Star Army

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RP: Dawn Station A New Dawn


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
06/05/31, 'Ake' System, 40 ly north of Yamataian space

The fleet of Origin ships exited hyperspace above the afore unnamed system, around 100 miles away from a strange X-shaped construct. At the time, the system's sun was just rounding the planet they construct orbited, bathing the fleet in light and highlighting the construct, which, as the people were soon informed, was a space station. Two extremely large starships were attached to the thing, obviously building parts of it, as the flashes from construction were evident when the ships approached. Through whatever viewports people could get to, all they would notice was the dawn. A pure, unadulterated dawn over a pristine, but unremarkable planet, with this brand new station being born above it.

Those Civilians whom had opted to stay with Origin industries, mainly the families of employees, but a few looking for new opportunities as well, were excitedly buzzing within the holds and cabins of the ships they had piled into during the evacuation of Tami. Relief was evident on the faces of many of the people, whom were clutching what few precious articles of their former lives they had time to grab in the rush to evacuate.

When the ships finally landed in the spacious arms, they were greeted by uniformed Origin employees, who would welcome them. someone over a loudspeaker would inform them "Welcome to the Origin Orbital Shipyards. We hope you don't mind the temporary accommodations before sector nine is completed. It will be rather sparse for the next few months, and movements may be restricted in some areas, most notably Sector Seven. If you need anything, be sure to speak to your nearest available Origin Employee, and we'll see if we can provide for you. We know it's hard, having lost your home, having lost ours along with you. This station is our new home, and so hopefully it shall be yours also. We take you in with welcoming arms. As the system was so willing to oblige, this is a new dawn, and we hope the day will burn bright and long on our lives."

The people huddled together in small knots, ushered to their quarters. One word could be heard coming from nearly every mouth, as part of Every conversation. "Dawn" the people were astounded by the place. every viewport showed it, the sun making it's way around the planet as it spun. After about an hour of shuffling passengers and gear off of the ships, only Origin equipment and personnel remained. One stopped to look at a wall next to a doorway. Hastily scrawled in marker could clearly be seen a short sentence:

"Dawn Station- a new hope for a beleagured people"
10/10/31, 'Ake' System, 40 LY north of Yamataian space.

It was complete. Well, sort of. Phase one was complete, anyway. but this meant that they could start on Phase two, the civilian sectors, which meant the refugees would have a place to live. Which meant that Origin could use its sectors the way it was supposed to. A decision was made to start work on Sector nine first, attaching the parts to the existing arms, to be connected to the other arms when they were constructed. A floating city needed its city, anyway. The Refugees were happy. They missed the trees, sure, but they were safe from the Mishhu, out here so far from the war. and Sector nine was a marvel. It would have trees. not fake ones, but real, live trees living inside a closed ecosystem, with birds and bugs and little animals, as well as flowers and shrubs. Sector nine would be a haven for the space-weary. And so construction was started. Those who were able were Eager to help, and signed on as temporary employees to finish the sectors faster. Those who couldn't, but were tired of being jobless began to fill other roles needed within the station. Day by day, the new, floating hunk of heavy metals and technological prowess was growing, not just in size, but in vibrancy. It was alive, teeming with activity, color filled the hallways, decorations the rooms. It was beginning to have its own personal touch, a flair. It was Almost Home.
10-28-31 'Ake' system, 40 ly north of Yamataian space.

It was a special day. Sierra got her patch. The patch to her uniform that gave her unrestricted access to Sector Seven. She had worked months to get this honor, had done so many trials, and tests, had worked on so many projects, and had spent most of her weekends helping to build the interior of the station. A lot of hard work had gone into earning this little piece of fabric with a small transistor in it which she wore on her arm. Sierra straightened her uniform and stood in front of the door to the sector, the first time she would be able to let herself in, with no help.

He really should've been looking where he was going. If he had been doing that, Javier might not've run into that Redhead. Then again, if he had been looking where he was going, he wouldnt've run into that redhead in the first place. Javier lightly blushed as he accidentally ran into the pale skinned redheaded girl as she entered the seventh sector on the massive Origin space station.
"Ah, I'm sorry!" Javier quickly knelt down, grabbing the girl gently by her shoulders and helping her up

As soon as Sierra had gone through the door, her world had began tumbling. Over and up her horizon went, disappearing quickly to be replaced with ceiling and a dull pain in the back of her head. "It's okay, I shouldn't have just been standing there..." Sierra said, being polite. She looked around... the world was fuzzy. Where were her glasses? "umm.... " she began "do you see a pair of glasses around here?" the redhead asked.

Gingerly taking a step around the girl to look for any glasses, Javier felt something hard under his foot. Stepping back and leaning down, he picked up the girl's pair of optics, and looked at them with a studious gaze before holding them out to the girl. "Hmm, are these yours?"

The girl grabbed for the blurry black-rimmed shape in the man's hands, inspecting them with her hands before placing them on her face. Yup, these were hers. "Glad I went for the Durandium model. A bit expensive to get prescription lenses and frames in Durandium and Durandium-T, but the durability is amazing." she muttered, mostly to herself. the freckled face looked back up to see who it was that had run into her. his face seemed vaguely familiar. "Do I know you?" she asked, after a moment.

Javier briefly bowed to the girl before remembering the last time he bowed to a girl, he was called sexist. Quickly standing up straight, he offered his hand to her, smiling. "Javier Feyete. Test pilot for Origin Armor Works. And besides being a pleasure on my eyes, you are?"

Sierra blushed lightly (thankfully hidden by her freckles!) as the man bowed to her. Such a gentleman. "Sierra Merkur. Electronics expert and resident handywoman."she giggled, not used to being complimented, even if it was a somewhat corny one.

"Ah, were you on the way in to OAW's R&D lab then? I heard they were bringing in someone new to assist in development." Javier stepped back, offering his arm to Sierra. "If so, please allow me to escort you to your destination."

"I was actually just going to tour the sector today, I don't have any orders right now." Sierra said, seeming embarrassed. but it was only natural in a company that only had a few thousand employees that the movement of a person into a branch would be noticed. "I wouldn't mind going to the R&D lab, though."

"Then I'll show you to it." The blond Nepleslian took Sierra's arm, and lead her into sector seven, walking slow enough so that he wouldn't end up pulling her arm off. "So, Ms. Sierra, how did you end up in Origin Industries anyway?" Javier looked back at her and smiled, trying to get to know her more.

Sierra blushed as the man- Javier- took her arm and began leading her about the sector. He was very forward, but not forceful. Sierra idly wondered if he was always like this, or if this was a fluke or a ploy to lull her into a false sense of security. But for now she simply let him. It was a refreshing change from the very self-centered and rude men she was used to working with. "I was refused work with he Star Army because I wouldn't switch to a Neko body, or even a Yamataian. So instead I went and did independent work until I found Origin, which was nice for being large and organized." she explained, wondering why she was divulging information to this man. It wasn't anything private, but, still.

"You should be lucky you never joined the Star Army. From what I hear, the NMX tend to do bad things to women on captured ships." Javier looked down for a second, obviously distressed about something. "I just can't think about anything treating a women like the stories say." Looking up at Sierra, he smiled, and picked up the pace a bit.

"I joined Origin after leaving the SMDION. The pay here is a whole lot better than the pay anywhere else, I gotta say."

Sierra wondered just what Javier was referring to, but remained quiet, not wanting to intrude. when Javier explained where he came from, the Ginger girl nodded. "it does indeed pay very well. Enough for me to support
"You have a family?" Javier perked up, stopping briefly at an intersection to get his bearings, before turning left. To him, this cute intelligent redhead was already working her way to being someone important to him. Or, at least, a good friend.

"Of course I have a family, Silly." Sierra teased. "I am a genuine, full-blooded Nepleslian woman." She adjusted her glasses, which had started slipping slightly. apparently the rubber nose grips had worn out again; she would have to replace them. "Or did you think these glasses were just for looks? I actually am legally blind without them." she stated, as if proud of the fact that she was all natural.

"Lucky You." Eventually finding the door to the R&D lab he was stationed at, Javier held open the door for Sierra, smiling at her. "Ladies first, but please stay on the catwalk, it's the safest place."

"Thank you, but I think I can handle myself." Sierra scoffed, taking her right as a lady to go first, but grabbing a thin cable with an electromagnetic clamp on one end and a winch on her belt and attaching it to the railing, Hopping over the side and lowering herself quickly down to the deck, where she turned around to look at the contents of the lab.

Javier shrugged, and followed Sierra into the lab, forgoing the cable to drift down to the deck, landing besides Sierra to look at two giant humanoid figures. One was slightly larger than the other and was standing up in scaffolding, with numerous technicians working on it. The other one was laying on it's back on what was essentially a giant table. The Nepleslian Pilot crossed his arms, smiling Up at the technicians.

Sierra looked over the two large Humanoids, gauging them to see what they were. "They look like modified Ashigaru." she commented, deactivating the cable so it would retract back into its place on her belt. "What are they?" the Ginger asked, adjusting her glasses once more.

