also seems to have survived... the two of you should both be up and moving by the time we reach Nepleslia." Ivory patted him on the shoulder, and then pulled up a chair so she could sit down near him.

"Why exactly are we headed out there?" He asked looking over to her.

"I think you may be able to figure that out better than I can." Ivory said, "... She doesn't tell me where we're going most of the time, just that she needs me somewhere."

Raphael shrugged. "Considering I was burried and just woke up, not much to go on." He answered. "But, if I had to guess, we are picking up new people and supplies." He said as he reached over for his datajockey. "I need a damn vacation." He muttered as he tried to figure out all that was going on.

"The best I can do for you is a few hours on Nepleslia, but I hear not all of it is terrible.... Plus Uso paid out the first of everyone's payment while you were out." Ivory said.

"Yay. At least I got paid for dropping a mountian on myself." He said only half joking. "What would be nice is a week of not getting shot at, nearly killed by damn locals, or having everyone pissed off at me. After awhile it gets to be annoying."

"Not getting shot at, and not getting killed by the locals... Maybe Nepleslia isn't the best place for us to be going to," Ivory couldn't help but smile at her own little joke, "Now how about you go to sleep for a bit? I promise I'll wake you up when you're ready to move around."

Raphael sighed, slumping down in his bed. "Not much else to do, plus I really don't feel like working." He said as he placed his head on the pillow and gently tossed his datajockey onto the nightstand.


~ 10 hours later, Nepleslia,

Ivory and Raph found themselves in a nice hotel with a large bed... a large shower... and a large window overlooking the large pool and the atmospheric dome that made the entire place really feel like a bit of paradise transplanted into the heart of Funky City. Of course, the posh decoration had almost immediately been ruined by Ivory, as she took a bunch of the blankets and pillows from the bed to make a little nest by the view screen so they could watch movies... the woman currently cuddled up next to Raphael as the last bit of their current flik came to an end.

Raphael, having recovered from his wounds, sat there holding Ivory as the movie ended. He smiled down at her as it ended, giving hher a small peck on the cheek. There mini vacation was doing Raph some good. He was relaxed and very content at the moment. "What to watch next?" He asked, a small smile spread across his face.

"Horror? Adventure? Drama?" She asked, happy to nuzzle into the warmth Raphael was providing, "Or maybe we should just order some room service... We've got enough money to make them send up anything you want... we could get creative..."

Raphael smiled. "Sure, lets have them bring us up something good." He said reaching for the comm device so he could call downstairs. "Well? Buy out all their food or?" He asked jokingly

"Even with all the medical nanomachines in the world I think THAT would make me fat... How about lets start with strawberries and cream?" Ivory asked.

"Sure, what ever you want." He said as he ordered up strawberries and cream, and a bottle of wine. Once all the ordering was done, he rested his head on hers and smiled. "Hope they dont take to long. I want that bottle of wine." He said as his hand rubbed her hand.

"You're going to stop trying to get yourself killed right?" Ivory asked, her voice sounding more than a bit concerned.

He looked down at her. He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I am going to stop trying to get myself killed." He said holding her just a bit tighter. "What's wrong Ivy? Somethings been bugging you." He said. This time it was his turn to look concerned.

"You've been really depressed lately, and I'm worried you're going to return to that state when you get back to work." She replied.

He placed his hand on her chin and raised her face to meet his. "I will be fine. I am much better now than I was. Things will get harder, but all I can do is keep placing one foot in front of the other." He kissed her. "And make sure that I have someone their to catch me when I fall." He whispered.
Raphael laid in his room at the palace. It was the final day before they left the planet for a scouting mission against the old enemy. He just finished packing his armor, weapons and personal items. Though there was very few of the latter. He also was bringing along some of his troops to get a handle on being analysts. No better training like on the job training, Everything was done and now it was time for some r&r.

"Hey Raph, want to come and eat with us?" Ivory asked, knocking on the door and sticking her head into his room, still dressed in her white lab coat, pulled tightly around her midsection.

Raph looked up from his bed to see Ivory's face staring down at him. "Sure..." He said rolling off his bed, and moving to follow Ivory.

Ivory would grab ahold of Raph's arm and pull him towards one of the remaining rooms of the palace. A tarp was up over a partially charred wall, and there still seemed to be sand all over the place. In the center of the room Uso and Vier were both sitting down, eating, a map spread out over the main table. Someone had set out a bowel of fruits and cheese, along with some meat-packets from their MREs.

"You can't filter the 235 out any faster?" Uso asked, grabbing what looked like a grape and chomping it down, seed and all.

"I have two junker drones, if you want me to produce any faster I would need to spend more time building more drones." Vier replied in a steady tone, the woman sitting there, dressed in two tones of grey, she looked to be only about 18, and seemed to have quite the easy time not getting rilled up by Uso's excessive personality.

"Come on... can't we just have a nice meal together before we all run off?" Ivory asked.

Raphael looked at those assembled and stopped on the newcomer. He turned to Uso first. "Evening Ms.Uso." He said smiling as he nodded to her. He looked to Vier and nodded. "I don't think we have had the pleasure of meeting. My name is Raphael Castiel, and you are?" He asked giving a slight smile.

"Vier," She replied, "I..."

