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Senate: Passed #75 - Amendment to Treaty with Ohara


Inactive Member
Vax Jameson had the floor. There appeared to be a draft resolution being passed around on datapads...

My fellow senators, it has been more than a year since my planet joined the Star Empire of Yamatai.

In that time, the Empire has experienced many trials and tribulations, but the people of Ohara have remained steadfastly loyal. True to my words to you a year ago, the Empire has received many benefits from Ohara. Our grain feeds many Imperial soldiers. Our soldiers serve in your fleets. Our culinary traditions enriches your own. Ohara Star Fortress has extended the reach of Imperial influence and military power.

And Ohara has benefited from this partnership as well. In a time of deep political divisions within Phodian society, Ohara Star Fortress shines on as a beacon of hope and solidarity for my people. Our elite soldiers have the chance to soar beyond the clouds, and even visit strange new worlds.

However, in the name of preserving our culture, Ohara has also bore many sacrifices. We do not allow anything planetside that we cannot produce with our own technology, except for transportation for our soldiers to Ohara Star Fortress. Even these unarmed shuttles are carefully and heavily guarded.

This is perfectly understandable and justified, especially for weaponry... but what of compassion? Countless of my people die each year due to diseases that are incurable by our medical technology. Countless more languish in sickbeds, unable to contribute to society. Almost all of them could have been easily cured by Yamataian technology within a day, by medicine and devices produced by Emrys Industries, and yet we only allow access to these life-saving medicines aboard Ohara Star Fortress, to our healthy soldiers.

This is certainly not compassion. Will you, my dear, fellow senators, call it justice?

In light of this situation, I, by the powers entrusted to me by the people and the coalition of governments of Ohara, hereby propose the addition of the following clauses to the treaty between Yamatai and Ohara:

* * *

10. The importation of medicines and other medical devices is to be considered on a case-by-case basis by a panel of impartial Yamataian scientists (to be appointed by Yamatai and approved by Ohara), and be allowed if it is determined that the medicine or device cannot be reverse-engineered to benefit the development of weapons technology on Ohara.

11. In cases where such importation cannot occur, Phodian patients, whether soldier or civilian, who are suffering from conditions that cannot be adequately treated by Phodian technology, will be allowed to seek treatment aboard Ohara Star Fortress and other Star Army ships stationed in the Ohara system, as conditions will allow.

12. If it is determined that the currently available medical resources orbiting Ohara is not sufficient to meet medical demand, Yamatai will provide additional ships, personnel, and supplies until such demand is met. Ohara is willing to compensate for the necessary costs, within its means.

13. The importation of weapons technology of any kind onto Ohara is strictly forbidden. Violators will be turned over to the Star Army of Yamatai.

* * *

By current estimates, only a few more well staffed hospital ships should be needed.

Ohara does not seek the trappings of war, my fellow senators. It would do my planet more harm than good. However, in the case of medical technology, I trust that you will vote with both your minds and your hearts.
Hoshi no Iori's mighty Nekovalkyrja senator was the first to vote. "I see no problems with that. I vote yes."
The recently elected senator for Anisa voted soon after. There seems to be little to argue with...however, he is somewhat of a blowhard. "I will vote yes. There is nothing more I need to say."
The freshly appointed Lor senator was softly talking through an ear piece for a moment, before raising his head to address the topic at hand.

"The lorath see no reason why this shouldn't be passed. So we vote Yes."
"Nataria doesn't see anything wrong with this, as long as the technology in question is relatively well monitored." Eyce Tee stood up and said before returning to his seat and cotinuing to read through a Natarian inventory of goods. Damn beaucracy. How could a military planet focused on simply defending two others create so much paper work?
Hoshi no Iori seconded the motion, ending the vote.
The Lorath senator gave the Ohara senator an odd look from his seat in the Senate. He then stood, and after a second to compose his statement, took a breath and made parly to the speaker on the floor.

"I would just like to point out before the session closes, but Mister speaker from Ohara, you cannot vote on your own proposal, since you were the one who brough it forward, you automatically garner a Yes vote in that way."
Vax was embarrassed, although his blush was hidden by his feathers. That was a highly unprofessional blunder.

"I apologize for the breach in protocol," he said.