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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

[Nataria Space] Glimmer in the graveyard


Inactive Member
  • (( This is a YSS Senbu & Fort Ready cross over plot. ))

ON: Nataria Space, 20 Minutes from the Planet.

After a nearly fruitless attempt to fix damage by the ill-trained recruits, the trainees were sent back to the armor bay to wait for instructions. Meanwhile, it seems the ship's distress signal had achieved what more than forty recruits couldn’t, in less time as well.

"Taii," Seiji, a newly promoted Shosa Yamataian officer with shoulder length blond hair and bright green eyes called. "Seems a ship is answering our distress call, the YSS Senbu. Your orders Taii-sama?"

Erika felt a brief moment of relief. First good news I've heard all morning, the Taii thought as she prepared to respond. "YSS Senbu, this is the YSS Takemitsu, registration code YS-870501. We are severely damaged, can you assist?" Erika sent out. To be honest, it was Erika's first command and she wasn't all that sure of herself, but life had a way of teaching people what they needed to know, when the time came.

Outside the ship, Kail, frustrated with the recruit's meager attempts at repairs, roared into the comms, "All right recruits, get your asses moving! We need this ship in proper order. You're lucky we got the communications operating, otherwise we'd be out here alone for months!" With a groan and a sigh, she shut off the comms and floated into the armor bay, finished inspecting the recruit's work.

The Senbu was just dropping out of FTL now as they approached the ship. The resulting attack on Nataria caused still existent no-FTL disruptions. The Anri-class repair ship was new and shiny and her crew of two and a half thousand were eagerly running about at their stations ready for their next instructions. The bridge was alive, and the communications station came alive as Nicholas Saiga's terminal, only one tier below the Captian's head tier, displayed a new message being sent from the Takemitsu, now in short communications range. The bridge was like the rest of the ship, it was busily alive with its ninety-plus command crew working away at their stations in the large amphitheatre-like compartment.

“Endo-shosa,” Nicholas said calmly into his headset, informing his commander of the message, “the Takemitsu is hailing us. I will patch you through in a moment, if you’d like.” The Geshrin glanced up at the bridge’s massive holographic displays, showing the space-warping devastation that the Nataria system had endured. He was surprised that there was anybody alive out here for them to rescue.

“YSS Takemitsu, this is the YSS Senbu,” Nicholas said, opening a communications line to the damaged Irim-class as he checked his console for information posted by other stations, “We have locked onto your position and will be starting out approach momentarily.”

"Understood Senbu, be advised we are operating on emergency power and are unable to make any maneuvers. It's good to see you." Erika responded.

"This is horrible..." the Shosa said under her breath as she gazed over the main display showing the sight outside. Her sharp amber eyes flickered with a sort of passion at that moment as she rose her hands up and interlaced her fingers, disgusted with the torn field before her, a graveyard left by the raiders. "Yes, open up communications; main screen." She said to the Geshrin with a nod as the Senbu's captain sat a little straighter in her chair, wearing a very serious look.

“As you wish, Shosa,” Nicholas replied. With a few quick commands, he patched the communications line through to the main screen, ready to send audio-visual communications for his commander and receive the same if the Takemitsu was capable of such.

The Senbu’s big display only showed static for the visual communications, a large icon in Yamataian text read out audio only. "Takemitsu, this is Shosha Endo Shizuka, Captain of the YSS Senbu. We heard your distress signal and thought we'd give you a hand." She said with an empathic tone to her voice.

"Well, anything you could do to help would be great. If you have an engineer we could use some repairs to get us back to Yamatai if possible," Erika responded.

The Shosa grinned happily chuckling a bit over the communications. "Well you’re in luck, we got about fourteen hundred of them; we're a Deep-Space Repair Vessel. We were sent out to make sure you guys get back in working order, I presume I'm speaking with the commanding officer?" Shizuka sank a bit into her chair, becoming a little more relaxed with the situation.

It's an Anri, Erika thought happily. "Taii Koyame Erika speaking. Damn, it's good to see you," Erika replied again. "What will you need us to do, although our capabilities are limited we'll try to assist in any way possible." Erika said.

"Don't worry about a thing, just sit there and relax and let us take care of the rest. We'll also gladly take your wounded and crew aboard so you guys can get some rest and food while we get your ship back up and running. Do you have any shuttles in working order, or would you like us to send one over?" Shizuka asked as the ship slowly came into tractor beam range. One of the lower tiers in the ship's controls was sure to update the current situation to the captain. "It seems were in range now Koyame-Taii, prepare to be tractor-beamed," the Shosa announced giving the other ship some time to prepare.

Meanwhile in the shuttle bay of the Takemitsu, recruits had just returned from their outing in space. "That was kinda... pointless,” a recruit muttered as he walked past Maya and Hotaru. "I mean seriously, what did they expect?" he thought aloud as he took off his helmet and started to strip off the AMES.

Kazuma took off his helmet and leaned against one of the walls, waiting for the instructors’ verbal assault upon them. Not much point in leaving this suit, chances are we'll just go back out again... he thought.

After trying her best at fixing the ship systems, Maya got back to the ship and took off her AMES and back into her uniform, also retrieving her TYPE 30 NSP. "Well, I did my best, I hope the jury rigged repairs I made will hold until help arrives."

