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OOC 4th Fleet OOC Thread

I will say, for the record, I'm going to roll with the results either way. But Fian's interpretation about the tech is much closer to what the described systems should do IRL. If it were just some sci-fi receiving method mentioned it'd be different, but radar and lidar have very specific functions. They aren't passive in the way that is being advanced.

But, like I said, for now I'll rely on a sixth sense over the suits sensors. I'm just saying that the monoeye shouldn't work as has been presented in the thread, given the description of its functions.
Yes and it'll be worse if I get any of the jobs I'm applying for in Singapore. Those are full time jobs unlike my current part-timers.

On the positive side, if I do get any of those jobs, we can afford more art!
Sigma said:
Yes and it'll be worse if I get any of the jobs I'm applying for in Singapore. Those are full time jobs unlike my current part-timers.

On the positive side, if I do get any of those jobs, we can afford more art!
Hear hear! My job saps all my time but I get DOSH!
All players, please specify the number of shots you're taking. That way, we can avoid a lot of misunderstanding. Otherwise, I'm defaulting to you're firing 50% of your current magazine/load.

Gotcha. I'll try to post before the end of the week.



I know it's more an IC thing than an OOC thing, but sorry for getting Wulfe trapped like that. I'll freely admit that it was down to some hilariously bad logic on my part.
Brett M said:

I know it's more an IC thing than an OOC thing, but sorry for getting Wulfe trapped like that. I'll freely admit that it was down to some hilariously bad logic on my part.

Hey, man, like I told you over in the IRC it's no biggie.
Well, it's not the first time hilariously bad logic has been applied. Then again last time we had a rage quit take the heat off the rest of us.

Yeah, I know, I just feel a bit bad about it is all.


True. In future I'll try to apply a sanity check to my posts (sanity checks: not just for the cockpit anymore!).
Never tempt the GM with "I hope 'insert plausible yet catastrophic event' does not happen." I am very susceptible to such temptations.

I will try to get updated maps this week.
Oh great and powerful GM! Accept this offering and avert thy rage from this one as he his unworthy of even thy scorn...

That said I suddenly got the image from those war movies where a grunt is thrown of his feet and opens his eyes to the sight of an unexploded shell next to him...
Never tempt the GM with "I hope 'insert plausible yet catastrophic event' does not happen." I am very susceptible to such temptations.

*scribbles it down in notebook*

Gotcha. =P

Anyways, I'm writing my post now; if I don't get it done, I'll try to finish it off tomorrow.


Hm. Just gave the latest post a once-over, and there doesn't appear to be anything significant to respond to. If I'm just being blind then disregard this edit.
I leave you and any other players digging poor Wulfe out to determine the pace at which you work. Don't need to nitpick every detail. Have fun with it.
Sorry for not posting this week, got caught up with project work. I'll try and get something up tomorrow, but I may be too busy to post for the next two weeks or so.
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