"She's gonna win us some wars!" Uso said, quiet loudly, the other woman patiently waiting for Uso to finish, "You familiar with Drei? The Nep's AI system that ran their nation? She's the next iteration of that."

".... That is fairly close to the truth." Veir finally added in, turning her attention towards Raphael, "I am closer to a cyborg than an AI, though I have a gessault type mind split between all of my physical nodes. I like to think I have moved on from being just an operating system or just an awkward interface for people to use."

"Pluuuuus she's really good at killing people in space." Uso added, grinning widely.

Raphael nodded again. "Well it is a pleasure Ms. Vier. He moved with Ivory and sat down at the table. He grabbed a piece of fruit and took a bite. "Starting a war with the NMX. This is going to be interesting to say the least." He said between bites.

"You weren't very social as Drei either." Ivory said.

"Well, I like to think I have improved..." Vier said, still sounding fairly flat as she watched Ivory lean against Raphael from behind for a bit, while Uso just observed with a discreet glance as she went for another grape.

"You're not going to be too upset that I'm sending your boy-toy away are you?" Uso asked.

Ivory bit her lower lip for a moment, "Uh... only if he doesn't come back..."

Raphael smiled. "I'll come back. I should have died twice now. Something out there is watching out for me." He said looking up and winking at Ivory. "Plus it should be safe aboard the Necromancer. I will be acting as an analyst for the most part. Just collecting data." He said attempting to reassure Ivory. He then turned and looked over to Vier. "Will you be accompanying me Ms. Vier?" He asked.

"I have one of my bodies at the necromancer now, consulting with them regarding refits. That one will be accompanying you to the operations area." Veir replied.

"Oh come on.... don't be so dry," Uso said, grabbing another grape and tossing it up into the air, catching it in her mouth.

"I think you have enough wetness for the both of us," Veir responded,

"OOOhh... I think that was a dig at Uso." Ivory said, this time it was her turn to grin.

Raphael didn't respond. He just hid his smile behind a glass of wine. He set the glass down and nodded to Vier. "Speaking of the Necromancer. What do you know of this Hazel and Ulysses Werner? I have heard the name before but she is a new player to this game." He said sitting back in his chair.

"Nepleslian military, still fairly green but he will accept orders and has been able to successfully command a ship with my direction in the past." Vier replied,

"Well... what do you think of him as a person?" Ivory asked, tilting her head to the side a bit.

"He is.... bald?" Vier responded, forcing Uso to repress a laugh.

Raphael couldn't hide it this time and laughed. "Well I think that says a lot Vier." He said after recovering from his laughing fit.

Vier patiently waited, while Ivory sat down, and Uso leaned forward, "Oh come on... the old man didn't give you a sense of humor?"

"That is not intuitive for me Uso," Veir responded, "I did not have a childhood like Ivory, or pre-programed knowledge bases like you."

Raphael placed a subtle hand on Ivory's under the table. He smiled at her before turning back to the conversation. "Cut Ms. Vier some slack Uso. She will develop one around you. Just give her time." He said with a grin.

"My gentle ribbing is strictly instructional around her," Uso said very 'matter of factly', her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Besides, we have all worked together before." Ivory added,

"Almost have the whole band back together...." Uso sounding a bit excited, "Just a few stick in the mud holdouts..."

Raphael smiled. He had no idea who else needed to join the party, but if they were like Uso and Vier, they would be like a meeting of titans. "I'd look foreward to meeting everyone." He said with a soft grin as took another sip.

Ivory would move to sit down at the table, grabbing a bit of cheese, "So... the NMX... Can we really do this?"

"Not with the ships we have now. The NMX usually travel in packs, any engagement scenario results in our assets getting swarmed and destroyed." Veir said,

".... whiiiich is why we're building more assets. Then shooting those assets at their assets!" Uso added.

"So many assests..." Raphael said teasingly. "What are we building exactly? I have been in the dark on that aspect." He said looking to Uso.

"UH, no... I don't do space stuff... That's her department." Uso said, pointing at Veir with the 'double guns' hand gesture.

"I am determining that now. I have another body with the I'ee, and another working with the spacers. I would prefer to build larger combat drones in the 100-200 meter size range but we may not have the facilities or technology base to do that just yet. It is likely we will be focusing on smaller kill-vehicles that can be launched in mass."

"Fancy Missiles," Uso said, happy to translate.

" I do love kinetic kill vehicles." Raphael said with a smile. "I just love when things go boom. Just as long as I am not on the thing going boom." He added.

"I will be sure to minimize the amount of boom you personally experience." Veir said.

"Yeah, I think Ivory's got that covered." Uso snickered

Raphael looked at Ivory sheepishly. He didn't quite know how to answer that one...

"238!" Uso said suddenly,

"Hm?" Ivory asked

"Separating 238 from 235 to make the core material the spacers need... that's what we were talking about before you came in here."

Vier would nod, "That just requires filtering a large amount of material from the planet. The junkers are setting up a separator now."

"And we just blew up a mountain... all that dirt has to be good for something..."

Raphael looked at Ivory with a raised eyebrow as if to say 'Really?'

She'd quietly give him a nod.

He looked at the pair again then back to Ivory. He nodded his head towards the door with the hint of a smile.

"We'll leave you to it then..." Ivory said, following Raphael out.
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