Kail floated somewhat gracefully into the PA bay, landing with two soft taps and stepping forward, disengaging the AMES suit's seal and taking off the helmet. Ignorant of the communications going on between the Takemitsu and the Senbu, she glared at the recruits. "That was pitiful. I’ve seen younglings do better work than that, without any tools, either! Well, that's what the job of us instructors is, to teach you guys. For now, everyone strip down, and start cleaning your AMES suits by hand!"

Maya was still pissed at the instructors for the phantom Mishhu attack and begrudgingly responded, "YES MA’AM," and got to work cleaning out the AMES as ordered.

Satomi grudgingly stepped out of her suit, blue hair swishing as she moved. The young Neko recruit grumbled at this instructor. She had done nothing but annoy her the entire time. Satomi inspected the suit, it seemed clean enough, and how the hell would they clean the things by hand? Seriously? She threw it down in frustration and stamped on it. Well now at least its dirty, she thought, picking it up and trying to figure out how to work it.

Back on the Takemitsu’s bridge, Erika responded to the Senbu’s last message, "We have enough shuttles that we can use, mostly T4s and mostly bumps and bruises. We'll launch shortly.” Erika disengaged the comm line momentarily to make a ship-wide announcement, "All recruits and crew, this is the Taii speaking. Due to the extensive damage we have received all non-essential personnel are to report to the shuttle bay for transport to the YSS Senbu." Additionally Erika messaged the instructors privately. "You’re still in charge of your assigned recruits, ensure that they are safely transported aboard the Senbu."

The Senbu then locked on to the Takemitsu with its twenty-nine Graviton Beam Projectors from various angles to allow the movement of the ship with a surgeon’s precision even at that large scale. "Keep me posted," the Shosa said before the communications were cut.

The short, black haired instructor walked into the armor bay and shouted for attention. "All right recruits, line up!" He gave them a minute to change back into uniforms and to stow their suits. He walked up to one recruit and shouted in his ear until he put the suit back properly. "In our predicament, we have luckily been within reach of a repair ship. We will all take the shuttles over there and not interfere with any of their business! If ANY of you break ANYTHING, you'll get to see the wreckage of Nataria FIRST HAND before free falling through the atmosphere! HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR?" After receiving significant nods, the instructor marched the recruits to the least damaged shuttle bay and escorted them aboard.

Once the recruits were loaded into the shuttles, they quickly took off heading to the Senbu. Moments later, the shuttles landed inside the bay that the Senbu's AI indicated. Seconds later the doors to the shuttles popped open.

The Senbu's main level of the bridge, a sprawling area taking up the remainder of the deck, was alive and full of action. The repair control area from where the DSR's engineering commander oversaw all repairs and crews in the MRB began getting ready to receive the Takemitsu.

Three Raccoon T7 shuttles from Nataria, each loaded with 1000 Type 30 Flashlights sped over from the depot, followed by three escorting Yuuko-class Gunboats from the still-recovering Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. The shuttles moved to drop off the equipment to the Anri. In a few minutes, they were done and headed off to make their next deliveries, followed by the escorts.
One of the Neko lower-ranking officers in charge of provisions took the order happily and went about making sure the new and shiny flashlights were added into the ship's inventory. Then as they left, she was sure to thank them and send a notification up the chain of command to be reviewed at a later time at the high brass' convenience.

"Ma'm, were picking up an unidentified ship coming out of a cloak one-half AU from our current location!" one of the sensor operators called out urgently over the noise in the bridge. The captain was relaxed until she heard that, she quickly stood up in her spot. "Get me that ship on screen, intel I want all the information you can get on it. Communications, contact that ship, warn them if they come any closer to this position that they will be considered enemies and we'll open fire!" Shizuka began ordering the bridge around, pointing to each station as she did, and thus changing the atmosphere to that one of high alert.

Without pause, Nicholas did as he was ordered; he would have time to consider the ship’s intentions later and reacted to the Shosa’s order with instinct. “Unidentified vessel,” he said in a commanding tone that still maintained the calm demeanor that the Geshrin always possessed when he was on the communications line, “Under the authority of the Star Army of Yamatai, you are ordered to divert your course away from this area. Failure to comply will be considered a hostile action, and you will be fired upon.”

The main holographic display shifted from the view outside the front of the ship to the new unidentified ship. It was a black ship, no bigger than a Sakura Gunship, covered with what could only be described as garbled graffiti. It didn't return communications; instead it began deploying power armor. "It's a highly-customized Vampire-Class Patrol Craft, Shosa. Judging from its size, expect no more than twelve armor aboard!” Intel chimed in.

“Fine, if they want to play that game, then we'll meet then head on. Nicholas-Heisho, you’re in charge of mission OPs for the deployed unit, the permissions on your terminal now have been added. Contact the CO of the Takemitsu and ask them what they have for PA pilots, then request that they suit up and if they need armor be sure to offer some of our own." Shizuka then sat back into her seat and gave Nicholas an administrative release into some of the more restricted options of the Senbu, as well as opening up his access into the other sections of command, then she started to go over the intel and gauge the repairs on the other ship. "Also, prepare what pilots we have ready. If it's only twelve or less armor, we won't need to send many out from our ship. If it gets out of hand please have a 1XF Standard Infantry Platoon on standby in the Port Bay. Have, Kisaragi Mizu and Hayashi Nyoko prepare for deployment in the Starboard Bay." Shizuka added, looking over the readout for her own Mindy 1H Power Armor, itching to get out there too. But she had a ship to command.

