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RP: 188604 [188604] 17: Afterwards: Sammy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON, Queen's Slave, a few hours after the Storm >

"SAMMY!" Uso shouted from one of the upper areas of the ship, the Neko bounding down to the lower decks and then launching herself over towards the ambassador. Uso had gotten redressed, clad once again in a tight fitting blue bodysuit, the sand having been washed off of her quite completely. "How are your people doing? I was hoping that none of them got too injured by the storm."

Sammy let out a startled squeak at the sound of his name being called, while the two Ioth sisters he had been speaking with scattered as Uso arrived dramatically. "O-oh! Miss Uso!", the I'ee ambassador squeaked at the sight of Uso, clasping his forelimbs together. "I'm so happy to see that you're well!" The last that Sammy had seen of Uso was her flying through the palace on the wrong end of a cannon ball.
"Most of us are safe, Miss. Three of our engineers died in the storm. Our doctors", he paused to indicate the two Ioth sisters, who were eyeing Uso cautiously from afar. "have been busy cleaning the sand from their bodies. Ithee and Ithit want nothing of their killer to remain upon them."

"I... I'm sorry that happened. We should have been better prepared..." Uso said, placing her hand on Sammy's shoulder... or arm joint... maybe body? It was hard to tell exactly what she should be calling it. "There is one more thing I was hoping you could help me with. I have a friend who's a stick in the mud. All bent out of shape about one thing or another and he doesn't want to help me here with this endeavor. I was hoping you could put on your cutest face and tell him the fate of your people hang's in the balance... he eats that 'fate of the universe' stuff up..."

The I'ee seemed to take the contact as permission to give a hug, which he promptly did, wrapping his arms around Uso's waist. Uso's use of words seemed to confuse Sammy, who listened with his head tilted to one side. "I'm sure I could do that for you, Miss Uso.", he said. "What is his name? Have I met him?"

"James, and no, you haven't met him..." Uso said, freezing up a bit as the bug hugged her... it was surprisingly furry for something that seemed like it would be crunchy at best. She'd then return the hug, slowly moving her arms, trying to be careful not to squeeze too hard or pinch a wing or something similar, "... Just how many of there are you anyways?"

Sammy squeaked when Uso returned the hug, pressing his face against her gently and squeezing with his arms. "Um... there are about 30 of my family here with us.", Sammy answered. "I am not good with numbers, though. Gut-Stripe might be able to tell you how many of us there are in total."

"Just an estimate? Millions? Billions?" Uso asked, gently nuzzling Sammy's face with her own, her hands slowly sliding down the exterior of the creature, her fingers tracing slowly wiggling lines over his surface.

"Wait, do you mean in our expedition, or our whole species?", Sammy asked, his antennae poking and rubbing gently over Uso's face as she nuzzled him. The fuzz on his exoskeleton was unusual; stiff and erect, yet still soft to stroke.

"Whole species!" Uso said, staying still as the antennae poked her, letting it rub over her face... half wondering just how effective her seductive fingers were being on the creature, "I wanna warn him that he's risking all of your lives if he doesn't help us."

"I'm not sure how many. It's not my job to perform our census.", Sammy said dismissively. "I would assume millions. Maybe billions." Sammy raised his forelimbs up in an exaggerated shrug.

"Billions then... " Uso pulled away for a moment and sat down cross legged next to Sammy, pulling a datapad off her hips, "Be as adorable as possible ok?" She would then click on the record feature,

"James! Stop ignoring my calls! Not only do I need an engineer... but so do these adorable creatures. There are billions of them about to be wiped out by the NMX!" She'd then angle the device a bit, to get a better view of Sammy.

"Um, ok.", Sammy said uncertainly, tapping a claw on his mandibles as he watched Uso prepare the camera. After listening to Uso speak, he stared dumbly at the datapad for a moment before realizing he was meant to act. "H-hello. My name is Sammy.", he greeted, displaying a smiley face on his LED mask and waving a hand at the camera.

"Are you really willing to let these adorable little things get brutally murdered?!" Uso asked, leaning in to whisper to Sammy, ".....Act cute!"

"How do I be cute?", Sammy blurted out loud, shuffling uncomfortably from one foot to another.

"Just like that... act like you're trying to talk someone into saving your species... because you just may be..." Uso whispered.

"Um... alright.", Sammy nodded, tilting his head to one side. "Hello, Mister. My name is Sammy. Please help my people defeat the NMX. We can't do it ourselves." He paused, looking up at Uso for affirmation.

Uso nodded, rubbing the back of Sammy's head, "you're doing good...."

"What else do I say?", Sammy asked, obviously not too good at this acting stuff.

"That you'll all die if he doesn't help, and that you reaaaaaly don't want that to happen." Uso repied, patting Sammy on what she assumed was his back.

"Oh, that doesn't sound good.", Sammy mused, before addressing the camera again. "Uso says that if you don't help us, we might all die. That would be bad." His smiley face turned into a sad frown as he said these words.
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"Perfect..." Uso said, stopping the recording and leaning in for a hug, nuzzling Sammy's head. "I've got to run, but I would like to get everyone together in about 24 hours. We've got some new resources and we're going to get started on saving your people!"
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