Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [188604] 17: Afterwards: Ronin

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Nepleslian Used Car Lot>

There wasn't a lot of free space on Nepleslia, and this used car lot was no exception. The entire place seemed filled with with cars that could only generously be called used. Many were husks, stripped of most of their important parts already. As far as meeting locations for job interviews, it was certainly non-standard. One of Ronin's friends had hooked him up with this particular employer, and had given him little more information than it was a green hair'd woman looking to buy as much mercenary muscle as she could.

Of course, that limited his potential employers down to the one woman in the junk yard. Tight fitting blue bodysuit, green hair pulled back into a long braided ponytail, and just enough left over to cover up her ears entirely. Even at a distance, in the morning, smoggy, haze, she'd quickly spot him while he was far off and give him a wave, "YOU THE NEW GUY!?"

Ronin walked through the junkyard, a bag over his shoulder with his clothes and gear. It hadn't been exactly the most comfy ride, but the man had to admit that the work at least paid off. Approaching the waving and mysterious gal, the man gave a slight tilt of his head, the coat over his clothes marking the ex-Star Army guy clear-as-day. "YEAH," he'd say as one hand moved to the side of his mouth to further boost his voice, "YOU THE WOMAN I'M SUPPOSED TO MEET? THE ONE WITH THE JOB?"

"Yeah... so I'm not gonna lie, I barely skimmed your resume and I know jack-shit about you. The next job is kinda big, and I need everything I can get my hands on.... so what do you bring to the table?" She asked, shooing away someone that was talking to her only moments before regarding all of these used cars.

Finishing his approach with hard crunching of his shoes beneath him, he'd look over to some of the cars before turning an inquisitive gaze her way in a clear attempt to size her up. Reaching to his coat pocket, he'd speak up as he fiddled with a cigarette within. "Well, it's been a while since someone skimmed... but long-story short, I'm just a guy with a mecha and a whole lot of free time. You ever seen one of the Origin Industries machines, those ones from the early thirties?"

"Can't say I'm too familiar with them, I spent most of the 30s in power armor." She said, pausing for a moment, as she looked around, making sure that the entire lot worth of cars was being loaded into cargo containers before heading towards the exit, "What kinda load out do you have on that thing? We need to be able to blow up spaceships next."

Turning to follow along, his hand would come out and motion skyward. "Up there in space, I might have an issue since I've not had time to fly 'em... but my Tengu can take on a ship. I modified it from Origin's M1 Garuda. Even though it lost one of them, it still has one of its Heavy Pulse Laser Cannon. Not to mention I'm toting one of its Hyper Rifles for facing whatever else is supporting 'em."

"Normally by this point you guys are like, 'Heeeey, what am I getting into?'," She responded, "... oh, I'm Uso by the way. You're Ramen right?"

"Well, I'm not a normal mercenary... and the name is Ronin. But, if you insist on me asking, maybe you'd oblige a man's curiosity on why a woman like you needs so much firepower?"

"Well I want you to know what you're getting into so you have a chance to run away now before you decide it isn't for you later." Uso would make her way towards the entrance of the used car lot, and wait there for the time being, pulling a datapad off her hip and taking a quick glance at what she needed to accomplish next, "We're uplifting a planet, new infrastructure for backward locals kinda thing. Long story short we made some allies with the I'ee and they are getting beat up by the NMX pretty bad. So we're putting together a fleet of ships to go take them out... on a budget." The NMX had given Yamatai, the strongest military in the sector, a problem... and the prospect of taking them on with hand-me-down soldiers and second hand equipment was making the woman practically giddy with excitement.

Coming to a halt beside Uso as they neared the entrance once more, his brow raised for a moment. The woman's atmosphere certainly was contagious... even with the type of mission and hearing who the opponents might be didn't matter much for him. "The NMX are the reason I got into piloting my mecha. I saw survivors who made it away from skirmishes with those bastards during my time in the service." Carefully moving past her, he'd turn a slight bit with a sway of his mohawk's back at the motion alone. "You're going to either need a lot of firepower... or someone with some anti-mecha equipment like myself. Power armor is only so effective compared to something even as stripped down as my Tengu. You guys and girls carrying some sort of deathwish, Miss Uso?"

"Everyone is getting something out of this that they want. For you it is Money. Everyone else has their own reasons too... besides its just the NMX. They have plenty of ships but they aren'tthe fastest thinkers.... then again I'm not exactly hot on Nepleslians either... You know that those hover car things have Aehter reactors in them? Some off the shelf mods and they are basically city-busters... Of course," She mulled it over for a bit, looking away from Ronin for a moment before returning to her line of thought, "I probably need to have a better way of saying it than 'We're going to throw used cars at them.'... but I'll worry about that later. What do you need for anti-ship work? We have got an over-abundance of gear for dealing with the small stuff at the moment."

