Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Concluded A dishonour to the name...


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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FM of Tsenlan
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RP Date
YE 44.6
RP Location
Asagumo-jo, Port Jiyuu


Port Jiyuu, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector

"....that was expected, It's okay if you think that Elysian if I dishonour the name of the Ketsurui so much then they will punish me accordingly, and at the end of it I will still be a Motoyoshi, and you will be nothing but a winged opinion machine and a wannabe," she said after the last of the communications tapered off and the channel was closed. Had she triggered the liberal Senator on purpose? She had, perhaps a little better than what she had hoped for. Sessions of the Senate closed, they opened another day for more discussion apparently he had not heard her the first time. Either way, she had given him what she considered due process. The Liberal supporters would shout in his favor and they would be then identified for what they believed. It was important to know who the fan base of such malignancies to the Imperial Way was. Most in her position would have feared the backwash, she had suffered worse indignities than that, perhaps Imperial Premier was not her calling - fate would tell so soon.

An emergency session could be called, they could move to try and remove her. Unlike her previous situation, she was in complete control of her surroundings. If they removed her for being a voice for Imperialism, then they would simply make their own poisonous little plan a little more visible. She reached for her glass, filled healthily with wine from Ainu Orchards, and took a sip. She let out a sigh, then looked over to the chair to the left of the sofa where she sat, "That little shit of an Elysian reminds me so much of Kiyoko and Tio, it makes me sick," she said, to Auda, who had remained silent despite the call is over.

"They say history repeats itself ma'am, thankfully we have minds like yours still in positions of importance to remind us of times when loyalty to the throne meant something. That is all I can offer of course, unless you wanted some bubble gum," Kaieda Auda said with a slight smile as she adjusted her katana which was done in the clan design.

"Maybe..," Katsuko said, thoughtful, "But, no I don't think bubblegum would fix this problem, not yet anyway. I truly never believed a day would come when senators like him would be deciding policy for Yamatai. I'd love to know what the endgame of this Senator was, it's almost like he wants the constitution and laws to rule over the throne. He slips his careful little wording into his bills looking to diminish the status quo. I can't help but remember how much I wish I had seen it before, but I suppose hindsight is perfect." she tipped her glass slowly back and forth as she muddled over her memories of Tio before he committed treason.

Auda smiled and gave an amused chuckle, "Well they failed in the end, and look at Jiyuu now...look at this Imperial stronghold of ideals."

"And it is time we made sure that stronghold of ideals remains so. Hopefully, other members of the clan stop in while I am home. I think it is time for conversation. In the meantime, I will deal with the Senator and whatever comes from it..."
Katsuko's words trailed off as she closed her eyes and took in a breath, "Maybe it's time I made this growing problem the squeaky wheel..." she hummed in consideration. "A dishonour to the name...Apparently, an Elysian Senator is now my judge...Uesu was right in the end...maybe we should seek him out. Either way, we will show the MCS's absolute loyalty to the Imperial Way," She said quietly.

"I will call the Bakufu together, ma'am..." Auda said.

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Port Jiyuu, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector

While the Clan Matriarch was doing battle in the political arena, Yue Igarashi Motoyoshi had done battle in the corporate one. She’d put forth two technological proposals for the executives and her mother to think about, but now that she had time on her hands, she wanted to watch and observe things. She’d had a Consort AI record the senate meetings for her viewing later, so now she could go ahead and do that, but as she walked she heard familiar voices. Katsuko was back, as was another.

This changed her decision immensely as she turned to make her approach. Her tail swayed and wagged behind her as she did. “Obaasan!! Oh, hello Kaieda!” She said with a sweet and kind smile. Her mind processed what was said, but it just left her confused since she hadn’t yet seen the senate meeting. “Did you just get back too?” She asked them. “I’d been at Yugumo Corp Headquarters in a meeting with the Executives, and Mama. But it sounds like you had a stressful time!” She said, turning her attention to Katsuko. An idea popped into her head. "Hey, if you need a massage, I’m willing to give one,” she said with a smile.

Yue was wearing a cute outfit, a skirt, and a blouse type of thing, clearly something appropriate for an executive meeting.
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Asagumo-Jo, Motoyoshi Residential Floors

The fashionable little bootlets made a distinctive clack-clack-clack as Motoyoshi Kuroko half-ran down the wide, tiled passageway of the upper floors of the immense, steep-sided-pyramidal, pagoda-bedecked skyscraper of a castle situated centrally in the expansive city aboard the staggeringly massive space station. She'd changed into her fashionable neo-Yamataian clothes shortly after a brief stop at her own apartment to shed the omiko's uniform she'd worn on her shift tending the Yui Shrine more than a hundred stories below in the courtyards. It wasn't often Kuroko, now nearly finished high school, was home on holiday at the same time as her adopted mother. She edged past the Keibi sentries guarding the lift to the uppermost residence more quickly than they could part to let her pass and fretted the entire time until it opened on the lower floor of the penthouse. She barged past the secretary before the office, and nearly collided with Auda and Yue after throwing open the door.

