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.37 Canister rifle


Inactive Member
Heavy .37 caliber tactical canister rifle (HCTCR-001)

Caliber: heavy .37
Action: Gas operated, reinforced rotating bolt
Length: 1240 mm (w / 305mm 60 dB silencer)
Barrel length (either rifled or smooth): 575 mm / 680 mm
Weight: 4 kg (unloaded) 5,4 to 6 kg (7 shell magazine) 8 to 9,5 kg (20 shell drum magazine)
Rate of fire: 500 rpm full auto
Scope: 4× - 12× - 28×
-rangefinder, digital and classic scopes, thermal/motion/lifesign detectors available, UV if necessary
Laser scope: 250m(day)-2100m(night)
-activates on pressure of grip safety
Silencer (60dB)
Shoulder strap

Grip safety.
Easily changeable barrel and attachments.
Factory line rifles have dioptric sights.
Cocking lever and ejection port on right side.

-pull front grip back until base
-grab magazine firmly and pull it slightly downwards and towards stock to release the mag
-to reload, attach a loaded magazine to the receiver, push the front grip back and give the cocking lever a confident pull

- front: turn screw at the end of the front grip and pull the grip back to release the barrel
- rear: firmly press and remove the two bolts in front and behind the fire-group lever to remove the grip and firing mechanism in one pull
- stock: twist counter clockwise twice and pull out (allows access to shock absorbers)
Reassembly is the opposite order.

Ammunition: heavy .37 caliber shells
- AP: depleted uranium core armor piercing shell capable of piercing light and medium class armor, doing slight damage to reinforced heavy armor and hull. Longest range, high-precision round. (1300 m)
- HE: high explosive rounds with no shrapnel (available in ‘overloaded' modification), explosion radius is 6 feet, blast radius is 20 feet. Medium range. (650m)
- HEAP: High explosive rounds with cumulative triggers. Retains most of the armor piercing capabilities without sacrificing explosive load, but is effective at a shorter range. (450m)
- Buckshot: white-hot, pyramid-shaped chunks of tungsten are fired in a circular pattern. Warning: this type of ammunition will render the rifled barrel useless and dangerous to use in 2 shots! (60m)
- Incendiary: the shell contains a substance similar to napalm. The tip of the shell is the detonator. Unless pressed on impact, it is safe to carry. Can set a room or vegetation on uncontrollable fire in a short amount of time. (500m)
- Tracer: phosphorous marking device for aerial and artillery strikes on hidden targets. Comes in red, yellow and white. (1200m)
- Tracker-shell: a single, long-range transmitter device that emits a signal every 0,7 / 2,1 / 2,5 / 1,6 / 3,9 minutes is shot inside the hull of the target from medium range. The time intervals are to confuse detectors as the signals are emitted in a previously programmed order. (550m)
- Emergency flare: shot up in sky, it leaves a hard-to-miss purple/red cloud after explosion (N/A)
- Smoke shell: cover ordnance (100m)

The drum-magazine can also be used as a heavy mine, planted explosives or claymore mine.
- buckshot and incendiary ---> anti-personnel claymore / mine
- HE ---> planted demolition charges
- AP ---> anti-vehicle mine

Burst fire is comfortably controllable as long as 3 shells remain in the magazine or when the weapon rests on a bipod.
The rifle is intended primarily for scouting purposes and heavy terrain operations. The structure and mechanism are sturdy and reliable while easy to use.

Barrel and mechanism can be easily switched to take subsonic 9mm (9×39mm) ammo, raising the rate of fire to 800 rpm, while slightly decreasing maximum range, and decreasing damage a lot.
In regards to the image: how is a person supposed to wrap a hand around that grip?
The angle of the grip was inspired by the one used on the first FG 42 series, but I can redo that in a jiffy.

And yes, the thumb wouldn't fit too well if at all.
Lots of rifles lately ... this one seems like a real death machine. Hehe.

1. What is "heavy" .37-caliber?

2. 500 rpm is on the slow side for most automatic weapons, but for something this big, it seems strange to have an automatic mode at all.

3. Ammunition. First, the round itself: can you give its dimensions? What's the dimensions of the case, for instance? I see that you're using commas instead of periods to define your numbers, but you're using calibers, so you're British living abroad maybe? Anyway, think millimeters to describe the case size, bullet size, so on. Having that will give everyone an idea of exactly what kind of round you're going for.

Keep in mind that the size of the shell and the size of the round must be similar or the same in order to fit in the magazine and the gun's chamber.

a. Your HE round has an incredibly huge blast radius. How is produced? And the range seems odd; why can't this shell go as far as the rest?

b. The HEAP round is a nice idea. But why the lack of range?

c. The buckshot ammunition you're suggesting ... doesn't seem to jive. The smallest (effective) shotgun shell I know of is .41/45-caliber, and unless it's the magnum version, that shell won't scratch body armor. Most shotgun shells are at least .55-caliber, while a 12-gauge round is .72-caliber. That means your .37-caliber shell is a little on the small side, tungsten or no. Unless it's a long round with a lot of powder behind it, I would question its effectiveness.