Looking between her and the cars as they slipped into the containers, he could barely hide the smirk even if he wanted to. It was practically justice to give the NMX some sort of unorthodox strategy like the one Uso had formed... but it at least meant he wasn't going to work for an idiot. Carefully reaching to his pocket, he'd pull free the cigarette and turn his gaze toward a rather large container within view not far away. "If you can get my Tengu there, not much. I've not flown a ton in space, so it might not hurt to have someone to tow me in or out of a hot spot with a small-craft. If you got gear, though... think you can fashion an anti-ship missile launcher for a thirty-foot tall robot with enough range to sink a ship with a well-placed hit? If you got that... then there ain't nothing I won't be able to get close to and finish off. Money or not... NMX are fun to mess with. Be nice to be the one doing the messing around for once."

"Normally I have much more of a plan than this, but keep in mind that we don't really have any intel on the NMX fleet just yet. I don't know exactly what we are up against, or if we're going to need ground support.... though, it IS the NMX so we can probably expect them to be doing something on the ground.... To sum up: Intel, then plan, then I'll know exactly what I need you for.

We took all the guns off our transport ship to make the thing run faster, but now we actually need to shoot things. I was thinking we could just mount a big gun on top and let your mecha handle the aiming and firing." She said.

Listening to the idea certainly intrigued him, but the side of caution meant that he averted his gaze to consider his options. "So you're saying the real job comes after setting up atop your ship and handling some huge gun while you fly in to scout out the NMX? Damn if I should've asked my pal what he was getting me into..." Gently raising the cigarette to his mouth, he didn't light the stick but simply turned to glimpse Uso from the corner of his eye. "Not saying I won't do it, though... in fact, my Tengu has modifications just about perfect for securing it to a ship's exterior. The question is, what sort of gun is so big that you'd need a mecha atop the ship to aim and fire it?"

"Nonono, I hired another group to handle the scouting. This is the NMX we're talking about so we aren't going to fight a war of attrition like Yamatai. I would like to survive long enough to get paid... which means one massive attack right at the start. We're going to hide all of our important assets until the first confrontation... that being said, I want to mount the largest gun physically possible to the ship. I've already got some spacers and the very productive I'ee... if I can talk the old man into helping then we've got one of the foremost engineers in the Kyoto sector so we won't be hurting for gear. Of course, if we can pick up a few ship hulls after the first engagement and refit them into more ships all the better.... I am only going to be out here for a few more hours anyways, picking up gear, making hires. I'm planning to have a strategy meeting with the rest of the crew later."

Letting his cigarette hang on his lips, he'd finally chuckle and move a hand to rub his face after she'd finished her casual schedule. "Heh... you know, I normally don't like the people who hire me on. They always want to preach about some sort of cause... but it's nice to meet someone who's in it to get paid and fuck with those old bastards. You got the gear and people... so if those I'ee aren't that bad and things go well, I could end up finding a few NMX to salvage for parts too." He'd lower the hand, turning to face her fully before extending the free hand and the smirk receded. "Long as it's an armed foe, you can count me in, Uso. I'll load my Tengu up with the rest of your gear. You can fit a ten-meter tall machine, can't you? If not, I'll just have it strapped up to the hull... and that's not exactly good on the paint."

"If you can fit it in a Cargo Container then we can strap it to the bottom of the Queen's Slave. If you can't then we'll need to tie it to the top of the ship. You've got maybe 2 hours to figure that out.... " As Uso spoke the ship in question would swoop in and bring itself to a hover over the used car lot. It was a heavily modified freighter with some stubby wings and what looked like a cargo handling apparatus bolted onto the underside. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Uso wasn't even the ship's first or second owner. "After that we're heading back out to our little world where you can meet the rest of the crew."

"Don't worry, two hours will be enough." He'd look up toward the craft, having to admit it wasn't the most impressive nor comforting sight, but the pay and chance for action had already dug deeper into him. "I'll get it in a Huge, set all the gear out and get it strapped down to take inventory." He'd lower his hand, turning and starting out and away from the park for all but a moment. Turning and taking the cigarette out, pocketing it once more, he'd fix her with another inquisitive glance. "You guys allow smoking out there? It's not exactly allowed by the Yamatai, but I picked it up to help with the nerves when on the spot so it should be obvious why I ask. I'd hate to have an unsteady aim when the time comes to wage that all-out assault."

"Mphf, smoking is only one of the unpleasant smells you people give off, but I'm not going to kill you for it... See you in two hours!"
Nepleslian Used Car Lot >

"I take it that if you're seeing him in two hours, you're free for the next two?" A raspy voice cuts across the noise of the Queen's Slave. Seemingly coming from all directions... Or at least from the car lot's PA system.

The two were not quite as alone as earlier. From the other end of the lot, three figures approached. Coming from what felt like nowhere. The whole meeting had been watched? Maybe. Two of them loomed at the back, power armored. One of them notably taller than the other, a NAM 30mm anti-armor chain gun in hand for both but slung easily to the side. It may well have been the presence of a ship which had them so well armed. The one at the front was an exception, and clearly the one these two were here to protect. She spoke to an out held communicator, echoing her voice to the others. Neatly dressed, businesslike, her manner suggesting something close to a lawyer, or banker.

