Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [4th fleet/Gartagens] Further Treaty Negotiations


Inactive Member
The NSS Hive, a large freighter packed with storage containers around its exterior, would appear in a flash of white light on the edges of the Shara system followed shortly by its escort, the NSS Hornet. Both ships would extend their radiators and point themselves further into the system, the NSS Hornet looking for someone to contact using its sensor systems.

"Greetings, The SMODIN starships NSS Hornet and NSS Hive are here to conclude the negotiations started by Union Operative Gian near Nepleslia. We await permission to approach."

"Permission Granted, you may enter orbit of Gartaga. We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival." Came the an audio only transmission. The Scanners would detect the transmission had come from a group of 12 gartagen ships. Four of them were cruisers, and the other eight being destroyers.

"This is system defense group four, we will be your escorts and at your disposal for your stay here in our home system. If any of your crew wish to visit planet side, they are more then welcome. Union Operative Gian's instructions."

Solar Commander Hujin stood on the deck of her command ship the Dishandal. "Catering to aliens...we should be protecting our home system from them not letting them learn everything they can about our defenses.

"Very well, we will be making a short jump to the following co-ordinates. Please stand by."

The two Nepleslian starships would charge their FTLs again as they closed up their radiators, making a short hop towards the Gartagen fleet waiting for them before closing the rest of the distance to orbit with sub light engines.

"My name is Drei. I met Operative Gian before and Wazu had requested that I be able to complete the negotiations on his behalf. I was hoping that I would be able to speak to her again." Drei sent as the two Nepleslian ships carefully approached the Gartagens.
The Hornet's exterior was ringed with various combat drones, all of which were quietly waiting against the hull of the ship. The heavily armored coverings for the ship's laser emitters also remained closed, not wanting to be perceived as a threat.

"I am Dishandal, Flagship of battle group four, Gian personal convoy. She has given me all the information and instructions needed for the formalizing of the defense treaty. Operative Gian is being called to the bridge as we speak."

The Gartagen ships held their position, and kept their weapons powered down. No threat was given, and the Nepleslian were being treated as apart of the system judging by their current combat ready patrols in the home system. Considering what the Nepleslian had seen from their last visit, a number of ships were missing, no doubt starting the exploration of other star systems.

"This is Union Operative Gian. It is good to hear your voice Drie. Is Heram...err Wazu with you?"

"He sends his apologies that he is unable to attend right now. He has scheduled time to come to Shara however there are prior engagements that he must tend to first." Drei explained. The two ships only bothered with passive sensors, their threat monitoring systems fully operational, but they did not seem to be too interested in using active scans to probe the gartagan planet or starships.

"In the mean time, a preliminary treaty was already agreed upon. I am here to finalize the language and to uphold our original promises."

"All that is left now is the little clauses and details. We have a few of our own, but the polite thing to do is to let you air your own requirements, in order to keep the treaty. You can not possibly have us trade your weapons with an enemy empire, and vice versa."

Gian loomed over the communications station on board the Dishandal. "Tell Commander Tam and the D'jehendrezad to fall back into the rear of the formation. Let us spread out a bit in order to make them feel safe. I do not want them getting alarmed."

Hujin sighed. "Yes Operative, as the leader demands."

"Would you like to host this round of negotiations this time? Or shall I prepare our conference room?" Drei asked.

'Perhaps we should do it here on this ship." Gian said thoughtfully. "Unless it would impede the process of course."

"Not at all.." Drei would reply, informing them that she would be using one of their shuttles to make the trip over to the Gartagan starship, dressed up in her Nepleslian naval uniform. It would take a few minutes to make the trip, dock, and get through the formalities of the boarding process before Drei could address the garts in person.

"It is good to see you again," She would tell Gian.

Two other Gartagen shuttles had landed, ushering in other naval commanders in the battle group. Gian and Hujin both stood on the hanger deck awaiting the arrival. When Drei presented her avatar Gian Bowed. "It is good to see you Drei."

Gian then presented Hujin. "This is Solar Commander Hujin." Hujin bowed slightly. She was a little bit older for a female, but her uniform had several pips and decorations on it, which indicated she knew what she was doing. Hujin kept her hair pulled back, and her peach colored skin indicated she was of Ithcalushi descent. "This is the Computer core they use." She said calmly inspecting Drei's avatar.

"Well what did you expect?" came a gravely voice from behind Drei. Gian smirked at the voice. "This handsome specimen behind you is Commander Tam, of the D'jehendrezade."

Tam stood, with his arms behind his back. His blue skin and slightly overweight body made im stand apart from the other Gartagen in the room. Tam was a Gartagen who had some years on him. His mottled face, and blue eyes exuded an aura of intelligence and wisdom. He kept his dreadlock like hair short, and bound into a simple topknot.

