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A few things on my mind

Sunny D

🌟 Site Supporter
1. I have been lead to believe that there are no man portable weapons (ie not without power armor, and probably not counting the Yamatai equivalent of a panzerfaust) that can defeat the carapace of an Advanced-type Mishhuvurthyar. Is this the case? If so what is there DR as this is not stated in the wiki.
2. The Aether Pistol entry in the wiki mentions if it is fired by a person without power armor, it can cause injury and death to the user (iirc). I've not seen this mentioned in any other PA portable Aether weapons, but it does seem logical that these weapons would be harmful to unshielded operators.
3. Given the previous two are correct seems there is a significant hole in Yamatai's capabilities as I don't believe everyone in the service is PA certified.

Any thoughts on these?
  1. You put enough bullets in it, it dies. Tier 3 big rifles will put one down just fine, the same way a burst from one will wreck a PA. (see Damage Rating (Version 3) on Star Army Space Roleplay). An NSP will too.
  2. Anything over tier is either hazardous or not physically possible to fire as a handheld weapon (with some exceptions). (also see DRv3)
  3. Everyone in the SAoY is indeed power armor certified in basic (Star Army Common Skills on Star Army Space Roleplay)

Edit: Also, thanks to @Ametheliana for the suggestion, I want to disclaim my original post that I am talking about "possible" here in terms of the theoretical capabilities of the weapon, not necessarily "likely", or "probable," and certainly not "definitely."
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Keep in mind the Damage Rating System is just a guideline, and it's up to the GM if they use it or not. I factor in a lot of different things when I tell someone the result of a shot. So really I shouldn't be the one to say anything about what Tier I treat it as. I tend to be a bit harder on people than any tier system because I want an enemy to be a challenge versus a number.
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Enough bullets from a Tier 2 probably will, like an NSP on normal or heavy handguns or most rifles, it might just take half the magazine. You can probably kill them with something Tier 1, as long as you are safe from it getting you first before it dies.
1. An Advanced-Type Mishhu is essentially a biological power armor itself. Very tough nut to crack even if you’re a Neko in PA. It usually takes even multiple PA armed Neko to take one down. It’s not going to die without a fight; a literal hail of heavy NSP shots (DR3, grenade strength) from a squad of soldiers will do the trick, but if you’re a couple of Neko it’s going to disregard your efforts and push past with its mass to rip you in half.

2. Weapons like that are usually PA weapons that are theoretically the size of a normal gun. Such restrictions are there generally because DRV3 has strange blocks against using powerful weapons if the platform using them is not the same size as what it’s trying to shoot at.

3. Power armor is the norm for infantry and everyone is trained to use it. Unarmored infantry is used for specialized roles and, while the type has seen more action, it’s still not how you’re supposed to engage the enemy in actual war.
Yeah, like Raz said, it doesn't matter if your gun can theoretically kill it because it's not going to just let you. They're fast, they're strong, they're savage in a way not anything else can be, and, above all, they're incredibly intelligent, and have their own weapons, both natural and technological.
Yeah, like Raz said, it doesn't matter if your gun can theoretically kill it because it's not going to just let you. They're fast, they're strong, they're savage in a way not anything else can be, and, above all, they're incredibly intelligent, and have their own weapons, both natural and technological.
Everything you just said counters your first post.
I think their carapace can ignore most small arms (e.g. their skull/top shell is huge and thick) but remember most of them is not the carapace. The fleshy bottom part of them can be damaged by bullets in the same way people can, but they are resilient and resistant to injury and rarely display pain, and they have very rapid regeneration capabilities. If you want to classify them on the DR scale they're Tier 2 overall but their top shell is Tier 3. Mishhu are fast movers and they can often close on their attackers before being taken down.

There have recently been encounters with Next Generation Mishhuvurthyar types who have special damage resistance capabilities not covered in the Advanced Type Article, notably these Next Generation Mishhuvurthyar are universally equipped with personal shield generators (power armor scale e.g. Tier 4) and the ability to instantly liquefy their bodies into hemosynth so that bullets pass through them. Some may be able to phase out of spacetime so that they do not interact with normal matter (making them temporarily invulnerable).

In the Third Mishhuvurthyar War, NMX Mishhuvurthyar often serve in leadership roles controlling squads of other species, who may be equipped with power armor. As more encounters happen, the wiki will be updated with new information about this formidable and hostile species.

The reason aether weapons are unsafe for personal use is they emit tremendous amounts of energy and radiation, which can be lethal to unshielded people and typically catches everything flammable nearby on fire (e.g. paint on walls, the floor, etc.)

