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RP: 188604 A call from Candon

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Hart
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Alex Hart

Planet 188604, Skyguard HQ

Alex was in his small office when the intercom beeped. Alex pressed a button on it and said, "Yes?" The voice on the other end was probably just a guardsman pulling desk duty, so Alex didn't recognise them. "You've got a call coming in sir, from a Mr. Suites." Alex only knew one person by that name, and he was fairly sure that Candon was too busy to call him unless it was important. Alex transferred the call over to a secure line.


"Hey Alex, would you consider us friends?" Candon asked as directly as possible.

Alex paused for a moment. "I would..." he said cautiously. This was already off to a suspicious start from Alex's perspective.

"Thank Space you're not like Uso!" Candon exclaimed, "listen, in a week there's an important event happening at Hanako's Palace and it would mean a lot to me if you'd be there. There are people that are still upset with me for the shadow war so I don't want to say too much. Will you be there?"

"You mean that campaign you waged against dissedents?" Alex didn't know the whole truth about the conflict, and seemed have mostly forgotten the matter.

"Yeah, that's the one," Candon confirmed, "did you know they got a nuclear fission bomb? Who even uses those?"

"I mean, I suppose you have to respect classic, relatively simple technology." Alex remarked. "Anyways, I'll be there, but I'm not really too familiar with Yamatai. I've never been there before."

"Don't worry about a thing, everyone speaks Trade and you'll know where to go," Candon explained, "formal attire if you can, it's a palace after all."

"I'll get something nice together. I'm honored you thought of me for this, to be honest."

"You've been good to me, Alex. You deserve a nice date with Araxie here, this doesn't usually happen for us non-royalty," Candon commended, genuinely happy. It was a stark difference from the man's usual demeanor. "I'll see you there, my friend!"

"I'll see you there. Best wishes till then. Bye." With that, Alex hung up the phone and began to make preperations for the trip there.
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