Hujin glared at him. "I expected pets to be kept in their cages. But now is not the time COMMANDER." hujin said asserting her rank over him.

Gian smirked "Indeed, but let us handle this treaty. Drei, these members of the Navy are here to observe, so that they may instruct their peers and subordinates."

"Very well, I see no problem with this." She then looked over to the members of the Gart Navy. "I expect we shall be working together soon. Our initial projections for outfitting your star ships will require the NSS Hive to remain in system for some time and I am looking forward to attempting joint operations with your fleet."

Drei's uniform, unlike that of the Garts, was fairly bland. It contained only basic rank and no formal decorations other than the badge of the 4th fleet and a muted grey-blue color that went well with her fair skin.

She would then turn back to Gian, "Shall we start with the trade provisions?"

"Absolutely. I have been instructed to request that The Union can trade with any nation it deems fit to trade with. Provided the nation in question is not activly hostile or at war with our Allies, Nepleslia. Is this acceptable?" Gian said cutting right to the point.

"Of course, we have no intrest in curtailing Gartagan trade. We would like to disallow taxes on important or exporting between Nepleslian and Gart territory as well as outlaw the re-sale of military gear purchased by the Gartigan Goverment or Military." Drei said.

"Agreed, Merchants from either side of this arrangement will have free-trade, and military equipment purchased by us from you, and like wise is banned due to mutual security and defense purposes."

"Added into this, we have resolved to give DION a grant of land, to what ever size you need for an embassy. In the Imperial City, free of charge. This is a gesture of good will, with no strings attached of course."

Drei pulled a datapad off a clip that had kept it attached to her hips, transcribing what they were saying at the time.

1) Both nations agree to free trade, with the exception of military hardware purchased by either military which can not be resold for reasons of mutual security."

2) Both nations agree to provide a grant of land for construction of an embassy as a gesture of good will.

"3" Drei said, "Would be about joint military operations. Agreeing to the common defense and agreeing that both militaries establish liaisons to work with each other. I would like to leave the second part a bit open so that our military organizations have some freedom to best determine how we will operate in concert."

"Commander Tam. I defer to your knowledge of our defenses. Can you answer this question?" Gian said calmly. Hujin shifted an brutal glare at both Gian and Tam. "Operative?"

Gian looked to Hujin. "The leader wished his presence here specifically, rest assured your position is secure."

Tam bowed to the operative, and then to Drei. "This is, a surprise..."

"I have looked over the preliminary documents. A resident Nepleslian force, parked on the out skirts of our Solar system could be seen as an intrusion, and may frighten other nations into thinking we have submitted to Nepleslian rule and are in fact a puppet state. My suggestion is for the formation of a jointly operated and armed fleet tasked with patrolling and defending this sector of space from all threats."

"Naturally this fleet would require a home base of operations, and this base could be the one the Nepleslian's wished to station in our system. It is an ambitious plan, and would require much from both sides. But from the documents I have read on Yamatai, the NMX, and DION. This will allow us to more control of our own system, and should not break any treaties the Nepleslian's have with expanding into this sector of space."

"Naturally this combined fleet would be under Gartagen command, but with Nepleslian consultants, and even personnel. The fleet could thus be called apon by both nations. I suggest a similar formation to be founded in DION space as well."

Gian looked to Drei so hear her opinion on Tam's plan.

"The proposal sounds acceptable, however a Gartagan fleet presence in Nepleslian space is unnecessary for the time being. There are already considerable assets in place in Nepleslian space and it would serve our strategic interests better if your forces were focused on deterrence in this area of space. We would like to be able to call upon your support for operations away from Shara from time to time.

Our ships also do not require a starbase for continued upkeep, so we could use the NSS Hive as a base of operations for logistics in this area of space.

Wazu was also curious as to the extent of your willingness to participate in the conflict against the NMX."

Hujin had enough of Tam's rambling and decided to speak up. "Naval Command has projected that the NMX and your alliance are in what appears to be a stale mate."

"Judging by all figures they would not hesitate to assault us, and enslave our people. Though preparation needs to be made, it would be prudent to aid you in the conflict. As the NMX are no doubt aware of our existence, and possibly even this very conversation."

Gian walked, her body was covered in little more then a loin cloth, and a top covering her breasts. A new sword was held to her torso by a simple leather strap. "We are willing to aid you, but we need to prepare first. We need to train our officers in space combat, as well as hunt for new system to be able to keep a steady flow of minerals to keep a war viable."

