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RP: YSS Senbu Ep 17 - Rebirth

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ON: Aries Station

It had now been a full day and a half since the battle outside of the Ketsurui Nebula. The Senbu was now pulling into the repair docks of the massive Warmaster World station; its size alone dwarfed the comparatively small Anri-class vessel, which at this point was more than worse for wear. Everyone was updated with a new set of orders – the crew was to meet for debrief in one of the auditoriums in the station. There they would be going through the accounts of the last mission and the Shosa would be announcing her plans before they ship out again. Also, there was a awarding and promotion ceremony afterwards for the brave members of the ship who valiantly fended off the Pirate attack in such a desperate situation.

As for Shin's situation, he was still under watch. But the option was given to his squad’s CO to take him under her charge as long as she returned him to the brig afterwards. The Shosa still had to deal with that situation, but first and foremost she had the ship and the rest of the crew to deal with. Plus, there were still hundreds of crew members who needed to have Soul Transfer backups made and the Captain prioritized their revival first.

Among long hours that had passed, Kuriko had spent a great deal of time poring over the incident that had happened between Shin and Rin. Finally, once she had reached a point where she could tear herself down no further nor analyze it for any more information than was there, Kuriko collapsed. Kuriko slept for a few hours longer than she normally would before finally awaking. I should wear this more often, Kuriko thought as she slid into her skirted uniform, it was probably the first time she had worn it. "Nekki-hei, have you had your Soul Transfer backup already?" Kuriko asked Shin telepathically as she walked out of her bedroom.

Shin was still depressed over everything, though he was itching to get out of the cell. He sat up upon getting a message from Kuriko. "No, ma’am, I haven't. I don't intend to either."

It was a short trip to Shin's cell; Kuriko didn't speak telepathically to Shin anymore as she walked there. "This is Ittô Heisho Shifuda Kuriko, requesting permission to take Nitô Hei Nekki Shin out of his cell," Kuriko said to the Neko guards. Kuriko figured that there was some kind of procedure that she had to go through in order to take Shin out with her. As she waited, she worked on a way to convince Shin to get a memory backup.

The guards checked Kuriko's ID through MEGAMI as well as her clearance to take Shin out of confinement. "Very well, Shifuda-heisho, just sign here," the guard replied after everything checked out. Kuriko took the data pad offered and quickly scribbled out her name. "Nekki-hei is to remain under your constant supervision until you either sign him back in here to us or until notified otherwise," the officer said as she took back the data pad and unlocked the cell.

Shortly after the cell was opened, Kuriko walked in. "Why don't you want a memory backup?" Kuriko asked as she began to unstrap Shin.

Shin's face was expressionless, though he did refuse to make eye contact with Kuriko. He rubbed his wrists, stretching again. "Because when I die I won't remember anything. It would probably be better for the entire squad if I forget it all."

"And how would that be better for the wing?" Kuriko was having a little trouble getting the last strap undone, the belt had become stuck and firmly resisted her every attempt at undoing it. The Neko’s face contorted in frustration before she yanked as hard as she could which caused the belt to snap out of its clip. The Neko extended her hand to help Shin stand up, who would no doubt be a little sore after having been bedridden for the last day and a half.

"In my current state, I have only caused problems for the wing, which will only lead to loss of combat efficiency. I believe the best option would have been for you and Hoshitomo-hei to let me take the blame." Shin stood up, stretching his entire body out, a bit sore from being forced to be in bed for so long. "It's not that difficult to see that this is all my fault."

Kuriko chose to ignore Shin's “suggestion,” she wasn't going to blame him for actions that clearly she had caused. "Let me ask you something, Nekki-hei, do you believe that you've learned something from these situations?" Kuriko asked as she waited for him to be ready.

"I've learned that it's best I keep my emotions under control. And that I'm only good for combat. To be honest, I've learned that I’m little better than a NIWS, Shifuda-heisho." Shin smiled warmly at Kuriko, his warm smile contrasting with his cold speech.

Kuriko motioned for Shin to follow her as she started toward the debriefing that Shizuka had called. "Well, if that's how you feel about your existence than wouldn't it be better for you to get a Soul Transfer backup, then?" Kuriko wasn't even going to bother trying to convince him that he was better than an NIWS; she had convinced herself that she should not let her past job seep into her current one. She had already let it happen once, and the result had put two of her subordinates in a very dangerous situation and embarrassed the Shosa greatly. "If you only value yourself as a killing machine than even you must realize inherent advantage of the knowledge and combat experience you possess," Kuriko added as they entered Aries Station.

Shin followed Kuriko, saying nothing. "Heisho, my combat expertise is limited and poor at best. I have only survived so far due to sheer luck and stubbornness." He thought on more, "But, you're right."

"Then you'll commit to a full Soul Transfer backup?" Kuriko asked, hopeful that Shin would go through with the backup. "We can do it as soon as the debriefing is over," Kuriko continued. "I'm sure there is a station nearby that will be available for us to use." As Kuriko walked, she felt kind of uncomfortable with her legs exposed to the air, slightly chilled by its coolness. Maybe I shouldn't have worn this... Kuriko thought as they neared the debriefing room.