"Uso Tasuki. We would rather like to speak." She said once more over the PA, before clearing the distance to Uso and Ronin. One spare glance at the mech pilot, like he was a cockroach or less, then back to Uso. She dropped her voice from the loudspeakers "And you are a fucking bitch to track down. So. Now."

"I'd say you're speaking right now," Uso said, turning her rather tightly clad rear end towards Ronin as she faced the approaching finely dressed entourage, "... OH wait, I forget... you're big on the proper manners.... You kinda caught me not dressed my best." As she paddled on, her hands would go behind her back, checking her belt... silently kicking herself for not bringing her backpack full of gear. What she had on her would hardly get her out of a fight, "I don't suppose you'd give me some time to get dressed? Or are we going to squabble over how much time we'd be wasting otherwise?"

Ronin had been preparing to leave, of course, but there'd been nowhere near enough time to even take the first step. He'd turn to face the new arrivals and their lady friend in business attire. The look he'd received was enough to inspire a curse under his breath, wishing he'd been off-world where the law wasn't so quick to punish. At least then, he could rock the dame for giving him about as much respect as an Mishu. "They certainly seem the sort to squabble... they need guns to look tough, after all. Reminds me of back in my early days playing with kids who could barely fly a fighter..." He wished he could smoke and blow a cloud in the new arrival's face, but instead he'd shift his stance ever so slightly to not give Uso's tightly clad posterior much attention and to try and stay out of the conversation for the moment.

The woman at the head of the trio looked from Uso to Ronin. Up close she was... Not unpleasant to look at. Quite tall for a Nepleslian, thin and slightly curvaceous. Olive skinned, with glossy black hair tied back in a neat bun and pinned in place with a gold clip. Fine featured, but with a few small scars at the corner of her mouth, and right eye. Nearly imperceptible, though. When she spoke a hint of gold teeth was visible.

"Tell your walking shitstain that I'll pay him one thousand right now to shut his mouth and not speak in my presence for the next hour." She said, to Uso. Only to Uso. "One of my bosses wants to talk business, and you stand to profit. Have you eaten recently?"

Uso would slooooowly lean back and to the side, getting her head that much closer to Ronin so she could loudly whisper, ".... I'd take the money if I were you.... people would pay 10 times that to have her shut them up."

Uso would then slooooowly return to an upright position, "I can eat, What restaurant are we meeting at this time?"

Ronin seemed about ready to lash out at the above-average Nepleslian woman, but then Uso had gone and mentioned actually taking the money. He'd frown, taking a moment before grumbling and looking off toward the distance. "Fine," He grumbled, removing his right hand from his pocket and holding it out toward the woman, "Pay up and I'll keep my mouth shut. At least treat me to a meal with Uso here... bitch." There was a serious tone to his voice, but it was clear that the veteran and now mercenary mecha-pilot wasn't happy to accept money from someone who was no better than a planetside thug in his eyes. But Uso knew and seemed ready to do business... and it'd give him a chance to see what she's made of.

"I'll be taking you to a place you can change into some proper clothes, first. You'll have to get your monkey a good butler suit." The woman at the head of the Trio waved for one of her two bodyguards, a little gesture that could only mean pay the man. A little cred-stick was then produced and placed in Ronin's hand. 1000 Nepleslian DA gained. She then indicated across the lot where a sleek black limousine was pulling up.

"Van Banning wants to meet you at the 'Debutante's Debut'. Women's Only, Member's Only club for the high rolling crowd." She pointed at Ronin accusatorially, "He'll need a pass. Unless you want to put him in a dress or pump him full of kaserine."

Uso waved her hand dismissively as she headed towards the limo, "Lets make a quick stop at the tailor's place, I'm sure we can find something for my arm-candy to wear... unless the kaserine's your thing? It'd save me some cash on having to buy your way in."

Ronin would take the stick, pocketing it before shooting Uso a glare. It was quite obvious what he'd do if they put that mutant-candy near him and even remotely changed his looks. Instead, he'd start over to the limo with only what could be described as an old man grumble.

As they were led into the car, Uso felt the Broker take her by the wrist. Shoving a few little kaserine pills in her hand. It was entirely possible she was just giving everyone the opportunity to screw with Ronin at this point... He hadn't said no, at least. The car proved to be entirely as opulent as one could guess. Fine leather upholstery, a mini-bar with crystal tumblers set atop, a driver with even more extravagant hair than Ronin. The Broker's bodyguards didn't enter, instead seeming to follow in a different vehicle.

"So how has your empire been coming along?" The Broker asked offhandedly as she settled into a seat, sitting with her elbows on her knees to lean forward and peer at the backwater tyrant and her trained ape.

Uso would palm the pills for the time being as she leaned back, spreading her arms over the backs of the seats, "I don't know how you people do it... I thought there would be more galavating and adventure.... but its actually like 90% meetings and only maybe 10% exiciting new ways of killing people."

"They pay me to do the meetings while they do the excitement." The Broker said with a single sharp laugh, a little like a hyena. "But they do want me to offer people... Potentially even you significant amounts of money, luxury cars, fine estates, nubile young men, and fine cigars and drinks. So they're doing something right if they can pull it off."