"The Ashigaru was just a prototype that was put into mass production before we could finalize the design on these two." Javier pointed to the nearly complete frame, the one being currently worked on by technicians. "That one is the Kirin. A two-seater Aerospace Superiority Model. Yours truly is the main test-pilot for that, but we haven't found a suitable Electronics Officer to serve as a co-pilot for me. Originally, it was going to be mass produced, but it was found to be too expensive to mass produce without any starting customers, so we cut the number down to 24." The blond then pointed to the mostly incomplete frame that was laying on it's back, with most of the armor stripped off. "That one is the Asura. Officially, it's designated as a modified Ashigaru, but it's more like a less expensive Kirin."

Sierra tapped her foot a few times while listening to Javier. "And let me guess, You want me to be that officer?" she guessed, looking nonplussed, but not surprised, as she listened to him describe the other frame. "So why go to the trouble of making Kirins if they're not going to get sold?"

Javier stuck his tongue out at Sierra. "I never said anything about that, but if you want the job, you can have it." Turning his head to look back at the Kirin, his grin straightened. "We need it, because there is a rumor going around that the NMX are playing copycat, and have made a frame of their own. I for one wouldn't want to take an Ashigaru against a Battlepod, much less a hypothetical Frame. OAW brass had the same idea. And they figure that if the Kirin and Asura perform well enough, interested governments will place an order with us."

"So the Kirin is a showboat, and the Asura is the thing you get in the mail after ordering off the net, I presume?" Sierra compared, looking at the large metalloid structures. "So what makes these big things so much better than the Ashigaru?"

"More power, more speed, better weapons, better armor, and better shields." Javier reached into his pocket, pulling out a small brick of metal, and handing it to Sierra. "That, Sierra, is a new metal our friends at OSHI made for us. Boreanium. It's comparable to Nerimium or Yamataiaum, but it has a special property that no-one thought of until we started to put it on a Frame."

the Redhead hefted the small brick, looking it over. "It looks like a chunk of metal. what's so special about it?" she asked, turning it over in her fingers. She tried to wrack her brain about it, but was an electronics expert, not a materials scientist.

"You know, how when metal heats up, it tends to deform and warp and just plain get all runny?" Javier smiled, and knocked on the brick. "Boreanium doesn't do any of that, at least not unless we throw it into a star. It just ablates in layers, shedding its outer layer to get rid of heat. It's like a animal shedding its winter coat. The ablated material tends to make these weird ghostly afterimages that mess with sensors and give them false contacts. That, and the new ECM suite we put on both of them, the IAPD that each of them have, or the new support drones that the Kirin has."

"Ah. that's a new one. It would be horrible for Electronics, the shedding would create resistance and add extra load into the circuit. But I suppose it is useful against laser weaponry and the like." she looked it over again, trying to see if she could spy any layers on the thing, to gauge how long it might last. finding none, she did the next best thing, and asked "how long does it last? I mean, what's the estimated time before you'd need to replace the armor?"

"It sheds molecular layers, meaning that it lasts for a while before it needs to be replaced. But I would guess that the maintenance teams would replace it after every 500 hours of operation or so."

"mm. A little maintenance intensive, but I can understand that might be a good tradeoff for a live pilot." Sierra said, looking over the incomplete Asura. "So these use the Pawn system, right? and the Silhouette add-on?" the pale woman shuddered slightly. "Making a copy of my brain to help think for me isn't what I'd find enjoyable."

"I don't like it either, but you eventually get used to it. But the Silhouette system seriously improves your performance, allowing you to pull off things in the Kirin or Asura that you would never be able to do in an Ashigaru." Javier smiled, and turned to Sierra, smiling. "So, how about it. Will you be my co-pilot?"

"Well, it's only for the pilot right?' Sierra asked, looking up at the nearly complete frame. It was about as tall as a house, and probably weighed just as much as one. "I'll only be a copilot if the systems meet my standards." she said, walking closer to the frame to get a closer look. "There any way I can get under the paneling and check out the wire harness and computer core?" the poindexter girl asked.

"Yeah. The PAWN computer core is located under the cockpit. You can access it though an access panel there. Here, let me help you." Javier climbed up a ladder on the frame's scaffolding, turned a switch to open the cockpit. Smiling, Javier waved to Sierra, "Coming?" and then disappeared into the frame's chest.

"Of course I'm coming..." Sierra mumbled, making her way up the scaffolding and following Javier into the frame. "Just show me where it is and give me some time alone with it. I'll see how well you guys did on the wiring, and whether or not I need to make modifications." she said, pulling out a datapad and getting a cable ready to connect with the unit so she could look it over. "What modifications have been made to the Suite, besides the Silhouette?

Javier opened up a panel located near the bottom of the ovoid cockpit, that led down through a somewhat cramped crawlspace which contained the PAWN Suite's quantum computer. "Oh yeah. We added in a drone control system so that it can deploy its own combat support drones; and we put in a new Electronic Warfare system. I'm sure that you'll be able to understand that better than I can."

"Thanks." Sierra said, practically diving into the crawlspace to look at the systems. all that could be seen of her were the uniform pants and boots, constantly reorienting themselves so their owner could get a better look at something. after a few seconds of scrabbling around, there was the distinct sound of something being tugged out of a socket, and the frame's displays flickered on and off a few times. Finally, Sierra's hand surfaced, holding a bundle of wires which had been unceremoniously removed from the system. "These wires are trash. where did you guys buy these from? they aren't rated to handle the Amperage of this system! One of them has already started melting through the casing!" the redhead complained.

Javier blushed, looking down at one of the display screens. "We've been working on a bit of a short budget here, so we kinda just bought some cheap wiring to install until we could get more funding for better electronics." The Nepleslian turned , looking at the redhead and smiling. "Thank you, though, for finding that out before we actually activated the frame's main power... I know enough to realize that the output from the IAPD and the Fusion Reactor would've at least caused electrical fires."

"It would have overloaded the safeties and destroyed the entire lab, actually." Sierra corrected, looking very concerned. "And why would you be on such a low budget? OAW has a fifth of the company's entire budget, If OrIn can continue producing sophisticated starships, and OSHI can make new metals, you guys should have enough to properly equip the electronics on a frame." the redhead frowned, pulling herself out of the hole. "I've rerouted some things. It shouldn't explode when it starts up, but until we get better materials, the Drones will have to take a back burner." she handed the pilot the bundle of wires. "I expect a good pilot to know every single detail of his machine. You'll be following me when I redo the harness, or I'm not flying with you." the girl demanded, being much more aggressive than she had seemed when she first entered the sector. this was her element, and she'd be damned if she wasn't good at it. Having an ignorant partner in the project would only hurt things, as well.

"I would expect the same dedication from my partner as well, Sierra." Javier nodded, and gripped the wires tightly in his hand. "We've actually finished the drones already, but that isn't important. Would you like to see some of the weapons we have finished?"

"I suppose, though I would like to see more of the Sector. though my uniform's already a bit soiled so I guess it can't hurt." Sierra answered, dusting herself off. The small spots of grease on her sleeves bothered her slightly, but she ignored them as best she could.

"Well, I suppose it is a bit improper to let a lady walk around in soiled clothing." Javier wondered as he climbed out of the cockpit and onto the scaffolding, then reached back with his hand to help Sierra out of it. "I could give you some time to freshen up and get familiar with the rest of Sector Seven, if you want."

Sierra accepted the proffered hand, stepping out of the cockpit and onto the scaffolding as well. "I don't mind being a little dirty, just not if I'm on a tour." she clarified, looking about the lab. "What types of weapons have you finished so far?"

Javier pointed down to an area of the lab cordoned off with wire, large signs reading "DANGEROUS, DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS PROTECTED" warding off anyone from getting too close. "Well, if you look at that big sword, that is something I designed as part of the project. It's a Nerimium bladed sword, with the blade heated to three times the melting point of steel, in order to cut through armor." The test pilot moved his finger to a large rifle-ish looking weapon, laying on its side. "That's the Hyper-relativistic Rifle, and it fires small Iridium slugs at high fractions of c. So far, we actually think that it can be used to fire over the horizon on a planet as well."

"And you've done the real world testing to prove this? or just computer data? don't get me wrong, our computers are amazing, but it's no substitute for the real thing." Sierra grinned, looking at the pilot. "That's what the Ashigaru is really for, right? testing this stuff before it goes on the real production units." she looked over the two items. from here, they just looked like giant versions of normal weapons, sized for a Powered Frame, but she knew there was probably something special about them. not being a weapons expert, however, she didn't feel the desire to learn too much about them.

"Well, we really haven't had the chance to test any of these." Javier stretched, leaning on the scaffolding's rails, and pointed to what looked like a disassembled Gatling laser. "Our techs managed to shrink down a Gamma Ray emitter to the point that they just decided to make a rapid fire version of it. So that is how we got the Gamma Ray Vulcan."

"The grid will probably need some adjustments to handle the output of that weapon, but I'll have to know the specs before I can do any changes. We might just have to double the wiring, but that will add a considerable amount of weight. Have you thought about using silver? I know it's corrosion prone planetside, but the superconductivity will mean we can use less of it, so even heavy protection will get us a lighter wire harness." Sierra was somewhat interested in this, but she was itching to get to the other parts of the sector, she new OrIn had their development labs in here, too, and was wondering what the crazy CEO was up to now.

