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Senate: Passed #74 - Gate System


Inactive Member
YSE Proposal #74
Securing Interstellar Transport

I have been approached by representatives of NovaCorp and after being introduced to the plans for their ‘Gates' and seeing their capacity, I believe it is essential we make best use of them. Included are the blueprints and statistics for the Gate systems:

NovaCorp Gates


1. To ensure the safety of Imperial citizens when travelling from one planet to another.
2. To increase trade between the planets of the Yamatai Star Empire.
3. To provide the Star Army with a considerable tactical advantage by way of easy distribution of resources.


1. Nataria proposes that we allow NovaCorp to construct their ‘Gates' in each of the systems under Imperial control.
a) This shall allow for instantaneous and safe transportation between systems, and remove the risk from attack by hostile forces or raiders.
b) It shall also provide civilians without faster than light capacity travel in-between systems.
2. We propose that a Central Gate be constructed at Yamatai, and a Standard Gate at all other planets in the Yamatain Star Empire.
3. The distance the Gate shall lie from the planet may be decided on an individual basis.

Eyce Tee, Senator of Nataria.
Ohara would like to raise two issues:

1. Wouldn't the gates make the Empire more vulnerable to attack? If we allow regular commerical traffic, it appears that the gates would allow an enemy invasion force to jump to any Imperial system as soon as they control a single one.

2. Who will pay for the construction of the gates?
1, This was partially answered in the point granting each planet the right to decide the gates location. However further to this it would not be impossible to put in place considerable weapon emplacements around the Gate. In addition to this with the level of propulsion technology that our enemies exist, the wormholes will not grant them a great advantage given that they will lose the element of surprise as long as we accept that attack is an option.

2, NovaCorp is not asking for any payment, and will carry out the construction using its own resources.
May individual systems opt-out of said gates? Ohara would not receive any benefits from interstellar trade, since we're not allowed to bring Yamataian tech planet-side.
I believe that an opt-out measure could be taken in to account if needed.

In the case of Ohara, while it will nor provide trade benefits it would allow Star Army to come to your aid faster, and provide you a useful form of transportation in later years. It will cost you nothing yet be a great asset later on, perhaps once you join the interstellar market.

(OOC: I think there may be a problem with people seeing this forum, I know Thad can't, and I think others. What's with that?)
( OoC : they need to be registered on the Yamataian usergroup, I believe. I recently was and regained access to this board )
Hoshi no Iori motions to extend (for further discussion).
Nataria seconds that motion, given that a goodly number of our senators appear to be mysteriously absent at the present time.
I vote against.

Citing the delegate from Ohara's point about easier access to vulnerable locations for rebals, enemies and corsairs.
Cora said:
I vote against.

Citing the delegate from Ohara's point about easier access to vulnerable locations for rebals, enemies and corsairs.
Voting on behalf of what world?
(I'n still a senator aparently, and for the reason that has been not address due to the lack of action, I reperesent Konoha. It's in the Senator list.)
(Actually it's not. It's in the Nepleslian Senate instead, apparently represented by James. On the Star Map it clearly shows Kohana as being part of the Nepleslian Empire.)
Ohara will consider this proposal further, but is satisfied with Nataria's responses on the issues raised so far.

(OOC: I motion to give Cora senator-ship, since he is a member of the Yamataian user group. Cora should probably formally request it in the OOC thread.

Thomas, players need to be in the Yamataian user group can see this thread. Wes probably should've advertised this fact better, as I didn't know about this user group myself until recently. But I allow that he's only human. Or maybe he just wanted to take a break from politics, which I would understand. Or maybe he mentioned it and I just plumb forgot.

On a related note, why is Thomas in both the Yamataian and the Nepleslian user groups? Is he suppose to represent Elysian/NovaCorp influence in both Senates? I would have problems with people joining both user groups, since this allows them access to both nations' internal politics, but I trust Thomas to play fair.)
(I've had senetor-ship since I was given slight control over the Race-that-cannot-be-named were on the board, and even after they were removed and replaced with Kohana... Which I still need to work on. It's just the Board disappeared with apparently no notification. So I couldn't do anything until I learned it's a secret board.)
(I represent two different planets: Natatria (for Yamatai) and Delsauria (For Nepleslia) much in the same eay that John does. Can I request that someone culls these messages after a little while.)
"Motion to extend.

