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[188604 Local News]Economic Recovery

Osman City Newsroom
High noon
6 days to mission launch

The newsroom went live with a middle-aged, blonde haired woman wearing an expensive pantsuit seated behind a desk of stainless steel and glass hosting the news report.

"Our top story for today, a letter written by the CEO of Osman Heavy Industries. Proof of conspiracy or a parting blow from a beaten competitor? I'm Nancy Lowman and we're joined today by none other than Mr. Donovan, the president of the Frontier Service Corporation. It's so nice to have you in person," the anchorwoman introduced the metal personage, insure if 'in person' was the right way to say what she she'd said.

"I am glad to be here," Mr. Donovan replied, "I certainly hope I can shed some light on these rumors."

"It's no secret that the recent economic collapse created a great deal of turmoil, can you explain how the process of straightening out the situation unfolded?"

"Of course, I would love to," Donovan accepted the invitation to explain, "the collapse was caused by an overdraft, a situation the Frontier Banking Service had protocols to protect against. Unfortunately, these protocols failed to identify and stop the payment in time. We have since improved our protocols to prevent a repeat of the last error, however this overdraft did not specifically cause the collapse. Speculation led to a massive inflation on the prices of necessities causing panic and thus a problem that should have only harmed our own financial standing spiraled out of control. By coordinating with the largest providers of food, water, fuel, and other necessities we have facilitated improved communication between all parties who now meet together prior to significantly changing prices on necessities."

"So how does FSCorp ensure a business waits for a meeting prior to price changes?"

"It is only for significant price changes," Donovan corrected, then answered, "if a company violates the agreement to meet first the banking service will freeze their accounts until their prices match the agreed upon plan. Companies that are not in this group need not worry about this as they are not signed into a contractual agreement, however if a company is overcharging for products and services they will probably not remain in business long. It is the way of commerce."

"This has been an interesting glimpse into the operation of the banking service. Now in the letter sent by Mr. Gerrick he made a reference to an economic syndicate. To what was he referring?"

"The simple answer, he was calling the banking service an 'economic syndicate' and our economic plan 'unstable and flawed' though I'd prefer he have presented proof of this. If we were truly corrupt he would have contacted the Sky Guard and reported us, but not all businessmen have been satisfied with the financial restructuring of the economy and Mr. Gerrick not only had the opportunity to join this entrepreneurial group but is currently believed by the defense service to have been involved in economic terrorism, attempting to undermine the banking service and cause yet another collapse. Due to this we have posted a five million ArkMark bounty for Mr. Gerrick alive as we are still actively searching to question people engaging in these dangerous activities."

"Well, this is an interesting twist in the story. Why would you go as far as to say that Mr. Gerrick is a terrorist?"

"We cannot confirm whether he is a terrorist specifically, only that he might have been involved in economic terrorism and the details are currently circumstantial. What I can say for certain is that recent efforts to apprehend these terrorists I have mentioned has been met with partial success, the man we believe to be have been organizing these acts was found dead two weeks ago in a warehouse where a nuclear bomb was under construction. One week later Osman Heavy Industries leaves the planet entirely and a week afterwards I am cleaning up their mess. We are continuing to investigate so as to know for sure, and that is why the bounty condition is for him to be returned alive."

"We're out of time, but thank you very much for sharing with us today, Mr. Donovan. In other news, a local man is making a career of walking his neighbors! Not their dogs, his neighbors! Stay tuned to get the full story on this innovative new approach to physical fitness."
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