"Thanks for the suggestion, Sierra." Javier grinned and took the girl's hand, bowing slightly and kissing the back of it. "You've been such a great help just in the short time you've been here, and i'm sure you'll do great as part of our development team. But i'm going to take a guess and say that you wish to get out of here and see more of Sector Seven?"

"I work for Origin. I have to be good. It's not enough to get paid well if I haven't earned every last credit, you know?" Sierra said, blushing as Javier kissed the back of her hand. Again, a little forward, since they had just met, but also very gentleman-like. Sierra was at a loss as for what to think of this man. "I would love seeing more of the sector."

"Then would you mind if I show you?" Javier let go of Sierra's hand, a somewhat confident smile crossing his face. "I'm pretty sure that I know this part of the station well enough to show you around, If you want."

"I think I can handle it from here. but thank you very much for showing me the lab. I'll be sure to charge your boss for my consultation on this. I don't do services for free, you know. Capitalism and all." Sierra grinned, and slid down the ladder, walking off towards the exit, and out into the rest of Sector Seven.
10-28-31 'Ake' system, 40 ly north of Yamataian space.
Sierra Continued her walk through Sector Seven, looking into rooms as she went to see the goings-on within. Everything from bits of Starships to mechanical hands were being tested, here and there, things that were vaguely interesting, but not what she wanted to do. Finally, she made her way into a small lab with only a few people in it. There was one humanoid shape in the middle, connected to a rack holding it up. Curious, Sierra made her way into the room, looking over what was soon revealed to her to be an Impulse Powered armor.

Javier smiled as he saw the red haired technician enter the small lab, standing up from a metal-framed chair and walking over to greet her, setting the PDA he was working on down on the chair. He had actually come into the power armor development team's lab after getting a call to come help them out with something. "Ah, Miss Merkur, I didn't expect to see you again." Bowing to her, Javier took her hand and kissed the back of it again, in greeting. "This is the Power Armor Development Team's lab, if you haven't noticed."

"I think I noticed. And I'm guessing they're needing final improvements before this gets to the assembly line, right?" Sierra answered, blushing slightly as the man kissed her hand. She could get used to this kind of greeting. "What was it you were needed for?" she asked.

Javier turned to look at the Impluse, before turning back to face Sierra. "They wanted someone to walk around in it for a bit, and they wanted to do a last check on the electronics. I could handle walking around in it, fine, but, ah." Javier blushed, and scratched his cheek in embarrasement, "I'm not good with electronics. But you are, and you're here now. And that's a good thing."

"I should hope you know how to walk." Sierra joked, looking at the machine. She excused herself for a moment to converse with the techs, and, after a few minutes walked back to Javier. "Well, it looks like they want me to give my opinion on the suits electronics while it's working, which means I'll have to pilot it but..." She blushed a moment "I've never piloted a Powered armor before... Could you teach me?"

"I Uh Well I" Javier stuttered over himself, his cheeks turning a dull pink as he blushed. Gulping, he regained his composure, and nodded. "Its easy, I'll be glad to help you out with this Sierra."

"Thank you!" Sierra said, looking very happy, and Hugging Javier, before going over to the armor and looking it over. "So... How do I get in again? the techs said something about it splitting down the sides?" she turned back to Javier, knowing he would be able to tell her. In reality, all you had to do was remove the helmet, then press a button on the neck of the armor, and the front would fold downwards for easy mounting.

Javier almost froze up as Sierra hugged him, but kept himself awake as he followed Sierra to the Armor. "Watch out ma'am, it's easy." The Nepleslian gingerly removed the armor's helmet, and felt around the armor's neck until he found the button, pressing it and folding down the armor's front. Stepping back, he held out his hands, presenting the open Impulse to Sierra. "Here you go."

"Thank you!" she said again, stepping into the armor, it was nice being able to keep her shoes and slacks on, even in the armor, however, she noticed her bulky utility belt and jacket with pockets full of datapads and memory cards would get annoying, so she took them off, unbuckling the belt and setting it down, then revealing the sleeveless exercise shirt she wore under the uniform jacket. Putting her arms in the arms of the suit, she tested moving them around, and pulled the front of the armor back up, the suit locking itself with a slight click. Sierra then held her arms out to javier "May I have the helmet now, before I do anything?" she asked, politely.

"Here you go." Javier handed Sierra the helmet, and stepped back to give her room. "The Impulse is easy to operate. Just move like you do normally, and the suit will move with you." The blond's blush subsided, and he could think clearly without feeling embarrassed. Still, though, thoughts about the ginger technician did come, causing Javier's cheeks to stay a bit rosy. "Lady Merkur does have a wonderful body. Not to mention that her hair is as red as the most beautiful sunset. And her freckles only make her more beautiful..." Javier slowly drifted away, daydreaming about the girl infront of him.

Sierra didn't notice, too engrossed in the powered armor's movement to care what Javier was doing, really. she walked forward, taking a couple of steps; it was indeed just like walking normally. She moved around, and tried out different movements to see how flexible the suit was. it wasn't a gymnast, but was fairly mobile, and she was quickly satisfied with the thing. "SO, this one has a Pawn AI, right, Javier? Also, could you get one of my datapads out?"

The lovestruck nepleslian didn't respond at first, being lost in a daydream. He snapped out of it quickly though, and reached for her discarded jacket and clothing, rustling through them for a datapad. "This one, Sierra?"

"No, the bigger one." she said, her voice coming through the suit's speaker without any electronic distortion. She summoned the suit's AI,and asked it if it was capable of linking with a Datapad. It answered her Yes, bringing up a tutorial of how to connect it to different types of devices, for different applications. Sierra quickly dismissed the tutorial, as she already knew how.

Javier set down the small pad, and rustled through her utility belt, eventually pulling out a larger datapad. "Is this it?"

"Yep, that's the one. Start it up and hit the Icon that looks like a radio tower." she instructed, telling the suit to record data on the elecronics system as she moved around.

Sitting back down, Javier crossed his arms, smiling. "You know, Sierra, they say that with the space backpack, a Impulse is possibly superior to a Mindy." The Nepleslian grinned, and tapped his hand on his forearm. "Of course, no military will buy it because it wasn't made by one of their in-house manufacturers."

"Maybe." Sierra agreed, looking around and testing the systems as she could. She instructed the suit to run the servos to their limits to see where the stopping points where, and how well the electronics fared when overloaded. she noticed they were all made for a much higher rating than the current backpack; a fusion pack, was outputting, and that the wiring harness was doing well. There seemed to be a lot of redundancy from the circuit maps the suit's AI brought up for her, but they were done in very smart ways. she also noticed how the systems were done up in very basic, easily understood ways that still held up to the armor's functionality. "I could modify this thing so easily" she commented, noticing how each piece was a self-contained unit, yet held the proper bits that if one stopped working, the entire suit didn't go down. "I much prefer this to what i've read of Mindy's, I'll say that much. keeping my clothes on to fight is a definite plus."

"Ha, of course." Javier grinned. "Of course its easily modifiable. Would Origin really make something that would blow up if you tried to make it a little more personal?"

"As far as I know, origin tries very hard to make anything that isn't a weapon not blow up at all." Sierra answered, chuckling. She started to turn up the power generation on the suit's fusion reactor, waiting until it reached the safeties, to see how much output it got to. They kicked in at about 90%, but the system showed it obviously had a lot more strength than that. "Well, this suit does seem to be rather powerful and functional. Now, what can it do besides walking, Javier?" she asked.

Javier blushed, and looked away, clearing his throat. "I'm not quite clear on what it can do and all, being on the frame development team." Javier reached for his PA, and started going over the Impulse. "Ah, Yes. The Impulse is just a suit of armor. It enhances your mobility, but you can't fly or anything. You need the backpack modules to do anything."

"So, what does the backpack I've got on do?" she asked, attempting to look behind herself but failing. She had on a test backpack, which only had the Fusion reactor, but, she couldn't tell that. she could ask the Suit's AI, but decided she'd just ask Javier instead.

"You aren't using any of the production backpacks. The Test Pack you are currently wearing just has a fusion reactor, nothing else. Sorry." Javier rubbed his arm, slightly disappointed that he couldn't show Sierra anything flashy.

"Well, then. You'll have to show me later. This is kinda nice." she said, walking herself back to the rack. "So I need the rack to take the suit off, right?" Sierra asked, getting ready to dismount.

"No, not really. But if you need my help to get out of the suit, I can help." Javier stood up, walking over to Sierra, honestly eager to help the cute redhead out.

"Sure, I could use some help, I'm not sure what this thing will do when I try to take it off. I look pretty stupid to you, don't i?" she asked, sounding embarrassed that she couldn't even operate a powered armor properly. "so.. I take the helmet off first, right? since it went on last?" Sierra asked.

"Ah, no, You don't look stupid to me at all, that'd be impossible." Javier blushed and walked over, trying to gently remove the armor's helmet. "It makes sense to take it off first."

