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RP: 5th XF [5th XF Command] Day 1: All Things Considered...


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
Katsuko held her datapad in front of her as she ascended the stairs and onto the lower level of the Iori's NECTAR. The massive volumetric table had the fleet's current deployment on it, the center were the two Ioris. Miniature models of the different ships scattered the board, the updated screen showing Yugumo moving away from the fleet along with her escorts.

Her blue hair drawn back in its usual tight pony tail, her makeup without imperfection or blemish-even so she stopped briefly to check herself. She watched as the table updated itself and the Fujin and its escorts disappeared into hyperspace, Kuniko and Sui would be absence, while the remaining nine were expected in the NECTAR nearly a half hour before-all of which were late.

Katsuko worked over the reports incoming from command, and filing them within the depths of her sub-particle memory. The new Staging area had been selected and appeared off to the side of the table and was marked-Katsuko awaited the others with patience, wanting things to get underway so the fleet could make their jump to their new Staging Area north of the creepy passage.

Hotaru alerted her of the incoming message from Lor and she began to go over it, moving it to the top of the Twelve's agenda after they would make the jump to the new staging area.

Kahori Miyamae walked calmly through the halls of the Iori, her hips swaying leisurely back and forth as she stepped. She was aware of her tardiness but made no blatant effort to scurry along to the NECTAR, lest she appear frantic and out of control. That was not the image she wanted to give off from a woman in her position. She kept a datapad handy in her left hand, using her right to occasionally flick the blue strands out of her eyes. Her wrist waved fluidly, the blue silk that once hid her piercing green eyes followed the flow of her fingers and landed to the side of her face. She shook her head ever so lightly, leaving her face clear and eyes staring forward. The world around her did not exist; she had her destination in mind and she could not be stopped until she reached it.

It was not long before she arrived just outside of the NECTAR. She stopped, hesitating for some unplaceable reason, but she shook it off and arrived into the room occupied only by Katsuko. Her eyes navigated the area of the room to make sure that she was indeed the only other person present, and when she realized that she was, a small smile appeared across her face. She was late, but obviously not as late as her comrades. Confidently she walked further in and uttered, "Taisho Motoyoshi--I apologize for being so tardy. I won't bore you with excuses, so I hope my humble plea for forgiveness will satiate you." She said this with just a hint of sarcasm. Joking sarcasm, of course...she had no qualms with Katsuko.
Katsuko smirked as she listened to Kahori's comment about being tardy, "Don't worry about it. It gives me some time to catch up on things; most of the fleet is ready to go.â€
Kahori's eyes half rolled and she let out a sigh of mild frustration. She let her body fall limply into a nearby chair, letting herself finally relax. Around the rest of the Twelve and her crew on the YSS Ralt, she maintained a perfect stature and practiced staunch professionalism, never once slouching or making an unnecessary comment. She was concise and to-the-point, saying only what she absolutely needed to say and spent most of her time listening to the other members of her elite group. To her crew she was strict and terse; she would not repeat orders, expecting the best from every one of her officers and crewmen, and to some even seemed self-absorbed and uncaring. No one was ever truly close to her and most only knew very little about her feelings. However, when she was alone with Katsuko, she knew it would be alright for her to loosen that image just a bit and allow herself more leeway with her speech and her posture.

Holding a hand to the side of her neck, she turned her head in a circular motion causing some of her vertabrae to crack. "Well," she began "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I've waited this long so I suppose another day won't kill me. Still I'm not sure whether to chalk it up to ineptitude or pure laziness; either way, you'll have to excuse me for not being super-ecstatic about the news, dear."

She rested the datapad on her lap and looked directly into Katsuko's eyes. "But everything's just fine aboard the Ralt, save for the whole escort fiasco. I don't know about you, but it seems many of my enlistees are too soft nowadays. Hell, I've already had two enlisted Combat Arms transfer out on me. Good riddance, I say--if they can't listen to directions then they're only going to slow the whole team down, right?" she ended with a smirk and a light chuckle.
Katsuko said in support, "The bottom of the barrel...This personnel shortage could end up costing more lives than it saves-as long as command keeps placing those who barely meet the qualifications into combat positions.â€
Kahori shrugged, only half agreeing with her Taisho. "I suppose I could...but I think now is hardly a time to tolerate those that still need to learn. I keep my standards very high, but moreso now than ever I want the best on my crew. If they're not up to the task then I have no problem with letting them run off to somewhere more 'safe'. I want the dying to be on the part of the SMX as much as is possible."

Her hand grasped onto the datapad as it flew toward her, and she rested it just above her own as she read it. The enlisted brought her a cup of tea and she gladly received it, nodding to the Santo Hei in acknowledgement and silent dismissal. When she reached the bottom, she let out a bit of a scoff at the entire affair. "So, they want our help then? I'll keep my opinions to myself for now, but this delicious piece of news is sure to bring up some interesting debate in our little meeting today."

She pushed the datapad away from her onto the table and sipped her tea peacefully, leaning back in her chair. Blue strands fell across her face again, and quite annoyed, she flicked them back into place.
The green haired Shosho came bursting into the meeting room a few moments later, panting as her hair was tangled up. She had some paperwork in her hands which was rustled up. Bending over slightly to catch her breath, she soon snapped a quick salute.

"Please Taisho forgive my tardiness, I did not mean to be la-..." Looking around she saw really only two other people were there with them. With a sigh she hung her head. "Forgive me Taisho for the outburst. I guess I thought I would be to late."

Sitting at the meeting table she began to straighten her papers and her hair as a cup of green tea was set infront of her.

"Again, Sorry for the outburst Taisho.."
Stumbling in right behind Eri was Taro. Like his fellow ship commander his uniform was less than immaculate. He made a quiet "Oh..." at the sight of the Taisho, before saluting and then bowing deeply. His face looked unusually relaxed and at peace. When he sighted the volumetric fleet display he even broke into a smile as he sighted the Yugumo's group moving.

Exiting the lift further down the hall, Taisa Bando Ayako made for NECTAR. Her black hair held back from her face with a small star-shaped hairpin. She was reviewing the latest scouting information her group was acquiring while she was aboard the Hotaru.

Shortly after Ayako exited, the commander of the Hotaru herself decided to show herself. Miho straightened her skirt, brushing some wrinkles from it, as she stepped from the lift. She made a polite nod to Ayako, who had turned around at the sound, as she exited.
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