Consider as well that by 60 meters, that shot is pretty damn useless, especially tungsten. Sixty meters is generous without using using a lighter metal. I mean, for a decent amount of big shot, you'd need several ounces! (One ounce is about 29 grams.)

Speaking of the shot, how dense is it? 00, 000, or maybe 1 or 2?

And why "white-hot" tungsten? Are you trying to get AP-functions out of it?

d. How does one make the drum magazine into a mine?

4. The burst-fire function seems a little weak with only seven rounds to go on. But why is it comfortable with more than three rounds? And how many rounds is the burst-fire set to shoot per trigger pull?

to reload, attach a loaded magazine to the receiver, push the front grip back and give the cocking lever a confident pull

I don't know why, but this makes me laugh. Yet when I think about it, it makes good sense.

6. Who's making this thing?

The art for this weapon rocks. It really does look like a "death machine."
1. Actually, the ".37 caliber" is an old fad among gunfreaks and the like to describe something stupid or utterly nonsense. Like... "Bozo's got .37 caliber riflz!" Heavy is simply there to add some fright to the round. I'll add the measurements in millimeters. As for shape, think like a 40mm US made grenade (slightly different shapes to ensure best aerodynamics and load). Size (if my mesurements were correct) would roughly be: 35×145mm.

2. Indeed, but since most players here are rather large sized, I thought it wouldn't bee too much a "pain in the shoulder". Not as effective close range as long range, of course, mostly because of the long reload cycle and the relatively small shell capacity. The gun is sort of a... smaller autocannon with a classic automatic mechanism.

3. Pahahahaa, the real reason is that it's closer to the numpad than the period button! I lol'd.

a, Blast and explosion are two different things. Former is the air pressure generated by the latter. Of course, at the very edge of the radius, all you feel is a gentle, warm breeze.

a-b, The lack of range comes from the different payload. The AP rounds are preferred for long range since they are stiffer, more sturdy rounds. Also, I made the range reductions in order to keep the weapon from doing overkill from over a mile away with all sorts of ammo. If I'm correct, larger AP shells have longer range than HE, and HEAP has the least. Weight varies as well, and the electronic scope can calibrate itself depending on the range, wind, humidity, etc. and the type of ammo used.

Of course, pros of the pros often prefer the good ol' crosshairs and their senses to "modern gizmos on top o' da barrel".

c, You have struck a amjor point there. Buckshot can spread so thin at long ranges that most of the pellets miss the target completely. (These days you can buy a 'duckbill' to spread the buckshot in a horizontal line instead of the circular pattern.) My main idea was to create an effective close quarters round. There was a shotgun weapon project that used pyramid shaped pellets in the shotgun shell instead of spherical ones in order to achieve better penetration.

So no, the white hot is simply to BURN 'EM, not to pierce. The shape is the major penetrating force.
The size is the same as a shell, but designed for the reinforced smooth barrel. I was thinking about 10 or 8 gauge shells, 00. A 12 gauge 000 shell is effective till... 'bout... 45 meters maybe?

d, Take the drum and manufacture it with a detonator in the middle that is linked to all the shells when activated. Arm the device by pressing... say... a button safely situated on the back the back of the mag. Set it to timed, proximity or pressure based or remote detonation.

4. Full automatic. The extra weight in the mag can ensure a better control over the considerable recoil of the weapon. 3 rounds marks the line between 'comfortable' and 'tricky'.

5. Glad to make you l o l .

6. This is my worst issue so far. I'm not too familiar with manufacturers. Maybe some sorta Nepleslian firm. The new one maybe? Or is anyone willing to BUY the design?

Art: Thank you! I was having the time of my life drawing the thing.

Did I miss anything? :shock:

Oh, I forgot to add that the silencer is a -1/3 effective range penalty to all types of ammo.
Consider working for NAM, the nepleslian firm. It won't purchase the design but it will offer your designer a cut of the profits from the sale of the weapon and considering the massive need for weapons on Nepleslia it would be easy to make a killing off sales.
Intriguing. But... we would also need a price tag for the different rifle designs and ammunition, scopes and such.

Maybe I could take the repair kit to NAM to manufacture as well?
Oh, and since my character is into construction and engineering, maybe he could be a neutral field employee/agent. Is that possible, or does that have to be RPed out?
He could remain freelance. Feel free to bring any designs to NAM. We could make the price negotiable for the moment that way you can put off making one for the time being.

Holy le fuck. So this is really a grenade-type launcher. And you've got a quick-change receiver of some sort to make it fire 9x39mm rifle rounds? Saucy.

I wouldn't count on "large-sized." NH-29 usually aren't taller than 5'8" and aren't any stronger than a soldier in good shape. Of course, if you're handing it to Nepleslian ID-SOLs and their descendants, that's different.

a, Blast and explosion are two different things. Former is the air pressure generated by the latter. Of course, at the very edge of the radius, all you feel is a gentle, warm breeze.

