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SACN 1XF Clerk's Office to Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
Fort Tokyo


To: Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako, Director of Star Army Personnel
From: Ittô Hei Daniela Summer, Star Army Clerk, Fort Tokyo

Under the direction of Taisho Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano, I have begun a review of our personnel database to ensure that things are up to standard.

I located the following message from one of our exchange officers. While his transfer back to Nepleslia was properly documented, could you please let me know how you would like the discharge code for the following to be updated as that they went to Nepleslia with the transferred exchange officer:

  • Aliset Soren, Santô Juni
  • Nicol Sanger, Santô Hei
Ittô Hei Daniela Summer
Star Army Clerk, Fort Tokyo

Under the Authority of:
Taisho Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano, Commander First Expeditionary Fleet
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