“As you wish, Endo-shosa,” Nicholas responded as he carried out the order. He began to set up the different communications channels that he’d need, quickly checking over the new permissions Shizuka had granted him as he did. The Geshrin opened one of the channels he’d prepped and then spoke, “Koyame-taii, there is an unidentified vessel approaching our position that has failed to respond to our orders to desist. Endo-shosa will be launching a wing of power armors shortly, and has requested that you provide any power armor pilots that you can to the effort.” He prepped another channel for use and sent a textual command to the Senbu’s AI, adding, “Anybody that you can spare will be given an armor to wear upon request in the starboard power armor bay. Our ship’s MEGAMI will assist you and yours in getting around the ship.”

Then, he switched the receiving communications line, still monitoring the one he’d just used for any replies. “Kisaragi-hei, Hayashi-hei, please prep for deployment in the starboard power armor bay,” Nicholas said, before quickly switching the channel again to address a contingent of the Senbu’s pilots currently on standby. “Please be ready to deploy from the port power armor bay as a reserve for the unit currently launching for combat sortie.”

"Understood. We have a few recruits that have completed training as well as our armor instructor on her way over there. Tarrim-heisho, Yoshihara-hei, Inora-hei, Aomori-hei, and Shifuda-hei.” As Erika spoke she motioned for one of the bridge crew members to open up a channel with the shuttles that they were aboard. "An unknown ship has just appeared on the sensors of the Senbu, you're all temporarily reassigned under its command. Report to their armor bays and suit up stat," Erika sent to the group.

As the shuttle landed, Kazuma stepped off the shuttle quickly, wasting time only to figure out where the armor bay was. A real situation that was not a simulated attack – now he could serve a purpose. Once he found the armor room, he roughly folded his uniform and selected a free Daisy. Once aboard, he ran a few diagnostics and waited for a superior, from either ship, to tell him to move.

As Maya was disembarking the shuttle, she got the order to join the Senbu's armor wings for combat. "Understood, Taii Koyame. Reporting to Senbu armors at once! Finally, some real action!" Maya said as she ran for the Senbu's PA bay and donned a Mindy armor. She then did the necessary safety and equipment checks and once that was complete, joined the other PA squads and prepared for deployment.

The anxiously waiting Mizu jumped to her feet when her name was announced over the intercom. As instructed, she headed for the starboard power armor bay. Upon arriving she, quickly prepped the Mindy that she would be heading out in before removing her uniform and undergarments and suiting up. The process took only a few moments. Mizu started up the suits' systems and ran a diagnostic to make sure everything was in working order, before opening a communications channel to Mission Ops. "This is Kisaragi-hei requesting permission for departure." Her voice sounded more refined, and stern. Awaiting orders to execute ones own actions were enough to make her feel impatient at times.
“Kisaragi-hei, please continue to standby for launch orders,” Nicholas replied passively, noting that not all of the soldiers who would do combat today were prepared yet.

Kuriko hopped out of the shuttle at a full sprint toward the armor bay. This'll be interesting, the Neko thought as she ran into the armor bay and suited up in a Mindy. One thing Kuriko found interesting was that although she had never had training in a Mindy, she knew exactly what she was doing. Of course, she knew it was because it had been programmed into her since her creation, but it was still interesting none the less. How do those without this handle it? Kuriko thought as she slipped the helmet over her head, and locked it into place. "Shifuda-Hei reporting as ordered," Kuriko messaged the designated leader.

Once everyone had arrived, the Senbu’s MEGAMI informed Nicholas that the makeshift wing of pilots from the two ships were ready for launch. “The soldiers in the port power armor bay are ready to deploy, Shosa,” he said to his captain over a private channel. “Now, all they await is your order.”

"Alright, give them the order to launch. They are weapons-free and rules of engagement are shoot-to-kill," Shizuka said raising her folded hands in front of her face now, watching closely over the displays in front of her on the armors and their pilots, as well as the quickly approaching enemies.

“Yes, Endo-shosa,” Nicholas said in confirmation. After quickly checking over all of the data and communications streams he had open to be sure that they were operating correctly, he conveyed his commander’s orders to the soldiers assembled in the port armor bay. “All pilots, attention all pilots, you are cleared for launch,” he said confidently. “Once you have cleared the Senbu you are weapons-free. You are permitted to use any means necessary to stop the incoming Vampire-class vessel, and can consider it hostile until it is destroyed or disabled.”

Upon hearing the signal, Kazuma jumped from the safety of the armored ship into the void of space. He checked his Light Armor Service Rifle, finding it in new condition, with six fresh rounds stored on his person. He checked the urge to rush into battle and waited for his team mates to form up and get a plan.

Kuriko launched out of the bay just after Kazuma and Maya. “AIES deploy NSB's, set for missile interception mode. Deploy GC 1 as well, firing mode single round. Report charge level of teleportation unit and assign targets,” Kuriko spoke to the AIES as she flew. It's just so weird, Kuriko thought as panels popped up seemingly in space informing her of her weapons status, max range, damage rate. Everything. So uncanny, the Neko thought. As she flew she looked up again and noticed Kazuma flying a Daisy. “AIES reassign tactical drones to Kazuma, maintain missile interception setting. Countermeasure pods on standby,” she said silently. Come out and play, Kuriko thought as she saw the enemies.

