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RP: Hidden Sun Clan A Diplomatic Challenge.


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
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Convention Veteran
Planet Yamatai
Embassy Park

There was a slow, aching drawl from a bird overhead as it moved throughout the airspace above Reikan Park, considered a restricted fly-zone. Despite that, the bird flew and Sachiko's shining, opalescent eyes followed the arc of its path in the sky for a long moment while making her way to Kavoráy Rouka, the Hidden Sun Clan's own multi-structured piece of territory.

Qajeq Tatib, a Tula assigned to the care of the grounds, her ears twiched as she heard footsteps behind her. She was tending some of the plants along the walkway to the Poku Saeruo Degonjo Kavoráy Rouka. Several of them were not handling the cooler weather of Amatai so she used her Vit'taka to help the plants. She turned to see who was coming to the Rouka. Not having spent much time off the site, she was curious about the stranger. It did not appear to be human and didn't seem to be a Neko either.

Sachiko moved towards the double door entrance, but paused in her progress to one of the embassies at the park. Her expression lit up a moment before she gathered the pieces of the bottom of her dress and walked ever closer to Qajeq Tatib, a female that she had not had the opportunity to meet due to her lack of visits to Kavoráy Rouka.

She lifted her arms and moved them in greeting to the Tula, something she had picked up on while at the park in her years. The Elf's teeth were bared only slightly, and her arms were wide as they came from the arm's slits in her dress.

"Welcome to the Kavoráy Rouka Poku Saeruo Degonjo visitor." Qajeq said holding her hand out with the palm facing Sachiko. "There is no need to formally show that you come to speak freely." She gave a slight nod towards her extended arm.

"I am happy to show you I speak openly with you," Sachiko said. "I am here to discuss with Ambassador Tesgi Toioky. Are you the keeper of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo grounds?"

Qajeq was unsure how to proceed, she paused for a moment."I am one of several who tend to the public grounds. The Poku-Rya'ta has his own private gardens in back. I occassionally tend it for him when he is away.

Are you the Ambassador for your people? And please beg pardon, what is your species?"

"I am Sachiko, an Elf and conclave member of Xiuluria and," the diplomat paused, then continued, "I am a representative of my people, yes." She breathed in slightly, thinking of what the future would hold, then her eyes became fixed on the Hidden Sun Clan member once more. "What is your name, and..." she seemed to want to say something, then asked, "Are you the same species as the ambassador I am meeting with?"

Qajeq listened to Sachiko, there was something different about her speech. "My name is Qajeq Tatib, I am a Tula, one of the four, no make that five species of the clan these days. Tesgi Toioky is a Tula as well, although he has the distinction of being the first clan member to meet another species peacefully,

He is of Ruoka Sinloa, I am from a different Ruoka. Within the clan a greeting between equals is started by holding ones hand out as I did when you approached. The other then presses their palm to yours, and then gives a verbal greeting."

A soft smile had stayed on her pale pink lips as Sachiko listened and then she lifted her hand, palm out, silently towards the Tula while looking into the female Hidden SunClan Member's almond-shaped eyes.

Qajeq smiled without showing teeth, She brought her hand back up and pressed it gently against Sachiko's. "Welcome visitor to the Kavoráy Rouka. The Poku-Rya'ta should be available to receive you. I can escort you if you wish or you may enter on your own."

"It means a great deal to learn from you, thank you. I would be happy to have you show me to Tesgi Toioky," Sachiko lifted herself to stand fully and was now towering over the Tula, but poceeded to allow herself to be shepherded by the groundskeeper.

Qajeq gave a smiple nod, "It is my pleasure to be of service." She took note of how tall the visitor was, but having grown up with Qaktoro, she was used to folks taller than her. She picked up her gardening basket and turned to Schiko, "Kindly come with me."

"The plants here in front of the Embassy are a mixture of our native plants, and those native to Amatai. A represenation of our working relationship between our people" She glided up the stairs. "Have you been to the embassy before?" she inquired.

"I have only been inside of yours by way of the volumetric displays throughout the rest of Reikan Park and what they have shown me," Sachiko said to the woman she was being led by. "I have heard many compliments about the plants in the area of this embassy in particular, now I know it is in part because they themselves emulate what the two nations are working towards."

"Sadly not all members of the park value the natural beauty of plants. But we learned long ago to live in harmony with our environment. The first building is called the Place of Waiting, although in your case it will not be necessary for us to stay in it. The Ambassador has been notified of your arrival and since he is free is waiting to speak with you."

