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RP: 188604 A Boy Becomes A Man

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Hart
  • Start date Start date

Alex Hart

VCE, Mecha Fighting Realm

Alex had recently discovered a new online game, a virtual reality MMO with innumerable "realms", areas where an individual could go to persue their own interests. He, of course, had taken a shining to the most populated realm related to mecha.

At the moment he was soaring high above the landscape in his U-1, the unicorn, a variable mecha and the first of its type. He did a few loops in fighter form before allowing himself to glide through the air. As he did so, he looked down at the ground and saw an impossibly large arena, its stands packed with excited crowds as a couple of mechs went at it below him, strafing across the ground and firing at the other with plasma and aether energy streaking between each other.

Alex took interest at this display, and dove down to the ground before landing nearby, and walking over to the arena entrance. He soon joined the crowd in the stands.

The current fight looked like it was wrapping up, as a pink-stripped black Gekido knocked out another leg out from under the standard purple TASHA. The Yamataian mech swept aether energy across the other mech's shoulder height, but the Origin frame just ducked underneath the fire and fired its plasma cannon, carving a hole in the purple mech and exploding it in a million digital pieces.

The crowd around Alex exploded in cheering, chanting the name of the victor, "Spitfire! Spitfire!" The mech's cockpit opened up, revealing a Neko the same colors as her ride, waving and blowing kisses at her fans.

Alex looked around, interested in testing his own mettle. Normally he wouldn't have thought to do it, but something seemed to urge him forward. He turned to the person next to him.

"Excuse me, but do you know where I can sign up to fight here?"

His neighbor turned out to be a stereotypical Nepleslian, half cybernetic and a cigar in his mouth, who tapped the air in front of them to show a menu. "Just put your name and mech in here," he said, pointing at the necessary fields, "And it will pair you up with someone matching your skills."

Alex pulled up the menu himself, filled out the information; (Alex, U-1 Unicorn.) and waited for the matchup to take place.

The algorithm apparently liked the U-1's specs, as it immediately called him to the field, to spar against Spitfire.

Alex hopped down into the arena and summoned the U-1 using his menu. The fighter shimmered in midair before dropping down gently into the arena, in its fighter form.

He opened the cockpit with his neural link to the craft, something which seemed to persist in the game, and walked over before hopping in. As he looked around he noticed that he seemed to have been re-equipped with a jumpsuit which, like the U-1, was white with red highlights

The Neko looked his mech up and down before smiling and saying, "Nice fighter." Closing up her own vehicle, she asked, "I'm assuming its a variable design?" Thanks to the virtual nature of the arena, it was like she was standing at arms length instead of inside a mech hundreds of feet away.

Alex hopped into his cockpit as well before responding. "Yeah. I helped design it a little."

As he closed the cockpit, the U-1 transformed in a display that sent the crowd wild. The metal of the mech gleamed in the virtual sunlight, and its horn was on prominent display. As a weapon selection screen pulled up, he selected an automatic laser rifle and two energy missile pods, as well as a energy blade. He then looked towards the other mech to assess its choice of weaponry.

"Very nice," Spitfire replied, testing its pair of arm blades before retracting them and readying her handheld plasma cannon and its own shoulder mounted missile pods. "So, you want to raise the stakes, Alex? It's always more fun that way."

"I suppose so, but how do you know my name?"

"You used it in the sign up?" she asked, putting her cannon against the Gekido's shoulder and giggling a little at the question.

"Oh. I didn't realise it would tell my opponent." He said, embarrased by his foolish question.
"So what did you have in mind?"

"If I win," the Neko said, pointing her free hand at him, "You take me for a ride in your mech. What would you want from me, Alex?" Even though she wasn't visible now, the Nepleslian could swear that the mech was smiling for her.

"Uhhh..." Alex hesitated. What /did/ he want? "I can't really think of anything."

"Can't think of anything a Neko could do for you?" she asked, snickering as the crowd shouted its suggestions to him. "I guess there'll be time to figure that out," she said, lowering her weapon to its ready position, "If you win."

"All right." Alex said, readying himself, and waiting for the fight to begin.

A modified stop light materialized in between them, before it started counting down from ten. A few seconds before it finished, Spitfire stuck her back leg out behind her, ready to dash towards him.

As soon as the countdown reached zero, Alex transformed the U-1 into fighter form and stood it up on its end before rocketing up to the hight ceiling of the arena. He then transformed back into mecha mode and scanned the area with his eyes as well as the computer.

What he saw was the Origin frame flying up towards him, its overpowered thrusters closing the distance, with four missiles reaching out towards him.

Alex pulled off a high speed dodge, evading two of the missiles, the other two clipping his leg and his body. As the impact threw him into a spiral downward, he transformed the legs of his craft at the last moment before flaring his thrusters in a manuver that sent dust flying around the ground. He then transformed the arms out and took a few potshots at the enemy frame.