"Copy Command, engaging the enemy, Yoshihara out." Maya jumped through the power armor bay’s force field and into the vacuum of space and engaged her Mindy's afterburners towards her target, the Vampire-class vessel. "So, this is what space is like." As Maya's Mindy sleeked closer to her target, she linked up with Kazuma and Kuriko and locked and loaded her 50mm Gauss Cannon and would let the AIES handle the rest of her load out. "FOR YAMATAI!!!"

Four sleek, black Nepleslian-made AIR power armors came out from behind the enemy ship. One was larger and sleeker looking and was painted gold while the other was carrying a large flamethrower and was painted in fire reds and oranges. Another followed closely behind in white and black with an unengaged aether beam rifle in each hand, then finally the last one seemed to be a normally green painted AIR, but covered with its fair share of scorch marks and scratches. The black Vampire itself quickly sped away out of weapons range with a sudden burst of speed into the debris floating around in the battlefield.

Maya sent a message to the others, "The white and black one is mine!" Maya engaged her maneuvering thrusters and sped at full throttle towards the black and white AIR power armor while at the same time using evasive maneuvers to avoid its aether rifle fire. As Maya got closer, she tried to pool a flanking maneuver on its right side and try to get off a shot with her 50mm Gauss Cannon while her drones tried to provide distraction and covering fire.

Kuriko responded to Maya, "Understood. I'll take fireboy," Kuriko said as she instructed her AIES to target the fiery Armor. "Let's see how he likes gauss rounds," Kuriko said as she squeezed off a shot while moving closer to the armor.

Kazuma couldn't help but cringe as his partner flew straight into a crowd of four armors. Rather than bringing himself to a similar fate, he held back from a fair distance and carefully took aim at the green, scratched armor. "I'll provide backup from here so we all don't die in a large attack."

The white and black AIR unit just didn't stand there as she rushed towards it. The highly mobile unit kept pace with the Mindy, seemingly matching her erratic maneuvers as it backed up with her advance. Then, as she moved to flank leaving her drones to cover her flank, he dodged the gauss cannon by quickly thrusting forward into the NSB cloud in his movement, his duel blades came alive and in a spiral he cut through four of Maya’s six drones. Then with her as his target, the pilot continued its full tilt boost trying to draw her away from the rest.

The green scratched armor remained still for the moment, kind of just floating there. Was the pilot scared or over confidant in his skills? Either or, it didn't seem like the quickly approaching wing caused much reaction in him other than a rising of his long forearm rifle to target Maya's unit.

Mizu kept the propulsion systems to a minimal as not to give too much of her position away while she told her AIES to target the power armor that was larger, sleeker, and gold in color. When she got close enough, she put her back to a chunk of stray debris, leaning ever so slightly so that the 50mm Gauss Cannon was able to be used. Mizu targeted the enemy armor’s control systems, or at least what she thought to be the control system, she hadn't encountered power armor like this one until now. After getting a lock, she fired off one shot, still choosing to remain in active camouflage

The 'fire-boy' wasted no time as he was ahead of the pirate wing, doing something close to Maya's head-long rush into the action. Though he was almost treated to a face full of gauss as Kuriko's calculated shot connected with the armor's forearm heavy shielding plate, nearly blowing it entirely off. But this didn't seem to stop him, instead he turned in his spot and raised his undamaged hand's NAM Long Forearm Rifle LFR-01b and returned her shot with six consecutive burning bright positron beams of his own..

"One at a time," Kazuma said to himself, referring to the beat-up armor he was watching. "Maya's not your only opponent." The recruit squeezed off a triplet of three-round bursts at the attacker, hoping to at least distract it, allowing Maya to handle her situation. "Best case, he's distracted, worse case I'm attacked. Either I can handle." It felt strange, firing real ammunition and rubber training grounds felt little different, only with more on the line, his shots felt the need to count.

"C'mon you bastard! Let's dance!" Maya decided to try and play a game of cat and mouse with the AIR now that it seemed so intent in trying to lure her away from her drones. Maya then sped towards the nearby debris field and had what was left of her Drones hide in reconnaissance mode with the rest of the floating debris, and keep track of the AIR's position. Maya then flew into the debris field to hide and wait for the AIR to try and find her and if he got into a good position open fire on anything vulnerable enough. "C'mon! Chase the kitty you bastard!"

Kuriko saw the bright shots coming toward her, and, thinking quickly Kuriko engaged both of her forearm blades and teleported right into melee range of the armor, swinging the moment he appeared in front of her.

The golden unit followed behind the fire colored armor, but as the shot quickly lined up with the armor it was stopped by the sudden impact, making his shields flash over his armor as a sign of it's connection. The gold unit turned to face the cloaked unit, now alerted of its location it would be safe to assume it'd not let her go via sensors. He stayed facing her for a long moment, and then suddenly burst off towards Mizu head first, and it was fast; much faster than the other units and a small fraction faster than the Mindies.

Kazuma's shots would easily connect with the green unit, but not before it got off a six round burst of burning bright positron beams that were carefully targeted on the head-first Maya, from behind. It would be more than difficult to know about the shots, let alone dodge them. However, it seemed the pilot of the green scratched up AIR had seen the end of this battle. The helmet fired off from the body of the machine as the unit was in critical condition and the Nepleslian auto-beheading protocol wasn't yet disabled.

The white and black AIR unit didn't continue into the debris, instead it let the Mindy take off ahead and quickly turned to rush back towards the floating head. The pilot perhaps still had some honor in returning the fallen warriors, or something like that.