Sierra was blushing as well, and held up her arms, grabbing at the helmet and trying to remove it. after a couple seconds, she realized she had to twist it to disengage it, and doing so, she pulled off the helmet and handed it to Javier. "And where was that button again?" Sierra felt silly for asking so many questions, when she was an Electronics expert. Obviously lot a PA expert, though.

Javier's hands ran along the collar, inadvertendly tickeling Sierra's neck as he groped around for the button. "Ah, it should be, right arou- Ah, Here it is!" The frame-pilot smiled as his hand found the button and pressing it, letting the front of the armor unlock and fold down. Stepping back, Javier held his hand out for Sierra, to help her get out of the armor.

"Thank you." Sierra said, pulling her arms out of the armor's. She stepped out, thankful for Javier's help and looking at the suit, which kept itself more or less upright, despite being split in two and not having any support. She stretched in the open air, pulling her arms back and popping her shoulders lightly, before grabbing her utility belt and slipping it on, buckling it around her waist.

"So, Sierra, how did you like your first time in a powered armor?" Javier grinned, and handed Sierra's jacket to her. "Hopefully, it hasn't shyed you away from being my co-pilot."

"I kinda had fun in the armor, I'd kinda like to see what more it can do, However.." Sierra held out her hand, obviously for her datapad "I'll have to look over the data on this thing first, and you'll have to have the wiring harness redone in the Kirin."

"Of course. You already told me that you're going to drag me along to help fix the wiring harness." The pilot grinned, handing Sierra both of her datapads. "I do look forward to working with you though. Everytime I end up meeting you, things seem to take a turn for the better."

"Were they bad before?" the redhead asked, somewhat jokingly "Nothing especially good has happened since i've met you. except realizing getting Durandium eyeglasses was a good idea." she grinned, adjusting said glasses and affixing the datapads to her belt. "So, be honest, do I look good? Chivalrous you may be, I can still see your eyes, Javier." Sierra called him out, stretching her arms out to her sides as if to give the Nepleslian man a good look.

Javier suddenly froze up, as if he had been struck with some kind of stun weapon. "ah, Si-Si- Miss Merkur!" Javier stuttered over his words as his mind rebooted, snapping back to full awareness and relaxing his face into a smile. "Of course I think that you're an extremely beautiful woman, and i've thought that since I first met you." The chivalrous nepleslian took a hold of one of her hands. "Though, I hope I haven't offended you by saying any of this, M'aam."

Sierra giggled a bit as her hand was taken, again. "Don't worry, a Woman is only as beautiful as her ego. and you've done a good job of helping mine." She winked, taking back her hand and bending down to grab her discarded jacket and put it on. "Although, you may have to work on a few things, I don't want my white knight to be spotless." she chuckled, moving to look over her datapad, and heading towards the door.

"ah, So we'll see each other again soon?" Javier called out to her, his legs feeling as though they refused to move.

"Well, we both work here, right?" Sierra said, waving at the man as she exited the door. " I'd be surprised if we never saw one another again." If Javier regained the use of his legs, he could follow her, but as is, Sierra could tell he was just as likely not to. she must have completely blown his mind, even without being risque.

As Javier regained the use of his body, he took off after Sierra, trying to catch up with her. "Sierra! Wait up, Please!"

Sierra turned, smiling, to see that Javier was coming after her. Even though she had just met the man that day, she already liked him, and was happy to see him coming. She stopped, and waited for the Nepleslian.

Javier smiled at Sierra as he took her hand in his. "Ah, Sierra, I have the rest of the day off, So I was wondering if you would let me spend it with you." Obviously, this was risky, but Javier wasn't adverse to taking chances. And he really liked Sierra, even though she was new to him.

"Well... What do you have in mind, then?" she asked, perking an eyebrow. It was an obvious Yes to the man, and she continued smiling. Today was turning out to be a rather good day, after all.

"Well, if section nine was complete, I could try to take you to a park. But somehow, I don't think that you're a park kinda girl." Scratching at his chin, the Nepleslian pilot hmm'd loudly. "I'm sure we can find something though. It shouldn't be that hard."

"It's a big station, We'll find something. How about this? I'm hungry, take me to a restaurant." she said, pulling Javier's hand and taking him towards the center of the station.
10-28-31 'Ake' system, 40 ly north of Yamataian space.

The neon sign hanging above the small diner, one of the few working businesses in what had currently been constructed of sector nine, glowed brightly, reading "Gamma's Diner". Sierra directed Javier towards it, and looked into the window. "Oooh. This is new. Let's go here!" she cried, searching for a door and swishing through it, planting herself in a booth rather quickly. Inside was very neat and brand-new looking, with comfy stools at the bar and ten or twelve booths along one side. Sierra took a booth for herself, and quickly picked up a menu, looking over what was cooking at the Diner.

Javier smiled, following the red-haired electrician to the booth. "Ah, so you're getting me to pay for this, in case it's bad and you don't want to waste your money on it?" Sitting down across from her, he somewhat dazed off looking into her freckle-framed blue eyes, sighing in content. Shaking his head to snap out of it, he looked over the menu. "Sierra, what are you going to order?"

"I never asked you to pay for it, but since you've offered, I accept." Sierra answered, smiling. she continued to look through the menu before she answered Javier. "Egg and Sausage muffins sound good! ooh, but so do pancakes..." Sierra began talking to herself, wondering aloud what she should get.

The Nepleslian pilot found himself lost in that smile again, getting distracted from the menu. "Ah, this Sierra is really beautiful. And smart too. Refocusing himself, Javier looked as his menu, and smiled back up at the ginger. "I think I'll just order a sandwich. Ready to order yet, Ms. Merkur?"

"I think... Yes, Egg and Sausage muffins it is. With some Orange juice. Sounds yummy. And what kind of sandwich are you getting?" Sierra asked, putting her menu down to see a waitress waiting to take their order, smiling at the two. "And what will you be having today?" she asked. Sierra looked at Javier. "You first." the Ginger insisted.

Javier blushed, and shook his head. "No, Sierra, the lady always orders first." The pilot grinned, and closed his menu, waiting for Sierra to order.

"Since when?" Sierra retorted, jokingly. "Fine. I'll take an Egg and Sausage muffin, and a glass of orange juice, please." she told the waitress, handing over her menu and beginning to prep her side of the table for when the food arrived. she looked at Javier expectantly, waiting for him to order.

"Well, since my great grandfather, actually." Javier joked back. "I'll just have a chopped steak sandwich and a glass of water, thank you." The Nepleslian handed his menu to the waitress, taking her hand and planting a kiss on it. "Please, give my compliments to the chef, I'm sure the food will be wonderful."

"So you're whole family is like this? Doesn't that get tiresome after a while?" Sierra asked, surprised to feel a slight pang of jealousy as Javier kissed the Waitress' hand. She knew he was just being polite in his own way, but the Waitress' blush didn't make Sierra feel any better. She did, however, brush the thought away, before asking Javier another question. " What part of Nepleslia are you from?"

"Well, I was actually born on Kennewes, and I don't really count as being a fan of the socialist SMDION government." The obvious scion of a red family leaned across the table, taking Sierra's hands in his, looking slightly distressed. "I hope that you don't, uh..." The blond trailed off for a second, frowning in worry, but he then perked up, slightly smiling. "I hope that you don't change your opinion of me, because of my background."

"And why would it?" Sierra asked, as if confused that it might. "I Grew up in space, always on starships, helping to fix them. We never really chose a side, just identified as Nepleslians. Though now most of my family does live on Nepleslia itself." Sierra smiled, looking toward the Bar to see the chef vigilantly working at his craft, making as good of food as possible for these Employees of the company that so graciously took him in and allowed him to restart his business for free.

"Its just that, well, most other Nepleslians I meet don't take kindly to a Red in their midst. And, to be honest..." Javier gulped, his apprehension and embarrassment being replaced with apparent confidence. "I honestly like you, and I don't want to keep something like that a secret from you." He smiled, keeping his hands on Sierra's. "And I'm glad that I ran into you, literally."

Sierra's face turned a bit red underneath all her freckles, and she started mussing with her hair, purposefully letting some of it down to try and cover her rosy cheeks. "Is that.. so." she said, trying to sound casual. She had only known him 8 hours, and already it seemed they were progressing somewhere. Was this what Sierra wanted? Did she need something in her life besides her job? she started to think about it, but then pushed it out of her mind. "Well, I have no problems with people's Political Ideologies, so long as they don't try and force them on me." she said, hoping that would be enough to stave him off for now. "Oh, look, our food is on its way." Sierra mentioned, trying to change the subject as she watched the waitress make her way over and set the food down.

Javier neatly tore into his sandwich, enjoying the chopped steak. "Ah, Sierra, this place is really good. I'm glad you took me here." Grinning, he set his sandwich down and took a sip of his water.

Sierra chuckled as Javier tore into the sandwich. As gentlemanly as he was, he didn't have much in the way of table manners, but, Sierra didn't really care for the time being. she picked up her Egg and Sausage muffin, and bit into the breakfast sandwich, enjoying the flavors. after chewing a bit, she took a bit of Orange juice to wash it down, and then repeated. "It was all luck, this Diner wasn't here a week ago. Well, it wasn't operational a week ago. I remember doing the wiring for this structure and wondering what would be in it."

