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Approved Submission 6+ Gunship


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Waspy Gunship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:iee:6_gunship

Faction: I'ee
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) No @LittleWasp
Faction requires art? (Yes/No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No)
Contains New art? (Yes/No)
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected)

Notes: The only stat difference between this gunship and the original I'ee 6 shooter is that the height and the width have been swapped (guns moved to the top instead of the sides)

I wanted to show USO providing some help to the I'ee, but at the same time I don't want to help the I'ee too much because part of their charm is people needing to help them. So I present the 'not really an upgrade, but a decent excuse to add some lore to the submission and give Waspy a new DOGA model to play with' submission.

I didn't include DRv3 ratings since I don't want to step on littlewasp's toes there.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Starting in the Stats and Performance section, this submission suffers from a lack of text.
The main reason for that, is because this is trying to match the original submission, just with new art and a little bit of new fluff as the goal is to help ICly, but OOCly still keep the I'ee at the level littlewasp wants.

OR rather, its not a player's home base ship, so I figured the lack of internal detail is fine.
Ah, but Zack, my friend, I'm not looking for an explanation, I'm asking you to remedy this by adding a bit of text in these sections.

Then I will feel ready to approve it.

I think all we really need now is to add the DRv3 stats and it will be good to go.

Also, after looking at this again, I noticed there is no interior section and I was wondering if you could add a paragraph of what it's like on the inside.
I can help with this. Here's a quickly-drawn diagram of the I'ee gunship with crew placement:
There's no internal gravity, so the crew float freely inside. Zack specified that this new design only has two gunners instead of four, so I guess it's up to you which ones you want to get rid of, @Zack
I'd personally go for the two gunners in the cockpit; move them to where the back gunners would normally be. Makes for extra protection as well as giving the pilot more room.
If anything it looks like the two gunners in the back are going to get lonely. How can you hug with that large engine between you?

The ship is also much bigger than I think you think it is. There is certainly room for more wasps in there.

I really just wanted to justify the new art and have a small submission, but it looks like to get this approved I'm going to have to do all the needful.
They can give hugs in the central chamber. No point in getting distracted while on the job! <3

I'm no good with measurements and size, so it doesn't surprise me that I've got the size off. >w< Sorry about that...
Also don't I'ee have problems with zero gravity which makes it incredibly difficult for them to fly spacecraft? Is this a thing engineers would work to rectify, or are we just keeping it gravityless for the sake of waspers remaining adorably helpless?
They have trouble maneuvering in 3d, zero gravity space, yes. It's why they can't master fighter craft. The gunship is slow for a fighter sized craft; it's meant to slowly circle around, tracking its targets. The I'ee crew inside aren't disoriented themselves, since they strap themselves in and aren't trying to fly themselves.
I didn't give too much thought to it, but I did figure the ship might have a fake ground projected for the pilots to help orient them. They could have one pilot right side up, and one pilot upside down so that collectively they are watching everything and not missing anything because of the fake ground.
on hold for the time being. It looks like though this matches the original submission, it doesn't have enough 'stuff' to meet the approval guidelines.