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[7SF] [C#2 Darso] Our Visceral Terrors

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Cellondora System
Seventh Fleet, Star Army of Yamatai

Forwards said:
The NMX's hold on the northern regions had been eviscerated, their presence reduced to desperate retreats and raids that made little to no sense in comparison to the once grand schemes that had dominated the early days of the war. Xylar was an accomplishment, but at the same time it had repercussions such as the discovery of a prominent figure within the ranks of their enemy that called herself Angelica. Angelica, a fomer Ghost Mishhuvurthyar that became something else all together, had a fascination with Ketsurui Katsuko that originated in the days past of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet. Fascination had evolved into a deadly game of alternating cat and mouse that had abruptly fallen silent after the fleet's victory at Xylar. Angelica had made sure her escape from the system was known, promising that she would one day continue her engagement with her adversary.

Cellondora had been utilized several times as a staging area for the fleet, their last returned had been facilitated by the Northern Colonies incident involving the YSS Eucharis and the Lorath-Occhestian conflict that had brewed out of whatever political debauchery had been brewing there since the fall of the UOC. With things falling quiet, the orders from Taisho Yui were welcomed with an optimistic outlook as the fleet once more prepared to mobilize.

Seventh Fleet Staging Area
YSS Densetsu

Sessei and Shinchou Squadrons made their last patrols of the system, and swept back in formation towards the epicenter of the fleet's staging area like a fleet of falcons returning from a successful hunt, the broken ruins of a small skirmish left the carrion of NMX to the heartless {merciless} {hopeless} vacancies of exposure and crumbling vessels. Prideful and swift; testaments to a fleet which had overcome the odds, survived the pressures of war and had intact their loyalty to Yamatai which they served through vehement resolve, the Plumeria-Class Gunships returned to their nested places in the Densetsu's recovery bays.

The Flagship had survived well for what they had been through, the scars upon it's Tyrian-purple hull were superficial at most and were worn proudly along with the rest of their decorum. The YSS Densetsu had become more than just a flagship to most who served on her, it had become their home and the only pieces of normalcy that life could produce for the moment. The losses of the war, the unfathomable marring their Empire had suffered was beyond words and was not something that was focused on. Much had changed in the months since Xylar; Yaichiro Kage had left and assumed command of the YSS Sakura II and Katsuko had given up on previous ambitions of restoring her former family name and had becoming accepting of her place not only within the fleet itself, but within the grand scheme of Yamatai as a whole. She had divided her time between the two Star Fortresses and the Densetsu, becoming even more devoted to her work than before her personal ventures had went no where and that wasen't anything to write home about.

Shôshô Kurosawa Hiroshi sat in the command chair, as the first officer of the Densetsu she probably had spent more time there than Katsuko over recent months. The Shôshô had been busy overseeing the 'pack-up' procedure of the fleet. Even with the modifications made to Hotaru and Himitsu they were not the easiest asset to manage, especially when plans involved leaping into the fray of battle.

"Kurosawa-Shôshô, both Sessei and Shinchou Gunship Squadrons are secure." The blue haired Nekovalkyrja at the Communications/Navigation station reported as the respective Squadron Commanders checked in.

"Close the recovery bays and have the rest of the fleet get into position." Hiroshi was ready to go, the problem was it didn't appear that Hotaru was ready. The Star Fortress had become somewhat of an engineering nightmare over the proceeding few weeks, the plagues of customization and constantly being on the move putting the gears to even the most experienced engineering crew in the fleet. Soon enough they would need to put up at a shipyard in hopes of reversing the wear and tear of one of their most valuable assets.

Taisho's Suite

"I told you so." Misato said, looking across their desks which faced each other still in the private office of the Taisho's Suite. Her small diminished features accented as she gave a dark smile. "You aren't over any of it. In fact it is getting worse. You've finally woken up out of that pit you've wandered around in for the last few years and now you're worried about your future." The Taisa was probably the only person who had any hope of getting away with speaking to the Taisho in that tone. She had taken Yaichiro's place as Flag Aide after he obtained his own command in the First Expeditionary Fleet. "It is about time you stopped blaming yourself for the whole UOC ordeal." She looked up, intensely interested in what the Taisho had to say in rebuttal.