Right now, Ohara is leaning toward abstaining."

Having said this, Vax Jameson, the Ohara senator, sent an email to Eyce using his datapad:

I'm willing to vote yes, in exchange for you supporting a future Phodian proposal...
Motion seconded.

Eyce responded with his data-pad:

I would be most inclined to support the Phodians in future proposals.
Vax responded via email:

Okay. Say something convincing and inspirational so I don't look suspicious voting with you.
That is most acceptable to NovaCorp, they will transmit the plans of the Gate to Ketsuri Fleet Yards immediately, but do ask that the design not be tampered with or modified upon if there is any possibility otherwise. Upon the success of this bill they shall send a fleet to construct a Gate in the Lor system.

Now my fellow Senators, I believe I have made my points clear but I shall try to re-express and re-emphasise my points in the hope of convincing you that this is truly what is required.

Firstly then there is trade. Most of our planets trade with each other and this trade must, by necessity, be carried by vessels equipped with very costly Faster Than Light engines, restricting inter-stellar trade to the wealthy elite. Furthermore it is still a risky business, we still have the constant threat of the Mishhuvurthyar which might attack our traffic at any time, not to mention the increase in pirate raids we have been having. It is not safe between the stars my friends.

If we implement the Gates inter-stellar transport and inter-stellar trade will be open to everyone, the entrepreneur will have a chance in today's market, not only those with access to Faster Than Light propulsion. This will massively increase our prosperity. In addition to this using a Gate will ensure the safety of our civilian transport, as well as our military in travelling between systems. Pirating will be effectively eliminated in one fell swoop.

Secondly there are the new colony worlds which we captured from the Mishhuvurthyar. If we implement a system of Gates which encompasses them we will breathe life blood in to them – colonists will be able to come easily to make out a new life and the entrepreneurs ready to make the best of these new worlds so full of opportunity. We wish to make these planets part of the empire in more than name and military presence – and this is a way to that end.

Thirdly there is the military angle. The ability to transport our fleets instantaneously from one system to another may be something of a military advantage – perhaps it will even lead to a decrease in need to have the power we have in our Faster Than Light engines which draw power from weapons and defence. While I doubt it will ever be the case we can do this to all ships it is something to ponder. In addition despite our ships now being capable of crossing the entire empire within around five minutes, five minutes can still be a long time with the opponents we face.

Fourth is the concern that perhaps these Gates would present some form of risk to us. I do not think that this is the case – if nothing else you will be able to place several ships or emplacements around the Gate if you find it necessary – I know Nataria will, and this will help ensure that the enemy does not get any further than the Gate. As such it does not present much of a military threat. If they decide to use the Gate we will at least know where they are coming from and can factor that in to defensive planning, whereas normally they could attack from all 720 degrees of space without us having the slightest idea of where they are coming from. In short it will not present any considerable risk as long as a few simple measures are taken.

My Fifth point concerns the Oharans – while you can not reap the benefits of the Gate in the immediate future you can look forward to a time when you can use it, and use it to access the interstellar market. With the Gate your need to develop Faster the Light propulsion is reduced, with only the simplest of space propulsion you would be able to access any other planet in the empire. Until that hoped for day the presence of the Gate does not cost you anything – you do not pay for its construction and it does not impact on you in any way. It also does not present any risk – the time difference between an enemy fleet coming using a Hyperspace Fold Drive and a wormhole is negligible when concerning you, given that to get to you our most obvious threat – the Mishhuvurthyar, will have to cross the whole of the Yamataian Star Empire. There is no practical reason why you should not permit a Gate in your system – it will certainly allow us to help you more efficiently if somethind does go wrong and you are attacked.

I hope my points make sense to you, my fellow senators.
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