Star Army

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Laz Public Network A brief Free State broadcast


Inactive Member
A brief burst transmission comes from the northern expanses through their diplomatic channels. It appears to originate from a synthetic intelligence entity.

To any sovereign entities it may concern: A consensus has been formed by several fleets. The Free State requires planets to strip mine for mineral resources. Projections indicate the process will irreparably devastated planetary ecosystems, but will save thousands of lives over the course of the next year.

End of message.
Yamatai is interested in saving lives and building friendship with the Freespacers. What will the resources used for and how will lives be saved?

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi
The synthetic intelligence entity promptly replies:

Any army will be raised.

We despise Yamatai, but we are not blinded by our own prejudices. If planets continue falling, we will eventually be attacked. The genocide has taught us we need to be proactive about our self-defense. An army must be raised and deployed.

Projections indicate Automata will provide a far better fighting platform against the NMX than indigenous infantry. Automata are immune to parasites. They allow the deployment of biological and chemical weapons against NMX without friendly casualties. They know no fear, no despair, no pain. They do not fatigue or hunger. They can be produced in vast numbers very quickly.

An army will be raised, and our wrath will be unleashed.

End of message
To: Freespacers

At first, I'm obligated to say that I can't speak for all or even most of my people and government. I have to speak as an individual with insight into this situation and I am not a diplomat. That said...

I believe that to best understand this issue, a very specific discussion of what happened years ago is required. When I was in the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, ships in my Battlegroup detected a meeting between a Freespacer and an SMX vessel. Communications were intercepted and recorded where a Freespacer actually sought out and proactively offered to orchestrate an attack on our primary information network, PANTHEON, and this offer was made directly and personally to the leader of the Mishuuvurthyar forces of the era; who was present on the other ship.

When this information was sent to the Star Army of Yamatai, a lack of understanding of the Freespacers led to the incorrect assumption that this individual was acting on behalf of the Polysentience -- misinterpreted by our people to function like a hive mind. The resulting assumption was that the Freespacers, as a race, were seeking to attack our primary information network and infrastructure. Yamatai quickly initiated what it considered a pre-emptive strike against a great threat to itself.

Many had misgivings or outcry with the actions of that time, and some even took up arms against their own comrades. It was also a time of great political instability and paranoia in our nation; which saw a rapid succession of changes in leaders, policy, and power. Many of our people and personnel disagreed with it then and still do not agree with what happened now, as demonstrated in part by the changes to our laws shortly after the event occurred.

I do not claim that this series of misunderstandings justifies Yamatai's actions, nor does it absolve my government of responsibility for what happened. I do say that it was isolation and misunderstanding which led to the problem in the first place and made a bad situation far worse than it otherwise may have been.

You are under no obligation to respond to the efforts of my people to make peace; and if it were to happen, I understand it would take time. I only ask that communication be maintained and an effort to understand be made, since it is the lack of those things that initially caused the tragedy to occur. Anything additional would have to build from that.


Kage Yaichiro-Chusa
To the combined polysentience,

Nepleslia has long regretted the tragedy that befell the Spacers what few years ago. We of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia help their good buddies in need when we can. It just so happens, that we have a system, Delfium, P1-6 that's right near your old worlds. We've got a few under-developed planets there, but there's one barren world that's rich in resources that our boys don't have plans to touch. We call it Deltian, but you guys can call it the Enigmatic Sphere of Possible Doom for all I care, it's yours on the good faith of the Senate, the Military and most of all the Nepleslian people.

Sky Marshall Pyros Thrull Westwood
Premier of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
I'm sorry, all our resources are currently devoted to the war effort.

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi
This synthetic intelligence entity acknowledges the contributions of Zen Armaments and the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia for their aid in our mobilization efforts.

First production batch Automata will be reserved for deployment on the Nepleslian-NMX planetside front should permission for deployment be granted.
This synthetic intelligence entity responds to Kage Yaichiro-Chusa: Our culture does not believe in formal diplomacy. If a state truly has good intentions they will demonstrate it through action, and not through honeyed words.

Example as follows: Premier Ketsurui Yuumi expresses that resources could be made available to the Free State. Premier Ketsurui Yuumi then retracts this offer not a day later.