Qajeq activated the door mechanism and the door split silently and retracted. She stepped into the entrance and took a look around to find the path of least traffic. "Well it would appear that this is a quiet day, so it will be easy to get you the ambassador." She started walking across the expansive room.

Following close behind, Sachiko asked, "When I approached you, you didn't have any gardening tools around you, but you were caring for the gardens at the time, I could tell. Is there something more to what you were doing and the harmony between your people and plants that you speak of?"

Qajeq smiled, "It is true that I was not using tools. Although if I was going to be doing pruning, or taking cuttings, I would be. We Tula have a gift that has served us since before we met the Qaktoro. We have the ability to connect to plants that are near to us. We can effectively share our life energy with the plants. Back on home world the Tula could use the great grasslands and locate injured members of our people.or predators and the such. Some of us are more gifted and we can impart some of our energy to heal a plant or to coax it to grow."

Sachiko had breathed in sharply while Qajeq spoke and then her excitement was able to bubble over once the entire process of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo's ability to nurture plants and she spoke.

"That is an amazing skill! Yamatai, as well as those nations with embassies at the park, are lucky to have members of its community with such other-wordly abilities. I know it is only your embassy that is bettered on a cursory glance at its flora, but there is something that resides within many that can appreciate such a skill, I believe, even if it does not immediately benefit us," came Sachiko's words.

"Thank you for your words. There is a reason that among our people are also called the
Poku Vit. Many of our people died using the gift to help sustain the ships which brought us here. The Tonai chose to honor their sacrifices."

Sachiko mused on this while watching her step as she and Qajeq turned down a hall and approached a pair of ornate wooden doors. The center of the ornamentation was a tree with its roots at the base of the door and its branches spread across both halves of the doors. The crests of the various nations that the clan had contact with were present beneath the branches.

"Well, here is the Ambassadors Office. I hope you have a good meeting with him. It was enjoyable to speak with you." She pulled out a small wooded oval disk. "If you wish to contact me, my contact information is available in Trade Tongue." she held it out to Sachiko.

"It is very kind of you to offer me the hospitality that you have," Sachiko said and then her smile widened as she thought of one last thing to ask the interesting and helpful gardener for the clan's embassy at the park. "Is this..." Sachiko put her arm forward with her palm towards Qajeq's forearm near her elbow. She was moving slowly, acting on both a natural impulse and what she had seen in the meeting halls and conference rooms, to give Qajeq time to react.

Qajeq took a moment and realized what Sachiko appeared to be trying to do. She brought her arm up and clasped Sachiko's arm while pressing the visitor's hand onto her.arm with the left arm. She then smiled, "That is an appropriate way to end our time together. It is often used as a form of farewell, or more often good fortune."

She then released the clasp. Qajeq then brought her left arm up to her chest. Her hand closed just as it came in contact with her chest and gave a slight bow. "Good fortune to you Ambassador." she said.

"I hope for you the best fortune the future can bring," Sachiko said in goodbye. She went closer to the door with its grandiose ornamentation centralized within the double doors to the office. Her fingertips moved in the grooves and with the movement of the wood. Sachiko pressed against the highly detailed woodwork that ascended away from the crests and to the top branches. Her hand fell to the door's center and she opened the door to the right of the carved trunk to go inside.

The door despite its size moved effortlessly. The room before Sachiko was spacious. A large desk was directly in front of her. Standing behind it was Tesgi. Behind him were two glass doors that opened onto what would appear to be a garden.

To the left and right of Sachiko were a number of chairs. Some of them of Clan design and some of Yamatai. The sound of water splashing on rocks could be heard. There was also several plotted plants of various sizes in the room. Some were native to Yamatai and the others were clan origin. Growing higher up on the wall was a plant that Sachiko was unfamiliar with. It was a vine of some sort, and in addition to growing along its intended areas, it also seemed to grow through openings in the walls.

"Welcome Ambassador Sachiko." Tesgi said as he came around to the front of his table. A purple sash with the marks for ambassador was draped across his shoulders.

Taking in the beautiful interior of the office with all senses, Sachiko noticeably inhaled and a smile spread across her lips, though they remained pressed together. She took the necessary steps to close the distance between the two of them.