Barely moving from his attack, Kazuma glanced around for another opportunity, and it seemed one presented itself when the black and white armor came back to retrieve its fallen ally. A pang of regret hit Kazuma as he imagined himself in the same situation, but one of his friends was just killed. He winced at the image and discarded the thought, trying to focus his attention on preventing that outcome. His sights were still around the green one, allowing for an easier time aiming at the rather noble newcomer. He fired a pair of bursts at the white and black armor, hoping for a hit but also hoping not to kill off someone who was honoring the dead.

"Tch... force field." Mizu turned and put her back to the debris a moment before closing her eyes and taking a deep breathe then letting it out. "Alright, let’s go!" Disengaging the active camo, her leg thrusters boosted her up at an angle going above the debris. She caught the top of the jagged debris with her right hand and initiated a somersault over, thrusting her left forearm towards the oncoming enemy, having the AIES auto-target the gold AIR in the event that her shots missed due to its shifting irregularities. Mizu rushed the gold AIR, taking note of its superior acceleration and carefully calculating a defensive option, should she need to.

This was what Maya was waiting for! She was about to begin her attack run towards the retreating AIR, but then suddenly she felt several shots hit her from behind and went white-eyed.

Kuriko's unit would teleport forward into the melee range of the fire-colored AIR unit, but that was in it's direct path of movement, not really expecting her to teleport he'd be continuing on full force, so when she'd come out of the jump she didn’t really get to swing through the other armor. Instead Kuriko's unit would be tackled with the momentum of the speedy AIR, and her arms would instead swing over its shoulders. They'd be continuing forward for a few more moments, as the pilot was greatly caught by surprise.

His thoughts took too long, that second of regret from Kazuma would be his downfall. The black and white AIR unit wasn't new, he knew where the shot came from that killed his ally. That second of hesitation allowed for him to push the remainder of the green AIR unit in the way, using it as a shield as she snatched the head, letting go of one of his aether sword rifles. Which just followed along, it was ingeniously attached by cable to the PA's wrists.


Each round of the positron beams were on target, overloading Maya's shields. The last of the six were a direct hit to the back of her machine, causing a temporal explosion of a sort with enough force to send her forward towards a large chunk of debris as her teleportation pack was destroyed. Her Mindy’s HUD was unstable for a moment, and then quickly established an initial damage assessment in the top corner of her view. The back of her unit was badly damaged and her structural integrity was compromised, but she still had power and weapons, the teleportation unit however was no longer displayed. Then she would probably feel the result of the hot armor, even through the Mindy’s protection her back would be somewhat scorched.

The gold unit was keeping its charge line on Mizu. With her arm up, he only seemed to go faster, as if challenging the pilot to shoot; he didn’t even raise a weapon yet, the golden AIR pilot’s cockiness showing through.

Without careful consideration of her options, Mizu readied her right forearm weapon in sword mode, locking on with her already aiming left forearm in submachine gun mode. She fired off a volley of rounds at the oncoming power armor. "Wonder how the others are doing right now?" She said under her breathe as she brought her right arm forward in a slashing motion towards the Gold Power Armors' torso section.

Maya had almost been blown away by the temporal explosion on her teleportation pack and sending her flying deeper into the debris field. Shaking off her shock of almost being killed, she patted herself and realized that she was still alive. "I'm still alive!" Maya checked her Mindy's HUD and checked a damage report. "Teleport unit has been destroyed and structural integrity has been compromised so I'll have to return to base soon but I still have weapons and propulsion." Maya then saw the black and white AIR in the distance and it still had it's back turned on her. "Alright YOU! It's PAYBACK TIME!" Maya ignited her thrusters straight for the AIR, her Gauss Cannon locked on it's back unit. As Maya sped towards the AIR and got within firing range, she opened fired multiple shots on the AIR and was prepared to break away at the slightest hint of retaliation.

"Herk," Kuriko gasped as the flamer armor smashed into her. For a few seconds Kuriko was disoriented before she could act. Should have seen that coming, Kuriko thought before she pulled her arm back and went for the side of the armor's head, hoping to place her aether blade into the pilot's skull. Simultaneously, Kuriko deactivated her other blade.

Adrenaline spiked as he saw Maya shot and flying, but it was quickly checked as he watched his enemy, waiting for it to make a move. Suddenly, he noticed something strange out of the corner of his eye. The crippled Mindy of his teammate, damaged but boosting into what could easily become a suicide run. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" Kazuma shouted into the radio, turning his attention to her target. He cursed under his breath and took aim at the enemy, hoping to either distract it with his attack or have it be distracted by Maya's assault.

The top right shoulder of the gold unit came alive in a quick bright burst of green neon ion, and it sent its self spinning downwards and forward at the same time, barely dodging Mizu's shots. But with its quick burst of speed, she'd be stuck swinging through nothing, and the gold unit was now gaining a bit of distance away as it spun in its speedy momentum to face her, now seedily speeding backwards. It lowered its own rifle at her, and squeezed off a single shot, it almost as if he was purposely shooting to miss.

Kail, still aboard the Takemitsu, suited up in her dinged up old Daisy armor, and readied for flight. It had taken her a bit longer, as she had taken the time to make sure the PA bay hadn't been damaged beyond use before she could go. Now fully suited up, she blasted through the force field, flying toward the battle at mid-speed, taking the time to line up a shot with the black and white Air unit as she moved steadily forward, taking in as much tactical data as she could to assess the situation for her second move. Having successfully lined up her shot, Kail pulled the trigger of her LASR, letting off several three-round bursts, in any direction the armor might take, and down the center just in case.