Javier took another bite, and neatly wiped his face before continuing. "You really like electronics, don't you Sierra?"

"Well, I like certain things, and most of it has to do with rather advanced systems. Wiring a building is rather boring, but, it's the work that I was assigned, so I did my best at it." the redhead answered, taking another bite. Sierra was very much enjoying her meal, and very happy that her wiring the grill was hooked to was holding up.

"Ah, yes. It's good to see you happy, Ms. Merkur." Javier took a few more bites of his sandwich, almost finishing it off. "I'm sorry if I seem too forward. I'll try to tone it down in the future, if you don't like it. I was just raised to act this way, and I understand that it seems offensive to some, what with the gentlemanly behavior and all." The Nepleslian looked down at his sandwich, just glad that Sierra was having a good time

"You don't have to apologize for being who you are." Sierra said, smiling. She finished off the last few bits of her sandwich, and drained her glass, wiping off her face with a Napkin. "Can we have dessert?" she asked.

"I can't say no to a pretty face, now can I?" Javier smiled, and flagged down a waitress so that Sierra and him could order a desert.

"Oh, so you'll say Yes to anyone, so long as they have a pretty face?" Sierra teased as the waitress made her way over, when she Arrived, Sierra asked for what the special dessert was that day, and the waitress answered that it was Death by Chocolate. Needless to say, Sierra ordered it.

"Not unless it's a perky girl with red hair and freckles." Javier joked, and decided to order the same thing as Sierra. The Nepleslian smiled, and took another sip of his water. "It's not often that you see someone with hair like that either."

"It's a recessive trait, but so is being Female, for a Nepleslian. I guess I'm just lucky, nearly everything about me is uncommon." Sierra boasted, fluffing her hair and looking straight into Javier's eyes to show off her brilliant blue eyes, which were wreathed by the black rims of her glasses.

"You are indeed beautiful, Sierra." Javier looked back into the redhead's eyes, a slight blush covering his face as he realized what he said. "I mean, I-uh..." Sighing, he just gave up. "I'm sorry, Ms. Merkur."

Sierra blushed as well, brushing her hair aside in embarrassment. "It's not nice to tease a lady, you know!" she stuttered, looking to the side. Perhaps Javier was just a little too forward. He probably didn't have any real experience with women beyond formal gatherings.

"I wasn't exactly teasing, you know." He said quietly, still blushing and trying to avoid Sierra's eyes. "It'd be a complete lie to say that you weren't attractive in the least, and to say that you were merely comely would be a massive understatement."

Sierra simply continued blushing, and stared somewhat awkwardly out the window. While she did indeed enjoy compliments, this was a bit too much for her, and she remained quiet, waiting for the dessert to come to give her something to be distracted with.

"I'm sorry, for talking too much." The Nepleslian looked at the table, and stayed silent, waiting for the deserts to come.
11-01-31 'Ake' system, 40 ly north of Yamataian space.

Murakami Kensuke was, to be frank, worried about one certain employee of his. After Javier managed to embarrass himself in front of Sierra Merkur, he had gone into some kind of mood, throwing himself at the incomplete Asura. It had been three days, and the Nepleslian had refused any eat, sleep, or help, but he had managed to almost complete the frame. Nonetheless, letting Javier work himself to death was bad for business, so that was why Kensuke had called on Sierra. "Ms. Merkur. I need you to take care of one of my employees for me. Before he kills himself."

Sierra seemed a bit confused, wondering why Kensuke had called her to his office to tell her this, but nodded "Yes, sir. Umm... Which employee might this be, and why not have the manager do this?" she asked, adjusting her Durandium glasses.

"Because the Manager is the person doing this." Kensuke took a sip from a cup of tea on his desk, before continuing. "Javier Feyete is one of the best managers that Origin Armor Works has, and ever since he went to Gamma's Diner with you, he's focused only on finishing the Asura prototype. For three days, he hasn't eaten, slept, or done anything but work on that frame for the past three days." "So, Sierra Merkur, you need to do something about that before Javier gets himself sent to the hospital. At least try talking to him."

Sierra let out a heavy sigh and rested her face in one of her palms. "That silly man." she muttered, trying to figure how she would fix things. she had been busy the last few days on a construction assignment for the station, and had been ten kilometers away, on the opposite side of the station, with little chance to get to sector seven. " I'll go, I suppose. He must think I hate him and have been ignoring him."

Kensuke shook his head. "No. It's more likely that he doesn't want to make you feel insulted, so he's avoiding you for that. Just try to fix it, please."

"Perhaps, I suppose he would know where I was assigned." Sierra shook her head, laughing a little. I suppose it is my fault though. His psyche must be rather fragile... I heard what happened to his family." Sierra bowed gently to Kensuke, then backed out of the room, making her way down into the the greater area of Sector Seven.

Javier, meanwhile, was still on his three day working binge. The Kirin prototype had been covered by a heavy tarp, while the Asura was being held upright by numerous lifts. The blond Nepleslian was in the the now almost complete frame's cockpit, about to start up the IAPD and the nuclear fusion reactor. All that was really missing from the Asura were the last bits and pieces of missing armor.

Sierra knocked loudly on the door, hoping to get Javier's attention and have him come to the door to greet her. If he didn't come, she would just go inside and talk to him, but for now, she hoped he would do something on his own.

Javier, for all it was worth did open the door for Sierra. Seeing that it was Sierra, the Nepleslian man bowed to her, taking her hand and kissing the back of it as usual. "Ah, Sierra, I didn't expect you to come see me. I've actually been busy with the Asura. I've been working on it intensely for a while now, so I should be able to finish it soon." He smiled at her, and turned around, heading back to work on the Asura.

"Uh.. Javier!" Sierra said, following after him, with her hand held out as if to grab his shoulder. "How long have you been working on this, Exactly?" she grabbed his shoulder and tugged, trying to stop him "and who's all been working on it?"

The Nepleslian turned his head to smile back at the redhead. "Oh, it's been about three or so days now. I'm pretty sure I've been the only person working at it too. I'm amazed that I've gotten this much done on it, really."

"By yourself..." Sierra said, slowly, remembering that the Frame had been just that; a frame, last time she saw it. "But it's almost complete.. and in three days?" she seemed taken aback. if she thought about it, most of it had been designed and built already, just not assembled or troubleshot, so what he was doing was easier than it seemed, but it was still quite an achievement. "Why did you do all this?" the Ginger asked.

"I had nothing better to do, and I figured that you hated me for being such an idiot in that diner. So I just poured myself into this." Javier shrugged, and sat down on a metal stool. "At the very least, my machines won't hate me for pouring all my love on them."

"But, you're the manager, you're supposed to assign others to do this work." Sierra chided, shaking her head. "And I don't hate you, not at all..." Sierra drifted off for a moment, thinking of what to say next. "it's just that, everything happened so fast and I was kind of overwhelmed. I would like to get to know you better. these machines, they may not hate, but they don't have the capacity to love, either."

Javier looked up at Sierra, and managed to crack a slight smile. "I'd like to get to know you better too, Sierra." He tried to get up, but now that he wasn't completely and totally focused on the Asura, he almost fell forward and passed out right there. Blushing, he yawned before starting to speak again. "But, I think that I'll need a good rest first, before I can do anything else with you.

"Ah, yeah, that's right. I was pulled off of a two-week assignment to come down and get you. Kensuke himself called for me." Sierra said, pulling Javier up to his feet and placing his arm over her shoulder to help prop him up. she could feel the tension in his trembling arm, it was obvious that the man would have collapsed sooner or later from extreme exhaustion. "idiot..." she muttered, looking into Javier's face.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, and he smiled at the redhead. "I know I'm one Sierra. Thanks for coming to save me from my own stupidity, I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for you."

"Probably asleep in the cockpit. I'm sure before long the technicians would wonder why they hadn't been assigned anything in a while and come in looking for you, anyway." Sierra answered, moving towards the door.

"I may have given the specific instructions to not bother me." Javier laughed a bit nervously, realizing that he may have nearly gotten himself killed.

"Smart as you are, I guess you are an idiot." Sierra sighed, hefting Javier into a more comfortable position and moving out of the lab. "Where's your apartment?" Sierra asked, looking for a terminal so she could call a car for them.

"It's just near here actually. It's in the part of Sector Nine closest to sector seven" Javier yawned, "I can show you when we get there." The Nepleslian managed to shake Sierra off him, forcing himself to stay awake, at least until he got home. "Ah, sorry Sierra, it just doesn't feel polite to have you drag me all the way home."

"We're still a good Kilometer from Sector nine as it is" Sierra said, finding a terminal and Dialing for a car to be sent. Fairly soon an Advent showed up, colored in standard Origin green, and Sierra led Javier to the car, and got in herself. "Either tell me the directions or set the autopilot." she asked the Nepleslian man.

"Ah, Hold up Sierra." Javier smiled and reached over, setting the auto-pilot to take him to his apartment before leaning back in the hovercar's comfortable chairs and closing his eyes. "Wake me up when we get there, please Sierra?"

