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RP: 188604 [188604] 17: Afterwards: Werner

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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On, Werner's home>

*Knock Knock*

"Hey Brother, Open up!" Just outside of the door was a nearly 6 foot tall woman, green hair cut short to keep it off the eyes and out of her face. Despite the color, her body screamed Nepleslian, she had developed a nice muscle tone, hidden under what looked to be an old 4th fleet flight jacket.

Werner stirred. His retirement party wasn't very pleasant. Lots of brass telling him they were thankful for his service, yet wouldn't allow him to continue to serve. Things my have gotten heated. He rolled out of bed and ran a hand over his bald head. He sighed and threw on civilian clothes, moving to answer the door. His 6'4 body appeared infront of his sister. His face, as if chiseled from stone, appeared no worse for wear. Yet, his grey eyes showed clearly he was battling a hangover. A very rare thing for Ulysses to do. "Hello Hazel, come in." He said tiredly as he walked back into the house.

"No 'How are you doing Hazel' or 'Here, let me get you a drink Hazel?'." His sister asked, sounding surprisingly far more aggressive than she used to be. The woman having a confident air about her, rather than the softer, more supportive role he was used to seeing in her.

"Looks like somebody grew some teeth." He said half joking. "Just don't forget who helped you get those teeth." He added as he moved to his kitchen and prepared Hazel's favorite drink. He finished and slid the glass across the bar two her. "Where have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while." He said sitting down in his living room.

"I stayed with the 4th fleet... Wazu's 4th at least, not the one that stayed with Nepleslia. Fought for the Garts a bit... and now I've got my own outfit. I thought I was going to need to appeal to your loyalty to family to hire you away from Nepleslia... but it looks like they are already finished with you." She said, picking up the white nepleslian and taking a sip.

"Said that I needed to take a break and retire. They were mad that I would stretch what their orders were. Even though they way I did things saved more people and got the job done." He grumbled as he sipped some water. "So, you have your own outfit? How did my baby sister swing that?" He saked tossing her a curious glance.

"Why do we do anything?" She asked, "I Mean, yeah it seemed like a great idea to sign up with the 4th, the best of the best right? Basically single-handily brought stability to Nepleslia... but between the politics and the people at the top, well... I decided I wanted to try flying for myself a bit. Turns out a VC firm is putting together a mercenary unit and wanted some experienced pilot to lead it. Now said group is looking for some experienced captains for their ships."

"That so?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Think I will need to meet these people before I make any decisions. Plus, I need to see the ship, and get to pick my senior officers." He said with a wave of his hand. "Though it sounds good to work with my little sister." He said with the hint of a smile.

"What we have are pilots, a fighter wing, support staff, and money. What we don't have is a ship or a crew to fly it yet," She replied.

"Well then. I should probably get ready for a job interview then?" He asked standing and moving to his bed room to change into something more formal.

"This is the job interview, and iti basically consists of one question, 'How soon can you start?" Hazel asked.

Werner smiled. "You know I did always hate this place. Let me pack my things and we can get going." He said as he moved and threw all his clothing into a suitcase. He donned his Officer's Jacket and hat and shut the door. "All right Hazel, let's see get going." He said with a grin.


Several weeks later, Nepleslia>

Werner sat alone in small cafe. His NSN fatigues traded out for black fatigues, a black bombardier jacket, and a black beret. The patch that adorned the beret and shoulder was a patch showing a a skeleton's head inside a green flame. He slowly drank some coffee as he waited for his sister, and their new boss.

"So what do you got for me?" Uso asked, practically jumping into the seat next to Werner, hot coffee in her hand, the woman clad in a grey hoodie that kept plenty of her body hidden inside of baggy cloth. "I take it Green-Thumb isn't here yet?"

"No, my sister isn't here yet. But, you may do business with me instead." Werner answered with little emotion. He had an amazing poker face going.