A 6-foot explosion radius makes sense now that we know the dimensions of the round and its purposes.

a-b, The lack of range comes from the different payload. The AP rounds are preferred for long range since they are stiffer, more sturdy rounds.

You should note here that the amount of force necessary to propel a 35mm AP round is tremendous. I would do the math, but I'm at work. It's got to produce one hell of a fucking kick to travel 1,300 meters maximum, let alone effective. The Russians have a 13.7mm anti-aircraft cannon that's prone only, has a recoiling barrel, and a fat buttpad. Even if you assume similar kick from, say, a .50-caliber BMG, an ID-SOL descendent isn't going to fire that standing up from his shoulder.

The shape of the pellets seems cool; I like that idea. But tungsten? Your barrel would have to be tougher than the tungsten. Why not just plain steel?

This reminds me of that flak cannon from Unreal Tournament. God I love that gun.

I digress. If you have a gun that's using 35mm shells to begin with, why not just make a shell that big full of shot? That's a real fucking canister gun there, I'll tell you what. Forget street sweepers.

I'd be careful with just one activation switch. Maybe two, just in case.

4. Full automatic. The extra weight in the mag can ensure a better control over the considerable recoil of the weapon. 3 rounds marks the line between 'comfortable' and 'tricky'.

Disallowing the recoil issue mentioned above, this feature seems only useful for the drum magazine; the box is too small. Sound right?

6. This is my worst issue so far. I'm not too familiar with manufacturers. Maybe some sorta Nepleslian firm. The new one maybe? Or is anyone willing to BUY the design?

Uso's on the money. Also consider NovaCorp and Emrys Industries.

That silencer would do little to suppress the noise from an AP, HEAP and Buckshot. Those rounds need speed to do their damage.
1. Ummm... sorta, yeah, we can say that. As for the bullet mod: change the mechanism (which is fitted neatly in a box inside the gun) and the barrel to fit the lighter ammo.

2. Nepleslia mostly, yes. However, if merchandise can leave for other empires via the firms, anyone who feels his men and women up to it can have a couple issued to their squad.

a-b, That made me think so hard that a pimple grew on my forehead. *scratch* Perhaps a gas channel system in the stock towards the back would do the trick? If not, it's back to the good ol' range decrease. Note that the hv.37 AP rounds are precision rounds, designed primarily to render the joints of mecha severely damaged, to deal great destruction to light and medium vehicles, and probably temporarily incapacitate heavy armor and the like. Thus, it is intended mostly for prone firing from a safe position.

c, Steel? *bangs head on keybrhgitjddh* Sure, some high quality, heat resistant steel alloy should be enough. So you mean a single shot that sends a whole lot of these hot chunks of steel flying at great speed at almost point-blank range?

d, Safely positioned was to implement a safe to use device. A safety lever and an arming switch.

4. Of course, but I mentioned that, didn't I? Did I? :shock: It can always be switched back to semi-auto, though. Depends on present conditions.

The silencer actually gave me the same impression as I was reading a novel like... an hour ago...? (Boy, it was all drama and sadness and tears and cool and just... bwhahahahaaa... ) Maybe a simple flash hider will do.

I'll look up on all the firms, but only tomorrow.

Like I said: highly emotional book just ruined my nerves for today. I'm off to bed.
The only reason I say grenade launcher is because 35mm is about 1.3 inches, which is one fat-ass round. That's bigger than the 20mm cannons used in that old OICW system HK was developing.

The internal mechanism is kick-ass though. Have a general hammer, just switch chambers or something. Good deal.

Gas-channel system ... the gas needs to go somewhere, which will be difficult. It's a lot of gas. Honestly, these large shells are normally fired from fixed positions, and they're not fired full-auto. I'd suggest a dual-platform weapon like the OICW, but that makes for a big weapon.

I wouldn't say "point blank," but yeah, 40 - 45 meters is a good effective range for the steel shot, with 200 meters as the max.
I'll have to agree with Doshii earlier point here, the recoil on a shell that size would be tremendous. What you have now is more of a tank or anti-aircraft weapon than a hand-held weapons system. Might I suggest making a rocket launcher instead?
Hmmm... you guys gave me an idea! You see, we Hungarians have an AT-rifle (14,5×114mm) with a pretty lil' anti-shock system, the 'hydropneumatic-absorber'. Actually, it's the barrel sliding back into another, larger barrel, which has springs and other shock absorbing stuff inside. However, the gun is about... 6 feet long?! Too heavy and too big for a footman.

Not to mention that the rifle is intended for scouting, heavy covering fire and covert strikes.

The gas redirection could be fitted into the stock, above and to the back of the shoulder. However, this would mean that standing behind the shooter would be a burn hazard because of the hot gases.

I can add a longer barrel and the gas redirection or the pneumatic absorber.

And in that case, Scribbles has a point there: this would be an infantry handled AT/AA rifle, and no, I don't want a rocket launcher, because it would lose the suitabiliy for the 9×39 mm rounds.
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