"OH, Wait.... stop here, that one!" Uso said, pointing to a tailor's store right nearby... one with bars over the windows and an armored front door, "We need to get him dressed real quick... plus I'd like something a little more suited for the occasion... It'll just take a few minutes."

Sitting just to the side of the two ladies, Ronin simply looked ahead and out the window of the car as best he could. He would, however, be glancing to the two as if he had somehow known they'd had the kaserine. Truthfully, of course, he knew nothing about the pills. He'd lean back in his seat and cross his legs below the knee, fixing his eyes on Uso specifically as if to say he expected her to not hang out with someone so full of themselves. At least he could get his hands dirty, unlike their sponser for the evening.

The Broker simply knocked twice on the window separating them from the driver, causing the car to pull over to the tailors of Uso's choosing. "Try to make it quick."

Uso would grab Ronin's hand and head out of the car, practically yanking him behind her as she made her way into the store, leaving their escorts behind,

"Ugh, Ok, Wasn't expecting this on the first time out with you. Just keep your eyes on the entrances, exits, and anyone wearing enough clothing to hide a gun....." Uso said, dragging Ronin up to the counter,

"YOU!" she shouted, pointing her finger up at the nearly 7 foot tall ID-Sol behind the counter, "I need him to have a suit, I need a clutch, Dark purple, and your sidearm, I'll give you 3k for it right now and whatever ammo you have on yourself."

The ID-sol looked a bit dumbfounded... he was certainly well dressed, a brown suit, a little red bowtie... and shortly after, he'd pull a pistol out from a shoulder holster, "Don't get any ideas.... I got plenty of other firepower.... You, sir, come stand over here..." Even as the tailor was leading Ronin to the side, Uso had already taken off her belt, and was unzipping the back of her bodysuit as she made her way towards the back of the store.

Ronin was definitely out of his element as he got tugged along, watched Uso demand a gun, and then began following an ID-sol to get suited. This was certainly a different sort of job. He had to admit that it was the sort that stunk a lot. "Damn it... just hurry it up." He'd cast a look at Uso as she vanished toward the back with her suit falling off, feeling somewhat unlucky that he didn't get to look at her fine ass while getting dressed up like some monkey in a suit.

Uso just disappeared around the corner when Ronin saw her bodysuit tossed over to the side... the tailor admirably focusing on his work,

"When do you need this?" He called out.

"In the next 4 Minutes" Uso shouted back.

The tailor huffed... he didn't have time for alterations, and had to quickly grab something off the rack, selecting a black suit, a classy white undershirt, and a tie that matched Ronin's hair color. He would then get a pair of black socks along with a pair of shoes... then suspenders to hold his socks up and his pants in place.

"WHERE ARE YOUR CLUTCHES!?" Uso shouted out from in back.

"BACK LEFT!" The tailor called out.

Soon Uso was back out front, wearing a dress so dark green it was practically black, a slightly plunging neckline keeping her surprisingly modest, while a high slit along the side counteracted that modesty fairly well, the smooth looking material feeling cool and firm to the touch, yet it draped over her body like water. She would end up with a small purple clutch with silver trim in one hand, a crisp silver metal choker around her neck. The gun would end up stuffed into the clutch, which Uso was ready to toss over to Ronin as soon as he was finished.

Ronin was quiet as he was measured and fitted up, the black tie matching his normal hair color contrasting still with his orange streak. He'd pull the clothes on, bundling his own nearby and tossing it to the ground for now. He wasn't a guy who often dressed up to go nice places, but by the time he was wearing the suit and Uso had returned, he was a bit glad to go against his normal tradition. He'd catch the clutch, moving to fix it on.

"Just hold it, be good arm candy. I'm not expecting trouble... these people are civilized, but some of they people they hire aren't. Understand?" Uso asked, "Good," Without giving him much time to reply she'd grab his hand again, taking them back out to the waiting Limo...

As the two exited they found the Broker waiting, leaning on the outside of the car and smoking a very slim black cigar, a look of near total impatience on her features. One look at the two, an expression reading I guess you sort of don't look like garbage people, and she waved them back in the car.

"Do you have an alias you're using?" She asked, as the car pulled towards the truly rich part of the mega-city. Tall gleaming towers extending at either side of the road. "Probably not the best idea to have your real one used when announced."

"Ann Thrope." Uso said matter of factly, "This is Edwardo."

The buildings outside had rapidly started to turn from beaten down used car lots and armored retail outlets to shiny-er, smoother, structures packed together tightly... then to structures that were more spaced out, then the construction materials would get ever finer, the subtle signs of real wealth starting to show, less doors, hidden entrances, open space left open not for any reason other than showing that they could afford to waste space in an area where property values were worth more than hundreds of lesser people.