Sierra chuckled, lying back in the seat as the car began moving forward and ascended upwards, heading towards another level of the sector, to more easily reach the manager's apartment. the bespectacled woman could feel her hair rustling about from the movement, and watched as the station's interior whizzed past.

Javier quickly fell asleep in his seat, his eyes closed with a content smile on his face, his chest rising and falling with a subtle snoring. It really seemed that he had worked his heart into the Asura, but now it was time for him to take a well deserved break.

the befreckled woman looked at Javier's calm, but worn and tired face. she looked at the heavy bags under his eyes, and the sunken state of his cheeks, as well as the stubble growing on his chin. "Silly man..." she whispered, watching the path of the Advent hovercar through the station as it went. it would only be a couple minutes until they arrived at the apartments.

After a few minutes, Javier started mumbling in his sleep. Sierra smiled, then her eyes went blank. she began bleeding from the mouth and slumped over, a parasite mishhu hanging from the back of her neck. She sat straight up again, and began strangling Javier, laughing maniacally. Javier then shot up, wide eyed. Looking around, he remembered where he was at, and smiled at Sierra. "Sierra, I'm glad that the NMX War hasn't touched Dawn station yet. I don't want to see you become another victim of the parasites, or worse."

"Huh?" Sierra said, having not quite heard what Javier said. He looked a little distraught, but seemed fine otherwise. the Advent hovercar slowed down, making its way towards a small bank of apartments, one of which was obviously Javier's.

Javier blushed, and simply smiled at Sierra. "I'm just glad that no NMX are here to hurt any of the refugees from Tami. Aren't you?" As the hovercar pulled up to Javier's apartment, the Nepleslian yawned. "Thank you again, Sierra, for saving me." Taking the redhead's hand, he lightly kissed the back of it before exiting the care. "I'll see if I can find you again, once I'm feeling back to normal."

"Okay." Sierra smiled. "I'm glad they aren't here too. and don't worry about finding me, it should be easy enough for a manager." she said, thinking for a moment. "Oh!" she exclaimed, pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling on it, handing the crumpled little scrap into Javier's hands. "I'm sure you already have this somewhere, but I wanted to give it to you anyway. It's my comm number." she blushed a little bit, clambering back to the driver's side of the car and typing her address into the autopilot. "See you later!" she said, waving, and the vehicle began to move off.

Javier stood there and smiled, holding Sierra's number in his hand. Quickly remembering that he badly needed to sleep, then eat, the manager disappeared into his apartment, to find his unused bed and sleep in it.
11-15-31 'Ake' system, 40 ly north of Yamataian space

Sierra wiped her brow, or, she would have, but her EVA suit was in the way. She was helping to direct electrical work in a section that was exposed to vacuum, directing a few people under her to do the majority of the work, while she was quality control. That day alone they had wired twenty compartments in a rather large section, part of Sector nine that would be a building once the entire sector was completed. It was nearly break time, so she called for her crew to stop, and head inside for time inside the station's gravity sections, as well as time out of the stifling EVA suits. the damn generic things left a lot to be desired, and Sierra waited for the day that OSHI would make up their minds and create a serviceable lightweight EVA suit. A few moments later, Sierra's communicator beeped, and she routed the call to her suit's headset. "Hello?" she asked, politely, unable to see the caller id of her Comm.

Javier blushed, unseen to the electrician on the other end of the comm. He was currently hanging by his toenails, upside down inside a nearly complete Kirin. "Sierra, It's me, Javier. I was wondering, if you're free soon, could you come down to OAW's production laboratory. I want to show you how to pilot a PA, if you have the time."

The Ginger seemed slightly taken aback. She hadn't heard from Javier since she had rescued him from himself, but Kensuke hadn't ordered her to get him again, so she figured all was going well. "Uhh, Well, My shift was about to end for the day, so I suppose I could come over." she answered, intrigued that he had remembered her request to teach her to fly a PA. She grabbed at the line tethering her to the station and began to pull towards the temporary airlock, waiting to hear what Javier had to say.

Javier sounded enthusiastic about the whole idea, and his voice sounded more excited. "That's great Sierra. I already have to Impulses set up. I'l see you when you get here." The Nepleslian abruptly closed the Line, and began the process of getting out of the Frame so that he could set up the powered armors.

Sierra blinked a couple times, as she coasted toward the door, clunking down onto it, and entering the station. A few minutes later, she had changed into her uniform and ordered an Advent to ride to Sector Seven, and was soon on her way, wondering why Javier had chosen now to call her and ask for her to come. Sierra shrugged mentally, whizzing through the station on her way to try something new.

The Nepleslian pilot was very pleased with himself. In a short period of a few hours, he had managed to set up two Impulses for teaching Sierra how to pilot. It wasn't really that difficult, but it was still hard for him to do on his own. Javier was weird like that, he wasn't used to asking people to help him with personal projects.

It was only a few minutes before Sierra's Advent made its way to the production lab, and she set the vehicle down, knocking on the door tot he lab politely before she would enter.

Javier answered the door for Sierra, a calm smile on his face as he took her hand, kissing it as is his norm, and led her into the lab. "Sierra, I'm glad I managed to catch you just before your break. It is a bit sad that I'm dragging you away from getting anything to eat, but I'm keeping my promise to you, okay?"

"Oh, I don't mind. I don't always have to eat, and I'm not that hungry." she lied through her teeth, accentuated by a suddenly growling tummy. She chuckled, embarrassed, before saying "I just hope you don't mind the mess I'm in, I only had so much time to change and freshen up after working..."

"We could go grab something to eat first. It really feels wrong to make you go through with this without eating anything first." Javier smiled, still holding the ginger's hands in his, not realizing that he was still holding it. "It won't take that long, and I'll pay. It's the least I can do for you saving my life."

"Don't worry about it. I'm a strong girl." Sierra insisted, trying to move farther into the lab, peeking at the two Powered Armors Javier had set up for them. She was excited to be learning how to fly these things, previously she had only used EVA suits and the occasional hard-suit for more dangerous environments, but never something as high performance as a combat armor.

Javier let Sierra lead him into the lab, smiling at her with a contentedly look on his face. "Okay, you remember how to get inside an Impulse, right?"

"I do. take off the helmet and the latch is in the neck, right?" she confirmed, moving towards the armors and looking them over. they seemed to be a little bit different from the one she had tried the other day, especially in the backpack area.

"Yes, that's it." The Nepleslian walked over to one of the Impulses, removing the helmet and pressing the button, unlocking the front of the armor. Pulling down the impulse's chest plate, he smiled at Sierra and climbed in, pulling the armor into place and putting on the helmet. "Just like that, Sierra."

Sierra did as Javier demonstrated, suiting up in the armor, once again discarding her jacket to be more comfortable in the armor. She pulled up the chest plate, which clicked into place, than grabbed the helmet, twisting it so it locked in, sealing the Nepleslian woman into the suit. Quickly, the Pawn AI started up, display the condition of the armor and its overall status, as well as identifying Javier's next to her.

Javier smiled as he took a few steps in the armor, and stretched his arms out, getting a good feel for the Impulse. "You should always stretch when you first get into the armor Sierra. It is easier to do that to get used to the feel, than to just rush out in it without preparing."

"That sounds like a good idea." Sierra agreed, doing as Javier said. She flexed her arms and legs, bending over to stretch her back and get used tot he synthetic interior and all its padding. The suit felt nice and solid, yet not bulky. It also stretched nearly as much as she could.

"Be sure to wriggle your fingers too. Sometimes small joints lock up. Javier stood back and let Sierra finish her stretching. "Sierra, do you want to go over the Pawn AI, or skip right to the backpack?" The Nepleslian asked the electrician, trying to avoid overwhelming her with a torrent of information.

"I helped create Destiny, so I would say tell me about the backpack. Plus, I have serious doubts Origin would make anything that locks up unless it was a test version and that wasn't important." Sierra said, already beginning to control the AI to adjust the internal AC system.

"Well, its always good to just be safe." The blond shrugged under his armor, and brought up his armor's specifications on the Standard Backpacks both he and Sierra were wearing. "Sierra, we're wearing the Standard Backpacks right now, the one that comes with the armor. It comes with enhanced shielding, flight capacity, and five remote controlled drones." He activated the five camera drones, and they lifted off his backpack, hovering around him in a circle.

"Ooh." Sierra muttered, Ordering her drones out and flying them about the Lab, inspecting the nooks and crannies of the room from these varying angles. it was interesting, the five little windows which she could order to open or close at will, giving her a view of everything around her.

"Like it, Sierra?" Javier beamed under his armor, his drones returning to his armor to recharge. "How about we take this things out into space for a brief spin? Do you think you can handle that?"

"it's fun playing with these things." Sierra answered, somewhat sadly recalling her drones, which flew their ways into her backpack unit. "So... How does one go about making this thing fly in space? there's not really any controls for me to manipulate." she asked.

"It uses a mental control system. You just think about it, and it happens." Leaning back, Javier's impulse took off, floating into the air and doing a lazy back flip, made all the more easier by the lighter gravity in the lab. "See, it's easy Sierra."

