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Senate: Passed #70 - Special Investigation Into the Empress's Death

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Fenyar seconds Elysia.

If corruption is found, it needs to be removed. There's no question on that.
Nataria thrids Elysia.

Nataria agrees with Elysia. It may be neccesary to restructure the goverment, this has been a terrible blow, and if corruption, or some rot is found in our empire, it must be purged.

I don't know enough about the Imperial government structure to comment. Also, You guys lost me a while ago.
Nepleslia agrees that this should close.

However we are still intrested in the nature of the board.
I suggest one representative from each planet and the major corporations submit an applicant to be evaulated by the senate/
I, Nanaha the representative for Fenyar in this senatoral body, would like to step forward. I will apoint a proxy that will handle my position in the senate till the inquary's finished.
Nataria will formalise our Gashmere's proposl.

Motion to change: Each senator will choose a representative for the board, as shall each of the major corporations.

Nataria puts forth Eyce Tee, a trusted advisor of mine.
Voting is closed. I don't think we need to tally the votes. It's clear that it passed.

Hoshi no Iori believes this is a veiled attempt to overthrow the government by causing mistrust and will not assist the traitorous board in any way.
Does the representative from Hoshi no Iori have something againt seeking truth beind the means?
Every family has dirty secrets. This is an excuse to drag out dark things from the past of the people we're supposed to be serving and parade them around for all to see so that certain people can try to install new leaders.

You are intentionally dishonoring the Emperor and late Empress, and as such you are completely in the wrong. The population of Hoshi no Iori has always been strongly tied to the military and our surviving populace will make every effort to protect the leaders of our great empire from this wretched act of treachery.
I find your tone to be alittle over zelous Mr. Representative. We are mearly looking into a way to find a more plausable means for the late Empress' demise. Surely you also have some concern about this matter.

Her daughter is killed, and then she dies. Might I also point out, there is no perfect death. There is evidence somewhere that will show that.

And on saying that. I'd consider you more traitorous. You would willing bow and nod to a "perfect suicide." Your contempt makes me sick.
You, Nanaha, are being disrespectful. What reason do you have to mistrust the government? You make it sound like everyone who commits suicide was actually killed by the government, or pirates, or aliens from another dimension. I don't know from where you've all procured this conspiracy theory, but it is--to put it bluntly--quite stupid.
The people of the world of Valaad cannot condone the attacks the honorable Senator of Fenyar is unleashing of upon the Senator representing the survivors of Hoshi no Iori. Nor however, can we advocate the suspicious nature of the Empire's loss. Additionally a scathing public mud hunt must ordered without tangible evidence.

I instead motion that a priliminary investigation be ordered, encompassing the pool of intelligence and criminal experts from all member planets.

Should these officials be in a direct chain of command, they will be removed for the duration of the investigation. Upon reciving a preliminary report with sufficent evidence of foul-play, we should reconsider a full and public investigation. It is unwise to cause further strife if unnecessary with a public spectacle.
Honourable Senator of Xyainbor, I am not one to disrespect a government begnine enough to allow my people citizenship. But, you too must be curious as to the means to the Empress' demise.

I find it odd as to why she needed a service pistol while in the bath, isn't the Imperial Palace the most heavly guarded and fortified non-military instalation of Yamatai?
Not to mention her guards, whom are apparently well trained and Nekos in their own right, wouldn't they have heard something before hand? Like the discharge from the sidearm.

There are questions that don't add up.
Curious? The news reported laid the details out quite clearly. She killed herself. She'd obviously need her pistol to shoot herself with, and the guards did hear her shoot herself. I'm sure the Emperor is happy that you're turning the suicide of the Empress into a conspiracy theory. It is possible it was an assassination set up to look like a suicide, but if there's already been an investigation, what evidence do you hope to find?

I will not argue anymore. The decision has already been made, so there is no point. I will try to find a suitable candidate to represent our planet during the investigation.
If the Senator from Valaad would please note, not only would the motion proposed go against the very nature of the bill that wants to investigate the betrayal and conspiracy rumors around the empress but the voting has already ended, making your motion pointless.

The reason for this investigation has already put forth and the people are overwhelmingly in favor for it. No further discussion is required.

(OOCly I'm asking that this thread be locked. A seperate one will be used for the board appointiees)
I assure you all our staff is well appraised of the proposal; however, the motion is, and was far from pointless. It is not metal-clad, as you seem to think. Introducing a motion in a presiding session as means of suggestion is not extremely rare conduct traditonally, however this is not a lecture. This is a representative body, do try to remember that before assailing your comrades. Let us only hope this action benefits the Empire.

Until the next session, then.
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