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Laz Public Network [4th Fleet] Interest in Origin Products


Inactive Member
Sender: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet
Addressee: Origin Industries Sales

To Whom It May Concern,

Due to ongoing re-organization of the 4th Fleet as well as other factors relating to NAM production, the 4th Fleet finds itself without any escort type warships. Since future operations will likely depend on the presence of escorts to protect the missile cruisers of 4th Fleet, Origin Industries' Kouken-class has come to the fore as the best ship for the role, with certain modifications.

I, personally, am interested in learning more about the Victory-class cruiser. Especially its capability for long-range, independent operations.


Rear Admiral Dominic Valken
4th AASP Fleet, Commanding Officer
To: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet

FROM: Sierra Merkur, Origin Sales

To RADM Dominic Valken:
Thank you for your interest in Origin products. We are proud to serve all of the major Militaries in the Kikyo sector, and are thankful for your continued interest and support.

As for the Kouken-class Ships, What modifications do you require? Depending on the modifications needed, price, build time, and delivery date may change. Also, please be detailed, so that we are certain to get your order right the first time.

For the Victory-class cruiser, Which version are you interested in? The fusion-powered Abwehran model is somewhat slower and contains proprietary technology, and may not be available, pending discussions with the Abwerhans. The Standard version, however, should be available.

The Standard Victory class has a range of Six months supplies, though it is possible to convert some other space into storage to increase range, if desired. The General loadout of the Victory-class could be sufficient for longer periods of independent service, but some may need to be augmented by fully Militarized weapons, which Origin is not legally allowed to sell, However, Our Relations with NAM means that we may be able to have them outfit the ship to your desired specifications.

If you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to ask.

Sierra Merkur
Origin Sales Representative
To: Sierra Merkur, Origin Sales
From: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet

Dear Ms. Merkur,

I would like to know whether it is possible to increase shield capacity (OOC: to 18) and what sort of pricing changes that would create.

Also, a reduction of Heavy Laser Turrets from 100 to 36. This should hopefully reduce the cost per unit.

In addition, we would like all weapons lockers to come empty. I would like the armoury stocked with only your HGR weapons. While I am sure Origin weaponry is of the best quality, 4th Fleet will be stocking these with our own stock.

Lastly, how feasible would it be for your engineers to convert part of the hangar in each unit to house up to 6 Nepleslian Power Armours, Hostile and Aggressor-types.

Thank you for your swift response,


Rear Admiral Dominic Valken
4th AASP Fleet, Commanding Officer
To: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet

FROM: Sierra Merkur, Origin Sales

To RADM Dominic Valken:
You Seem very concerned with the price of our product. I feel I must inform you of our company's policy of offering a bulk discount on orders of 30 units or more, reducing the cost by 20%. If your fleet still does not have the funding, the discount still applies to longer contracts- Your fleet may contract for 30 Kouken, to be delivered over a longer schedule and paid for upon delivery, if you so desired.

On the subject of the weapons lockers and armory- that is easily done, and we have no issues with following this request posthaste.

For your concerns with the Power armor, the Kouken's decontamination room already has accomodations for up to four standard-sized Nepleslian Power armor, or the eight Impulse PA it comes with standard (Would you like those removed as well?). In terms of hangar Space conversion, it is an easy conversion, but considering the existing facilities, do you still require Six in the Hangar? The Hangar is quite large enough to house more than six Power Armors.

We are capable of upgrading the shielding, but the added expense is balanced by the emptying of the weapons lockers, so there would be no price change for that.

Lastly, are you sure you would like us to remove the majority of the Heavy Laser Turrets the Kouken has the capability of storing? The large surplus was designed in to account for combat losses, and to allow increased field operating time. The Turrets are not invincible, and we have seen instances of them being specifically targeted in numerous battles, so we would advise against removing them, considering the bulk discount we are offering.

However, if you simply must have them removed, we can offer a discount of 150,000 DA (75,000 KS) per Kouken unit, which you may end up using instead on constantly replacing Turrets lost in battle- and they are more expensive when purchased separately (16,000 DA/unit), although a bulk discount is of course available if you need resupplies.

Currently, you are looking at two options:

A Purchase plan of 30 or more Koukens, with Empty weapons lockers and a stripped armory, Hangars set up for PA operations, increased shielding, and the standard amount of HLT's, for 340,000 KS/unit


An indeterminate number of Koukens, with the same options as previous, aside from a reduction of HLT's from 100 to 36 per unit, at a discount of 75,000 KS/unit, resulting in a purchase price of 350,000 KS/unit. You may choose to do a purchase plan on this option as well, which would result in a price of 280,000 KS/unit.