"But I don't know you.... I remember your sister, I can tease her about all sorts of stuff.... You've got this look like you're going to get realllly upset with me when I start pushing your buttons." Uso would pause for a moment as she sipped her coffee, "... Though, I suppose that no-nonsense thing would be great for a captain. Then again, I've seen the Nepleslian military's performance outside of the 4th fleet and you guys don't impress me."

Ulysses rasied an eyebrow. "Oh? Is that so. Even third fleet?" He asked, his facial expression never wavering. "I was a captian of the Angry Crocs. Heard of them?" He asked drink some more of his coffee. "No matter... I am Ulysses S. Werner." He said nodding to her.

"Yeah, them too, your mission deployment rate was terrible, you guys spent more time in dock than you did out and about." Uso said,

"You be nice," Hazel had just walked in the door of the small coffee shop, wearing a similar black jacket and pants as her brother,

"WHAT THE SHIT?!" Uso snapped, slamming her cup down on the table "You're hair! It's so short!"

"A lot has changed since we've worked for the old man. New callsign is Shepard, hair won't get in my eyes anymore, and we do more than just train the nuggets how to fly." Hazel would take a seat next to the two of them, "... So you said you had a job?"

"If I hire you, will you grow your hair out again?" Uso asked

"USO!" Shepard snapped,

"Sister..." He said placing a hand on her chest.

".... fiiiiine, we're getting a fleet together to handle an NMX problem. We don't have the resources yet to get started so I wanted to hire your group to do the initial recon. Then after that help with the takedown."

Werner nodded. "I see, so you need another ship. We just so happen to be able to provide such services." He said with a look to Hazel. "Care to add Hazel?"

"We already spoke eariler, Uso knows what we have in terms of small craft strength and capabilities." Hazel replied. "There is the question of our fees."

"Yeah, Half now, the rest upon completion of your recon operation plus combat bonuses for if we engage the NMX.... Anything else you wanted to add?" Uso asked, waving her hand dismissively.

"I do have a question sister." He said throwing a glance to Hazel. "I need to know what exactly will I be leading my ship into. I am not going to take on a suicide mission with a boat full of pups." He said returning his gaze to Uso. "I have a distinguished senior staff, yet I have kids filling in the crewman slots. I am fine with trial by fire, but I rather not throw their lives away carelessly." He added, downing his coffee.

"I dunno... NMX? Ships of some kind? Possibly tentacles... I don't know what I'm up against yet, that's why I'm hiring you guys." Uso said, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back in her chair, "The old man was able to do this kinda thing with a Datapad and some spare parts. I'm sure you can managed with all of your distinguished senior staff...."

Wener didn't reply, just waved the waitress over for more coffee. He thanked the young woman and began to sip on more coffee. "Fine. Sister make a deal, this is your department." He said as he held a hand up to his ear, hearing a voice over his comm unit.

"You could be a little nicer," Hazel said, looking squarely at Uso,

"Yeah... I cooooould.... " Uso casting her a sidelong glance, "But if you two get huffy just because I'm pushing your buttons what makes me think you're going to be any good in the field?"

Hazel leaned in, "You've seen me fly, I trained most of Green-Squadron myself."

"Yeah, but Drei did most of the heavy lifting," Uso responded,

"Hmpf... Yeah, everyone uses AI assist. A human and a bot in the seat beats a bot every time." Hazel leaned back a bit, trying to exude the same lack of care in this conversation Uso was... causing the catgirl to lean forward herself.... just a bit.

"Deal then? I also want to assign a few of my people to your group." Uso added, Hazel would look over at her brother for the response.

Werner turned away from his ear piece and looked at Hazel. "If you think it is a fair deal, then I accept." He said, almost like he was bored. "Now, would our employer like to inspect one of her new ships?" He asked as he finished another glass of coffee.

"NOPE! I got people for that. I mean, Yeah, I know your sister from back in the day but that only gets you guys so far. You got a berth for your ship somewhere I can send my person?" Uso asked.
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He nodded. "Docking bay E24. The Necromancer shall await their arrival." He said standing. He gave a slight bow before saying. "Allow me to ready the ship for inspection. You to catch up." He looked to Hazel. "You know where to find me sister." He said before walking away.
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