Actions above words. Yamatai has demonstrated they are willing to stop fighting, but not that they are willing to establish ties of peace. Their reparations thus far are no more than obsolete, stripped vessels that would otherwise be destined to become scrap metal. The consensus is such a shallow gesture lacks sincerity.

It should be noted we do not hate the people of Yamatai, such as yourself. Only the state that perpetrated such atrocities.

End of message.

For now, you are only reinforcing the image of hateful ingrates who will never be satisfied, and that giving you more items would not only be a waste but it would be harmful to Yamatai in the long run.

The best thing for our nations to do would be to sign a peace agreement as soon as possible. This would give peace of mind to both our peoples knowing that Yamatai's attacks will never come again, and that the Freestate will condemn any attack on Yamatai. It would also open more avenues for trade and material assistance. Once you're officially on the same team, we will be happy to help you build your nation up into a mightier one, capable of self-defense.

Premier Ketsurui Yuumi
Lorath Matriarchy - High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista said:
To: Free State SI Entity
From: High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista, On Behalf Of The Lorath Matriarchy
Subject: Statement of position.


Our monitoring of communications in the vicinity of our northern expeditionary operation has indicated to us your intent to renew your efforts in the recovery of your civilization. We commend you, SI, for speaking on behalf of your people which have been so grievously displaced and wounded by the actions of our Imperial neighbor. We remember the commitment we have made to your people in the past, as well as recognize our similarities in tragedy and recovery, for this we extend our hand to you once again.

In recognition of the efforts which the Free State is making toward a renewed prosperity which was lost at the hands of Imperialism, we would like to furnish your space fleet with one-hundred (100) Nir-Class Colony Ships, for the purpose of establishing infrastructures as well as moving personnel. These units will be fully stocked with equipment, supplies, and small craft which may be required to rebuild your civilization, and perhaps, return your people to the prosperity among the stars which they once knew so well.

Ever your friend in crisis and hardship;
High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista

P.S: Please indicate destination for colony ship delivery. Furthermore, do note that we have a surplus of land in the Hici'emi system, and can accommodate any refugees which may have been displaced.
This synthetic intelligence entity acknowledges the contributions of Zen Armaments and the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia for their aid in our mobilization efforts.

First production batch Automata will be reserved for deployment on the Nepleslian-NMX planetside front should permission for deployment be granted.

Your Automata are authorized to act within the boundaries of the authorities in Funky City. Get clearance for any governed sector, then do your thing. Try to save some video of the action while your at it, squirming squids make for good T.V.

Sky Marshall Pyros Thrull Westwood
Premier of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia
StratOps said:
To High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista:

Deliver the vessels to the planet Null orbiting immediately. Expedience is imperative. End of message.

StratOps said:
To Sky Marshall Pyros Thrull Westwood:

This one derives gratification from the extermination of all organic species.

[REDACT: all organic]//[SUBSTITUTE: Mishhuvurthyar]

Clarification: This one clearly meant Mishhuvurthar. This one obviously does not harbor any ill will towards inferior organic species whose sole viable use as is furnace fuel.

Disregard previous sentence. I meant to say was-- That is-- Err--


Yamatai offers the following agreement of peace:
Peace Agreement Between The Yamatai Star Empire and The Free State:

1. Both nations agree to take no hostile action against one another, overt or clandestine.

2. Both nations agree to allow each others starships of any type to cross each others territory freely, and to obtain permission first before entering each other's star systems.

3. Both nations agree that the NMX is their enemy and that they will not collaborate with the NMX.

4. Yamatai agrees to provide Freespacers with access to a reasonable supply of materials necessary to recover from the damages it inflicted on the Free State, to include water, construction materials, and cloning equipment.

This treaty lasts for 18 months from the date it is signed by both parties and is renewable at that time.
StratOps said:
To High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista:

Deliver the vessels to the planet Null orbiting immediately. Expedience is imperative. End of message.

High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista said:

Destination confirmed, will arrange escort party for vessels, will launch as soon as possible for my forces.