The 'Fire' unit pilot was also disoriented, her forearm aether blade came alive into his shields and a visual explosion of bright energy caused her armor's visual sensors to flare into disconfiguration, almost like a intense flash bang, as the two energies conflicted with one another at such close vicinity. But the shields of the AIR unit were just too weak compared to the aether blade as such a range, it finally forced through after much effort on Kuriko's behalf, just keeping it steady while it rattled around on the shield's surface was no mere feat. The blade however didn't get through the head; instead it pierced though the shoulder and neck at a downward angle. Then like the green unit before it, the pilot was default beheaded and the helmet was sent flying from the body, which just kept pushing the Mindy pilot from the battle field and into the more dense debris field.

Nyoko had taken her time in her preparations, her Mindy had not passed its first test and after some messing around with the engineering crews and rechecks everything seemed fine the suit was in perfect order, or at least she hoped so. Leaving the bay the she flew towards the field at mid-speed. The gold armor stood out to her, the only clash in the others colors as it was a metal not a color. She took aim with her gauss as she approached and taking a shot.

The black and white unit was a little harder to hit now, it had already collected what it was aiming for and now was in the thick of the debris field making it a much harder target. All of Maya's shots connected with the debris, and none on the retreating AIR unit.

As Kazuma's Mindy's sensors had time to adjust and reach out to the area, with his stillness, they would now come alive with a alert that a small craft came out of cloak in the debris field a short distance from the black and white AIR. No other unit would be alerted to it at the moment, because of the field's unstable properties.

All of Maya's shots missed as the black and white AIR finished whatever it was it was doing and falling back. "OH NO YOU DON'T! YOU’RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME THAT EASY!" This time Maya pushed her Mindy’s afterburners to their limit and headed straight for the retreating AIR, Maya then activated both of her Mindy’s energy blades and charged at the AIR to melee the sucker out of commission and determined not to let it get away!

Kail's shots were lined up perfectly; they tore through some of the thinner sheets of floating metal. But out of all those shots maybe only one would actually make contact with his shields and were quickly disregarded as he was moving towards a half intact Irim. Maya'd be catching up slowly; if she was going to get into melee range she'd have to follow it into the insides of the damaged ship.

Kuriko's vision whited-out from the intense amount of light that erupted from her aether blade and the AIR's shields interacting. Automatically her AIES linked up with the other suits to form a composite map of the battlefield based off of their sensors. Using the composite map the AIES tried to create a firing solution that would hit the fleeing armor. Firing Solution Achieved, the AIES informed Kuriko. “3 round burst, Fire,” Kuriko replied to the AIES as she deactivated her aether blade and grabbed on to the AIR unit. Seconds later Kuriko engaged her anti-grav and engines in an attempt to reverse the direction that she and her new shield were traveling in.

Kuriko's shots like Kail's were useless; they were fired into the dense field of bodies and ship debris. The unit they were targeting was now in the free floating battleship, and thus out of visual targeting.

"Maya, RETREAT!" Kazuma shouted, ceasing to snipe, deciding to boost toward his stubborn ally. He quickly opened up a transmission to his teammates while reloading his rifle, whether it needed it or not. "Uncloaked ship in the debris field, watch out! Firepower or more armor; could be ambush. Don't be an idiot!" Kazuma flew slightly into the debris field and fired at the fleeing black and white armor, keeping his distance from the wrecked ship and hoping Maya would not insist on the melee attack.

Then, as Mizu turned to look at the aerobatic gold AIR unit, she'd be treated to a sudden burst of direct fire. It was if the gold unit was just toying with her until this point, it was so perfectly aimed and precise that she'd be completely left off guard. The alarming thing is the gold larger and more aerodynamic AIR unit was still looking at Nyoko as he did so. Mizu was sent off axes and continued a distance from the battle. He raised his free hand and taunted Nyoko with a beckoning motion, leaning his helmet to her in silent expression of his pleasure to fight her.

Damn it, how could I be so stupid as to forget the debris? You really are going soft as an instructor, aren't you? Kail thought, boosting into the group of allies. "All right!" she called to the group, "Maya, you need to get back to the ship, if you're fast enough, get a replacement and get back out here. The rest of you, continue with your targets unless you have any other ideas. Kazuma, you're with me, we're going after blackie." she called, sending a status report to both the Senbu and the Takemitsu as she did, making sure to note that they ready a replacement for Maya.

A taunt was childish, however, Nyoko had to admit it was appropriate and her only response would have to be that of careful action. This was not someone to be taken lightly and more than likely had the skill and equipment to boast such pride in the gold armor. Nyoko continued to close in. She was not going to blindly charge she charged her forearm shield reflector it was going to be needed soon. Best to pepper the target she thought beginning to bare her other forearm weapon to harass the gold armor and maybe even cause some scorch marks.With that, she followed cautiously along the last known path of her target, making sure to keep the elliptoid shield raised in front of her, just in case.

Kazuma's shots just pinged against the Irim's armor now, as the black and white unit had disappeared in one of the gaping holes in the ship's hull and was now heading through.

