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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 14.1] Nataria Reclaimed

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After dropping off their passengers, the Eucharis crossed into arrived at Nataria amidst the rest of the First Expeditionary Fleet and First Fleet where a massive force of older starships under command of Chujo Kasami Eriko had just finished retaking the star system from the NMX.

"Anyone that wishes to participate in the ground operations, please let me know," Hanako said over the ship's intercom.
Sune turned from his station towards Hanako. "Ma'am, what exactly would the objective of the team going to the surface be? We are woefully in equipped for a full scale assault. Logistics has failed to fill our requisitions for munitions and medical supplies again. What armor supplies we have are those I acquired for the ship off market.

If we are going down to the surface, we need to know what we are being tasked so we can make the most of what little we have."
"We have more opportunities to investigate NMX neko production facilities," Hanako explained. "That is where I would want to focus. But they could be sabotaging their equipment if they think it will be captured so moving fast is important..."

Hanako tilted her head. "We also have orders from the Taisho to dock with the YSS Hoshi and download the contents of their computer into ours for post-mission analysis. I imagine the data will be most interesting. Ramiro, please move us into position."

Takeyu reviewed the damage logs, checking on on Cherry's repair work using just the diagnostic routines. The rear side power relay was fixed and the power lose in Cabin 4 had also been fixed, but he hadn't brought the relay back online yet since they were initially in fold space.

The diagnostic's showed that the power relay would work in its fixed state and when he began to transfer a small bit of power through it, found that the report was accurate. "Nice job Heisho!" commented Takeyu as he gradually increased the power flow until it was at an optimal level. "Keep an eye on it though just to be safe," he then turned his attention to the conduit that was repaired in cabin 4 and slowly drew power through it.

He then got up from his seat and walked over to the ships main aetheric reactor and crossed his arms as he stared at it. Several volumetric displays appeared to his left and right, one showed the reactors power flow while the other showed stability, both of which he could've monitored easily just by being at his station but sometimes seeing it was better.

"Stable, power flow is perfect," he tapped off one display and brought the one with the stable details in front of him then tapped it off before checking the liquad coolant system, then the fusion reactors, when he was satisfied he made a mention in his report about his activities.

As he walked back over to his station, he heard Hanako's call for volunteer and taped his station with a finger for a few seconds.

Shosho? I wouldn't mind joining the away team, things down here in Engineering have settled down. All damage has been repaired.

While he waited for her response and the location of where volunteers should go to, he walked around his station and took a seat to continue his duty.
"Aye Shosho, I'm on it." Ramiro pulled up the communications logs and ran a search. After a few moments a set of coordinates popped up that he entered into his system. Immediately it pulled up a point just a few minutes journey from the Eucharis' current position. Pulling the helm controls back up, Ramiro steered the ship towards the rendezvous point and prepped the docking airlock, double checking that it was still in working order after their previous couple engagements.

"En route to the rendezvous coordinates. We'll be there in just a few minutes ma'am."
Hakujou's voice picked up across the bridge's speakers. "If you're going to tamper with the NMX's growth facilities, I would humbly request to come along. I'm the foremost expert on Nekovalkyrja physiologic research so my expertise would be invaluable. "
"The Hoshi has departed the Mokuren and is ready to dock with us," Blackberry updated Ramiro as the other ship moved.

"I am going to visit," Hanako said, standing up from her center chair and brushing her bloody uniform off. She still felt a little out of it from the traces of Mishhu toxins on the parasite that hit her but was managing alright for the most part. She went to her room and put on her black coat and sailor cap to be formal and also to cover up the damaged uniform. Then, Hanako waited at the port side docking area.
Ramiro nodded to Blackberry, "Thank you." Ramiro pointed the ship towards the Hoshi and lined up a trajectory that would allows for an easy docking maneuver. Once he had his flight path lined up he put on a headset and then dialed in to the proper comm channel.

"Hoshi, this is the YSS Eucharis requesting permission to dock per orders from Yui-Taisho. Please acknowledge." As Ramiro said this he began moving the Eucharis forward. As he waited for a response the ship slowly began to pull up on the side of the Hoshi so that they would be able to dock via the Eucharis' additional port-side docking airlock.
Eucharis Bridge

"Hakujou, and Nayacesen, make preparations for the away team. Once we complete our task with the Hoshi, report to the Shuttle bay in armor." Sune sent to the volunteers.