"So?" Katsuko said, closing the volumetric screens she had been working in. "I've got to look forwards. I can't keep sitting here wondering if maybe I should have done things differently." Steel eyes glanced towards Misato and then narrowed slightly. "I need to enjoy life again. Not clinging to thoughts about things I had no control over. Things happened, karma definitely had it's course." Katsuko said as she stood up and retrieved her belt and holster from the armchair in the corner and put it on, wishing that she had shortened the skirt on her duty uniform.

Misato gasped, placing her hand over her mouth dramatically.

"What?" Katsuko looked back towards her, giving up on fixing the skirt's length.

"You just admitted it wasn't your fault. It's a miracle!" Misato giggled, pulling herself up and out of the chair to finish getting ready as well.

Katsuko huffed, shaking her head as she headed out across the living area of the suite towards the door that lead out to the Command Level of the bridge.

Misato followed close behind, stopping to look at herself in the full length mirror that sat near the bottom of the stairs leading up to the bedroom. She mumbled something incoherently, trying to get used to the idea of wearing the white panels again. The halfhearted smile faded from her face, she couldn't wait to make Chujo and rub it in Hiroshi's face. The competition between them had been fierce, almost unhealthy.

Command Level, Bridge

The Taisho and Taisa emerged, and Hiroshi relieved herself of the command chair almost instinctively, giving a report to the Taisho on the status of the fleet. "All packed up and ready to move out. Hotaru had some hiccups again, but I guess Yamada-Chujo got it straightened out." she said, watching as Katsuko sat down in the command chair, a series of volumetric screens popping up in front of her.

"Arigatou gozaimasu, Shôshô" was all that Katsuko said, getting comfortable within the chair as the AI loaded all her pre-sets.

Moments later...

One by the one, following the pre-designated order set by the Densetsu's navigator, the ships of the Seventh Fleet entered hyperspace. Their next battlefield, Darso, laid to the galactic southeast of Yamatai -- their valiant struggle against the NMX would soon begin anew.
Re: [7SF] [C#2 Darso] 0.1 - Our Visceral Terrors

Battle of Darso - Preeminent Greetings

After a brief stop at Yamatai, it was with an indomitable and unorthodox introduction that the Seventh Fleet intended to arrive within the Darso System. Most of the important reckon was done in transit, finalized only as a brief stop was made a few light years outside of Tatiana to relinquish the Logistical Groups and Squadron docks from the formation leaving them behind with Innen Squadron for the initial phase of their incursion.

The NMX were losing their grip, unsuccessful raids on Yamatai's supply lines and inadequate attempts to re-annex worlds within the core had proven fruitless and even as they began to pull back they were being ravaged and now unknowingly were about to be tossed up within the malestorm fury of a fleet that bore no mercy within the climax reaching concerts of conflict. Orchestrated calamity was upon their doorstep and even with knowledge of it, the allotted time to regroup and try to face the brunt of the 'harbingers of tranquility' was short and their only encouragement came from Angelica who was brewing plans for her revenge upon the Seventh Fleet light-years away. Her precious puppets, for now lambs for the slaughter to buy her the time to restore the vessels and other losses she suffered at Xylar.

Cacophonous stories ran within the various news agencies of the intergalactic community criticizing the assimilation of NovaCorp and Motoyoshi Fleet Yards into Yamataian companies. For Katsuko it was a myriad of just desserts served as a delicacy for traitors and those who facilitated them. It was for the best that her political involvement had been diminished, sticking to the service of the Star Army and keeping her extremist opinions within the bounds of chatter between the closest of friends. In her opinion Yamatai had made too many concessions in the name of intergalactic relations, giving any kind of leniency with irresponsible competitors such as the Lorath placed them in a weakening position that just added to the despondency of the war. Yamatai needed it's strength again.

The Fleet's entrance to the system was bold and forceful, carrying a tactic that would only be seen within a fleet under the command of Katsuko. The White Hammer Battlegroup lead the way, the Densetsu itself arriving in the first wave in an attack formation with her valiant battleships the Genovus, Koshiro and Yotho and the YSS Seishin no Shouri running point. Like a blossoming flower of death the fleet unfurled itself from the depths of the star-painted void, the Kibou Gunship Squadron breaking from the Seishin no Shouri as they dropped back to provide cover for the Densetsu as Sessei and Shinchou Gunship Squadrons emerged to join them. The first strident blows came from the Densetsu's dorsal superheavy turrets, coordinated countdowns whispering across encrypted channels as the forward pressing 'plow'' of the Seventh drove at the NMX's outermost lines.