"Just by thinking? I guess it can tell the difference between simply thinking about doing something and actually wanting to do it." the Glasses-wearing girl said to herself, concentrating on launching into the air. The suit complied, shooting its thrusters, although at a very controlled rate. it was obvious the suit's AI was compensating heavily for its novice pilot.

"You're a natural Sierra. Are you sure you've never piloted an armor before?" Javier complimented the ginger as he floated over to her, grabbing her armored hand to help steady her. "Think that you can handle Zero-Gravity, or do you want to stay in the lab?"

Sierra pouted at Javier's obvious lie inside her helmet, knowing he was just trying to be nice, but forgot about her fake anger as he grabbed her armor's hand. "I've done a lot of zero-gee work, so I should be able to handle it." she answered, wondering how they would get out of the enclosed lab.

"Do you think that we would make a frame testing and construction lab that doesn't connect directly to space?" Leading Sierra over to the spaceward side of the Lab, the Nepleslian opened a heavy, airtight door, moving out of the way for Sierra could enter first. "Ladies first, Ms. Merkur."

"Heh, well isn't that just a bag of tricks." Sierra responded, landing on the floor with a muffled thud and making her way through the door and to the outside of Sector Seven's arm of Dawn station. she was surprised first at how soft the landing had been, and second at just how far down the arm this lab was. As Sierra drifted out the doorway, she gazed upon the unfinished and finished sections of the station, watching all the traffic of ingoing and outgoing ships, groups of ships and workers doing things, and all sort of construction and other business going on.

Javier followed Sierra out of the lab, closing the airlock behind his armor. Floating up next to her, he placed an armored gauntlet on her shoulder. "It's bigger on the outside, isn't it? It's amazing that this is home for us now."

"It's pretty impressive from the inside, but I know what you mean. Forty Kilometers from one end to the other. It's just amazing what has been created from just three peoples' dreams." Sierra continued to float on, the suit insulating her from the vacuum of space, and all its harsh loneliness. almost unconsciously, the sensors began zooming in on various things, doing their best to show Sierra their capabilities. she enjoyed the extra help from the suit's AI.

"I bet that I can beat you to the root of this arm, and back to the end. Whoever loses has to buy lunch. Up for it?" The Nepleslian grinned, showing his competitive streak, raising his altitude relative to Sierra to get a better look at the station. "I'll hold back, promise."

Sierra took half a moment to converse with her suit's AI, setting it to autopilot and inputting the course before answering Javier. "You're on!" she said, boosting off towards the station's central hub, feeling exhilarated and a little scared as she watched the station rush past beside her, the sensors alerting her of what was going on nearby, so she could take over the suit's control the moment she couldn't handle it being on autopilot.

"H-Hey! I didn't say start!" Javier was stunned for a second by the redhead's forwardness, but soon took off chasing after her, forgoing autopilot to take a more daring course, closer to the arm's surface. "Just for that, I'm not going easy on you, Sierra Merkur!"

"Hehe. you should have specified when you wanted to start!" Sierra called back, focusing on what was in front of her, even if it was the AI controlling the suit. it was going in a more or less straight line, only altering course to avoid collisions with the ships moving about the station. it was still a good number of kilometers to the root, but it would only be a short amount of time before they had to turn around and go the other way, which she was worried about.

Javier's course was more daring than Sierra's to say the least. While the surface of the station appeared smooth from a distance, it wasn't so smooth up close and personal. Javier was dodging outcroppings and antennae and all manner of junk, and doing it all manually at a breakneck speed. At least, a breakneck speed for the Impulse. "Well, I wasn't sure you'd agree on it, and I didn't want to seem as if I was forcing it on you if you didn't want to."

"For calling someone on their break so seem overly concerned about whether or not they will agree with you." Sierra goaded, smiling, asking the AI to plot her a faster course. Even if the Impulse's standard backpack wasn't made for speed, it was still quite a ride for the electronics expert, and after the initial fear wore off, she began enjoying it. Sierra figured that maybe she indeed was a Natural. Whether or not that was true didn't matter, because the Impulse suit was exceptionally easy to pilot.

"I owed you this anyway!" Javier responded, his suit slowly passing Sierra's as they approached the turn. Javier felt The Impulse was a good armor, but to him he would always prefer to sit down in a cockpit. It felt better to be in an armored cockpit, safe and sheltered away from all the dangers of space. It left room to wear some kind piloting suit, just in case.
As the lab's airlock closed behind Javier and Sierra, the red-haired electronics expert removed her helmet and continued laughing, the sound of which had been muffled by her helmet. she nearly doubled over with the addition of gravity, and sat down to keep from hurting herself. "I'm just sorry I couldn't see your face or the face of that shuttle pilot!" the glasses-clad girl said to her friend, laughing again. Javier, in his attempt to show off, had nearly made a head on collision with a shuttle and had been forced so far off course that Sierra had beaten him handily.

"You simply got lucky. If the shuttle had not appeared, I would have beat you." The blond nepleslian replied, scratching his nose. In truth, Javier had nearly hit the shuttle on purpose, letting Sierra win the race. Removing the armor, javier shook his head and tussled his hair. "Does this mean you're going to make me buy you something to eat now, Miss Merkur?"

"Do you just always assume that i'm hungry?" Sierra asked, walking over to the racks so she could dismount the powered armor properly, and grinning at Javier due to her joke. "I wouldn't mind if you did. I mean, with a manager's paycheck you can afford some good restaurants."

A look of suprised crossed Javier's face for a second, following Sierra to the racks. "So you're going to make me take you somewhere fancy? Draining away all of my funds for the month until I get paid again?" Joking, the Nepleslian smiled as he exited his armor, quickly moving to help Sierra out of her's, taking a hold of her hand and smiling. "I wouldn't mind something like that, actually."

"Hrm.... Draining you of money doesn't sound like that bad of an idea..." Sierra chuckled, grinning at the idea of making him broke for a while, just for kicks. She quickly ridded herself of the notion, as she waved Javier's hand off and removed the armor on her own, feeling she knew how well enough by now. "We could go shopping instead, but I am a little hungry."

Slightly blushing, Javier shrugged. "I don't see why not. I'd enjoy shopping with you." Handing the ginger her jacket, the tall, lanky, somewhat pointy nosed manager widened his smile. "Yeah, I would really enjoy that, if you'll have me come with you."

"or, you could just give me your KS card and let me have some fun." the girl suggested, accepting her jacket back and putting it on. She stepped fully out of the suit and stretched, getting her body used to the open air, which, due to the Impulse's AC system, wasn't all that much better than the inside of the suit.

"I think not, maam." Javier took on a fake angry look, glaring at the redhead. "I'm coming with you, so I still have money left for stuff I need. Like food."

"We get subsidized food and housing as Origin employees, so that argument is moot." Sierra pointed out "Not that I'd disagree with you that the subsidized food barely counts as such." the girl chuckled, mussing with her hair and looking toward the door. "So, don't we have to put these suits away properly or something?" she asked, looking over the two Mechanized Armors.

"The staff will take care of it." Javier grinned, and gently reached out to hold the electrician's hand. "You wanted to go shopping, so lets go shopping. I have the rest of the day off, and I'd much enjoy it." The Nepleslian grinned, blushing slightly while scratching his hawkish nose.

"So, you're a man who enjoys shopping? Dangit, why do I always find the gay ones..." Sierra muttered to herself, scratching her head and heading towards the door, idly wondering if anyone was annoyed that Javier was using his position to help him get closer to a girl. she figured it probably did, and would try and discover whom he was inconveniencing and apologize to them later.

"H-Hey, I'm not gay!" Javier blushed, following Sierra to the door. Perhaps Javier was annoying people with his attempts to get closer to the girl. But his team was on the downward slope of the recent development project, and there wasn't much for Javier to do at all. It wasn't at all like he was slacking off at all. "Really, i'm not. I just promised to buy you lunch if you beat me, and you did. So I'm coming along."

"You sure do blush a lot for a straight man" Sierra continued to tease. "So you think I eat clothes, then? because lunch and clothes shopping are two separate things, unless you think it takes a full shopping trip to find food." Sierra shook her head, giggling. it was obvious that, despite his chivalry and suave mannerisms, Javier knew very little about women. which was just fine for Sierra, it was much more endearing, and easier to use as fuel for jokes.

Javier crossed his arms, and looked away, trying to force down his embarrasment. "Fine, whatever you say. Lets just get going, Sierra." Sierra, despite her glasses and, perhaps, because of her redhair, was many more than a meek unassuming technicial. She was beautiful, and with an 'interesting' personality. Honestly, Javier was suprised that she was still single.

"So... do you know where any good stores are on this behemoth?" Sierra asked "I haven't actually had the free time to find one, yet. which reminds me... You're going to cover for pulling me away from my job for the day, right?" the redhead asked, adjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose and looking around the room once more, before heading towards the door. she hoped the Advent was still there so she would not have to call another.

"I'm sure there will be a few. We'll just cruise around and find one, i'm sure." Javier walked ahead of Sierra, opening the door for her. "Ladies first, Sierra."