"Noted." The Broker said, the car finally pulling into a closed parking lot. The two soon led past row after row of luxury cars, and into a gleaming glass elevator. The kind with an attendant who manned a lever to pull it up dozens, hundreds of floors. The group soon breaking the smog barrier over the city, to see only the peaks of the tallest towers underneath the stars. Faint trailing dots of starship engines passing overhead. The door of the elevator opening to a lobby decorated in fine art, polished wooden floors made of exotic wood from far flung alien worlds. All the furniture edged in gold and platinum filigree.

That kind of place.

"I'll go get your man his pass. Miss Van Banning is waiting for you in the dining hall over that way." The Broker pointed towards large doors manned by two men in smartly pressed tuxedos with white jackets.

The man had endured so much by now, standing beside Uso and going through the motions. He'd not expected anything like this, especially with simply being picked up for a contract. He'd not even got a call in to get his Tengu packed before they'd been picked taken off, he'd been paid to shut up, put in a suit, and now was on a date with his employer at some extremely fancy location that was befitting of someone born into wealth than a mecha piloting mercenary.

"U-Uh... U-... Ann," He'd whisper, leaning a bit closer to the woman as the Broke pointed the way, "We... aren't in some sort of messed up nightmare... right?"

"You never been uptown?" She responded, quietly, lingering for a bit before heading towards the door, "Keep up with my clutch!" She said firmly, making her way past the two men in tuxes, casting a sidelong glance as one as she walked past. The tux was undoubtedly armored, no doubt they had small arms on them... but knowing this place they kept the heavy stuff behind closed doors. Uso would make her way towards the dinning area, fighting the urge to palm some of the smaller items laid out... selling just a clock or a table piece from this room would net her a small fortune!

The two men cast open the heavy doors, faint music from a modestly sized orchestra up in the gallery drifted past the ears of those inside as the sound of the Broker's heels on hardwood floors came up behind them. She reached around and pinned a little pass-card saying 'guest' on to Ronin's breast. A larger man, large in terms of rotund, the Maitre d' met them on the inside almost instantly, hissing a few words between him and the Broker to announce the three in a booming voice.

"Announcing guests of Miss Evelien Van Banning!" He shouted in a near operatic tenor, as he ushered the three in one by one. The Broker went first, giving a formal curtsy as if to demonstrate what to do after being announced. "Miss Sari Pricefield, of H. J. Sachs and Sons. Miss Ann Thrope..."

He gave a little pause, a short silence as a gathered crowd of dozens of guests, all seated at their tables looked up and instantly acknowledged both a false name, and an obvious lack of qualifiers for notoriety. "... And Mr. Edwardo."

He'd follow along after Uso once he'd been given the tag on the front of his suit. He didn't pay the Broker any attention after she had done so, simply trying his best to not make too much of a scene. Among so many rich people, he felt out of his element... and even wearing a suit, 'Edwardo' was certainly not blending in. "Don't worry, I won't lose it... I hope I at least get paid a bonus for having to put up with this shit, though."

Gently tucking one hand into his suit, he'd ensure that it was nice and secure. Whatever situation could break out in a place like this was certainly anything but good... but he had to admire that Uso was willing to put up with these types. It was probably why he'd be nothing more than a guy who wants to fight and fly. Dealing with aristocrats wasn't his forte nor what the hardened soldier cared for. Never the less, he'd give the smallest of waves to those who looked their way, finally looking to Uso expecting her to lead. After all, he was her guest to this shindig.

Uso was grinning like an idiot, looking around.... ~Noone? Oh come on that joke was gold....~ She thought to herself, suppressing her idiotic grin as she made her way toward the table, sharing with them the polite touch on the shoulder, the gentle and meaningless greetings, flawlessly going through the motions of what was expected of someone in this position. She kept her eagerness to hear this deal well under the surface.

Crossing the room, only a small handful of people did the 'polite' thing and greeted these newcomers. The Broker got a few more handshakes and hushed whispers about this or that deal, while it was apparent that everyone who greeted 'Ann' or 'Edwardo' was barefacedly pretending to have met them before. Indeed, to even be old and dear friends. No conversation lasted more than one or two sentences before the group was ushered to sit before their real hostess.

Evelien Van Banning reeked of money. To put it polite. At the same time, compared to the Broker who looked more like a junkyard dog in jewelry, she was a true beauty of a woman. Not too tall, perfectly proportioned, with long flowing burgundy red hair and bright blue eyes that made it feel like she was taking in absolutely everything she saw. She wore a tastefully tailored suit, buttoned a little too tight right up to the neck, and seemed the type who had a stylist she met each morning before leaving her home.

She greeted the Broker first, then Uso with a warm smile and a light kiss to each cheek. Then a firm 'soldierly' handshake with Ronin as each was led to their seats. The whole time this woman just felt a little off, somehow. Possibly just the strict artificiality of this whole meeting.

"My friends." Van Banning said warmly. "It's been so long."

It hadn' been long, though. This was the first time these people had met in person.

The handshake had certainly attracted Ronin's attention, but the well-dressed bombshell of a hostess had quickly spoken to them on friendly terms. Ronin wished he could pull out a cigarette and smoke, but that was certainly improper among a group of social elites. Instead, he'd shift in his seat to toss Uso a 'don't let your look down' look, turning his gaze to the woman with a somewhat painfully obvious forced-smile.