Katsuko opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Yue, she sat up and placed the wine glass on the end table beside the sofa. "Yue! it is good to see you, I hope your mother is well. I have to admit I'm pleased to see you. It is good to hear you're taking a very active role in the company. I've heard all good things, but please tell me some of the things you've been working on. I'd like to hear all about it," she said as she stood up and turned around to see Kuroko. "I might just take you up on that massage, I need to relax after that nonsense," she added to Yue before her attention fell to her 'daughter'.

"Hello, Yue," Auda said as she stood up and moved behind the chair to make more seating available. She adjusted her kimono and rested her right hand upon the decorative pommel of her blade.

"Well, well seems I picked a good time to be home, my little Musume is here even, " she said as she looked back towards the door where the youngster had entered, she could count down the seconds until Eidan's arrival.

Sure enough, a few steps behind Eidan arrived, undoubtedly they had actually come to Asagumo-jo together. Information had a tendency to fall in Katsuko's lap and the two were not very good at being secretive, especially at school. Eidan didn't interrupt, he just gave his Obaasan a wave, he couldn't wait to spend some time with her though. He stopped just to Kuroko's right side, it was always strange with them for some reason when they were home.
Yue smiled pleasantly and politely as Katsuko acknowledged her presence. She nodded “mama seemed well when I saw her, but I plan on stealing her attention later for a mother-daughter time, just waiting for the right time to surprise her. “ She said before the conversation went to her part of the company, and Katsuko’s interest in what she was doing. “I’d love to tell you about the Stuff I worked on! The first is a Hoverboard, which might find use at the beach, and especially by those um, Athletes who love extreme sports. I was able to get some athletes to test them out too! I’m planning to test it in a simulation, but I hoped they were impressed with it. “ Yue said in an excited tone of voice before she noticed Kuroko’s and Eidan’s arrival. While she wanted to talk about the next thing she worked on, she thought she shouldn’t be rude. “hii Kuroko-chan! Eidan-chan!” She said with a pleasant smile before she turned back to Katsuko. “The second thing I worked on was bigger, an agricultural ship.” She said finally.

Yue remembered the drink she came up with "oh! did Tachiko-chan tell you about the drink i made?" She asked with a smile as she talked about the things she created.
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Port Jiyuu, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector

If one were to ask Freydis Inugami about her political views, she'd ask what was politics and what did it taste like. It just all seemed pointless to her, but then she always had her priorities straigh, unlike the rest of the galaxy. Enjoy life. Always tip the staff. And always support a friend. Which is why she had been watching the senate conference from the Keibi office in the first place. It always made her giddy, the fact that her senpai was now a Senator. Even now as she stood in the lift to the top levels of the tower, she chuckled at Hitomi-senpai's latest zinger.

"Heheheh, Sex foam," she muttered, checking herself and making sure that there was no crumbs on her Keibi suit.

As the lift reached it's destination, Freydis reminded herself of why she was here. She wasn't the sharpest katana around but even her could see Katsuko-sama had been upset by the Senate. So Freydis came to see if she could help.

"Yo, Boss! The great Inugami is reporting for duty!" she announced, dramatic as always. " Came here to check up on ya and letting ya know, whatever ya need, the Keibe is with ya."

Noticing Yue, Freydis would wave at her. "Hey there, Aoihime, looking cute. The business look suits ya."
With her shoulders slumped, Kazumi stood before the doors to where her mother was quickly becoming surrounded by family. Free of the black-paneled uniform. Her choice of clothing always tried to accentuate the coloration of her hair and eyes or simply make them stand out. Now in casual attire, her uniform no longer weighing her down, one of the youngest of Katsuko’s brood entered. Reds and violets, a flowing skirt just above the knee, a sleeveless top, and laced sandals crawling up to her calves.

Having been home, on leave for the next few days, she had lazed about. Locked in her room, in her bed, sleeping in a proper bed for the first time in months. The bunks could be pleasant, but the feel of an enormous bed (Compared to what they used on a ship), the ability to roll around, and the soft mattress were a rich luxury. At her side, held in one hand, was a little cream-colored wallet with silvery thread traceries. It seemed she had intended to go shopping, but heard the Matriarch of the clan was home. A rare event. For her, at the very least. The chance to spend time with her mother. In-person and not some volumetric display.