"Poku-Rya'ta," Sachiko said, referring to his Ambassadorial title among the Poku, then said his name, "Tesgi Toioky," while lifting her hand gently to hold her palm up so that he could press against it in the greeting she had recently learned and was now, perhaps, eager to utilize. Her face betrayed the subdued excitement in the crease of her eyes, though it was not as though she was hiding anything from the Poku Saeruo Degonjo Ambassador, instead her face revealed much.

Tesgi smiled and was pleased that his visitor was showing proper ettiquite. He closed the distance and placed his palm against her's. "Thank you for honoring our customs." he said and then lowered his arm. "What brings you here Ambassador?"

It was then that Sachiko looked to the seat across from where the other diplomat had previously been sitting, then looked back to him to say, "To give you a proper greeting, first and foremost. May we sit?"

"Certainly." Tesgi gestured to one of the Yamatai chairs that Sachiko saw in the room. He took a seat in one of the clan one that was near it. Thus creating a casual atmosphere which he preferred. "Pardon my curiosity, but you are an elf?

"Yes," Sachiko said simply as she sat in the chair that was most like what she had been accustomed to on Yamatai and abroad. Infrequently had she seen chairs such as the one he sat in. "I was born nearly two hundred years ago near here on the planet that I believe your people know as Amatai."

"Are my people one that the Poku have had much contact with, Poku-Rya'ta? My knowledge is sometimes limited."

Tesgi thought about her question. "Sadly there as not been much contact with your people. I remember hearing a while back there were some that were protesting the Yamatai government. But that was before the clan had formal relations.

But I have seen some who have attended some of our events that are open to the public as part of our cultural exchange mission."

"Although I believe it would be a good thing to learn more of your people. There was nothing but a few vague references in the data we got during establishing the treaty we have." he said.

"If you would be willing, I would be open and humbled to share with you some of the more widespread annuals of the Elves that I have learned throughot my years from those that have come before me," said the soft-spoken Sachiko as her hands gently held the same armrest, conveying to him that she held the same less formal air that he regarded her with in its own small way.

"I have been tasked with understanding the cultures around me by my people," Sachiko said. "And I have gained more from the moment I stepped onto your embassy."

Tesgi thought for a moment, determining how best to phrase his questions. "To begin, we would be honored to have the history of your people added to our records. We've never known a species as long lived as yours is."

He paused for a moment "I would like to clarify what your status is. Are you an Ambassador for Yamatai? or are you an Ambassador for Xiuluria and the elven people?"

"In my sphere of diplomacy inside of the confines of Xiuluria, I am a Conclave Member. Here in your territory, I am an unofficial representative of Xiuluria, but within Yamatai I have no official status," Sachiko said, not one to obfuscate the truth.

"Thank you for that clarification. I do not see any problem with what you have been offering. Although, can you please explain what being a Conclave Member? Is it a position of goverment within your people? He replied.

"Our government is in the hands of Yamatai," Sachiko said without pausing. "The Conclave is a grouping of Elders of our villages that go over matters of importance within the community of Xiuluria."

"So they are community Elders.Thank you for the clarification. I can safely say that as the representative for my people here on Yamatai. There should be no problem with our establishing a cultural relationship. Our culture has similar status for the Elders of some of the communities as well. While they are not in Tonai our political government, they deal with local matters, and offer insight and advice."

Tesgi smiled, "So, I guess the question now is how to formalize this arrangement."

Sachiko tilted her head and the small hair ornamentation to the side of the sculpted, symmetrical mound of her silvery hair jingled just before Sachiko breathed out a soft sound, almost like a hum.

"We can schedule a stenographer from within the park to meet me in whichever embassy room or hall they would like and we can begin this coming week." Sachiko said. "Is this what would be most suitable to you?"

Tesgi listened to her, and then replied. "To be honest a stenographer would not be what we would use. The Clan uses Kynlumu'ai or Chroniclers. They are skilled in not just getting the details, but also capturing the emotions, the background and such. Facts without context are just facts, add context and they become history, and one learns more about the people.

For example, not only would your words be recorded in text, but the sessions would be recorded so that your image and voice can be felt."

Sachiko's gleaming white teeth showed between her light, rosey lips and said, "Poku- Rya'ta Tesgi Toioky, that would make many of my people very happy for me to be a part of. It is no common day that the elements of one culture can be imbued properly. Your nation's foresight is noticeable to even an untrained eye."