Shin looked over at Kuriko, studying her intently. "Heisho, are you cold?" Shin himself was just ignoring the cold, though it was a bit odd. "Perhaps you should go back to your quarters and put on something else?"

"I'm a little nippy, that's all. Besides, the briefing could start before we get back. I don't think being late would be a good idea," Kuriko replied. "So are you getting that backup or not?" the Heisho pressed, she wasn't going to let Shin get away without answering her question.

Shin nodded, smiling at Kuriko. "I'll consider it. But that's not a guarantee." Shin seemed to be cheering up around Kuriko, his (false) emotionless facade falling down to her siege of friendliness.

Nicholas was in a preparation room adjacent to the auditorium that Aries’ command had provided for use by the Senbu’s officers diligently finishing up what work could be done before the debriefing. He made sure that all commendations had been sent to command and that all of the physical accessories that would be presented were on-hand and accounted for. The Geshrin Taii wore a crisp, fresh uniform and because he was able to rest and get a modest amount of leisure time, felt far less weary than he had since the incident involving two of Pride Wing’s soldiers.

Shizuka arrived in the preparation chamber moments after completing two stops. Firstly, she oversaw the reports on the Senbu's damage as they were handed over to the station's repair crew. Then, she had spent a few moments in the Aries’ medical facilities to personally hand over the Soul Transfer data for her ship’s deceased to the medical technicians. She would have liked to stay to thank each one of her brought back crew individually and oversee the revival, but she still had work yet to attend to. "I never thought I'd say this, but for once I think I'm glad we're docked..." Shizuka commented to her executive officer as she pulled up a seat beside him to review his prepared information.

“I thought you’d be more eager to chase down our enemies, Shizuka,” Nicholas replied with a kindhearted smile. In truth, he was very glad to be in port as well, even though it was nowhere near as exciting as a planetary leave would have been; he hadn’t been planetside since his time under Kyosuke on the Goban. “Ah, before I forget, I need your approval on this,” he said, not explaining fully as he handed her his data pad with the expectation that she’d quickly make her mark and give it back.

The Shosa took the pad and gave it her usual once over, just to glance at the contents before affixing her signature. After that, she looked over the various rank pins and medals. "After this, I think I'm going to give our crew a few days leave. Something to bolster morale and give us some time to better plan this investigation and work on our own infrastructure while preparing for a bigger fight. I might request more ships, if not under my command, then from the fleet to escort us on our mission." Shizuka presented her thoughts as she finished arranging a few notes on a personal data pad for debrief.

Nicholas took his data pad back, sending its contents to command before he set it on the table that he was working at. “Sounds like a fine plan,” he said as he stood to stretch, he’d been sitting for some time before the Neko commander had entered. “Not much rest for us, admittedly, but it will be good for the crew.”

"Nothing says we can't do our work from a nice little spot on Yamatai, you still owe me a tour," Shizuka retorted after he mentioned that they wouldn't be getting any rest. After all, it was him who promised her that he would show her planetside and be there for her first time on surface. She had far from forgotten the conversation; after all, she was looking forward to it ever since he mentioned it. Then, with a message, she was given an update on the revival situation of her crew. "Five members have chosen this death as their last one way or another, but the rest have been fully restored. They've been given a quick restorative information session and now are on their way. We should get this started..." Shizuka collected her things and started towards the door to the auditorium.

“As you wish, Shizuka,” he answered, pressing out any obvious folds in his uniform as he followed her out of the room. He’d hoped that the Shosa would have forgotten him telling her that they’d go planetside together, but was excited that he would be getting the opportunity to breathe atmospheric air again. A frightening thought crossed his mind as he dwelled on the opportunity. No... he told himself, suppressing the idea to invite her to his family’s estate on Yamatai, that isn’t a good idea. Although only a skeleton caretaking staff had lived at the place since his mother had moved the family’s base of power to Tatiana, it could only end in disaster. Still, he didn’t totally push the idea from his mind at the time.

Masako would be keeping to herself close to the auditorium for the time being, feeling uncomfortable with how the young men on this station were eyeing her like a piece of meat. "I really don't like it here... wish I had something to wear other than this stretch bodysuit uniform," she muttered to herself, feeling self-conscious as she crossed her arms under her bust as she leaned against the wall outside the auditorium.

It was a while now, and Hiroko had actually decided to get her Soul Transfer backup... never pleasant, but it was necessary. And so there she was trying to not think about what Shin did as she headed for the debriefing. Why did Rin discharge her NSP? What did Shin do... No. She shouldn't think about that.

Sakaki was exploring the station, as she had only been on one once before she arrived on the Senbu by shuttle. The Neko looked everywhere in amazement at the vastness of the station, the various crew moving, flowing though their own spaces in time, each with their own war stories to tell. She began to feel lost in the crowds as one of many, feeling the communication of various levels going on, telepathic and vocal.