He secured his station and walked towards the door. "Valencia-Heisho you have the bridge. I am going to join the Shôshô at the airlock. If you wish to join the away team after we have completed this task. Report to the shuttle bay." he turned and left the bridge.

He went down to his cabin and pulled out a clean uniform. Not wanting to make a bad impression on whomever Hanako was going to meet. He checked with Charisma to find out what Hanako was wearing and put on his same uniform. Once he was satisfied with his appearance he strapped on his belt. Since he was going to have to wear the overcoat he left his katana on its rack. He then made his way to the airlock.

"So Shôshô what kind of ship is the Hoshi? I could not find that ship in the 1XF registry." he inquired.
"The Hoshi is the Miharu's auxiliary craft. The main portion of the ship has not survived their mission," Hanako explained. "We are securely downloading the data from that mission into our computer for review. The last time we docked with the Miharu was in YE 30, at the start of the Eucharis' first mission. That was before this war began. Did you know I was the one to adopt Kotori into the Ketsurui clan? With her being family, it saddens me I have not seen her in over three years."

Takeyu secured his terminal and got up. "Take care of the place while I'm gone Heisho," then he gave her a smile before heading out to the armory.

While he headed down there, he put in a few fabrication orders, a little something to help them out a bit. "Let's see, we don't have much except that which the Taii had bought," he muttered as he walked. "Charisma, I'd like the following items created please. May not be ready by the time the away mission starts, but if at the very least we'll have them in case anything else goes wrong," he said and sent Charisma is a list of Mindy Accessories to be made in the Fabrication Bay. Including, but not limited to, the Squad leader pack, three shoulder capacitors, two leg capacitors, and two NSB leg launchers.
"No, ma'am I was not aware of your relationship with Ketsurui Kotori beyond that both of you were in the Clan. " Sune replied, The Ketsurui clan seems to recruit new members call them family, but they spend so much time apart from one another. It seems like a contradiction. he thought.

"Separations while being in the military such long separations are to be expected. But in the case of Ketsurui Kotori and the Miharu it would seem to be even more unusual. They were off the grid, incommunicado for most of that time. So it was not even possible to stay in touch electronically.

I expect that after our business is concluded here in Nataria, that you will want to spend some time catching up with her, and perhaps the Taisho. Especially since you did not get to see Ketsurui Yui while back in Kyoto."
"If we have time," Hanako nodded. "Hopefully what we are seeing is the turning point of the war. If we can use this momentum and continue re-taking NMX-controlled star systems before the NMX has a chance to recover, it could put us on the path to ending this war victoriously."

The Shosho's thoughts turned to the away team. "Hopefully we will see some more enemy Nekovalkyrja that are willing to surrender down there."
Power Armor Bay

Takeyu walked at a brisk pace into the armory and up to his PA, although he didn't have any chance to engage any enemies the last time he was groundside, he still checked it over just to make certain that everything was where it was supposed to it. It was still fitted with the same equipment he had fitted onto it before, just that the weapons he had used were back in the crate Sune had brought along.

When he was done, he went to the fabrication bay to await the completion of the module he had requested. He watched the process, as one of the module he requested was being constructed, he fascinated him about the level of technology they had and being to create objects such as these without really needing to return to port to get replacements, though why they never used it more in the past he didn't know, but perhaps it was because it just wasn't ever thought of or perhaps there was a reason he just wasn't yet told about.

Whatever was the case, when the first module was completed he inspected it using a technicians eye and gave a satisfied nod. "Perfect."
"Eucharis, this is Hoshi," a pleasant female voice answered Ramiro. "We are ready to receive you on our aft airlock."

After he got his confirmation Ramiro began to move the Eucharis into docking position. Once he had moved the ship near the required position he activated a program to begin the automated docking procedure. The Eucharis shifted as the computer began to move it into the exact position and then matched its trajectory with the Hoshi.

"We are in docking position," Ramiro said to no one in particular. As he said this the airlock began extending towards the other ship. He then accessed the PA system exclusively near the port side docking area. "Shosho, the docking airlock is deploying. We should have a confirmation of a successful dock momentarily." Within a few seconds the airlock had extended to the other ship and began the process of pressurizing the are to match the standard pressure and oxygen levels. Suddenly, a green light activated on Ramiro's system, signaling that the airlock was complete. "Shosho, we have a successful dock, airlock is secure. Enjoy your time on the Hoshi."

