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RP: United Outer Colonies A Knock at the Door...


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Two Imperial Blackcoats marched in unison down the corridor, stopping just outside of Caine's cabin on Hotaru. The one to the left reached forwards ringing the chime, the other held in his hand a carefully folded Flag, with the uniform of Motoyoshi Kiyoko tucked beneath it.

"Imperial Blackcoat service for Mr. Ionoche." they announced, awaiting the door to open.
After hearing and seeing Kiyoko's death, Caine was a mixture of extremely angry and very depressed. In his cabin on the Hotaru, inside was trashed thanks to his bursts of rage directed at everyone and himself for not being able to stop it. As it was widely known, the history enjoyed repeating itself. when he heard the chime, the distraught and angry Taii opened the door. "Yes?" He said in a level voice, his ponytail had been undone and his golden hair hanging over his shoulder with some bangs hooding an eye.

He was understandably this way after all. "Kiyoko...." he said, spotting the uniform, tears forming in his eyes. In a moment, his mind flashed through all the previous, recent events with her. she been so alive then and happy but there was always something she was hiding.
The Blackcoat looked at Caine. Nodded, handing him her uniform. "The Empress sends her sympathies. The Princess' quarters have been unlocked to your access code." They nodded, activating their shroud suits disappearing from view.
He nodded to them, accepting the flag and uniform, holding them tenderly in his hands as they vanished. He'd indeed go check her cabin out to find out more about her reasons, taking a moment to gingerly place the flag and uniform on his desk, practically the only thing not against the wall from the furious hurling of items. "I can't be mad at Katsuko, if she knew what was going on she wouldn't have let Kiyoko-chan die." He mused and pulled on the uniform jacket over his undershirt, leaving it unzipped and headed for Kiki's cabin.

After securing his own cabin to his own access code so others couldn't invade it to search for answers that weren't there, he headed determinely down the corridor. "..." He greeted allonlookers as he got there. Caine sat the blackcoats standing guard at the cabin in question. "I'm going in, please, step out of my way."
After securing his own cabin to his own access code so others couldn't invade it to search for answers that weren't there, he headed determinely down the corridor. "..." He greeted allonlookers as he got there. Caine sat the blackcoats standing guard at the cabin in question. "I'm going in, please, step out of my way." Caine said to the guards, his hands casually settled in the pockets of the jacket to hide the fact they were bleeding from clenching a fist too hard.

The Blackcoats moved aside, and the doors slid open. Kiyoko's cabin on Hotaru was very simple, a bed, a bookcase, a desk, and a few spare uniforms in the closet. The decorations were rather "standard issue" since most of her things were on the Mazu.

Closing his blue eyes and inhaling deeply for a moment before going to investigate. The cabin was almost what he expected, Kiyoko wasn't on Hotaru much lately anyway. To begin with, Caine did a sweep of the room, looking for anything in plain sight that might hint at her reasoning for it. "Hotaru, when was the last time Kiyoko-chan was in here?" He asked the AI.

"Thirty-six hours ago..." The bed was made neatly, a datapad sat in open sight on the nightstand.
<Tyler> "About a day and a half ago." Caine mused as his eyes fell upon the datapad. "Hmm?" He blinked and went over and picked it up, dropping a spot of blood on the floor from the wound. "What's this..." he said and activated the pad to see.

The pad had saved blueprints of the holding camps on Jiyuu where the Hanabusa had been kept before she freed them as well as the plans for the Freespacer "Divine Comedy" class ship, that she had downloaded from the SAINT directory Misato had given her access to.

"Hmm, so she must've found something out..." Caine said, sitting on the bed as he read it, his expression pensive as he read more. "The Hanabusa, what was sbe planning do with them. All they told me was she was deemed a traitor but that was it." he muttered. "Divine Comedy ship?" He said and looked it over to see if there were clues in it in the form of notes attached. The notes revealed that SAINT had determined the ships of the Freespacers to be underarmed, and vulnerable to attack. Kiyoko had added notes to the point that there would be a slaughter, not a battle.

"I see, that's it..." Caine said, his eyes widening a little as he read it. "She'd reviewed the schematics and figured that any military action against them would simply be a display of force." he reasoned out. "Kiyoko had been acting in what she believed in and ... did what I'd probably had done. Stand up to protect the poor people and paid dearly for it." caine said and stood up to continue his search. Going to the closet to see if there was anything in there while still looking for more in the datapad, going through it's programs.

