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A Bear's Rather Random Travels


Inactive Member

Sounds came out of the creature as it ate a cheeseburger off of a wrapper on a park bench. A person had seen the brown bear and then left the food before moving away. The person fled, successfully distracting the bear with food to buy their escape from the creature. It was a strange sight in Kyoto, but thankfully had thus far been a non-aggressive entity albeit a disturbing one. A small child headed for the 'kuma', only for a parent to snatch her up and hold her back.

The bear finally lumbered away from the park bench, getting a brief drink of water from a pond in the public park before noticing something flash in the water's shallow depths. It wandered further into the water, sniffing the surface and looking around itself as it hunted for the prized koi the pond had been stocked with.
"Darling," A Yamataian man said to his sweetest as they floated in a little white boat. It was moving lazily across the pond as the man rowed it, but stopped and let his paddles float in the water. "I've bought you here this afternoon and taken you out here for a reason."

The girl leaned in and her eyes sparkled as her face broke into a smile. They'd gone out that morning and had a wonderful gourmet breakfast together in a place where you could see the whole city skyline. After that they went to a spa together to get extensive beauty treatments for each other on the man's dime, and now they were here on the pond in the park, rowing gently across the water.

It was such a romantic occasion and her heart was all aflutter as she watched her boyfriend reach into his jacket to produce a small box.

He opened it to reveal a diamond encrusted ring. "Would you make me the happiest-" The beau's smile threatened to leave her face, until she spotted a-


-about twenty metres away from them. The boyfriend jolted and the little box fell into the boat and the ring fell out.

Into the water.

With a plop.

By the bear.

They each exchanged a nervous glance before the woman gave him nudge. "Wh-what?" The man replied as she pointed to the ripples where the ring hand landed by the bear. "I can't swim."

The girlfriend rolled her eyes and sighed at him. He might've been receptive to her needs and a wonderful person to be around, but there were some things he just couldn't do. "You can wade in it you pillock!" The romantic pretences were beginning to crumble by the introduction of the bear, who was now watching the two argue in a rowboat.
The bear was initially confused at the bickering of the people, but when it noticed a flash and a small splash by its paw, its mighty claws cut through the water to attack what it thought was a fish.


The bear would feel no fish, but instead feel something on its claw. A confused glance would show that it was something shiny, the ornament meant for the lady's finger now bestowed upon the sharp appendage of the animal.
A white haired neko would be strolling through the park, taking a relaxing day to herself as her daughter was at work. Behind her ear, Midori hooked a bit of hair as she came upon the lake. Not really paying attention for the time being she began to walk around closer to the bear, and understandably was startled when the woman shouted bear. There just a few feet from her was what she soon realized was a bear. There was a few moments of confusion as she shifted the bag in her hand from one to another. Silently she cursed herself for today not being the day she had strolled by the Samurai house... She had picked up fish for dinner.

She began to back away now watching the beast closely.
The beast sniffed the air, looking around itself and licking its lips a bit, before seeing Midori and the bag. It started to turn away from the couple in the boat, and lumbered toward Midori while giving some simple vocalizations. They didn't symbolize aggression, but the bear was still hungry, and focused on the source of the fishy smell. The ring glinted on its claw as it emerged from the water, an odd souvenir of its time in Kyoto.
Midori reflexively reached for her sword at her side, then to her side arm as she noticed the lack of her sword. With the missing side arm confirmed also, she simply let out a drawn out sigh. She continued backing away from the bear slowly, her eyes watching closely the beast lumbering toward her.

Great...Really wish I had my old body now...

Even so, Midori eyed the bear with a wary eye, ready to slip into the sky at a moment's notice.
The bear seemed to want her parcel as it meandered toward her, but stayed a set distance away. It seemed to be waiting for her to put it down, as people often did to leave. It might not understand that they did so out of fear, simply that charging people often wasn't necessary...
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