"Our current strategy is one of defense and posturing." Drei explained, "With the war between Yamatai and the NMX continuing at this pace both nations are focused on each other. This has provided Nepleslia ample opportunity to grow and prosper. We intend to use the Gartagan alliance to further this goal with the objective of securing key locations like the planet of Ether, and ensuring that the Gartagans are strong enough to hold off Yamatain attempts to bring them into their empire. In a worst case scenario this would also involve using Gart assets to defend Nepleslian worlds as well.

If you are to get involved, you should be well aware of our strategy and our intentions for your people."

Gian flicked her tail in agreement "That is the purpose of a defense treaty. We agree to protect Nepleslian worlds, and you do the same. Part of winning wars is positioning your self, and scaring your foe into not wishing to fight. Gartagen tactics differ from Nepleslian tactics. But you have more experience in these matters."

"We are taking what you say about Yamatai seriously, be we also feel since they arey our allies of convince and have done us no wrong, we will hear what they have to say. But if you have our backs, we will most certainly have yours."

Drei would nod, the datapad now reading:

1) Both nations agree to free trade, with the exception of military hardware purchased by either military which can not be resold for reasons of mutual security."

2) Both nations agree to provide a grant of land for construction of an embassy as a gesture of good will.

3) Both nations agree to assist the other in their common defense, and when in each other's star systems they will operate at the pleasure of the respective goverment.

"This sounds agreeable." Drei said, "It would also be wise to include a line requiring some amount of notice and mutual agreement to change the terms of the treaty."

"A renegotiation every standard year would be acceptable, in the event of changing situations. We how ever know this will be a beneficial agreement for the both of us. But the ability to adapt the agreement would no doubt be needed."

"Like wise, if Nepleslians wish to join our military, or to immigrate we can accommodate them. I'd like to hope your race is equally tolerant?"

"Now we should also state not every member of our race is the pillar of honor. Any crime committed by a Gartagen on a Nepleslian world is subject to Nepleslian law, and vice versa."

"Members of either government shall be allowed to move between Union and SMODIN territory, subject to safety and military restrictions." Drei said, "And members of either government can apply for citizenship in the other government.

Members of this treaty have the option of renegotiating once a year,

And citizens will be subject to the laws of the government of the territory they have entered."

" Agreed"

"Now then to the more business end of this meeting. Drei, you stated the purchase and or granting of Nepleslian equipment to bolster our own forces?"

Tam and Hujin both looked on with interest at the mention of this topic.

"We also which to know what an acceptable medium of exchange would be for your government."

"NAM provides most of the equipment to our armed forces." Drei explained, "And it is a government corporation that peruses government interests. We can not give away equipment from other organizations naturally, but NAM can assist you with outfitting your forces.

We do not expect you to pay in money, or with natural resources. The initial offering and support can be considered an act of good will which could be repaid later by the assistance of the Gartagan Union. We could also arrange to purchase equipment that intrests the military through the Gartagan Union itself to provide you with some currency to use elsewhere. I can work directly with your engineers on how to outfit your ships with NAM equipment."

At the same time Drei would make available a list of equipment produced by NAM that they were comfortable supplying to the Gartagans.

Tam Spoke up. "The Power armors we reviewed and looked at seemed like something the RRF could get behind. Heavy Infantry to aid and defend our light infantry formations. The passive systems on their star ships..such as shielding and the power plant."

Hujin cut Tam off suddenly "The F2 missile? Not quite Missile...not quite any thing, it looks like a trinket. I can find no strategy or use for such a silly contraption."

"That is unfortunate. The F2 was designed with the intention of being used in situations like this. Your ships would require only a minimal amount of work in order to carry and deploy the weapon system.

I would like the believe that you will find out anti-starship techniques to be extremely effective. Power armors would need to be modified to accept Gartagan operators, The differences in legs and tails would result in problems for your soldiers."

"Such an obstacle could be overcome with simple modifications. Some of the larger suits would require minimal modifications, but yes, such modifications would be warranted and necessary." Gian said calmly.

Hujin shook her head "Mindless drones. The entire lot. Deaths should be inflicted by warriors not humble machines."

Tam spoke up. "It is a weapon, a weapon used by warriors to win wars. Perhaps we should allow for a demonstration."

"A simulation then?" Drei offered, "Though I am confident in the Hornet's ability to defend itself, I do not wish to put your people in any danger and I would very much prefer to arm your forces in this manner."

"That is acceptable." Gian stated. 'We do not need any unnecessary deaths." Hujin started to object but held her tongue.

Gian looked at Drei and smiled "We can head to the bridge and watch it on the holo-projector?"

"very well, this should not take too long." Drei said, putting the datapad back against her hips and letting the computers back onboard the Hornet transmit the definitions for the F2 combat drone to the Gartagan computer.