Maya was slowly catching up to the black and white AIR and noticed that it looked like it was going to try and lose her in a half intact Irim floating in the debris field. "This is Yoshihara to all units! Requesting backup! In pursuit of retreating enemy black and white AIR!" Maya then got the order from Kail to retreat. "But Ma'am! If I break away now, the enemy is going to get away! Trust me! I got it in my sights!" Maya soon flew inside the wreck and chased the AIR inside the maze of corridors, randomly firing her gauss cannon at it whenever it was in range, hoping to get a lucky hit and trying to catch up to her elusive prey.

Kuriko started to accelerate, trying to dodge debris while still maintaining speed. I gotta hurry up, Kuriko thought as she flew.

Kazuma acknowledged his orders and headed toward the downed Irim. He was expecting to see Maya's armor leaving the ship, but he never saw her exiting, which made him wonder if she was pressing on or injured. "Hey Maya, you leaving the ship or what?" he sent to her telepathically. He smirked inside his helmet and adopted a more sarcastic tone. "Or do you need us to drag your limp body out of there? Perhaps it's karma from dunking me in that river!" Angering her would make her more aggressive, and hey, it could do its own good.

Nyoko's closed the ground, and then just as she got into full weapon's range he vanished. Literally, her AIES displayed that the most probable factor in this result would be a teleportation unit. The exit was predicted to be... right behind her. The cocky gold unit didn't even fire; he put an armored foot against her Mindy and pushed her forward with a heavy kick.

"Damn it RECRUIT! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Kail roared over the radio, not happy with Maya. Sure, diligence was one thing, but staying alive was the main point. That Nepleslian armor had a huge advantage within the hulk, and Maya was already damaged. Kail had seen too many friends lost to bravery, and didn't want one of her recruits to suffer the same fate. Charging in at full speed, she had the AIES plot a course using a general map of an Irim, and followed her charge, shield still raised for defense.

Nyoko let out an “oof,” disorienting her for a moment as she corrected herself, she was way out leagued here. Turning to face her opponent she made a semi salute with her shield bringing it to bare incase of an attack as well as practical use. No point in not having a dual purpose in ones action, however she also brought her other arm to bare at the same time letting loose another volley while continuing the direction she was going, she had to think of something fast she was being toyed with .

All throughout the Irim were floating bodies of Neko and Yamataian who were killed defending the planet, there was no signs of anyone still alive. It'd be a horrible sight, to see such young Star Army members whose lives were cut short in the defense of the planet and in that thought, they were also defending the Trainees in a sense, giving up their lives in hopes for the next generation.

Maya went quickly through the halls, left and then right and then another right before a long corridor. She could see the entrance to one of the Irim's ship bays, instead of shuttles and armor it was full of the Vampire ship; it seems they were hiding in the husk of the old Irim cleverly. It was too far away for a good shot, and her target was already almost fully in the ship. Then she'd be able to notice it, a large painted smiley face on the closed half of the bay door, and her AIES came alive with high explosive warnings as the trap he dragged her into became obvious.

After chasing the black and white AIR for what seemed like an eternity through corridors, Maya was close to catching up with the AIR when suddenly she noticed that the Vampire ship was actually hiding inside this damn wreck! The AIR was about to enter the Vampire and it was already too late to get a shot at it, but suddenly her AIES lit up like a Christmas Tree indicating explosives in the area. "What the!? SHIT –
IT'S A TRAP" Maya soon hit the inertialess drive to a complete stop and did a u-turn back out the way she came in and hit the thrusters at full throttle out of there. "ALL UNITS! GET OUT OF HERE! THIS THING IS GOING TO BLOW!!! EVACUATE NOW!!!"

Gonna blow? Kuriko thought as her AIES linked up with Maya's to get visual feed. She's in trouble, Kuriko thought as she looked over Maya's armor data. "MAYA, GET YOUR BACK AWAY FROM THE EXPLOSION!! YOUR REAR ARMOR IS ALMOST GONE!"[i/] Kuriko practically screamed telepathically at Maya, unconsciously increasing the speed of her Mindy to try and get there faster.

Most of Nyoko's shots connected with his already weakened shields, then the last one? It singed across his armor's face mask. He paused to raise a hand cupping his mask, almost in surprise that he was hit. If only she could see his face, but it was clear in his actions that he was shocked that she had caused a burn against his pride. His machine quickly raised its barrier shield and boosted in full reverse, offering her a bow. But threatening her not to follow as his armor's missile salvos opened up, he kept his eyes on her as he backed up, and the next move, which was hers, would decide how the rest of their duel would take place.

"Three's a crowd," Kazuma thought, turning around and exiting theIrim, which he hadn't made it far into anyway. He wandered out away from the ship and waited around for the others to fly out either valiantly, with fire on their tails, or just on fire.

Kail flew past Maya, having gotten all of her warnings, then flew backwards with her shields at maximum, so as to try and shield the unobservant recruit. She sent another report, stating that the enemy ship was inside the Irim, and said that its power armor and shuttle bays should be targeted immediately. Taking note of hers and Maya's positions, she hoped they would be far enough to be safe from the blasts caused by either the explosions, or possible incoming ship fire.

The trick was not in going backwards, but forward out with the Vampire, which would be clear in hind-sight sometime later, if the pilots survived long enough to experience hind-sight that is. The initial blast was strong, the pirates must have been setting the trap up the whole time, and as a last ditch effort, they used most of their explosives and torpedoes.

