Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 A family man

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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+18 stuff, read on at your own risk!

ON, Queen's Slave, Ivory's Bedroom, shortly after the events of The Hate Machine>

Ivory smiled gently nuzzling up next to Raphael, the older woman pressing her head right up against his shoulder, enjoying the feeling his his warm skin, and the soft feathers, only a thin sheet covering her body as they stole some nap-time in between Uso's all important missions to steal this or explode that... her free hand gently trailing down his chest.

Raphael looked down at Ivory, and smiled warmly. He hadn't been able to spend time with her in awhile, but was trying to make you for lost time. "You are so cute when you do that." He said, kissing her cheek.

"Mnn.... so how long do you have?" Ivory asked, gently rolling over so that she was stradling him, her legs on either side of his hips, her rather full chest pressing up against his chin as she looked down at him, "I was thinking we should talk about us... I know we don't have a lot of time to spend together... and, well... you know how Uso is."

He looked up and smiled. "I have as long as you need. What about us Ivy...?" He asked.

"I was thinking of bringing my daughter to this planet." She said, sounding just a bit worried.

He chuckled softly. "I would like to meet your daughter Ivory. That sounds great." He said kissing her again. "Was that all that was bothering you?" He asked.

"It is kind of a big deal..." She said, "... I was half worried you'd run at the thought of daiting a single mother."

"Oh Ivory." He sat up and placed a hand on her cheek. "I would never. You are an amazing woman, and I would love to finally meet your daughter. I won't run. I promise." He replied softly caressing her cheek.

"So, I take it things are getting pretty serious?" She asked, "Between us?"

He nodded softly. "I would like to think so... and I hope you feel the same way?" He asked softly.

She blushed a bit, "I mean... it has been great..." She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, and then moved to whisper in his ear, "It is just... if we keep meeting like this I'm going to end up pregnant."

Raphael kissed her back. He sat for a second looking thoughtful then spoke just as softly. "If that does happen Ivory, I won't leave you. I will be here for everything. I will be here for you..."

"I sure hope so..." She teased, "You certainly don't use condoms..." Of course... she had to take some responsibility for that too... the woman gently pressing herself against him as she spoke.

He chuckled softly. "Well you never have complained." He teased back, kissing her again. Then he stopped and looked at Ivory with a serious expresion. "Really though Ivory... I would because...I love you." He said softly.

Ivory would kiss back, and then kiss him again, gently sucking on his lips as she reached down, guiding him up against her, letting him press inside of her once more.

Raph was happy to oblige. He guided his member into Ivory's inviting body and sighed in pleasure. "Each time is just as great as the first..." He mumrmered. He softly began grinding his hips against hers kissing her intently.

Ivory certainly knew how to move, gently rocking her hips against him, squeesing tightly, keeping her breasts just above Raph's face as she let out a soft moan...

"HEY IVORY!" Uso shouted, slamming over the door.

"SHITGODAMNIT!" Ivory shouted, her entire body shaking with surprise before pulling the sheets over them both,

"... OH come on, its nothing I haven't seen before." Uso said, letting herself in, "We got a thing comming up, and we're probably going to need more medical help than usual."

"Nggaa...." Ivory moaned softly, her attention very much on other pressing matters, "Is thiss... really the tiime?"

"Son of a fucking bastard..." Raphael muttered. He looked to Uso and spoke firmly. "Ivory is indisposed at the moment..." He said back to Uso.

"So talk while you're working, I don't have time," She said, "Shopping, Medical ship, New doctors and such. You. Soon as possible." Uso explained.

Raphael groaned in pleasure as he and Ivy continued despite Uso being present. "Well... That will have to wait a little longer..." He repeated.

"Wait? To wait for you two to get off? How long is that gonna take?" Uso asked, leaning in and putting her hands on Ivory's hips, gently squeesing her rear as she pushed her down in Raphael's lap... Ivory gently clamping her mouth up against Raphael's neck to keep quiet, "Just tell her what to do and she'll do it if you know what I mean ."

She then looked over Ivory's shoulder at Raph, an overly smug grin on her face,

"Course if you want me to go I supooose I could wait outside."

Raphael moaned as Ivory was pushed on to him. He put a hand on Ivory's head and the other on the small of her back. He had completly tuned out Uso. Hell he couldn't even see her, his head burried in Ivory's neck. He wanted to go faster, but he knew what drove Ivory mad, and that was slow and steady. He continued to do so.

He could feel Ivory losing it, her hands digging into his sides, her legs trembling, her body hot, wet, and constricting around him.

Naturally Uso said something snarky that Raphael missed entirely.

"Adorable," Uso said, once the two had finished, though her voice was a bit more harsh sounding than normal. "Finish up and I'll get you two on your way." She said, heading back out the door... and at least closing it behind her as Ivory gasped for air.

Ivory was smiling as she felt Raph. "Fu.... fuuuckk..." She groaned softly, resting her head back down on his chest.

He laid back catching his breath, his hands found hers and his fingers intertwined with hers. "That might have been the best yet..." he murmered.

Ivory was red from embarassment, "s... should we ask Uso to join us more often?... or are we going to try for a kid from now on?"

He smiled. "I would love to keep trying for a kid..." He said softly.

"Then Uso can wait..." Ivory said, giving him another deep kiss.....