The walk to the bridge was not long. it required a few transitions into elevators, but before long Drei would find her self in a spacious Oval shaped room. There was a large stage surrounded by the a pit where the station's of the ship's CIC crew sat, monitoring their stations. At the center of this stage was a large table that had a three dimensional live holographic image being displayed. It was giving detailed visual, and statistical data on the Nepleslian ships.

"May the simulation start with the NSS Hornet positioned ten light seconds from your home world? You make include whatever starships you would like in your defensive formation." Drei said.

Hujin stepped up to the table. "CORE. Do as Drei has requested." A simulated scan of the NSS hornet appeared in the projection. "Give me four Interlopers, with their fighters fully deployed."

Four Interlopers appeared in defensive wall posture around Gartaga. Eight squadrons of Sundancers appeared supporting their mother ships.

Hujin then looked at Drei, Then back at her "Fleet" Maintain defensive formation, power up all weapons and target the enemy craft, Fighters screen against enemy attacks. The Interlopers activly targeted the Hornet, and the Sundancers advanced 12,000 km ahead of their mother ships.

"From what I understand of Union equipment." Drei began to explain as the drones latched onto the exterior of the Hornet detached, tossing themselves outward away from the starship for a few seconds before lighting up their engines and accelerating towards the Gart ships.

"You lack an effective countermeasure for FTL Strikes, which means your starships are effectively defenseless against this type of attack." Once the F2 drones were up to speed, a portion would make a quick FTL hop to point blank range, only a few thousand kilometers away from the gart ships. At the speed the drones were traveling at it would take fractions of a second for the drones to impact their target ships. To make matters worse they were already projecting directed gravity beams at their targets, stopping the garts from making an FTL jump.

"Even provided that your starships were capable of producing effective anti-FTL countermeasures, The F2 contains methods for circumventing them. The large masses of small F2s ensure that even if your starships are carrying beam type disruption equipment, some will be able to pass through even if the beam is able to score a lucky hit on a few to hold them in place. Against larger area of effect fields the F2 is capable of projecting a focused beam to cut through this type of interference to allow for various types of FTL attack."

The attack ended with the F2 drones slamming into the Gartagen formation. The Sundancers began giving the drones hell, but the Interlopers all began suffering massive damage. Hujin let out a displeased Snarl.

Tam smiled. "Impressive. What about in a defensive situation?" Tam approached the table. "May I?" Hujin moved to object but Gian nodded her approval.

Tam began fiddling with the image. "You are right, we have no defense against and FTL strike."

The holographic scene was reset with Four cruisers surrounding the Hornet at point blank range. "You will forgive me, I simply wish to test this f2, because it has so far impressed me."

The F2 were again released from around the NSS Hornet, as the bulk of the drones were merely attached to the exterior of the ship it would take mere fractions of a second for them to deploy and orient themselves, facing towards the ship. Some would generate their own support beam at the NSS Hornet, allowing it to make an FTL jump away, A few others would generate interdiction beams to keep the Gart ships from escaping, and once the Hornet was away they would all begin accelerating, getting ready to launch their own FTL attack.

"Assuming the parent ship is interdicted an F2 can assists with its escape or delay an enemy ship. The F2 is also armed with light weapons, allowing it to strike down incoming missiles or other small objects that may not warrant the entire drone sacrificing itself." Drei explained.

The cruisers reacted in a startled fashion. Defensively the armed their sand cannons, and began readying up for point defense action.

Tam smiled "And this weapon could be simply attached to our ships, no heavy modifications necessary, and perform as we witnessed in the simulation?"

"Small handholds would need to be attached around your ships so that the drones can anchor themselves in place." Drei explained, "Or they can simply hold onto handholds that are already in place. They also have a refueling port on the underside. An appropriately configured starship can hold the drones on the exterior as well as perform refueling and maintenance operations on the drones from that location. They are also capable of being brought inside of an airlock for refueling and service. Since the drones contain their own sensors and electronics they do not require a parent ship for operation."

Gian looked at both Tam and Hujin. "We will take them." Tam looked to Hujin. "You should instruct our technicians to place hand holds on the outer hull immediately."

Hujin sighed audibly. "If you can transmit the data to My ship's CORE such a modification can be completed in a few hours."

"Very well," Drei said. "If you provide me with some ship schematics I can start providing options for retrofitting your current fleet with other gear as well."

"Core, transmit schematics." Seconds later Drei would find her data files being filled with the necessary information on the Gartagen star ships.

"Is there any other language you would like to discuss for the treaty?" Drei asked, "Wazu was hoping that the loose language would promote better relations between our people."

"That will not be necessary"

"Very well, If this version of the treaty is acceptable I will pass it back to our senate for approval and you can may take it to your government for the appropriate steps..."