All Star Army personnel are trained in use of power armor and currently all of them are also issued power armor (even cooks and space maids).
1. I have been lead to believe that there are no man portable weapons (ie not without power armor, and probably not counting the Yamatai equivalent of a panzerfaust) that can defeat the carapace of an Advanced-type Mishhuvurthyar. Is this the case? If so what is there DR as this is not stated in the wiki.
2. The Aether Pistol entry in the wiki mentions if it is fired by a person without power armor, it can cause injury and death to the user (iirc). I've not seen this mentioned in any other PA portable Aether weapons, but it does seem logical that these weapons would be harmful to unshielded operators.
3. Given the previous two are correct seems there is a significant hole in Yamatai's capabilities as I don't believe everyone in the service is PA certified.

Any thoughts on these?
1. According to the information available on the wiki, the exact statistics and capabilities of man-portable weapons against the carapace of an Advanced-type Mishhuvurthyar are not explicitly mentioned. However, it is generally accepted that the carapace of these creatures is highly resistant and can pose a formidable challenge to conventional weaponry. You may need to consult with experts or experienced players within the community to get a more detailed understanding of the creature's defensive capabilities.

2. The Aether Pistol, as mentioned in the wiki, can indeed cause injury or death to the user if it is fired without power armor. This is likely due to the powerful energy discharge generated by the weapon, which could have adverse effects on unprotected individuals. It is possible that other PA portable Aether weapons share similar risks, as they also utilize advanced energy technology. It is always important to exercise caution and follow proper safety protocols when handling unfamiliar or potentially dangerous weaponry.

3. If the assumptions in your first two points are indeed accurate, it could imply a potential gap in Yamatai's capabilities. If not everyone in the service is power armor certified and man-portable weapons may not be effective against certain threats, alternative strategies or tactics may need to be developed to address such challenges. This could include relying on specialized units, developing new armaments, or enhancing the training and certification programs for power armor operation. It would be interesting to discuss this topic further with fellow players or the game developers to explore potential solutions or explanations.

It's important to note that the information provided here is based on the available information from the wiki and general assumptions. For more accurate and detailed answers, it is recommended to consult the official game sources or engage in discussions within the gaming community to gather different perspectives and experiences.
1. An Advanced-Type Mishhu is essentially a biological power armor itself. Very tough nut to crack even if you’re a Neko in PA. It usually takes even multiple PA armed Neko to take one down. It’s not going to die without a fight; a literal hail of heavy NSP shots (DR3, grenade strength) from a squad of soldiers will do the trick, but if you’re a couple of Neko it’s going to disregard your efforts and push past with its mass to rip you in half.

2. Weapons like that are usually PA weapons that are theoretically the size of a normal gun. Such restrictions are there generally because DRV3 has strange blocks against using powerful weapons if the platform using them is not the same size as what it’s trying to shoot at.

3. Power armor is the norm for infantry and everyone is trained to use it. Unarmored infantry is used for specialized roles and, while the type has seen more action, it’s still not how you’re supposed to engage the enemy in actual war.

Power armor still might not always be available, say to a small contingent flying a logistics ship or the engineering team while their ship is being boarded.

To me, it seems like a similar situation to what NATO was trying to address with the PDW program, when they feared Russian Spetznaz with level 12 armor were going to drop on their bases and the 9mm pistols the rear echelon were issued weren't going to cut it. I feel like it's a capability gap you'd want to close.

I could see a scene like this. Know Your Foe: Would You Like to Know More?
I think it's important to remember that DR doesn't really matter as more than a guide. We don't play like some tabletop session where the player is trying to solve a puzzle refereed by an objective GM. It's more like traditional roleplaying where the GM is taking you through a scenario pulled out of their mind and fudges every roll based on what feels good, and only uses the "rules lite" stats to keep everything logical.

Power armor still might not always be available, say to a small contingent flying a logistics ship or the engineering team while their ship is being boarded.

Mishhu boarding your ship is scary. The unarmored crewmembers live in terror for their lives until the ship can be swept by power armors. It recently happened on your plot the YSS Resurgence, and is a common thing that has been in SARP stories for going on 20 years. Best advice is to generally avoid being boarded by Mishhuvurthyar, even if your ship is equipped with power armor. It's part of what makes them a scary enemy.

