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RP: 5th XF [5XF Command, Prelude] The Twelve

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Off-screen from the discussion between Chujo Kotoku and the Taisa from Pisces another communication had been received from Taisho Yui. Mayumi loosened the Taisho pin from her uniform and with a smile handed it to Katsuko. Everything is set Taisho.

Katsuko picked up the pin and put it on, getting up from her chair she walked up behind Chujo Kotoku and tapped the small control panel next to the Chujo's water glass terminating the communication with Pisces.

~Communication Terminated~

"If that Taisa tries to cause any more problems, please contact personnel and ensure the next command she receives is a garbage hauler. You do not question a Taisho, you do what you're told-this is the military not a public forum. Sui, get your things together, you're going to Pisces dear, file the appropriate motions with Irim. I will ensure there sufficient ships to take on our resources by the time you arrive.â€
Kuniko smirked a little at her Taisho's response, glad for the fact that she had taken care of the upstart Taisa. With a small yawn she perked her ear to Sui's communications. Silently she sent the woman a message, smiling a little.

"I can take you. I have more then enough space in my ships and they will be helpful for all the refugees."

With a wink to Sui if she would turn to her, Kuniko leaned back in her chair and simply waited for the others to leave, to wait for Sui to speak with her as well if she cared too.
Ayako, Mamami, Taro, and Miho all bowed in their seats towards Katsuko as she called the meeting to a close. With various ad-libbed affirmatives those present concluded the formalities of the meeting atmosphere.

The first to rise was Taro. The Lorrheim was hailing him and reporting major developments. The Shosho bowed quickly to those present and quietly began moving from the room. There was much for him to do, and he was aware he wouldn't be sleeping until far in the future.

Miho sat back in her chair. As she began to relax she brushed some stray strands of hair from her face and then smiled to Katsuko. Your quarters are primed and ready. I think they'll need your personal touch, as I haven't had much time for decorating.

Eyeing Taro carefully, Mamami shifted in her seat. And odd one he is... She thought off hand. Turning to Eri she asked out loud, "Has he been under much stress? His demeanor seems tempered."

The good times are returning. With this plan we should be- No, will be able to stand for this fight. Ayako thought as she smiled to the group around. She paid little attention to any eyes looking about. She only cared that the Fifth's command was returning to the way it was.
Eri turned to look to Mamami, sighing a little as she heard the question. "We have all been pressed into trying times. He is just taking it tougher then most of us..." She sighed as she watched Taro leave the room, worry in her eyes for her friend.

"He has been in constant contact with his ships and working tirelessly to help the fleet. I worry for him though, he works himself to hard at times. If you will excuse me." With the bow of her head to the others in the room, Eri stood from her chair and followed Taro.

"Taro! Taro wait up." She jogged out of the room after him. "Taro wait up, let me come with you."
Taro had just reached the lift at the end of the hallway when Eri called out to him. He waved off the pending message that the Lorrheim was sending him as he turned to his friend. He gave her a warm smile.

"Of course. Better in company I would say." The Yamataian keyed up the lift for the shuttle bay. As the lift began to move to pick them up, Taro sighed and shook his head. "I can't help but think of this as a surreal dream. A hot drink should clear the senses a bit, would you care to join me?" Taro looked to Eri and with a small smile.
Mayumi was quick to excuse herself; she took leave of the others and headed out of the conference room and down the corridor past Taro and Eri and into the lift. Yuka rushed after her, in silence they rushed back to the Seijin no Umi, knowing Mayumi was going to have to explain all of this-knowing that Kiyoko was not going to take the current state of affairs well.

Katsuko said to Miho, "Well then, you lead the way-I could use a drink and some company. Not much use sleeping when we have to be back in NECTAR in three and a half hours.â€
Eri smiled sweetly and nodded, slipping her arms around Taro's as she followed with him. "Of course I would love to join you." She nodded again, the same smile on her face as they rode the lift. Idly she listened to thier company on the lift. As they reached the floor, Eri all but dragged him along, eager to get something to drink and hopefully get Taro to relax.

"So how have you been lately Taro? You really need to relax more...Everyone can see your really tense." There was a general tone of worry for him as she pulled him to where they could get a drink. "You know I worry for you, and the way you've been pushing yourself..you really need to get some rest."

Kuniko on the other hand had a small grin on her face. It would be great to shoot this Taisa down some.They always got uppity when they thought that they had some kind of sway with higher ups. "Let's get goin then, I have the Fujin warming up so it will be ready when we get there." She stood up now and gathered her things as she eyed the multi-colored group of NH-12s on the table top, cleaning things up and reorganizing other things such as papers. With a sigh, a blush came to her face again, the soft red coloring slightly noticeable.

So cute...I can't wait to get back...
(Kuniko & Sui to be continued in the Fujin Thread. Everyone else is still here, and expected to be in the NECTAR by 05:30, Note IC time is around 02:00 right now)
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