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A cup of coffee and a new direction


Inactive Member
Lolion stepped onto the tarmac of the spaceport and again took in his surroundings. Streams of heated air from several different directions breezed past his face while the bright sun scorched his exposed skin. It was a beautiful day at Uesureyan Fields spaceport and yet even with all of the sites and sounds around him Lolion was still exhausted. "You lost?" He heard behind him snapping him back to reality. "No just, its just been awhile since I've been here is all. Lolion said back over his shoulder still looking around. The captain of the cargo ship he was just on had come down the loading ramp and was standing next to him now. "Well its been awhile for me as well, but i recommend moving along, the security here doesn't like people loitering on the tarmac, especially this close to the military sector of the port." he pointed at a watch tower which had its occupants looking in Lolion's direction with binoculars. Thanking the captain again he picked up his duffel bag and began moving towards the terminal to leave the port.

After clearing customs and declaring his belongings he was finally on the streets. Feeling more at home than he had been on cramped cargo holds and tight crew rooms he decided his first priority was to find a bite to eat. Walking for a distance he came upon a nondescript restaurant on a corner and decided on that. The atmosphere was warm and inviting with several displays running through local news and other channels the populous was interested in. "How many?" the hostess asked as again he was brought back to reality. "Just me today thank you" he said forcing a grin on his face which made him feel worse. He probably looked worse for ware to the people here, scrawny eyes and a scruffy beard he hadn't had the chance to shave yet. "Right this way." she said smiling back at him which much to his shock actually made him feel better.

the hostess lead him to a back corner that was more private than the other half of the store. Lolion silently thanked her with a small bow and after placing his bag across from him sat down allowing himself to take a load off. he let his head rest on the table and his mind rushed with thoughts that he had been holding back. worst amongst the hoard was guilt of what had happened. hopping from ship to ship for a year still hadn't eased any of the pain of the UOC falling to the NMX. He tried to rationalize that he did his duty till the end, saving a few hundred lives as he fought while the loaded up the evacuation ships, but his nation, the country he swore to protect had still fallen. That and leaving those Nepleslians marines there to die made him sick again thinking of it.

He opened his eyes and looked at the display under him. The flat panel display was showing the menu for the restaurant and had been asking for his drink choice for awhile now. he swiped his money card and after registering he chose a nice sandwich and a tall glass of water for his meal. His mind went back to tearing itself apart as he fought with himself for his actions, a constant battle back and forth that he fought everyday for the past few months. He was relieved of this torment when a waitress brought his drink to him. She set down the glass of water and a cup of coffee. "I didn't order the coffee ma'am" he said looking up at her face. It struck him as familiar but he didn't remember from where. "Looks like you could use it sir, and don't worry its on me." she winked as she set it down

He was too exhausted to try and refute the kind offer and decided to try it. He felt the warmth sliding down his throat and warm him. his body also responded to it quite nicely as it perked up his senses and woke him up some more. Another sip and he actually felt awake. He looked around again and the restaurant seemed even more friendly than when he had walked in. Doubting the coffee having this effect he made a mental note to thank the waitress when she brought his food out for him.

He watched the news on the TV closest to him, displaying the recovery from the attack here not a few months ago. Some story on the agricultural fields and how it was looking to be a good harvest soon. Good news for the people living here he thought to himself knowing what kind of devastation war can have on a populace.

Flashes of running through ruined streets moving civilians through hostile fire trying desperately to get them to the spaceport. He was pressed hard against a wall SMG in hand about to lay down covering fire for the next group. counting down with his hand for the group across the road he reach three and turned the corner. Round after round went down range hitting a few targets that were up and forcing the others to find some sort of cover. A movement to his right caught his eye and he saw one of the refugees slip and fall. without hesitation he sprinted for her, he heard his comrades yelling for him to come back but his reflexes were already in motion. Time felt like it had slowed as his adrenaline pumped, sound was muted and with a giant effort he had lifted her off the ground in one swoop and both of them were on their feet again.

"Thank you" the waitress said "you can let go of me now" she said with a slight chuckle looking at Lolion's hand which was gripped tight on her shoulder. The waitress had slipped on the floor and nearly fell flat on her back. Lolion had caught the tray of food and the waitress before she hit the ground. he helped her up and bowed again silently blushing profusely at what had happened. he sat back down and she set the food on his table. She still stood there looking at him blushing, slightly unnerving him. She opened her mouth to begin asking a question but thought better of it. She quickly bowed and walked away nearly tripping again. The interaction made Lolion think on the waitress more, he had an amazing memory for faces but some how he wasn't able to still quite place hers. It was very familiar to him yet still distant. He started into his sandwich and tried not to think any more on it.