Now that he had some spare time Ramiro brought his attention to the issue of the away team. If there was something to be done he would prefer to stay, but if he would simply be sitting there and staring at his system then he would prefer to help the away team. Deciding that he would ask, Ramiro sent a message to Sune

TO: Jalen-Taii
FROM: Valencia-Heisho

Regarding the away team, is there any need for me to remain on the ship or would I be better served joining you planet-side?
Reika decided to head down to the planets surface with Hakujou and Takeyu -- even if most of the enemies forces in the system were out of commission, the planets still were not yet completely secure. The operative thought that the technician and doctor could probably use another set of eyes to watch their backs in case they ran into trouble.

Power Armor Bay

Reika arrived in the armor bay shortly after Takeyu, and began checking over her suit's condition -- fortunately it had incurred little damage during their most recent mission. "If you don't mind I'll accompany you and the Doctor down to the planet, Nayacesen-Juni. No telling what nasty surprises the NMX have left lying around."
Power Armor Bay

Returning back to the bay to do a bit of inventory on what modules they had, Takeyu glanced over at Reika and thought for a moment. "We are waiting on the Taii and Shosho right now, so get yourself ready to go. Go ahead and inspect your suit, run a diagnostic on it, if you see anything wrong just let me know and I'll take a look. I have the fabrication bay turning out a few additional modules for us." The chief engineer looked away from the operative as he mentally checked off the modules they had, combining with those that Sune had brought, and compiled a list of those they would need to either make more of or put in a full requisition order for the next time they went back to port.

"But you're right, no telling what the NMX have left behind. I wouldn't be surprised if they've left a few deadly traps for us to unknowingly fall into..." his voice trailed off as he said this.
Sune replied to Ramiro's query while waiting for the airlock to open.

To: Valencia-Heisho
From: Jalen-Taii
I do not see any reason why you should not be able to come on the away team. The Star Army has control of the space above the planet. Once docking is complete, have one of the night shift relieve you and suit up. Make sure the team is ready and equipped as best as possible given our limited stores. I will join them once my duties with the Shôshô are complete.
Shuttle Bay

Pineapple fired up the larger shuttle and rearranged the passenger compartment from its personnel transport configuration to the armor transport configuration. As she stoked the middle rows of seats, she found a small stuffed bear that had been lost by one of the children they'd rescued from Jiyuu. As she took her place in the cockpit, she set the bear on the "dash" so it could face out the front windshield.
TO: Blackberry-Shoi
FROM: Valencia-Heisho

I'm going down with the away team. If you're not going with us then the bridge will be under your watch until our return. I will make sure to remain here until your arrival.

Ramiro decided that it was best to wait for Blackberry because he didn't want to leave the bridge unsupervised. When Blackberry arrived a few minutes later Ramiro bowed to her before jogging off towards the power armor bay.

Power Armor Bay

Ramiro walked into the power armor bay a few minutes later. "Alright everyone! Suit up and equip yourselves as best you can under the limited conditions." As Ramiro said this he made his way over to the armor that he had used during the previous mission and climbed in, starting the Mindy up. "The Taii is going on board the Hoshi along with the Shosho and I expect everyone to be ready to go by the time he returns. Once your suited up report to the shuttle bay."

Just as Ramiro finished giving orders he closed the helmet onto his Mindy and sealed it. He then began a functions check as his Mindy hopped around, disappeared and reappeared, and raised its arm in front of its face and activated its forearm shields. Meanwhile, Ramiro sat inside the armor muttering to himself. "Movement, life support, camo, arm shields..."

After a minute or two his Mindy came to a halt, Ramiro content that everything was working. He then walked over to where the Mindy accessories were and attached a Barrier Shield Module to his dorsal, an Energy Cloak Shield Projector on each shoulder, and a Leg Energy Cloak Shield Projector on each of the lower leg attachment points. He then scanned through the weapon options before picking up a Flamethrower. After a quick check of the fuel level Ramiro placed it in the low-and-ready position before proceeding out of the armor bay towards the shuttle bay.
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