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SACN [4th AASP] Diplomacy


Inactive Member
From: SMoDIN 4th Fleet
To: Star Army of Yamatai.

We intend to send the NSS Asp to Elysia for a diplomatic visit very soon and we would like to acquire clearance to enter Elysian space.
To: SMoDIN 4th Fleet
From: Star Army of Yamatai

Permission granted. You can meet with the YSS Eucharis, which is in the system.
The NSS Asp would exit hyperspace near the outermost gas giant of the Elysian system, putting it just over 21 AU from the system’s star so that it could relay its message.

“This is the Nepleslian 4th Fleet Starship NSS Asp. We have set up a meeting with YSS Eucharis and are awaiting instructions on how to proceed.

Our Location and Identification information are attached to this transmission.”

The large clamshell doors above and below the manufacturing section of the rocket would then open up, extending two large reflective radiators to dump off waste heat generated by the FTL system. Its shields and a short range interdiction field were also activated as a pair of F2 drones detached themselves from the ship’s missile belt, firing a quick burst from their drives to position themselves slightly ahead of their mothership.
To: NSS Asp
From: YSS Eucharis

Please proceed to attached coordinates in the restricted salvage field where you will find our light starbase. We will meet aboard the starbase. The area is secured by my squadron and twenty ships of the Star Army Tenth Fleet.

Please do not deploy any weapons or drones or use any shield systems other than the absolutely necessary. Please do not attempt to retrieve any salvage without our expressed prior consent.


Taisa Ketsurui Hanako
Commander, Second Squadron, First Expeditionary Fleet
To: NSS Asp
From: YSS Eucharis

With regards to your Diplomatic Team, we are requesting the following information:
  • # of persons in the party
  • Species of members
  • Any unique accommodating requirements

Jalen Sune-Nitô Juni
Executive Officer, YSS Eucharis
To: YSS Eucharis
From: NSS Asp

Here is the following requested information about our Diplomatic Team:

Our party contains 3 individuals.
There are two Neplesians and one Freespacer.
We require an oxygen rich environment with minimal to no germs, bacteria, or viruses.

Also if it is possible for a particularly strong stool to be substituted for one of the chairs in your negotiation location for use by the Freespacer on our team it would probably make things easier.

We appreciate your consideration in these matters.

Orchid Anson,
Civilian Designer/ Ad Hoc Negotiator
To: YSS Euchars, Hanako.
From: Heram Wazu

I have attached a modified version of your original treaty to this message. I've consolidated a few items into the Joint Task Force grouping to allow the task force a little more leeway in how they operate, mainly so they don't have to get two senates to approve their actions before they decide on a course of action.
To: Heram Wazu @ NSS Asp
From: Ketsurui Hanako @ YSS Eucharis

I have conferred with the Empress and she finds your updated version of the treaty agreeable.


Taisa Ketsurui Hanako
Commander, Second Squadron, First Expeditionary Fleet
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