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SYNC A Business Opportunity


Inactive Member

From: Flynn Blackburn
To: Ms. Errowyn Yumeoibito

Ms. Yumeoibito,

My name is Flynn Blackburn. I've recently arrived on 188604 as part of Candon Suites' new shipping company. My latestst contract, issued by one Jason Argo, is going to be a bit hectic, as it involves running a Kuvexian blockade. I'm a pilot, like yourself, although I fly a freighter. That's where you come in.

I've heard that you are in possession of a Kawarime fighter, something much faster and deadlier than my Issoku, and on this job, that's exactly what I need.

If you're interested, contact me ASAP. There'll be money in it for you, rest assured.

Thank you for your time,


From Ms Yumeoibito
To Flynn

Please come to my Island Resort, planetary coordinates 45 degrees, 7 minutes North, 47 degrees and 20 miutes west of Usocity. We'll discuss matters in a more relaxed settings.

Your's Truly

'Hellcat' Yumeoibito
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