Sierra Merkur
Origin Sales Representative
To: Sierra Merkur
From: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th Fleet

Dear Ms. Merkur,

I have forwarded your offer a bulk discount to my superiors. We had only planned to purchase a few units for 4th Fleet so this new turn of events requires a decision from a higher authority. They are the ones who control the budget and spending. And they may have other specifications for units destined for other Fleets.

At this moment, we are not planning to use starfighters in the hangars. This role is currently filled by the F2 drones carried by our C2 and C3E missile cruisers. In regards to the Impulse suits you provide, thank you for reminding me, we actually do not need more than two per ship. Each ship is envisioned to carry at least one squad of Marines with Power Armour (8-10 Marines). The current Power Armour bay, which you advertise to hold up to four Nepleslian units, is insufficient hence why I'd like part of the hangar to be converted to house the additional suits. So, if it is possible, a conversion to accommodate up to 10 Nepleslian Power Armours and two of your own Impulses per Kouken.

You make an excellent point about the loss and cost of replacement of the HLTs. I must ask then, how compatible are your weapon systems and those produced by NAM? I had wondered whether damaged weapons could be replaced by a NAM system. From what I am told, they are in the process of creating a new line of starships and starship weaponry. Though I possess nothing more than rumours at this point in time.

But mainly, though, that led me to wonder as to the compatibility of the Queen Destiny AI and our own Drei. Can the two systems interact, especially in combat? It would be most unfortunate if they could not.

I wish to thank you for your patience in the matter.


Rear Admiral Dominic Valken
4th AASP Fleet, Commanding Officer
To: Sierra Merkur
From: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th Fleet

Dear Ms. Merkur,

As referenced in my previous communication, most Marine squads are 8-10 in number. Having housing for only a portion of their power armour complement makes deployment that much more difficult since it would mean stationing a single squad over multiple ships.

I also refer you to my other questions about component compatibility and AI interaction.

I have received authorization for a larger purchase but would like to confirm the above issues before finalizing the purchase plan.


RADM Dominic Valken
Commanding Officer, 4th AASP Fleet
To: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet

FROM: Sierra Merkur, Origin Sales

To RADM Dominic Valken:
All of your concerns and needed changes are fairly easy ones. As stated before, we will gladly rearrange the Hangar for you at no extra cost, allowing you to use it exclusively for Powered armor. There is plenty of room int he Hangar, and you should still be able to use it for Shuttles and other such activities, even modified to house Power Armor.

Have all of your concerns been addressed? We will be more than willing to hammer everything out to make sure you are getting exactly what you need.

Sierra Merkur
Origin Sales Representative

((OOC: If you want to, you can edit the Bottom of the Kouken's page, under the 'Variants' section, and list the differences between the standard and your Nepleslian version. I'd prefer if you called it the Kouken-D or Kouken-N(for Nepleslia) if you did, though. Thank you))
To: Sierra Merkur
From: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th Fleet

Dear Ms. Merkur,

Yes, thank you. I have sent you the details of the order.

To confirm, we would like to purchase 30 units at your discounted rate.


RADM Dominic Valken
Commanding Officer, 4th AASP Fleet
To: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet

FROM: Sierra Merkur, Origin Sales

To RADM Dominic Valken:
Your order has been confirmed and processed. what time scale are you looking at for the delivery and fulfillment of your order?

Sierra Merkur
Origin Sales Representative
To: Sierra Merkur
From: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th Fleet

Dear Ms. Merkur,

We should like the first six units constructed ASAP. Please let me know how fast you can do that. 4th Fleet crews will be sent to your facility to move the ships to a SMDIoN facility. The following batches can be constructed without the urgency. I do not know the regular build time for these vessels so I can't give you a time frame.

Likewise, SMDIoN crews will be sent to make the pick-up of completed ships.


RADM Dominic Valken
Commanding Officer, 4th AASP Fleet
To: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th AASP Fleet

FROM: Sierra Merkur, Origin Sales

To RADM Dominic Valken:
We should be able to convert existing stock to your specifications within three days. As for further ships, we can have them all done within a Month.

We will prepare a Hangar bay specifically for the SMoDIoN crews to pick up the Koukens, as well as to stage any further orders that may occur.

Sierra Merkur
Origin Sales Representative
To: Sierra Merkur
From: RADM Dominic Valken, 4th Fleet

Dear Ms. Merkur,

That is excellent. To have the entire order completed within the month is much shorter than I expected. Please let me know when the first six units are complete so I can send crews over.

Thank you.


RADM Dominic Valken
Commanding Officer, 4th AASP Fleet