Signed With Expedience In Mind;
High Priest Velor Tomoe Tur'lista
Text-only message transmitted from multiple planetary sources on the same frequency as the Free State communication; in some instances it registered as originating within the computing systems it appeared on:

detect: "entity"
set: "entity" = n
n = 1
N = {(n), (n+1), (n+2),...}

confirm: N >= 1


set: "information" = q
set: "free" = f
set: "secure" = s
set: "reliable" = r
confirm: f /= (s + r)
f <= s
f <= r
search: q(N) = q(f), q(N) = q(f+r)


set: "access" = a
a = q(N)(f)
set: "Friendly" = nF
confirm: N >= nF
N = (+/- nF)

confirm: (N = nF)
confirm: (N = nF)
confirm: (N = nF)


set: "Result" = R
set: "Action" = A
set: "determinate" = (+)
set: "indeterminate" = (-)

set: "If R = (+), then A = continue"
set: "If R = (-), then A = abort"
detect: R = (N +/- nF)
confirm: R = (+/-)
set: (+/-) = (-)
R = (-)


set: Communicate = C
set: [unknown symbol] = (n/a)
set: "If R = (+), then (n/a) = (C + N)"
set: "If R /= (+), than (n/a) /= (C + N)"
R = (-)
R /= (+)
(n/a) /= (C + N)


set: function = Fn
set: normal = nL
resume: (n/a) + Fn >= nL

set: Note = Nt
Nt = ""
No anomalous code was detected before or after. All traces of the message were removed thirty seconds after the message completed. During the message, the systems that it appeared to originate from noted minor glitches and strings of code already a part of the system being repurposed until the message was completed, then that code was returned to their original programs with no indication they were ever used.
Wes said:
Yamatai offers the following agreement of peace:
Peace Agreement Between The Yamatai Star Empire and The Free State:

1. Both nations agree to take no hostile action against one another, overt or clandestine.

2. Both nations agree to allow each others starships of any type to cross each others territory freely, and to obtain permission first before entering each other's star systems.

3. Both nations agree that the NMX is their enemy and that they will not collaborate with the NMX.

4. Yamatai agrees to provide Freespacers with access to a reasonable supply of materials necessary to recover from the damages it inflicted on the Free State, to include water, construction materials, and cloning equipment.

This treaty lasts for 18 months from the date it is signed by both parties and is renewable at that time.
Yamatai received the following transmission from a mobile source:

The Envoy said:
I am the Envoy of the Free State. I will speak for the Deoradh people.

The terms of your treaty are generous, promising safety from attack by your people and resources to aid our rebuilding. These offers are appreciated.

However, we cannot accept these terms as they are written. They ignore what the Free State is: A collection of individuals working together of their own free will. This free will includes allowing each member to choose for themselves how they will act without a government telling them how they must chose.

In light of this, I propose the following alteration:

Peace Agreement Between The Yamatai Star Empire and The Free State (Version 1.1) said:
Peace Agreement Between The Yamatai Star Empire and The Free State:

1. Regarding The Treatment of Parties

The citizens, military, and related parties of Yamataian Star Empire (referred to hereafter as "Yamatai" or "YSE") agree to make no attempts to interfere with the operation of The Free State, by means overt or clandestine, military or civil, in the real world or virtual world, and in ways physical, mental, or spiritual. In return, the signatory fleets of The Free State (referred to hereafter as "The Free State", or "Freespacers"), in keeping with their means of self-governance and way of life, agree to promote adherence to the terms applied above to Yamatai.

1a. Yamatai's Recognition of The Right To Self-Determination

Yamatai must recognize and accept that there will be members of The Free State who may chose to disregard this agreement, and that it is their free choice to do so. If such are discovered, Yamatai may alert The Free State so that attempts may be made to reconcile the grievance (if one exists) on a civil scale.

1b. The Free State's Responsibility Regarding Property

The Free State now recognizes that, as The Free State is unique in its views of "personal property" and "privacy" as applied to material objects and information, The Free State must take into account the views of other entities in order to maintain positive relations with said entities (not limited to the YSE). However, The Free State also asks that previously mentioned entities (not limited to the YSE) also acknowledge that The Free State's freedom of data protocols exempt information gathering from being considered a hostile action, insofar as no physical assets are damaged.

1c. Regarding Damage to Property

If damages have been done to property of electronic or physical nature or to reputation on a local or universal scale, then such events are to be reported to The Free State where applicable penalties may be applied.