"Thirty-six seconds until Nami no Seijou..." Misato said, clutching against the side of Katsuko's command chair as the ship rocked taking the first of what would be many blows.

"All ships, fire at will -- stay within designated maneuvering formations. Launch support craft." Katsuko ordered, her open link with the fleet active as KAMI streamed information to her. Coordinated launches of Hayabusa V6D Starfighters and Mindy 2 Power Armor Wings flooded the field. The battle cries and hymn-like encouragements strung with orders echoed through encrypted hyperspacial communications channels. Pilots flooded into the fray of battle, sharing both win and loss as the fluxing tides of battle rippled throughout the field. Wave after wave of battlepod and bombers came inbound, scattering the damaged, disabled and dead from both sides as the Command Group pressed forward with an unwillingness to depart with anything but victory.

Even as some fell around them, those who remained standing remained dedicated to the cause and steadfast to their orders. Seconds seemed to take eons within newly formed debris clouds, broken and busted the broken sections of hulls drifted past as the brave and the lucky emerged from them cleanly. The battle had just begun within the favor of the Seventh Fleet. The first of their divisions due to arrive, with hopes the tide would not turn upon them as they sought supremacy in their Empire's name.

'Sing laudations of Ketsurui's Cannons, munificent our offerings unto the glory of a restored and strong Yamatai.'
Re: [7SF] [C#2 Darso] 0.1 - Our Visceral Terrors

Battle of Darso -- A taste of their own medicine.
0:00 Countdown Expired
Arrival: Nami no Seijou

YSS Densetsu - Command Bridge

"Adjust course, Z minus thirty thousand kilometres, increase to 0.2c." Katsuko ordered, watching the tactical screen. "Focus our fire on their Line Battleships." She added as the Densetsu shifted into the lead of the White Hammer Battlegroup. Blast shutters closed as the Flagship took blows and continued forwards without any break in resolve, bow pitching downwards as the countdown for Nami no Seijou's entrance to the battlefield expired.

"Contact, second wave confirmed." The Communications officer affirmed.

Disruption ripped through space above the Battlegroup as they dove 'downwards' as with unprecedented fury the first of the Iori Star Fortresses joined the group, giving expiration to the first of the charges in it's unique Type 33 Star Fortress Fold System. Star Fortresses were usually fixated within systems, the NMX was used to those tactics and not the unorthodox and brutal force at which the Seventh utilized their most prized assets. The assertion of Hotaru's supremacy was immediately delivered onto the battlefield, fold cannons ripped stellar material from Darso's blue star and dumped in within the ranks of the swarming NMX ships.

"Incoming communication, Its Yamada-Chujo -- she says Hotaru is ready." The blue haired Taii updated the Taisho again, transferring the volumetric projection of Chujo Yamada Ayano into the cloud of screens in front of the Taisho.

Variable weapons pods flooded from Hotaru Star Fortress as it continued to rip and tear at the NMX vessels, leaving them breached and broken in a ring-like formation marking the edges of its weapons range. The rest of the first divison 'Nami no Seijou' entered realspace with the YSS Namiko III leading the Unmei Battlegroup, it's escorts and the adjoined Hokori Carrier attachment and it's escorts. The battlegroup passed over Hotaru and switched their formation pattern to allow the Carrier attachment to deploy their Starfighter Squadrons.

The NMX concentration in the system wasn't much to begin with, their lines began to yield to the pressure of the Seventh Fleet that was far from finished with them. The ships that tried to fleet found themselves pursued, their engines purposely targeted leaving them to suffer the consequences of the turmoil that had imposed upon Yamatai.

Nami no Seijou's Gunship Squadrons formed up around Hotaru: Tamashii, Saisei, Sainou, Namida, and Shugo Squadrons provided support to the Iori as it continued to lay waste to entire sections of the NMX force. It didn't matter how shell shocked they were, broken or drifting aimlessly in escape pods in the clouds of debris that lit up as turret fire from the gunships tore through it -- they were given the same treatment and regard they had given for the scores of Nekovalkyrja they had slaughtered. Mindy 2 Armors launched from Hotaru's belly, forming boomerang-shaped cloud formations that tore at ships that the gunships had broken.