"It's our pleasure, Miss..."

Uso was doing her best to blend in, she barely responded to Van Banning other than a smile and a nod, quietly waiting for the main event to start. The entire time Uso had seemed well in her element, around these people her footsteps were lighter, her motions slower and more purposeful. But when Van Banning entered the room, it was an entirely different level. Despite Uso looking well dressed, despite the Ice on her fringe, the small things just poped against Van Banning's immaculate form. Uso's dress being slightly the wrong shade, the metal on her neck not being quite precious or well made enough, the small lines where her dress over her body wasn't exactly perfect. Despite the smile on her face, Uso know Van Banning could tell. Their host had lived this life, grown up in it, had spent more time in an expensive suit that Uso had been alive. Here Uso was just an impostor.

Whatever Uso felt about all this, or at least noticed about those noticing her... The painful fact was that she had been invited here. Which more likely than not meant she had something Van Banning wanted. And that was either a very good or very bad position to be in. The rest of the room seemed content to ignore the imperfections, and embrace these two for exactly as long as they had something they did not have.

"We're here on business. But this is also lunch. Order whatever you like." Van Banning offered, two waiters already moving in to place menus in front of those present. Their timing perfectly executed so as not to allow a single second of waiting which could displease this woman. Ronin found that indeed smoking was rude here, but the menu also had a section dedicated to fine cigars made of rare tobaccos from the outer colonies.

"Then we can get to the matter of some..." Van Banning looked over to the Broker. The Broker held up her datapad to display a sum. "Nine Hundred Million. Once we've got our appetizers."

Uso didn't react, she just sat down and briefly turned her attention to the menu. Uso knew she was expecting a reaction, probably some indication that a person like Uso would do quite a lot for nine hundred million. She practically had to bite her tongue before indicating to the waiter that she'd like a small salad with steak. What she really wanted was some excuse to hurry this all along, but someone lilke Van Banning wasn't just rich in money, she also had the time to spend and Uso wasn't going to tip her hand as to much much time she had. "I haven't had an opportunity to try their cigars, I would have expected their tobacco industry to have withered after the UOC fell?"

"It did." Van Banning assured simply. Calling over a slight woman with mousy brown hair from the side of the room where a line of people stood along the outer wall like slaves waiting on their masters. By the look of her she was Van Banning's secretary. A few messages in text were received, then replied to in short order, but it just proved a short delay between Van Banning starting and finishing a topic.

"It was hard to get ahold of their exports during battle with the NMX, and afterwards. But not impossible... Many here do business with up and coming colonial types..." Right back to business.

"Which does make me wonder what is worth that nine hundred million valuation to you," Uso said, leaning in a bit, finally having an avenue of attack!

A slight reaction across table. The Broker sneered, the Secretary seemed to shut down as if she knew she wasn't allowed to listen, while Van Banning looked down. Her expression a perfect rendition of a shy schoolgirl who didn't quite know how to ask for something.

"Believe it or not, your body."

The statement finally induced Ronin to snort, just about losing it at the casualness of the statement. He'd ordered one of the cigars and had been smoking it for a short time now, but his ears picking up that part of the conversation made him look between the two with disbelief.

"You... can't be serious... right? You want her body?"

"Well, that's something I'm very attached to," Uso said, "Of course, nine hundred million for a night with me? That's certainly what some people are willing to pay." As she spoke she was going over in her head where the windows were, gently pressing the tip of her thumb against her palm, cutting herself just a bit in case she needed to synth a weapon from her blood. Uso was literally the last NH-7 in existence, and if someone wanted one, they'd have to go through her.

"She's a very impressive piece of engineering. Of course I want her body." Van Banning snapped up. Her previous expression falling away like a lizard shedding its skin as she turned back to Uso. "We can provide a new body for you. You can live out the rest of your days in luxury... Then again that's one of three offers we have to give you. You're no use to us dead, your makers made it damn hard to leave one of your bodies unwillingly, and I doubt any war machine worth salt would come quietly, so take it as you will."

The air across the table drew a little more tense as waiters came to deliver Uso's food, Van Banning having ordered a platter of oysters. She went about plucking one up and eating it raw. Still squirming. A piece of engineering. A war machine. This woman hardly saw Uso as a person... She didn't even dignify the idea of a night with Uso with response.

"Nine hundred million for your body. A group of investors has thrown together that pot. We're willing to invest a more modest amount in your present dealings as a show of good faith. As well as offer a bounty for samples of what we believe you to be hunting."

"Samples? I take it you aren't interested in the kind of Sample someone could get off the streets?" Uso asked.

"You just hired a man in a parking lot to fight the NMX." The Broker piped up from a tumbler of scotch that had been delivered with the food. She apparently took meals in liquid form. A few files in actual old school paper was slapped down, showing a few redacted organization names with accompanying bids for NMX body parts, dead or alive. Just about everything about them was up for sale. "The Bounty doesn't come from Miss Van Banning, that's why I'm here... Just about every sample from those bastards went to military R&D. A lot of civilian biotech firms want to get their hands on them. Vivisect them, pull them apart piece by piece and find out what makes them tick."