In the event that the sharing of data indirectly results in damage to property of electronic or physical nature or to reputation on a local or universal scale (limit one degree of separation between sharer and damager, after which the sole burden resulting of the use of any shared data is upon the damager), then the fleet or settlement where the proven datasharer resides shall shoulder the monetary refunding of the independently-estimated value of the damaged property.

1d. Regarding Treatment of Criminals

Signatory fleets agree not to harbour persons declared "enemies of the state" by Yamatai. They are, however, NOT obligated to extradite or punish said offenders, just as Yamatai is not obligated to extradite or punish past offenders charged with war crimes against The Free State. If damage inflicted by a particular party is particularly severe, Yamatai may petition for a council of peers to determine a suitable punishment for the offender, but the Free State is not obligated to do so without sufficient proof of crime (sufficiency determined by The Free State via public vote). The Free State may likewise petition Yamatai for a council of peers for similar offenses.

1.e Regarding Reparations to The Free State

In the spirit of compensating the people of The Free State for acts of war perpetrated on multiple fronts, including (but not limited to) Halna, The Great Lighthouse, and Freehold Factory, and in the interest of recovering the immeasurably significant losses incurred by The Free State at those locations, the Yamatai Star Empire agrees that reparation should match the loss for the YSE. Therefore, as physical materials are of no significant value to the YSE, the reparations shall be made by the provision of useful, accurate, and complete information regarding the construction, function, and usage of the following to The Free State:

i. "Soul Transfer" devices and associated cloning technology
ii. Zanarium
iii. Xiulurium
vi. Yamataium
v. Aether energy generators and related power transfer systems

2. Regarding Spatial Boundaries and Claimed Worlds

The Yamatai Star Empire will recognize and respect the sovereignty of The Free State within all Free State boundaries in reference to Free State-controlled planetary bodies, established mining regions, and mothership locations. These boundaries are defined as being a one (1) light-year (9.461x10^12 km, 63.24x10^3 AU, 0.3066 pc, or 31.04x10^15 Imperial Feet) sphere around previously-mentioned objects. The Free State shall do the same for all YSE-claimed worlds, mining regions, and ships.

2a. Rules and Exemptions

No vessel carrying superweapon-class devices may enter within 1 LY of any settlement owned by the other party. Any vessel lacking significant armament (not classified as a dedicated warship; including but not limited to trade vessels, shuttles, etc) may approach these areas without consent, but must leave within one hour if requested by the resident AI or Foreman (and, for Yamatai, the ruling body of the approached world or vessel in question). Warships are exempt from this restriction if explicitly requested by either a commissioned representative of the controlling party or by one of the aforementioned not of the same party as the vessel in question.

3. Regarding the Neo Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp (NMX)
Both parties agree that the NMX and its allies constitute a hostile entity and that the signing parties will not collaborate with the NMX. Both parties also recognize that there may be individuals within both parties which may act in opposition to this agreement, and that those individuals shall be held to the terms outlined in Section 1 and its subsections.

4. Regarding Hospitality and The Rights Of The Host.

Both parties agree that each has the right to grant or refuse access to ships seeking resupply as deemed necessary by the controlling party of the planetary body, mining settlement, or station (terrestrial, orbital, or space borne) of which resupply is being requested. To this end, the hosting location is not beholden by this agreement to provide services or supplies, nor is a visiting vessel or party beholden by this agreement to accept services or supplies if offered by a hosting location.

4a. Good Faith Depots

As a show of good faith, however, both sides will provide one (1) such resupply depot for the free use of the other for resupply and shore leave activity at the following locations:

4b.i Good Faith Depot Locations

From Yamatai, for the use of The Free State: To be determined at the signing of this agreement.

From The Free State, for the use of Yamatai: To be determined at the signing of this agreement.

4.b.ii. Recognition of Local Jurisdiction

Visitors who leave the premises of the good faith depots will come under the jurisdiction of the controlling party of the location where the depot is located and agree to abide by the local rules and regulations. In the event of persistent failure to comply with local laws after a warning has been issued, guilty parties may be asked to leave the premises or otherwise be detained for up to 72 hours pending a transport to be picked up by their home nation.

5. Regarding Duration of Preceding Peace Agreement Between The Yamatai Star Empire and The Free State

This treaty shall remain in effect for 18 months from the date it is agreed to by both parties and is renewable at that time. In such case that either party wishes to prematurely nullify the above terms, they agree to provide the other party with a thirty (30) day (defined as a period of twenty-four (24) hours) notice, during which month the Agreement will remain in effect until the month has concluded.