With the first division blossoming, the Command Group continued towards the inner system with the Densetsu still leading them to hunt down the NMX ships that clung to the rocky inner worlds.

"Nami no Chikara in two minutes and forty seconds." The Taii announced the countdown for the arrival of the fleet's second division.

Undisclosed Location

Within the broken swells of combat, both victory and loss struggled but the tide had indeed turned in the favour of the Seventh. Within the depths of deep-space, Angelica observed in anguish, Darso would be the last victory she would allow them. The Nightmare's very being vibrated with animosity and hatred, her digits clutched about the dark metal of her throne-like chair upon the bridge of her battleship.

'Let the traitors and wastes of the galaxy look upon us now -- let them see us within reach of victory's triumph.'
Re: [7SF] [C#2 Darso] 0.1 - Our Visceral Terrors

Battle of Darso - The Ghost

The remaining NMX vessels began to run, pushing towards the edge of the system and those who could leapt into hyperspace as their hold on Darso slipped away completely. The Seventh Fleet was relentless, and as the second division 'Nami no Chikara' arrived the battle had cooled to small pockets of resistance around the inner planets created by damaged vessels that could not escape into hyperspace.

"Have Sessei and Shinchou Squadrons preform search and destroy cleanup." Katsuko ordered, the reports from the rest of the fleet coming in.

Misato stood to the side of the communications console, leaning over to assist the Taii with the coordination of the fleet. The most damaged ships were sorted back to the Star Fortresses, while Squadron leaders accounted for the ships that had been lost. Overall the Fleet had preformed well, they lost a few ships but nothing that was not replaceable. "Have Himitsu handle most of the load.." Misato said, looking at the reports from Hotaru. As expected the aging Star Fortress was in desperate need of an overhaul, the improvements made to it's fold systems had created a strain on the aged systems.

"Sorry Ketsurui-Taisho, This Fortress needs a shipyard. It is going to be laid up for at least a couple of weeks. Between the constant movement and these last two battles it just can't take anymore." Ayano said over the comm, trying not to choke on the smoke that was coming from fried hardware in Hotaru's command center.

"It is alright Yamada-Chujo, Hotaru has more than put in her time. " Katsuko replied, "I will report to Command and tell Luna Bianca to expect us."

As the last of the NMX ships fell to the Command Divison's squadrons, the celebratory calls of victory began to ring out over the comms. The Darso System was now under the control of the Empire.

"Ma'am. I got the Taisa of the YSS Fushi on the line. Fushi Squadron has found a beacon. It is one of ours. She is patching through the data now." The Taii said to Misato who was still standing next to her.

"Lets have a look." Misato said, watching as the data from the scans as they came in. Her face went completely pale, her narrow jaw dropping open slightly as the data came up.

SWEEP 009 - Delta

Beacon - Source Identified. Star Army of Yamatai, unregistered.
SAINT Classified
YSS Yuurei
Tamper Seal Broken - NMX technology component detected. 

Particle emission source not local. Beacon shows signs of recent FTL travel.

The YSS Yuurei had been lost in the Bufarks Debris Cloud four years before. It was the mission that Misato had been lost on. The Yuurei and all hands had vanished save for Helen Klien who had escaped back to Yamatai.

"There is a preloaded communication on an NMX storage device attached to the probe. The Fushi is trying to access it, one moment." The Taii said, coordinating with her counterpart on the gunship.

A distorted image formed on the screen. Showing Blues Arnoul-Chui tied to the command console of a Plumeria-Class Gunship. The voice of Angelica hauntingly spoke over the scene, "I have many things that belong to you." The Nightmare's laugh bore an almost disembodied nature to it as it rang out following her words. "Come find me, before I'm forced to find you. Which would be unfortunate...would hate for another star system to suffer the same fate as Taiie." The communication then ended abruptly after a brief closeup of the mistreated Chui closed in on the screen.

The devices they had implanted in the Chui along with the others that were used to give the Seventh an advantage at Xylar had long since stopped transmitting, it was likly that Angelica had discovered it and found a way to terminate it's function.

Katsuko pushed herself up and out of the command chair, "Motoyoshi-Taisa." she motioned for Misato to follow and then issued, "Kurosawa-Shôshô you have the bridge." The two then headed towards the command suite to discuss the details of what had been revealed by Angelica who had once more inserted herself into the path of the Seventh.
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