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Senate: Defeated #73 - Border Protection Act

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Senate Proposal #73
Border Protection Act
Submitted by: Hoshi no Iori


1. To protect the empire from the interests of enemies.

2. To promote the exploration of our own universe.


1. All devices used for trans-universal travel must be immediately destroyed, except for a small reserve kept by the Star Army for emergency use.

2. The senate will develop borders and defensive system for Yamataian space in order to protect the Star Empire's territories.

Purpose 1 and Proposal 2 are workable, but it seems like Purpose 2 and Proposal 1 were just made in response to Senate Proposal #72. Now I don't really think these corporations should be allowed to create armies, and maybe they should focus on this area before trying to branch out, but banning trans-universal travel is taking it too far. It seems like the border defense is trying to carry this trans-universal travel ban. I'd like to ask the senators from Kohana and Elysia if they even read the portion about banning--no--destroying devices for trans-dimensional travel.

Realistically, the Star Army can basically destroy any enemies that encroach on its territories. Border defense might be nice, but if the price is destroying devices for trans-dimensional travel to create a border defense that's not even completely necessary, then I absolutely oppose this proposal.
I have read it, and I stand behind it.

The corperations that wish trans-universal travel rights are wanting to further their own scopes. What would prevent them from usurping an entire reigon of a nabouring universe that does not have capabilities to combat the extremely lethal technologies that the corperations can create?

They would beable to raise forces that would even dwarf the Neko surplus The Empire already has a problem with.

So, Senator. I see a reason for the empire to ban Trans-univeral travel, unless it is a dire need.

Nataria is in agreement with Xyainbor's representative. We can see no reason for the destruction of trans-universal technology, or its reduction in application. We have allies in other universes, and close ties, as well as enemies, and cutting them off could have disasterous consequences.

In addition, good sirs, there is already a considerable exploration being enacted at this very moment, primarily in the South East corner. Expansion has never been greater, there is no need to provide an insentive to this travel in the form of limiting us to this universe alone.

Our borbers our now, if not safe, becoming so. We have ships that can relocate to any part of the empire in but a few minutes, powerfull border stations being made by NovaCorp which if spread around the borders as they where intended would serve the purpose of protecting them well.

In addition, I would wish to inquire which threat we are keeping out from our universe by not having trans-universal technology? It is not our technology that the enemy will use to get in, but their own. And which threat do we fear from the outside so much that we would wish to wall ourselves out completely?

What, for example, is the danger of having a trans-universal portal to Ayenee?
This is utter foolishness.

First of all, people outside of corporations could be affected by this ban. Who are we to restrict their freedom of movement?

Second, I highly doubt that new corporations would be able to raise massive armies like PNUgen or conquering any neighboring universes. But I'm not saying it's impossible. It'd be much more fair to simply draft a set of rules for corporations to follow if they're expanding to other universes. Something like, "no use of force except in defense" and "no connection to the YSA should be apparent" and "any enemies a corporation makes is its own problem, and the Star Army will not protect it in other universes."

(I have to ask: Wes, is this about people using their Star Army corporations in other RPs like Ayenee? Is this about your copyright policy? I don't have much stake in this OOC, I know that no matter what happens, Wolf will be able to do whatever he wants, but I was just wondering.)
( OOC: That's part of it, but a larger part is IC. )

We can't have corporations acting like they're countries and making treatys, doing exploration, and the like. Furthermore, trans-universal travel is something that should probably have never existed to begin with.

Even if this proposal fails, Hoshi no Iori will do its best to close and/or restrict the gates, so that none of our technology is spread to other universes (where they'll probably destroy themselves with it). We also don't want enemies to come back in.
After further review Elysia ABSTAINS from voting.

I mistook the word destroy. That does indeed go to far. While I will wholeheartedly agree to great restriction, to destroy all such devices is counterproductive in many ways.
Hoshi no Iori's representative says that we don't want our enemy's to come back in, but we wish to ask, how does restricting our own own technology stop them from coming 'back in'? They'll use their own technology not ours. Destroying our own technology serves no purpose but to limit our own nation, not protecting it in any way.

We are all in favour of creating those rules by which Corporations must abide while in another universe, in the form of additions to the Proposition #72. But simply not allowing them to travel into another universe in order to expand their commercial oppurtunities seems excesive to me.

What can Hoshi no Iori provide, in terms of evidence, that the destruction of our own technology would do to protect our borders?
The Star Army is in possession of a device that can negate any transuniversal travel into our universe.

Why does Nataria care so much? The Star Army would still have access to the technology, if needed. The only people negatively affected by this would be upstart corporations and undeserving peoples of other universes.

Later, when our own domain is substantially more surveyed, we can reopen the gates.
Even if this proposal fails, Hoshi no Iori will do its best to close and/or restrict the gates....We also don't want enemies to come back in.

Well, if Star Army has this trans-universal travel negator, what's the threat? Enemies coming straight through the gates? As if the personnel on the other side couldn't hold them off? This could also go under a list of rules for universe-spanning corporations. "If the corporation leads enemies to an open trans-universal gate, Star Army reserves the right to prevent the enemies from entering this universe at any cost."

Also, what's the harm in restricting the technologies allowed to sell, so that the people of the other universe do not destroy themselves? If they're intelligent enough to buy and work the devices anyway, then I think it could be considered an insult to their intelligence to suggest that they don't know what they're doing and they'll kill themselves.

As for exploration and treaties, they could easily be prevented by new laws as well, without need of scaling back present technology.

(I'd draw a parallel to China and the New World, but, you know.)
The Lorath vote "Yes" to the proposal.

Additionally, if any additional equipment is required to prevent breaches in our universe's protection, The Lorath would be glad to aid in researching defensive methods.

Currently our known area of the galaxy is only a small corner of the universe, to abandon our quest for knowledge and strength in this plane is to be ignorant to what we have in front of us.

As long as the promise of the gates being re-opened when exploration is completed or when the mysteries of the universe are uncovered, then there is no fear of running out of new frontiers of exploration.
Gashmere votes No on this proposal due to several things that comes to mind. We believe that the organization(s) in control of such devices(s) that can negate transuniversal travel can abuse such devices. Our reasoning is such that being able in control of such technology, they will be able to conduct covert transuniversal travel along with research of questionable legality.
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