But going back to the first part of this reply. Sometimes you do beat them. The Resurgence did in their recent encounter. The Star Army has the capability to kill Mishhu and protect themselves from an in-character standpoint, but narratively they are supposed to remain scary for OOC reasons.
In the Third Mishhuvurthyar War, NMX Mishhuvurthyar often serve in leadership roles controlling squads of other species, who may be equipped with power armor. As more encounters happen, the wiki will be updated with new information about this formidable and hostile .

I get narratively why you want them to remain scary, I'm just saying if I was a strategic analyst in this war, giving my squishy guys something to defend themselves against a threat like that is something I'd be siccing an R&D team on. Even if it wasn't entirely effective what it would do for morale would be huge.
There's a limit to what you can do to protect yourself from an enemy vehicle that doesn't also put you in danger when you use it. A Mishhu is more like a small armored vehicle, just like a PA. Your PDW example is about protecting themselves from enemy infantry. That's not the scenario, so it's not quite apples to apples. It's a different threat level and situation than troops in ballistic armor.
In-character, Nekovalkyrja are invincible warriors genetically predisposed to destroying Yamatai's enemies without question. Their trusty NSP on heavy mode is all the assurance they need to defeat those pesky Mishhuvurthyar boarders!

I'm sure that's what everyone believes until they're face-to-face with an Advanced-Type coming down a corridor at them. And then two heavy NSP shots to its face Saving Private Ryan (feat. Tiger Tank) style doesn't work out and they're turned into MishhuBurger.

Kind of like the Starship Troopers video linked above. Yeah, Jenkins shoots a caged bug with confidence. Then all the MI try to do it in the field and get utterly destroyed. Only the veteran survivors realize the truth of war and that all the assurances from command and training mean little without the extra tricks learned in real combat.
There's a limit to what you can do to protect yourself from an enemy vehicle that doesn't also put you in danger when you use it. A Mishhu is more like a small armored vehicle, just like a PA. Your PDW example is about protecting themselves from enemy infantry. That's not the scenario, so it's not quite apples to apples. It's a different threat level and situation than troops in ballistic armor.
Generally speaking you're not expecting your back ranks to go up against Tank's (unless your enemy is employing thunder run tactics successfully) and, even then there are some pretty cost effective solutions for infantry these days that might be worth while keeping in the base armory.

Look, had an idea to address the gap. Seems everyone wants to leave it where it is so I'm not going to push.
Generally speaking you're not expecting your back ranks to go up against Tank's
Sorry, what I am trying to say is the Advanced Mishhu is the tank in this scenario, the NMX or thralls with the A.M. are the Spetsnaz.
Look, had an idea to address the gap. Seems everyone wants to leave it where it is so I'm not going to push.
If you have an in-character idea to address something a character of yours thinks can help then they can send it via a post on one of the communication forums. Will it amount to anything? Who knows. But soldiers in the SAoY have for a long time sent recommendations up the chain-of-command, whatever their rank or position (though not so much lately).
I think their carapace can ignore most small arms (e.g. their skull/top shell is huge and thick) but remember most of them is not the carapace. The fleshy bottom part of them can be damaged by bullets in the same way people can, but they are resilient and resistant to injury and rarely display pain, and they have very rapid regeneration capabilities. If you want to classify them on the DR scale they're Tier 2 overall but their top shell is Tier 3. Mishhu are fast movers and they can often close on their attackers before being taken down.

There have recently been encounters with Next Generation Mishhuvurthyar types who have special damage resistance capabilities not covered in the Advanced Type Article, notably these Next Generation Mishhuvurthyar are universally equipped with personal shield generators (power armor scale e.g. Tier 4) and the ability to instantly liquefy their bodies into hemosynth so that bullets pass through them. Some may be able to phase out of spacetime so that they do not interact with normal matter (making them temporarily invulnerable).

In the Third Mishhuvurthyar War, NMX Mishhuvurthyar often serve in leadership roles controlling squads of other species, who may be equipped with power armor. As more encounters happen, the wiki will be updated with new information about this formidable and hostile species.

The reason aether weapons are unsafe for personal use is they emit tremendous amounts of energy and radiation, which can be lethal to unshielded people and typically catches everything flammable nearby on fire (e.g. paint on walls, the floor, etc.)

All Star Army personnel are trained in use of power armor and currently all of them are also issued power armor (even cooks and space maids).
Oops.. I did not account for radiation and heat in the aether pistol submission. I’ll add that to the list of renovations I’m making. I thought it was just Recoil that would injure the shooter.

@Sunny D sorry if my oversight caused confusion. That was one of my older submissions. The newer stuff is thought out much better.