But as she moved forward, the girl’s footsteps made little to no noise. A habit of hers, using her body’s natural abilities to cushion the sound. It was fun sneaking up on Tio. Especially to cockblock the horny former prince. Always trying to keep him on the straight and narrow, acting in his defense, perhaps exasperating her Oji-san. But would always cite it as one virtue of the clan. The altruistic nature of helping him prove himself capable. Even in the damning and constant reminder of his life sentence imposed by Taro. Serve or disappear.

Sometimes it was a tiring, frustrating job.

“Hey, Mom,” she said, raising a hand in greeting, stepping forward, well within reach of the seated woman, and giving her a hug. Accompanied by a peck on the cheek. Already her mother had wine in hand, a stressful time, she surmised.

“It’s rare to see you home. I… missed you.” the last said quietly if a little awkwardly. Ever the daddy’s girl, but she pined for her mother’s love still.
Katsuko was impressed by Yue's work, it appeared that Yuka was right about her daughter. Yue was an exceptional young woman, she was one of few Motoyoshi that had not been in the Star Army; almost the entire clan had been in the Star Army at some point. "When you are done testing that hoverboard, let me know. I'd like one of the prototypes in my colors with some custom designs on it," Katsuko said, genuinely interested. "An agricultural ship would be very useful in an upcoming project I plan to announce, something I think you will be really interested in, make sure you get in touch with me once it is given the go-ahead for production," she said with a smile. She noticed the rest of the clan was coming out of the woodwork, a welcomed distraction from wanting to tear the wings of a certain liberal Elysian off.

"What kind of drink?" Katsuko inquired, but Freydis' arrival caught her attention.

Katsuko gave a wave toward the Keibi officer, "Reporting for duty? We're in my apartments in the most secure castle in the sector, take a break Fredis, and grab yourself a glass of wine."

The elder Motoyoshi wrapped her arms lovingly around Kazumi, "I missed you too. I'm glad everyone could find some time."

Eidan gave Kuroko a slight nudge and telepathically whispered to her, "Let's get this over with, I brought snacks and games. I've added you to the access list to my room."

Auda used the family gathering as her excuse to leave, she got up from the chair where she was seated and made her way out. She had work to do.
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Kuroko just tilted her head after waving hello to Yue in return, always happy to see her cute, blue cousin. She wasn't sure what drink Yue was talking about, and she very rarely ever spoke with Tachiko. Neither of them had quite realized they were being deliberately kept apart, but they hardly knew one another, save what Katsuko had brought up in conversation from time to time. Really they were just list of achievements and follies, rather than anything more, to one another. She did hear a certain magic word, stopping so suddenly Eidan might run into her from behind if he didn't lift his eyes from the ground and watch where he was going, instead of moping as he did. They were in senior high together now, in their final years of school before that awkward, peculiarly Yamataian two-year pause between graduating high school and becoming an actual, legal adult. Progressing through teenage years has possibly made Eidan worse.

However, Yue had said a certain magic word. "Hoverboard? Did you say, hoverboard?" Kuroko inquired. "When do I get one?" She asked as if it were a forgone conclusion that she would. It may have been presumptuous, but it was not unreasonable. She might actually do well to spend some time with Tachiko. Kuroko was, unfortunately, not quite the sweetheart her "older sister" was. Not a terrible person by any means, but if she took after anyone in the family, it was Katsuko herself, not any of the more even-tempered Motoyoshi like Tachiko or Yuka.

"Anyway, Mom!" Kuroko trotted to catch up with Kazumi, not wanting the eldest-present sister to get there first.
Yue was all smiles as her dear aunt spoke to her. Her smile widened when she was told that when she was finished with the final test, that Katsuko herself wanted one in her colors with some custom designs on it. She nodded and added a note of that to her pad for later. She was pleased that Katsuko approved of the agriculture ship. The young blue-skinned girl found herself curious about the plan of her grandmothers. “I’m curious and intrigued, I will contact you once it's announced!” she said as she pondered at the plan of Katsuko’s.

Katsuko asked about the drink, but Freydis’s arrival had distracted them both. Yue blushed as she was told she looked cute, and that the business attire suited her. Yue had honestly forgotten about wearing the outfit before Freydis mentioned it. The young teen remembered that Katsuko asked about the drink, so she turned her head to reply before Kazumi had arrived. “Hello Kazumi-Chan!” she said happily, especially happy to see her protective cousin arrive.