"Poku-Rya'ta Toioky, I wonder now if there are nuances to your culture I should become acquainted with in some way if we are to continue a close formal relationship."

"Would it also be possible to have our Chroniclers come to Xiuluria to record images that are part of the stories you will share?" He asked,

"People with diplomatic intent that hold no hostility in their heart are welcome," Sachiko said.

"Then that will be part of what we will include in this project." He paused, "I am uncertain by what you mean about nuances to our culture. Each member of the clan belongs to Family, House and Sect. Each of those have their own unique aspects."

"To understand more about each one," Sachiko replied as she looked to the Tula man. "I believe, then, that I will have to take the opportunity to get to know those from each one, am I correct?"

"That is correct, But while it is possible to arrange for Sects, or Jaeli to meet with you. I can not force families to meet. I submit requests, but families are personal. But Houses or Rouka would most likely be willing to meet with you." Tesgi replied

"As you are probably able to presume, it would behoove all involved to learn from one another; hence, I am more than willing myself." Sachiko's next exhalation was a small sound, "Mmm..." She thought while she heard this and then, after a comfortable moment's silence between the two of them, Sachiko spoke.

"I do not know many things, and of this," Sachiko gave a brief and polite laugh, "you have become aware. What I do not know is if it is polite to ask, is there any kind of strife involved in the life of your people? If this is not the time or place, I do understand, and can retract my question for some time that is more suitable."

"Sachiko, the Poku Saeruo Degonjo are in a period of epic change. 800 years ago, we were driven from our birthworld. We traveled to this region of space and arrived 50 years later at our current home. For more than 700 years, we were Isolationistic. Nine years ago events took place that brought us into the stellar community. Part of those events was my torture and subsequent rescue by the YSS Aeon. There are many in the clan who would prefer we go back to the ways of isolation. Four years ago some radicals tried to assassinate our leader."

"One of the freedoms of our people is to feel how they want. Every member of the Poku has the right to their feelings. It's when they break the laws of the clan that strife happens."

"Fortunately, the overwhelming number of the clan who support the new ways continues to grow. We have children who have been born on worlds instead of ships or our station. That have lived with only a sky above them. These are all good things.

If you feel compelled by your own callings to try to contact those who would create more strife. You may do so, but be warned. Those same people would take your presence as an offense. You could easily find your life endangered."

Sachiko felt a strange, cold tingle in her spine and she felt her stomach churn, "The thought of more trouble in a Sector plagued by it is not something I look to pursue." She waited a until her eyes could fall on a few trailing vines of the room and then were back to looking at his pale blue eyes. "I will be contacting only those who you would prefer for me to meet me. If those plans change, it will only be at your behest."

The Elven woman said, "I could not have hoped to learn more at this meeeting with you while I was in your embassy. The reason I say this is you have brought to light the needs of your people to me. I, in some minute or significant way, can see if I have will be able to help in the coming time."

"We will see, I could not in good conscience send you into the hands of those would kill you just for not being Clan. But there could be others less violent who might want to meet with you.

However, I do believe that Mui Tarbah Leyto would want to meet you. She is our leader and I believe she would be interested in the tales of your people. And just the opportunitey to speak with you. I will be sending her and the Emissary a communcation outlining the proposal. I will let you know if they will want to mean with you at sometime." Tesgie answered.

Sachiko felt a warmth come to her cheeks as he told her that she would be in the company of the leade of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, so much so that she held up a hand to touch her cheek, then brought it down and let it fall to her lap while her eyes lifted to meet Tesgi's and then spoke once more.

"That would be more than humbling to do so," she said while looking to him. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so. It means to me a great amount. In return I will assemble the Conclave members in Xiuluria for when your Chroniclers arrive."

"That will be fine, I presume you will give me a way to contact you via the Yamatai message systems. It will most likely take a couple of weeks because we need to give the Chroniclers time to choose who they will give the task to. I will also see to it that you have a liaison from the Embassy to assist you"

"All we have done and the plans set in motion are historic ones and I appreciate them with fondness in my heart, Poku-Rya'ta Tesgi Toioky," ineffable at the current moment, Sachiko stood and pressed her dress down before extending her left arm, as if to do the same wish of good fortune she had done earlier, with Qajeq, though the intent behind it was different, as she stated, "To the future's good fortune, may we look."

Tesgi smiled, He took both of Sachiko's arms in the stronger form of unity. "To the future, we stand together."