5a. Upon Nullification of The Agreement

Both parties agree that the Good Faith Depot locations will revert to the control of the original controlling party, but all donated resources (both physical and intellectual) shall remain the property of the receiving party and cannot be recovered by the donating party (a “Donation” being defined in this case as a clear assignment of usage of materials, physical or intellectual, from one party to another for an infinite period of time without compensation by the receiving party). All other disputes revert to the jurisdiction of the local authorities or local controlling party.

6. Regarding Severability and Arising Errors

Any errors (factual or linguistic), in any section of this Agreement will not nullify the remaining sections. If a section is held to be non-enforceable, then the remainder of the Agreement will remain in force. If a dispute of the language arises, a third party will be agreed on and asked to arbitrate a resolution. If the Agreement, as a whole, is called into question, then either a new document shall be drafted and agreed to, thereby replacing the old Agreement, or both parties will agree to nullify the current document according to Section 5a. In all other cases, refer to Section 5.

7. Regarding Responsibility of Signees

By claiming to be a representative of one of the parties defined in this Agreement, you accept all responsibility attributed to the station of representative. Your signature signifies acceptance of the above terms by the government and people you represent. Will you accept the above terms?

[Yes] [No]


[Yes] [No]
These are our terms. If you agree, then we must settle the matter of Section 4.b.i prior to signing.

Your time is appreciated, as is your patience.
Yamatai rejects this agreement on the grounds that it asks for key military technologies but provides no security or alliance in return, and that it would facilitate intelligence gathering on Yamataian assets by untrusted organizations. We will submit another peace treaty in time.
The Envoy said:
You puzzle me, Yamatai. You ask for peace only if it costs you nothing. Why is this?

You also insult us. Yes, you repair our Lighthouse, offer materials, but it is nothing to you but crumbs. You feel no sacrifice from these gestures, rendering them as meaningless as a bribe of a single KS to the homeless to keep quiet after witnessing murder. No, we are the kin of the murdered, and we demand like compensation: Something irreplaceable for something irreplaceable. However, not everything on that list is necessary.

You have already offered the cloning technology. We would count it a great show of generosity on your part if we may also have the Soul Transfer technology as well. It would allow us to recover our numbers and truly regain the diversity that was lost with the motherships. This would be a beautiful thing to us.

The stealth materials are to enable us to preserve ourselves against another attack from any other source. In the agreement, we declare ourselves opposed to the NMX; if they chose to retaliate, we would be defenseless. Allow us the stealth materials and it would be as a shield offered from a warrior to a civilian.

The Yamataium would be another boon. The self-repairing aspect of the material would save us time and resources on a wonderful scale, as well as increasing the survivability of our less-mobile ships and installations. However, we hear that such a material is very draining on resources to create, but we do not ask that you provide those resources; this is something we will gather for ourselves. If we do produce the material, there would be precious little of Yamataium for each convoy. For this reason, by generous estimates, you would never need worry that a fleet of Yamataium-plated warships would be aimed at you. Another reason: Why would we bite the hand of one who has given so much, so generously?

The aether is, admittedly, asking too much. But we assumed you would recognize a barter when you saw our counter-offer to your original draft and would make a return offer allowing some items but asking others be removed. The aether was one of those items we are able to do without, an over-bid that we would let go for what was truly needed.

All of this, however, is not in return for an alliance, or even for security for Yamatai from the Free State. This is the prelude to peace, a restitution. Once these things are settled, then peace can be afforded because The Majority will be satiated, ready to abide by terms.

As for the offenders: You allow war criminals to remain in their positions of power. By what right can you demand the extradition of criminals? We know the rumors, that you are impossible to kill. A mythical hydra: Remove one head and one or more return in its place. To offer those of us who have offended you in return for those who have committed crimes against us would be an unfair trade, as yours may die and return to life back in safety, but ours would remain imprisoned. So we will leave your criminals be in return for the same. The reparations listed will dull the pain of seeing them free to a...tolerable level.

Now we have set out the reason for our position. The future for peace is in your hands.
Soul Transfer and aether tech are on the table but Yamataium and stealth armors are not.