Finally, she turned to Katsuko "The drink is called Moons’ Nectar, it’s an apple juice, or apple cider fermented with honey it's really delicious, and already it's being sold at a bar in the capital. A Nito Heisho named Asakura Yayoi had found a bar some old comrades had once used to own, so she took over, and the drink was added as part of the help, Tachiko-Chan was giving her. I think there's some left here in our home if you want to taste it!”
She said, feeling proud of her accomplishments, the drink can of course be sold in any Yugumo Restaurant too. Yue’s attention went to Kuroko, and nodded “yup, I made a Hoverboard, and if you have ideas for colors or design, I can get them to make one for you, ” she said, as she began thinking that maybe she should ask her mother Yka what the board had decided on the price for the Hoverboards were.
She was unaware that Tachiko and Kuroko were kept apart, she assumed as members of the clan, the two knew and have spoken to each other.
Auda returned to the room much more quickly and less quietly than she had left. The woman at least didn't have to hide who she was in the family with the present. Unfortunately, she had to be the bearer of bad news, "Everyone, you need to watch this," she interrupted, putting on the YINN coverage of the Government Dome bombing in Motoyoshi-Cho. "They are calling it a terrorist attack, and chatter says that Motoyoshi Taro-sama is among the missing," she added as the news story played on the volumetric projection screen.

Obviously, the guise of the secretary wore off with the emergence of an actual emergency. "Inugami-Shunin, I think your glass of wine is going to have to wait. We need to take steps to secure Asagumo-jo, especially since the Premier is here. Yue, if you could please have them lock Port Jiyuu down to all non-essential traffic and put the Keisatsu on alert..." she issued, she questioned if they would even listen to her. Her hand draped over the decorative hilt of her Motoyoshi sword.

The shit had hit the fan, and she awaited the responses of Katsuko and the rest of the clan present.
Kuroko slowed to a stop as her eyes locked onto the screen. "...Mom?" She had just caught up to Kazumi and her hand reached out to take her older sister's for comfort. After a few moments, she slowly turned to make eye contact with Eidan behind her.
Port Jiyuu, Motoyoshi Colonial Sector
Hall leading to the gathering

The halls and passages of the castle never ceased to amaze the man whenever he visited home. A rare chance for the otherwise ghost of a man that now lurked the halls, he still seemed at home with an almost family like charm to him as he winked and grinned at most anyone he seemed to pass within the halls. It had been some time since the silver haired Neko had been home, yet he still felt at ease as he stalked toward where he knew his mother was likely to be. Alone in the hall as he was with the distance to the doorway closing, he had seen the last body head inside and took a breath, ready to be greeted like a returning war hero though he certainly wasn't, and reached up to brush his hand through his silvered hair before he stopped in his tracks.

An alert, some news story, had sudden sprung up to life before him. The man, while many thought him to be a lot less serious than his brother Tetsuya, truthfully had his fingers in many different things, just not as well known as his more accomplished siblings. He preferred to let people think less of him, just a combat bound idiot that liked to fight rather than what he truly was. There was a reason he had rose in the ranks as he did, a reason he could sit at the tables and talk with anyone he needed too. It came as a shock to many, but once they learned who he was, it tended to scare people, and that never helped him unless he wanted it.

So the news story that popped up caught him off guard. He looked over the report, saw the information, and faltered a step as he saw the names of the missing or dead. An attack, a terrorist's attack, on his soil, on his people... A fist gripped tightly, glad for the leather glove that adorned the flesh less he risk cutting into the skin of his palm. He could feel the anger and rage boiling in his veins, feel that outrage and the hatred, and he fought to keep it down, to keep himself from launching a punch at the doors that barred vision into the room before him. Nostrils flared and eyes focused past the screen that hovered in front of him to a spot on the door, studying the material until he felt himself calmed enough to not outright rage. A few purging breaths, and eventually, he pushed past the door and into the room with the rest.

He certainly cut an imposing figure. Silvered hair with matching eyes, pale skin and more elfin styled ears, a smooth powerful jawline that was set tight as he grit his teeth, Kenpachi was dressed in a well cut business suit, three buttons clasped across his midsection to hide half of the silver vest and tie he wore. A pair of dress pants and dress shoes rounded out the ensemble, along with a pair of black gloves that seemed to have a zipper over the back of each hand down to the knuckles, and a pair of earrings on his left ear with a chain that linked them. His ear length hair was swept to the side, as his silvered eyes came to rest on his mother. He was silent, quiet for the moment, waiting to be seen, and be told what to do, even as he began to walk ahead in his mind and begin to plan the next few steps that he would have to take. Already he was drafting orders through the company to start with recovery and aide efforts that he was sure was already started.