Kiyoko's laptop bag was in the closet with her laptop.

"Hm it seems like she knew this might happen..." He said and pulled the laptop bag out of the closet and sat at the desk, withdrawing the device and activating it.

The laptop powered up from its sleep mode, her diary had been left open, with a message embedded in it. "Caine...If you are reading this. It means I am not coming back."

"Kiyoko..." He said, tears forming again before being blinked away. "Even if you're gone, you'll still live on in my heart my dear." he said and began to scan the computer for for all the files from the previous 36 hours and anything that may be personally placed for him alone.

The message in full opened on the screen. "My darling, This must be so hard for you to understand. By now I have probably been painted as a villain, a traitor to the Empire. I believe in my heart that I am not betraying the Empire, but standing for what is right. We are of a nation of great technical prowess, yet it seems as if we have forgone the fact that it places a responsibility upon us. I can stand this no longer, My mother seems unwilling to step outside of her box now that she holds the throne. It is time that I define myself outside of her shadow, sadly...if I fail I will not live to tell it. These freespacers, they may not be the most ideal species in the galaxy, but how long before we get bored again? Who is next? Yamatai has been warned by Melission, we either change or we die. I would rather change, or at least die trying to." Kiyoko had no idea, that her death would stir change in the UOC.

The letter continued. "Before my mother's coronation the Bakufu was prepared to cut ties with Yamatai, I believe it was a mistake for us to stop. Her head is clouded with her new power. Yet, it doesn't surprise me...It is not the first time she has chosen power over family. Tio and I are proof of that. Anyway my love, I hope this brings you some answers. It is unlikely that they will ever let my backups be restored, at least not while things are the way they are. I have to go meet Tonsho now, her and the SMX are ready. I hope you never have to read this. Remember me. Keep me in your heart." Two other files fit Caine's search parameters, one labeled "Angelica" the other "Mazu, Crew letters to family. Caine Make sure their families get them."

"She turned to Tonsho for support thinking she might defeat Yui to make her statement." Caine said and pulled up just the letters in question but did not read their details out of respect for the families in question other to find out the surname for Angelica.

"Angelica is a Ghost Mishhu. She for some reason has stayed around after the others left. Tonsho has joined forces with her. They claim they are trying to save us. After all that has happened. I believe them. I have to..." The rest of the file was corrupt.

"Kuso..." Caine swore at that. But a ghost misshu? That was quite unusual for her to decide to align with. Sending the messages to the parties in question under heavily encrypted channels, Caine continued his search for answers. He understood what she was wanting to do, it was a daring plan to stop a slaughter.

That was all the important information, there were other files, but they were too corrupt.

"Anything else..." He said and reviewed the data on hand, thinking it all out and hypothesizing on what should be next. It was painful to do this but he felt he had to, for her. If only there was a way to uncorrupt these files. He ran a search for what Kiyoko might wish done with her possessions in the form of a will.

The computer came back with "No results."

"Hm." He said and stood up. letting it go back to sleepmode and did a once more over the room itself. His mind cloudy with emotional pain and memories of the Namiko incident, he'd probably never see Kiyoko again, that hurt the most.
Caine sat there, alone in the dark in Kiyoko’s former cabin, struggling to come to grips with his loss and the surging tsunami of conflicting emotions. He felt cheated by fate, angry with himself for not being able to help her, frustrated at the situation that caused it and heartbroken overall. Dammit, why does this always seem to happen to me… I feel like I’m cursed, this is the exact same thing that happened before. First to Karou, now to Kiyoko… what am I? Am I true ekibyougami? Or is it just a streak of incredible bad luck? He thought, his face buried in his hands to conceal the tears he shed.

Perhaps those were inane, stupid thoughts but it seemed like anyone he cared for, anyone he fell in love with was doomed to die in the same way. It hurt so badly, feeling like someone had once again torn a part of his heart out and hurled it away; he might be famous, a living legend but he was still human. Curling up into himself, Caine felt wracked by the waves of despair and sorrow and began to cry softly. “Kiyoko, I’ll never see you as a traitor, even if everyone around me does. You…did what you believed right and that makes you a hero in the eyes of the people on the outer colonies.” He mused softly though it.

“No matter what happens, I’ll always love you….” Caine said before breaking down completely and sobbing loudly in a mournful fashion.
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