The gold armor was on the defensive as missiles roared to life. AIES warnings came to life – it was time for a good offense now and what better way to do so. Nyoko activated her teleporter, bringing her shield to bare in a swift bash in an attempt to disorient the pilot yet even more while starting to charge her other fore arm weapon in preparation of appearing behind the gold armor.

But the most deadly part wasn't the combined blast; it was the following chain reactions from the ship's internal parts. The core, ammo and various explosive items inside followed in a rapid succession of explosions. Kail's valiant efforts saved the recruit from the initial blast. But sent the both of them flying into a wall, in a pile of each other and large shrapnel, there was no way for them to make it out now. There was no chance for anyone inside to get free from the blast by this point; Kazuma’s AIES was alerting him to get away from the massive battleship, as it was quickly exploding.

Kazuma racked his brain trying to think of an idea to save those trapped on the ship, to no avail. Instead, he reluctantly listened to his automated advice giver, who felt no hesitation from emotion, just a machine reading sensors. "If you weren't a robot, would you still choose to run?" he said to himself, not expecting an answer.

"MAYA! " Kuriko screamed telepathically as she tried to stop herself from flying into the exploding battleship. A million and one strategies ran through Kuriko's mind, none of which were possible. I could charge in and use the AIR as a shield until I reach them, but then what? I can't do anything to help them after that. Kuriko didn't like the turn of events as they were. "I'm sorry Maya," Kuriko sent telepathically, her 'voice' seemingly crying. Quickly the recruit started to pull out of the blast range.

The gold machine would be caught off guard, if only she hadn’t used his own trick so soon, and if he didn't already have sensors that could see a full 360 view around his armor. His machine sunk quickly downwards a few meters then a full sixty DART missiles came out from the air unit in a close range cloud of missiles, giving Nyoko something to deal with as he speedily took off into the thick debris field.

Missiles. Crap, Kaori thought glumly. Oh well, it was worth a shot.” Now she had problems. She turned her attention to counting them blasting with her SMG while doing evasive maneuvers, she tagged the last position of the AIR focusing more on the immediate threat.

The explosion erupted from every opening on the busted-up Irim, and sent what was remaining of the ship in every direction in a brilliant wonder of destruction. The fleeing armor pilots outside would be treated to a sudden burst of large shrapnel and force from the resulting blast which made the piloting hard to deal with, Kazuma tried to fight against it but failed to miss a larger more flat chunk of debris and was smashed upside, causing the pilot to pass out. Kuriko however made it partly undamaged; she only sustained minor infliction to her shields. The only thing to do now was to find out about her squad mates.

Kuriko released the AIR that had shielded her from some of the shrapnel from her grip and moved toward the now destroyed Irim. As she flew, Kuriko started to scan her squadmates’ last known locations, doing a spiral scan from there.

The gold unit continued deeply into the debris and into an abnormal field disruption, which made sensors unable to track him down for now. His missiles however were quick and hard to track, but Nyoko's quick thinking took down a few of them. However, there were just too many to completely get free from. Her armor took a few heavy direct hits, her shields flickering with each rapid blow, which resulted in her floating shieldless in a field of fine charged particles, screwing up sensors momentarily and damaging shields.

The Nepleslian DARTS were no mere missiles to be taken lightly, they were High Explosive Dirty Payload warheads. But luckily, she made it out with minimal armor damage, but for now her sensors were erratically trying to gain stability, like sand being kicked in her eyes.

Nothing – there was literality nothing left of them... Kuriko's scans were picking up nothing, at all. It seemed like all hope for them was lost, her squad mates added to the growing list of casualties filling the grave yard floating above Nataria. But then, a faint glimmer. It seemed the blast had just confused her AIES. Somewhere in that mess were two faint life form signals, still alive, hanging on to some sort of thread tying them to this plane.

"I FOUND THEM!!! I FOUND THEM!! THEY'RE ALIVE!!! SOMEONE GET OUT HERE FAST! " Kuriko screamed into the radio as she flew as fast as she could to get to the pair.

A platoon of what seemed to be fifty Senbu armor were now securing the scene. "This is B wing leader; Yoko Shin-hei, we're here to relive you guys from the battlefield. Please head back to the ship for medical treatment, those still able, and please carry back the wounded on your way back. Also, the Captain sends her deepest regards. The abnormalities in the area caused by the debris and the pirates made it so we thought everything was fine on your end." The lead unit called over short range, as they fanned out to protect the survivors.

Kuriko wouldn't discover something good... her allies were alive, but barley. All that was left of the brave Kail who selflessly protected her student was a head and torso, the armor was the only thing keeping her alive. As for the headstrong student, she was out cold in her trainer's arms, the only thing missing from her body was her right arm, and the AIES was reporting stronger life signs from Maya. But all in all, they had to act quickly if they were to save these two.

"Understood" Kuriko replied as she landed by the two armors. Oh my... Kuriko thought as she grabbed the armors, Kail's arms falling off of Maya's body. "Can anyone help me here? I'm not sure Kail-juni will make it!" Kuriko called urgently over the radio. Kuriko arranged the pair as best she could and still be able to fly out of the debris before launching. We can get there twice as fast if someone else helps me carry them, Kuriko thought as she flew. Hang in there Maya.

"I'll help,” a young Neko said, quickly flying over to Kuriko's aid and gathered the pieces of Kail, then locked her teleportation unit on the Senbu and was quickly transported inside.

Kuriko locked on the same location as the Neko did and initiated her teleport.