"AND...." Uso said, ".... He holds my clutch... " She would pause for a moment... she really didn't have anything else to say about Ronin at the moment... or a point to follow that with.

"So Samples, NMX, Alive... or at least I take it you prefer that they be vivisect-able. I hope you're not in a rush? Getting a large number of samples has some turn around time attached to it. I also can't make a promise as to how much I can get my hands on. I am sure I can provide some samples at the very least. Perhaps you should buy my dinner next month and we can talk quantity and availability?" She asked.

"Some are offering money for them dead, some only want them alive. Usually you get better money alive. There's about two dozen interested parties in all." The Broker said, grinning a gold-toothed grin behind her glass of liquor. "What I've seen on the reports on you? You need money. You also need better connections."

The Broker leaned back, settling into her seat and tucking away a loose lock of hair past her ear. By the looks of things when not pinned back her hair was at least waist length.

"At least one person in this room can get you season tickets for the new Aethersperm tour. One more can get you hooked up with experimental mech systems. Another can see you holed up in luxury hotels for two years if you mentioned you met their husband once. There are also two presidents of corporate security firms who offer fleets to protect valued cargo, reclaim lost properties, or fend off pirates. Others who control hundreds of mercenaries. We can hook you up. We would even like you to succeed, provided you listen to a few requests here and there."

All through the Broker's little speech, Van Banning ate her food almost boredly. Occasionally having her secretary flip through one of possibly hundreds of messages that needed attention... And as the Broker finished, she dropped down a small datapad with an offer for investment capital, sliding it across the table to sit in front of Uso. A number with a lot of zeros. Not the Nine Hundred Million from earlier, but certainly more money than Uso had at the moment...

"We offer to help each other." Van Banning said almost kindly. "Then we exchange favors. That's how the universe works."

"Oh that part I get, don't misunderstand me, I don't have a problem with the samples or the connections... My problem is with the money. I think we both know that this body isn't worth Nine Hundred Million, and neither are these samples you want. You want to buy something else from me and I can take a few guesses at what that would be... not that I'm opposed to the idea per-say but I prefer things be out in the open. Make me a real deal, I'll do what I can to fufill it at a reasonable cost to you, and we both go home happy." Uso replied.

The Broker's simple reply was to take up her slim datajockey, punch in a few commands and hold it up. A lengthy legal document was left suspended in the air in hologram form... For the most part it read like paralegal gibberish just on a quick read-through.

"My associates want you to sign this. That's what they want..." The Broker said, "Essentially what it means is that they want you to use your little planet as a place to make exchanges without the two giant empires who control everything learning about it. Banks will be built, secured accounts placed there, and money will flow out of it. Tax free and laundered to smell like the daisies that grew out of shit."

Van Banning on the other hand sat back. This... Clearly wasn't what she was after. But business had to go on in its parts.

Uso started reading the document, smiled, and set it back down. "No court would uphold this. We are technically outside of those court systems anyways, but my understanding is you want your own little enclave on the planet? You would benefit from the protection Ragnarock offers as well as the infrastructure there. While you're in your Enclave you have total autonomy and I expect that we will both play nice with each other.

In case of conflict, rather than settling with the Nepleslian or Yamatain courts I would prefer binding arbitration.

So long as you're paying rent like good tenants, I'll be happy to let you move funding around tax-free." Uso replied, "Though I would prefer to negotiate each enclave one at a time. Can we have our people work out the specifics as to territory, placement, cost, and utilities? Or do your friends need that in writing now too?"

"Our people can meet with your people." The Broker said simply, "What we want right now is just that you will allow this sort of enclave agreement to exist as a legal entity. Specifics of how, when, and where of people going to the sands can be left for a different meal."

Van Banning sat up again, looking over to Uso.

"Of course, if it proves successful we may just opt to buy out your presence on the planet itself. For which you will be paid substantially... But that is an 'if'."

"Well, I look forward to us BOTH being even more wealthy than we are now." Uso said, signing the document, "Of course, now I have to go get my planet ready. Didn't know I'd be having guests so soon... their's dirt just EVERYWHERE...."

"I shall be heading out there within the month to inspect the planet." Van Banning said, as the Broker slid the documents over to her. More dotted lines were signed, and the Broker acted as notary... "Will you be finishing your meal, or is this all too intimidating for you?"

"I actually need to get going. Not because of intimidation... but because I've got a planet to run." Uso would pick up a fork, and quickly stab a slab of meat on her plate, taking a bite and making a point to ENJOY it. She wasn't sure if Van Banning was trying to run her off, or trick her into staying.... so she was going to do both, or maybe neither?...

Uso would swallow, and thank her host, "Let me get you what you asked for first, then I would love to have a longer conversation on just what we can do for one another."