The Neko had dropped to the ground a few moments after him, keeping the speed she had gained as she streaked towards him, zigzagging her flight path to dodge his hastily aimed shots. Once she was in range, she fired her plasma cannon, sending an expanding cloud of plasma at him as she broke away.

Alex managed to get out of the way of the plasma, but not before his left arm took damage from it. He shot himself up into the air, keeping oriented downward and firing off a set of ten missiles at Spitfire, as well as firing his laser rifle hastily.

The Gekido weaved in a lazy figure eight to dodge most of the missiles, shaking off the damage that a few near misses caused before rushing at him again, strafing a few times to dodge the laser fire. Brazenly getting nearly within arms length, she leveled her cannon at him again and fired, the plasma hitting his left side, cutting off the arm and damaging his leg. "Looks like you'll have to give me a ride then," she said, before extending an arm blade and closing for the killing blow.

"It's not over yet!" Alex shouted, activating the Sillouhette/Mirror system built into the U-1, which improved his reaction time almost fourfold. Then, as the world moved in slow motion around him, he lifted himself up into a kneeling position, grabbed his energy blade and used his right arm to knock the extended blade away before cutting a slice diagonally across Spitfire, passing through the simulated cockpit of the frame.

"Aaugh," she yelled, falling to her knees and hands as her mech exploded and then reformed as the crowd went from stunned silence ot ecstatic applause, yelling out his name, "Alex! Alex! Alex!"

He looked around in amazement. How had he managed to win, and why was it such a big deal? It was only one victory.

"Whats the big deal?" He asked Spitfire.

"Well," she said, slowly standing her mech back up, "I was on an undefeated 89 match streak before now, you fought excellently, and you did it your first time. Pretty damn good, all things considered."

Alex was surprised. "Why did it match me up with someone so good?"

The black-skinned Neko shrugged as her mech opened. "Apparently it thought you were good enough to fight and it was right. You fly these things in meatspace?" she asked, folding her arms and putting them on the lip of the edge of the cockpit, looking at him and ignoring the roaring crowds.

Alex nodded. "I've flown for most of my life. So what now?"

"You figured out what you want for winning?" she asked, smirking as she tilted her head in question. A few catcalls could be heard from the stands, but she just looked at her erst-while opponent.

Alex tilted his head. "I can't really think of anything, but I guess to hear about you, since you know a bit about me already. You said you wanted to take a ride in the Unicorn?"

"Oh?" Spitfire asked, laughing at his remark, "Give me the prize that I wanted? I guess I can think of a few things while you're giving me a ride," she said, giving him a wink.

This confused Alex greatly, and he didn't understand the implication of the statement. "What do you mean?"

"You'll figure it out," she said, floating out of her mech, which dissolved behind her as she approached the U-1. "So, we going to do it now?"

"Sure." Alex said, and offered a hand out to Spitfire to assist her in climbing into the back seat of the mecha.

The pink-haired Neko took his hand, but instead of taking the backseat she hopped onto his lap, whistling in appreciation. "Nice layout," she said, leaning back so her head rested next to his.

Alex began to blush, and took off into the blue virtual skies before asking, "Why did you choose to sit here?"

"Can't show my appreciation for the ride if I'm sitting behind you," she said, turning her head to kiss his cheek before looking forwards and smiling as they flew through the simulated sky.

Alex's blush transitioned from slight to severe as his face turned all but crimson. He had no experience with this kind of thing before, being that he had grown up in captivity. Rather than risk making a fool of himself he decided to err on the side of caution, and instead make conversation. "So shouldn't we introduce ourselves properly? My name's Alex, although you know that already. What's yours?"

"Mizuki," she said, moving a hand up and down his leg. "You going to show what your mech can do?" she asked, glancing at him with a smile. "I know you were holding back some things, to keep in the arena."

Alex looked sideways to grin at Mizuki for a moment. "Alright, but hold on." He then transitioned in midair to fighter form, sending the Unicorn rocketing through the air, pulling it through high gee turns, complicated loops and twists to form an image of the mythical creature that it took its name from.

"Woah!" the Neko yelled, holding onto a small handle built into the top of the cockpit with one hand and tucking the other one under his leg, apparently to not block his view. "Got any more?" She asked.

"Hmmm." Alex said, considering for a moment before replying. "I've got one more trick."
He threw the Unicorn into a downward spiral, the ground rushing up to meet the craft.

She laughed as she was pushed against him and the seat, gripping the handle and his leg tightly as the neared they ground.

Alex was silent in concentration as they approached a small lake, before he pulled the legs out of the body of the craft and flared them before fully transforming the U-1. The shockwaves from the manuver sent droplets from the lake flying around everywhere, forming what seemed to be a shimmering curtain around the area. "So what do you think?"