He continued to watch the news as he slowly ate his sandwich and an interesting news story came across. "Nishitama under lock down? Decompressed while facing unknown threat!" the sub line said scrolling across the screen as the primary news story on the grain crop here was still on. Something about that line attracted him though. He knew where it was and knew it was a fairly safe place to live but wondered what kind of threat it was they were facing. Well i do have the ability to travel there he thought to himself and decided to head back and talk to that old captain he came here with. he remembered his ship was headed that way after looking at the manifests a few times.

He noticed he was being watched, looking down he saw the waitress chatting to the hostess and stealing glimpses in his direction. Their posture wasn't threatening or panicked so he wondered what it was they were talking about. they were just out of ear shot but he heard the hostess laugh and saw the waitress blush a few times in their discourse. he finished the last few bites of his sandwich and emptied his water. He stood to grab his bag and turned to find the waitress standing in front of him.

"Are you, or i should say were you by any chance a Peacekeeper sir?" She was blushing a new shade of red now fiddling with her hands doing her best to keep looking at me in the eyes. "Yes i was, and i recognize you from somewhere but i can't pin it down to save my life." i said doing my best to not sound bothered by the small talk. "The reason i ask sir is that i was from the colonies and was evacuated from Hizagari spaceport. I recognized you the instant you came in but i was nervous to say anything." she said gaining more confidence in her voice as she spoke. "The thing is, you saved my life and i never got a chance to thank you properly." "There is no need to thank me, i was just doing my job best i could ma'am." i said looking away

She leaned in and with one hand brought my face to hers and kissed me. I was taken aback, not knowing why i was being kissed by this person and then it all started to make sense. I recognized her instantly, catching her and her tray, running across an open street to lift her back to her feet and get her to safety. It was a pretty long kiss as well and as she was kissing me i felt my mind come to peace with itself.

She took a step back and bowed handing me a note. "This is my contact information, please take it." i took the paper from her and opened it up. A normal com address was scribbled across the paper and a small lipstick kiss in the bottom right. A name was present as well, Kaylee. I chuckled at it and she nervously laughed as well. "You're welcome" i said touching my lips and feeling a bit of lipstick on them. "I will add you to my contacts and we can stay in touch." She smiled further and moved in to kiss me again but i held my hand up. "One kiss is good for now Kaylee, i don't think i deserve any more than that." i chuckled again. "you saved several hundred people that day sir, don't discount yourself for that." Kaylee said looking at me with a slight bit of concern. I nodded and picked up my bag. "Well i wish to stay and get to know you more but i have a flight to catch, i will write you tonight at least so you can look forward to a message then." she walked with me to the door and looked sad at my news. "my name is Lolion, Lolion Reglo. I promise i will write, so don't look so glum." "Thank you Lolion" she said smiling again. she leaned in and kissed my cheek this time. "I look forward to hearing from you." she said and walked back inside.

Lolion walked back up the route he came and thought about what had just happened. 'Kaylee was right, I may not have been able to save the UOC but i saved quite a lot of people that day.' His mind latched onto that glimmer of truth and eased it eased his mind. 'I still wanted to make the NMX pay for what they did but i will have my time' he though reaching the outside of the spaceport. He moved to the outgoing flights to the cargo section and found the caption of the ship he came off of. "You again Lolion? i thought you were going to stay here?" he said with a quizzical look on his face. "sounds like there might be an opportunity over near Nishitama for me, you headed in that direction?" He checked his data pad to view his manifest and nodded at a few points. "With a few stops long the way yea were headed over to Sanctuary. Nishitama is locked down right now so i don't think you'll be able to get on for awhile." he said looking up from his data pad. "I'll hang out in sanctuary till it opens up again, but i offer the same services, repair and security if you will have me?" "Of course lad! my ships never run so smooth before, id be glad to have you back! heck it will give you a chance to clean those manifolds you were talking about!" he roared with laughter and i couldn't help but laugh as well. "Your ship has plenty of work to be done on it that's for certain, but id be glad to help" Lolion said as both he and the Captain walked towards the tarmac. Lolion was looking forward to this flight for once, and the chance to do some more good in the future.
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