Van Banning in turn reached into her jacket, and pulled out a little metallic case. The case was then clicked open with a metallic noise like a knife being drawn. A single business card popping out. Subtle off-white coloring, delicately raised lettering. A thing of quality. And then she stood up and pulled out Uso's chair for her to rise, tucking the card into the Neko's cleavage.

"I'm sure we have much to talk about. And we're all busy, the car will take you back to your ship. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
ON> Queen's Slave,

The drive back to the ship had been fast, and Uso had displayed a wide variety of emotions that mostly came off as Grumpy... however that seemed to change as soon as they were back inside of the Queen's slave, a converted freighter now sporting a mecha and seveal huge cargo containers strapped to the exterior.

"OK, I know THAT wasn't exactly what I hired you for, but I appriciate you coming with." Uso said, sealing up the door behind them before heading up tho the main deck, her hands unzipping the back of her dress, "People shouldn't just be able to find me like that.... but we've been moving a lot more material than I'm used to... I guess it is to be expected."

"Yeah, I can understand that... but damned if that one Nep hadn't been a pain in my ass."

Ronin had already discarded the suit jacket, Uso's clutch in his left hand. Normally he would have struck up a light, but his employer had voiced not wanting to be near it. His eyes were fixed on the unzipped and revealed part of her back, almost hoping some flaw in the woman's wardrobe caused it to fall free and leave her on full display. What guy wouldn't want someone like Uso bare or close-enough to bare? But he instead knew that being a pervert wouldn't benefit him and chose to walk up and alongside the new world-owner.

"You know, I'd wager that your appreciation has worth... but thankfully I'm a nice guy. And, of course, I was your date."

Uso's hands would then go to the shoulder straps, sliding them off to either side,

"Oh don't let her get under your skin... that's how they weed out people like you from the people like them,"

Uso's dress would fall off her shoulders, Uso's body turning invisible right at the same time, Ronin getting only a hint of skin before the NH-7's inate invisibility kicked in to block sight of aything too appealing. He would be able to hear Uso's voice still moving around, and her eyes and mouth remained quite visible as she fished out a new bodysuit from one of the overhead compartments,

"... And I guess you're out whatever clothing you had earlier... You're better looking in a suit anyways."

"Me? Wearing suits?" He said, having still been cursing his misfortune at her slipping into invisibility. The bodysuit was certainly going to fit well, but nothing was better than seeing the real thing.

"My clothes aside, I'm not sure I enjoy being all fancy. Not like I have any old place to return to once I get older. When you reach my age, it's more about what feels better. If you want to buy me some new ones, though, I certainly won't argue. Hell, maybe we can use my hush money to get them."

Carefully moving to deposit her clutch nearby, he'd partially wish his clothes weren't stuck with the Tengu now. It had practically forced him to wear the shirt and fine pants until they arrived and unloaded everything.

Uso grinned, her wide, pearly white smile floating in the air as she pulled her bodysuit on one leg at a time. "People like me don't get to be your age, and besides, if you don't like the suit you could always take it off..."

"And put on a show for you? I'm a mercenary, hun, not a stripper," He jested playfully, watching the bodysuit fill-out as it covered her invisible form, "And you'll get there. You might not physically change, but you'll feel it catch up to you. It starts kicking in when you have to handle idiots for too long."

Uso would start zipping up her bodysuit, the front hugging her chest, her curves filling out just before she turned visible again... heh hands then going back to her hair, unfastening her braid so she could begin putting it back in a loser ponytail, "You're telling me I can pay you to kill people for me, but I can't pay you to undress infront of me?"

The statement certainly had him caught in a bind. "Touché," he said as he'd turn and start unbuttoning the nice shirt he was wearing, "But you aren't paying for kills. You're paying for me. If it's an order, I guess I'd have to strip... but killing people on command that are innocent? That's not my agenda." He'd run a hand through his Mohawk, the last button coming loose and revealing the ex-soldier's chest as he pulled the shirt off. It wasn't like wearing it was beneficial, even if it provided coverage, after all. In truth, he would probably work-out or help out on his employer's vessel until they arrived.

Uso casually perved on her new recruit, resting her weight on one leg as she finished putting her hair back into a ponytail, "Don't worry too much about that, if I start killing people for fun then all the people I hire are going to start wondering if they are next. If you can pilot your mech as well as you undress, take orders, or load things on ships I think you'll do fine here."

With her spying on him, the Human certainly didn't feel all that bad about being poked fun at. "Well, not all of us backwater hicks are incapable... some of us are the best strippers and manual workers you'd ever see!" His joking quickly over, the serious man turned his gaze to fit on her now finished and prepared hair. "If you can run an operation as well as you look, talk business, and flatter... maybe you'll just keep a guy flying for you for a little bit cheaper when my contract runs out."

"Oh you say that NOW, I'll be asking a lot of you by the time your contract is up..." Uso said, pausing, letting her eyes longer for a bit, "Go do whatever it is you people do. I need to go harass our pilot for a bit." The neko turning around and making her way toward's the cockpit of the ship, leaving Ronin to his own devices just as suddenly as this whole thing had started.