"It was great," Mizuki said, chuckling as she let go of the handle, but kept her hand against his leg. "I think you definetly deserve a good reward from me. You still don't have any ideas?" she asked, turning her head to look at him, only a couple of inches seperating them.

Alex blushed, closed his eyes, and shook his head slightly. "No, sorry."

"I think I have a few," she said, before grabbing the back of his head and pulling him into a kiss.

Alex opened his eyes in surprise for a moment, considered trying to extricate himself, but decided against it, and kissed back. How he knew what to do, he wasn't sure, but he did, and acted on it.

The Neko purred as he returned the kiss, pressing his head against the seat's back as she kept up the make out and she twisted around, straddling his legs.

Alex began to feel all willpower leaving his body, and left himself open to the advances of the Neko. Normally he would have probably been startled by this, but as it stood, something was telling him to let it go and see how everything played out.

She chuckled as she pulled away for a moment, putting a hand on his cheek, the other traveling down to his pants. "So, you going to help with taking off clothes or am I going to do everything?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alex blushed. He didn't know what to do in this situation, and had no idea of what came next.
"I'm sorry. I really haven't ever had experience with this kind of thing before. I had known much more than piloting until lately. What should I do?"

"There are a few similarities," Mizuki said, smiling as she slowly pulled his pant's zipper down. "The thrill of the act, relying on instincts, and keeping your hands on the controls at all times. Since this is you're first time, I'll lead. Just help me with the clothes, alright?"

"Alright." Alex said somewhat hesitantly. He really had no idea what came next, but followed Mizuki's instructions and began to remove any clothes that she indicated should come off.

"Perfect," she said, moving her hand to the small of his back before pressing her body against his and rengaging the kiss.


"You did good, Alex," the Neko said a while later as she laid on top of him, still straddling him as she scratched his back, "Especially for your first time."

Alex wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, so just emitted a feeble "Thank you." to Mizuki. This kind of experience was completely new to him, and though he had not been expecting it, it was very pleasant.

She chuckled. "You're welcome," she said, kissing his neck before resting her cheek against his. "So, you spent most of your time piloting until recently? Never got bored with an attractive lady in the same ship as you?"

Alex sighed a little, rubbing his left hand up and down Mizuki's back . "Up until a few months ago I haven't been in the wider world. I didn't spend much time socializing either. I've never been given much freedom or had much experience."

"Hmm," Spitfire murmured, enjoying the back rub. "A little more to the right," she said, shifting her back so his hands were in the right position, with the added effect of rubbing her chest against his.

Alex complied with the instruction. Was this normal? He hadn't been misleading when he said that he had very little world experience. "So what about you?"

"Oh," she said, continuing her back scratch, "Just working for the Nepleslian military. Used to be in the UOC and in Star Army before that, but that's a long, much repeated, story. What happened a few months ago?"

"I used to be a prisoner and a subject in some sort of program. I think it was meant to make super soldiers and pilots. I was being shipped somewhere and from what I'm told they found me in a container out in far west space. Now I help out the people who rescued me."

"Damn," Mizuki said, turning her head slightly to kiss him behind the ear. "Good to hear that you found people who helped you out."

Alex smiled. "Yeah. It's the first time since I got put there that I've had people with my best intrests in mind around."

"Make sure you keep them then," she said, before nibbling his ear lobe.

Alex laughed a little at the tickling. "Hey that tickles!"

"Oh, does it?" the Neko asked, before going back to her nibbling and bringing her hands to his sides and tickling him.

He burst out in laughter, squirming around to try and avoid the tickling.

She followed him unrelentingly, moving her mouth to his for a moment before she stopped and groaned. "Damn it all," she said.

Alex frowned for a moment. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Duty calls," Mizuki said, sighing as she sat on his legs, "We're doing short shifts so people can go on dates and stuff. Guess I'm up now."

Alex nodded in understanding. "I know what its like to be pulled around to other peoples schedules. How can I contact you if I want to talk or have another bout?"

"Well, I agreed to the schedule," she said, smiling at him, "Just didn't think I'd get this distracted." She then pulled up her recent contact list and pressed his profile picture. "There's my contact information. Usually too busy for more time involved stuff, but if I got some time, I'll let you know."

Alex nodded. "Thanks. It was good getting to know you and uh... all the other stuff too. I guess you have to go now."

"Good to meet you too, Alex," the Neko said, leaning in and giving him another kiss. Breaking it after a moment, she grinned and said, "See ya later then."

Alex grinned as well. "See ya later."

Giving him a wink, she then dissolved into a shower of blue sparks, leaving a beating heart icon in the air for a few moments before that disappeared as well.

Alex was left to contemplate the events, and smiled for a moment before reclothing himself and taking back off into the air.
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