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Senate: Defeated #65 - Nanotechnology Restrictions

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YSE Proposal #65
Nanotechnology Restrictions


1. To ensure the safety of Imperial citizens.
2. To regulate the certain devices so as not to interfere with trade.


1. Expand the restricted technology list to change HSCS to all devices used to construct something at a molecular level or below by means of extremely small mechanisms or electromagnetic beams, such as HSCS, Nodal Systems, Nanolathe devices and similiar systems.
2. Add matter/energy conversion shield systems to the list of restricted technologies.
3. Make it illegal to litter any charted spaceway with garbage or other materials, punishable by fines and imprisonment.
4. Organizations could be permitted to use the technolgies restricted in item 1 of this proposal by way of government permission.
On the behalf of NovaCorp:

NovaCorp already makes use of Goo technology, a swarm of self replicating NanoBots. Curently these are only used for terraforming for the Destiny, but wider use was envisioned, as a mode of resource collection, manufacturing, possibly defence. What would happen to this?
It would be permitted for authorized uses. The purpose of this expansion to the restricted technology decree (#10) is to guard against unauthorized uses like making fakes of rare items, murder, or destroying protected habitats.
construct something at a molecular level or below by means of extremely small mechanisms or electromagnetic beams, such as HSCS, Nodal Systems, Nanolathe devices and similiar systems.

also on behalf of NovaCorp, I assume this includes the fabrication devices we currently employ? If so, would it be possible to retain them so long as produced items are stamped with a holographic signature, showing by who, what and when they were made? If not then NC's production capabilities are severely hampered, as we rely on the fabricators for much of our materials and seamless hulls.
Normally I abstain from voting but this is something that needs to be shot down.

I vote no if I still have a vote

In any case this is harmfull to all manners of inudustry in the empire. Nanotechnology is a fairly basic tech in this time and it is used by not only militaries but I would assume virtually any company that builds things like Yuuko's or star pillows. The term 'nanotechnology' and the language used to discribe it is far to broad to be used in law.

No person or organization is allowed to use restricted military or corporate technologies

From decree #10

If this law is passed all NH series weapons will be in violation of decree #10 and will have to be prosicuted by the goverment as no such permission has been given.

Anyone using the nodal system would also have to be prosicuted.

No permission has been legaly given to any of the corporations to use restricted technology as no laws or decrees have been made to express this.

Even the military has not technically recived permission by imperial decree to use restricted technology although the

2. Officers of the Star Army of Yamatai are authorized to confiscate any items they see fit from civilians, and to permit their enlisted soldiers to retrieve certain items as well.

Line from proposal 4 should cover that.

Bottom line, this is bad legislation.
Actually on that note, nanotech is somewhat easy to dismantle these days. I would restrict this to femtotech and the like.
Uso has a point.

1. I propose that we take the given proposition and expand the legal nanotechnology to the NH models, legalizing their production and existance for the Star Army's use, but require a 'downgrade' of their preformance when they leave the servace, to ensure the safety and equality of the civilian peoples.

2. I also propose that we grant permission to certain companies (NovaCorp, for example,) to produce this technology for the use of the Star Army. It seems that if this bill passes, it will be nessesary to deal out permission - but as the Star Army sees fit.

I believe that restricting the technology available to civilians is a good idea, as it will take the wind out of the Rebel's sails and prevents future rebellions from gaining too many weapons of mass destruction.

Second the motion?

FROM: Emperor Ketsurui
TO: YSE Senate

The Star Army has the Empire's full permission to use ALL restricted technologies as needed. You know better than that, senators. If you need the 10th Decree reworded, I'll do that, but I believe it's better for the Empire when the senate handles the laws...most of the time.
Such a downgrade is already required, senator. Nekovalkyrja leaving the service are required to switch to a Yamataian body by orders, as part of Proposal #58, Item 4, Passed through #62.
As I said, "It would be permitted for authorized uses."

I don't see how this would harm any industries, as this sort of technology is only used by major corporations to make things for the government.
I would like to address the senator from Hoshi No Iori and respectfully point out that not all use of nanotechnology is for the government. My people currently use nanotechnology to provide necessary tools for starting up their businesses and lives, and Master Shadow uses it to increase the population of our world.

But in listening to the other senators, I must agree and vote no on this proposal. I feel that it is just too broad of wording, and gives too much leeway for misinterpretation and disputes down the way. I hold to my vote of no until a reworded proposal is presented.
Motion to formally give government permission to use all restricted technologies to the following organizations:

Ketsurui Zaibatsu (KFY, KES, WickedArms)

Will anyone second the motion?
I vote against changes to the bill. Imperial Decree 10 isn't well made at best.

If any changes or additions need to be made to Imperial Decree 10 they should be a rewording so that the law is clear, defininte, and beyond question.
Yangfan said:
Motion to formally give government permission to use all restricted technologies to the following organizations:

Ketsurui Zaibatsu (KFY, KES, WickedArms)

Will anyone second the motion?
The motion is seconded.
(As I must remain impartial, even though NovaCorp is technically owned by myself...)

Tatiana abstains from voting
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