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A diary/fantasy tale

Feedback wanted. Story is supposed to be mysterious and unravel slowly.

Aeacus Adoro
Fabella N
Domus N

I don't remember my reason for doing this anymore. I do it because...I have nothing else...

Why is it that those who fight for the sake of others never receive proper award?...

If this world is hell, then the gods must be kinder than everyone thinks...

Be it as it may, I refuse to back down. I'll fight until the bitter end...even for those who would rather see me hang...

An astranged world this is...where the taking of another's life is more important than the conservation of the same. ...

I wish that everyone could just be happy. I'm tired of the sky pouring tears of sorrow unto my head. People are always crying, and I wish one day it would rain tears of joy. Not everything in this world is evil, nor is everything worthy of anguish. I may not be able to bring peace to everyone, but...if I can make a difference in someone's life...and they make a difference in someone's life...even something so much as smiling while passing by...perhaps then, the world could be that much better. ...

Death. The only beast you can never outrun. You can never cheat it. You can scarcely flee from it. As soon as you are born, you become it's next target. It is only inevitable for all that breathes. As the reaper himself, this I know all too well. Yet, some fools always try to find ways to escape me, and always fail, each and every time. Scarily, however, every time, someone gets closer and closer...

But I digress, this is not a story based on death as it is. This is the story of an altered, more dramatitized world from the mind of a disturbed, deranged child. A world where emotions are given life. A world where everything is depicted the way it really is, not as it should be, or as one wishes it to be. I, Thanatos, will be your guide through this disturbed realm.

Ah, but look. One of my old friends is passing by now. Let us go...â€
Accessus Lamia
Fabella I
Domus I

Lubb-dubb... Lubb-dubb... Lubb-dubb...

Quickly she sped through the shadowy corridors, carried away by solicitous feet. The sound of footsteps behind her echoed through the halls, becoming louder as they came closer. Water dripped from the ceiling as she promptly proceeded, hastily hustled through the puddle waiting to end this pursuit. Lights dangling above could only watch with hawk eyes as she literally crashed through the silver door before her.

Lubb-dubb! Lubb-dubb! Lubb-dubb!

The venery did not yet end as footsteps continued to follow the girl to the rooftop of this building. Ventilation ducts, water heaters, electrical boxes and the like were scattered across the hunting ground, not only slowing both hunter and prey, but provided proper cover from the airborne searchlights. The breath of the sky pushed her forward, almost as if the gods themselves were in her aid. Leap...bound...hurdle she did over obstacles, the steel hounds still nipping at her heels. It almost seemed she would escape...until her path came to a sudden, abrupt conclusion.

Lubb-Dubb!! Lubb-Dubb!! Lubb-Dubb!!

Below her, maybe 100 meters down, was the awesome sight of freedom...but the power of flight was a mystery to her. With adversaries both on foot and in the sky, her only escape was obvious. Steel clad hunters cornered the frail girl at the edge of the rooftop, nets and rifle's ready. Her pupils astringed as her aeronautical antagonists beamed down onto her, blinding her as she stepped backwards more and more. Her foot finally slipped off the edge, running out of breathing space. It was all or nothing now...


Fingers gripped each other. Blades whirled overhead. Teeth clenched. Guns cocked. Eyelids concealed citrine gems. Steel and concrete clashed. Obsidian strands of hair lashed out like black flames. Time slowed to a grinding halt...then resumed half-time. Her fragile body plummeted to the ground...and the fleet stood down. "The anomaly has been erased. We will send for the ERT to recover the artifact and the body. Returning to HQ.â€
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