Then, a hand fell on Sakaki's shoulder as the indigo-haired Yamataian, Hiroko, walked behind her. "You look lost, Sakaki. You... haven't spoken much recently." A subtle smile, hard to define, covered her features. "Are you well?"

Suddenly, the black-top-knot-haired Neko was surprised by the contact and spun around almost knocking herself into someone in the process. After a quick apology and bow she recognized her teammate and replied, "Ishida-hei I apologize for acting startled. I must have been spacing out. I am healthy, thank you." Sakaki have a reassuring and apologetic bow, while feeling a little embarrassed.

Hiroko shifted forward, leaning in towards Sakaki. For some reason the pilot seemed inherently amused by something, and it showed in her tone. "Well... It's one thing to be healthy... but how's your spirit doing? If you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't be spacing out and lost, would you?"

Sakaki's left arm settled onto her blade attached to her side while her right hand rest on her head. “I was just thinking... my spirit is fine, Ishida-hei.” Giving a light sigh and glancing the sides of her companion, her feeling of being lost and misdirection began to settle in, and realized she was a little lost. She then gestured to Hiroko with her right palm facing up and gesturing away, “I have a favor to ask of you Ishida-hei, do you know where the debriefing is?”

Hiroko placed a hand on her chin, pondering... then, the smirk again. Why was she smiling so often? Isn't that... somewhat out of character? Or is it? "I don't know." Then she looked off in the distance and quietly pinged the Aries’ PANT-IES system telepathically about which way the debriefing was. "...Though that shouldn't stop us. Follow me!" She extended a hand out, figuring that PANT-IES’ directions and her ability to navigate through a tight area like a starbase would be enough.

"Huh?" Masako blinked, eventually noticing Hiroko and Sakaki approaching the auditorium she was waiting next to. She hadn't wanted to stray off too far and get lost or distracted and miss the important meeting. "Hey! Ishida-hei, Ushimo-hei!" she greeted them enthusiastically and waved her arms over her head so they'd see her over the crowd.

"Hai. I shall follow Ishida-hei," replied Sakaki and followed after her teammate. Upon arriving at Masako's location, she bowed and gave her greeting. "Where are the others?" Sakaki asked, as it seemed somewhat implausible that there would only be just the three of them waiting around.

"I don't know," Masako said to Sakaki, bowing to her and Hiroko in greeting. "I haven't seen them, have you?" she asked them both.

Hiroko looked at Sakaki and shrugged. "...Busy, mayhap."

Just then, Kuriko and Shin walked up to the small group. "Ishida-hei, Sakiyurai-hei, Ushimo-hei," Kuriko said, nodding toward each of the three Nitô Hei. "Looks like we're not running too far behind. How are you all doing?" Kuriko asked the group. Kuriko was happy that Shin was at least considering getting a backup, which was all in all better than nothing.

Shin's faux-emotionless facade was back, at least at the moment. "Hello, Ishida-hei, Sakiyurai-hei, Ushimo-hei." He had a slight smile on his face, his hands crossed behind his back. "Just for the record, if we go shopping, I refuse to carry any and all bags."

"Good enough I suppose. I was waiting for all of you before I went in," Masako said, thumbing behind her to the entrance. "We should probably get inside before the Shosa mounts the stage lest we be in trouble," she grinned.

Sakaki was still feeling a bit sour at Shin's recent activities, but bowed to at least her commanding officer. She had thought over what Shin had said though and had to leave her evil thoughts aside, he was still recovering from injuries after all. "Indeed Masako-san, we should hurry in," stated Sakaki and headed inside.

"Un." Kuriko nodded as she spoke before turning and leading the group into the auditorium. Doesn't this feel familiar? Kuriko thought as she saw just about all of the Senbu crew present. This reminded her of the first briefing after her promotion to Nitô Heisho. Only now, the Heisho felt not intimidated, but confidant in both herself, and her Wing.

Masako would file in quietly after the other two and sighed some, feeling a bit down that she couldn't get Shin nor Rin to tell their parts of the story of what had transpired on the ship to get them in the brig. This auditorium was enormous, but part of Masako's mind could only wonder how well it carried sound if someone were to start singing in there. "This place isn't new," she said casually, but kept the tone down.

The Neko Captain exited out into the theatre-styled auditorium, already there were many of the Senbu's administration and various members present. The sheer size of the auditorium was quite daunting to anyone with stage fright; it looked like it could house the entire crew and still have room for more. Luckily, the Red Lion of the 1st XF was conquered by no such fear. She stepped briskly under the overhead lights, dressed in her skirted, short-sleeved uniform, her own modest set of awards displayed proudly on the white panels. This time, instead of waving Nick off to one of the seats, she had him come with her on the stage.

Nicholas obeyed Shizuka when she directed him to accompany her to the platform, feeling small compared to the majesty of the auditorium’s capacity. The set of ribbons pinned to the Taii’s uniform, amusingly, far outnumbered his Shosa’s, several having a small silver numeral set on them that denoted multiple citations. Why does she do this to me? he wondered drearily, hoping that he wouldn’t have to say anything once deliberations began. It was one thing to accept accolades before a crowd and something far different to have to speak to one.

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