"Well, I think only residential areas of Sector Nine have been finished, so we may currently have a lack of stores beyond a simple department store. still, I don't doubt those may have some nice clothes." Sierra muttered aloud, heading out the door. What luck! the advent was still there, and they could get on their way very soon. "Hop in Javier, or i'm leaving you behind!" she warned, jokingly.

"H-hey! Don't leave me Sierra!" Javier ran to the other side of the Advent and jumped in, sitting in the passenger sleep. "Maybe I won't pass out this time, too." The nepleslian smiled, and buckled up, smiling at her. "Just don't expect me to get any new clothes. I'm fine with what I have."

Sierra looked over Javier's mode of dress, then laughed. he probably only owned Origin uniforms and work shirts. while they were fine looking clothes, they were nothing to base a wardrobe around. "We'll buy you new clothes anyway." she said, nodding, and telling the computer to find the nearest department store and take them there.

Javier looked grim, eyes widened and a look of fear on his face. "I don't have a choice in this, do I?"

Oh you do. It's just wether or not you have the balls to make that choice that's questionable." the redhead teased, giggling and bouncing in her seat a little (accompanied by other parts of her bouncing as well). The Advent began moving, heading off for its new destination.

Javier managed, somehow, to both sigh and blush at the same time. Trying to ignore the ginger's pleasurable bouncing, he looked to his side, looking at the inside of the station to try and thing about something other than Sierra's body. "So, Sierra. What did you do before you came to Dawn Station?"

"You mean before Origin, or back on Tami?" she asked, trying to specify. "Back on Tami I helped to program the Destiny and design its physical components. Before that, I worked a mundane job on Nepleslia wiring cars in a crappy car factory." the giner said, answering both, regardless. "How about you?"

Javier continued looking away, resting his jaw on a closed hand. "I used to be in the Red military. Back on Kennewes. I joined origin as it was starting up, and ended up in OAW. I don't like talking about my time in the military, and it isn't much to talk about either. Sorry Sierra."

"Well, you joined something that you believed in, right? even if you weren't on the winning side, you still have your life and your livlihood, and that's something to be thankful for." Sierra said, smiling. she put a hand on Javier's shoulder, and squeezed it. "You were trying to protect what you believed Nepleslia was supposed to be. that's commendable."

The Nepleslian blushed, and turned his head to smile at Sierra. "Thanks, Sierra. I'm glad that whole civil war mess is over, even if the DION has, less than savory elements that operate in the shadows, to leave the people in fear. But that's in the past, And I won't concern myself with it." Javier let his smile ease up, and looked back out the window.

"Indeed. What's past is past, and we're working with the company of the future. So, what shall your next outfit look like? let's try to visualize this." Sierra said, making a frame with her fingers and sizing up the blond man sitting next to her. the Advent hovercar flew through the thankfully large station at high rates of speed, weaving its way through the internal structures in search of a store that sold clothing.

Javier stretched in the car's passenger seat, looking over to Sierra and blushing, fighting the urge to wax poetic over her locks of copper hair. "Sierra, what store are you taking me too, exactly? If you're going to make me buy some clothes for myself, I might know a few places."

"Just a clothes store." The redhead answered offhandedly, looking out the window. "it's not like it's difficult to guess right now, there's only so many stores in the station." the technician looked over the vehicle's navigation screen and figured that there was less than a minute to arrival. "We're almost there."

"So, you're going to try to make me wear something other than the few uniforms and jumpsuits that I have?" Javier inquired, arching an eyebrow. "I don't see why. I figure that I look good enough in my uniform. Right?"

"I wouldn't doubt that, but who said we were shopping for you?" she joked, putting her hands on the controls so she could find a good place to land the vehicle. " The problem is wearing only the same thing over and over. it gets boring. you need to spice it up, get some color. Besides, the green shoulders clash with my hair."

"Thats right. You look like some kind of holiday decoration." The Nepleslian cockily smiled at Sierra, chuckling a bit at his joke as he waited for her to land the hovercar. "I think that you should try something blue. It goes well with your hair, but it isn't something that would obviously go with red hair."

"Ew, Blue." Sierra commented, setting the car down skillfully. "Do you want to make my eyes look radioactive or something?" she complained, hopping up and looking at the large department store 'Marciel's' which they had landed in front of. there were a decent number of people there, most of the survivors of Tami had left quite a bit of their belongings on the planet, and places such as this store were popular.

"Well, why not try yellow?" Javier shrugged as he jumped out of the vehicle, moving quickly over to Sierra's side to hold the door open for her. "Or maybe purple?" The manager shrugged. "I'm not really good with fashion. I hope that you're better than me when it comes to things like this."

"I should hope so too, because you seem like you're colorblind." Sierra muttered, walking towards the store. "We should probably try patterns, i'm too used to flat colors and need some spice. Also, some other things besides just outfits are needed."

The manager's mind started to wander, to slightly perverted trains of thought that were quickly squashed. "Oh, like what? Will you be looking for a ballgown today? Perhaps a nice dress."

"I would like a Nice dress. But I'd really have no use for it. Oh well." the redhead said, running a finger through her hair. "maybe some good accessories. Sunglasses, Hair stuff... Other stuff." They walked into the store, a big, open room, with polished floors and all sorts of clothing racks strewn about the places. it smelled of new fabric, and was filled with the sounds of hangars scraping as people sifted through the merchandise. Tables displayed all sorts of things, and it was a wonderful menagerie of colors. Two signs split the store, One quarter of the store that said 'Men's' and the other three quarters 'Women's'

"So, is this where we split up, or am I not that lucky?" javier asked, looking around at the expansive store, wondering why most of the store was the women's section.

"Well. it depends. Do you trust yourself to pick out good clothing, or do you hand me your KS card so I can take my pick from the women's side?" Sierra asked the man, looking at him. " Or, you can be a man and decide something." she stated, bluntly, walking off towards the women's side of the store.

Javier sighed, not really having a choice in the matter, deciding to follow Sierra, jogging a bit so he could catch up to her. "You could've left me some semblance of a choice, you know. I mean, I would've made this decision anyway."

"Sure you would have." Sierra joked, throwing a bit of hair over her shoulder. "I think we should start building an outfit from the inside-out. what do you think?" Sierra asked Javier.

"Sure, why not. You are the expert here, of course." The Nepleslian responded, only realising later on what she had meant from inside out.

"Of course I'm the expert. I doubt you've ever been shopping in your life. First the military, now Origin. you poor, deprived person you." Sierra explained, walking towards a section that would be particularly embarassing to Javier, if he so chose to enter it. The impending doom had a few seconds time in which Javier could stop it.

Javier kept on walking, following Sierra and steeling himself for the obvious. He had been through crushing military defeats, and survived incredible hardships. There was no way anything Sierra did now would make him run away. "I've been shopping before. For food, at least."

"This kind of food?" Sierra said, picking up a pair of skimpy panties whose tag touted them as being made of spun sugar, and therefore, edible. "Because if so, could you tell me which ones taste the best?" she joked, in a very serious tone.

Crossing his arms behind his back, Javier took on his best, most serious tone of voice, his face suprisingly clear of any embarresment. "The strawberry ones taste the best, I suppose. They also match your hair."

"Oh so you've had them before? maybe I shouldn't let you around me in this section of the store." Sierra pouted, putting the panties back on the rack and turning around, huffing a little. She seemed put off by the man's sudden bravado, which he hadn't displayed in quite a while. In truth she liked it, and wanted to see where he went with it, or if he would bluster and apologize like he had done so much recently.

Javier's military mind had suddenly kicked in, and he was not going to let this opportunity sneak away. Following Sierra, he followed her, hands still behind her back. "If you want something a little more plain, might I suggest some kind of lacy white lingere? Perhaps couple it with a corset, and we might just be able to find a nice dress to go with it."

"You want to put someone with my figure in a corset? now I know you're mad. OUT!" the redhead huffed, walking a little further away to get some more privacy, but she knew he would follow. she was baiting him on, trying to make him slip so she could catch him with his philosophical pants down.

"Then again, we could just leave you with nothing on under it, like some kind of starlet. We know you have the figure for it, Sierra." The Nepleslian followed her, keeping his emotions off his face. "Maybe you could try a nice tube top some time."

Sierra stopped where she was and turned her head, glaring at Javier. "I was raised as a good girl. Nothing says 'Slut' better than a tube top. Is that what you think of me? really? find your own clothes."

"If you want to seem nice and pure, why not a strapless dress? That might look good on you." The former soldier stopped when Sierra stopped, and let his eyes meet her's, a slight flicker of amusement crossing his for a brief second. "YOu said you wanted to pick out an outfit, so that is why i'm here with you."

"I did want to pick an outfit. I never said you have to be present, however." she clarified. "ANd what kind of strapless dress are you talking about, mister 'suddenly knows women's clothing'?"

"But wouldn't you prefer to have an extra opinion instead of going it alone?" Javier offered, cracking a smile. "And I just know what looks good on a good woman, thats all."

"You forget that I like my own opinion, and, the purpose of shopping is to please myself, you see?" Sierra told Javier, as she eyed some cute bras a few aisles away, wondering if they had them in her size. "May I ask, how do you 'know' what looks good on a woman?"

"The same way I know how to work on a frame. I just comes naturally." Javier followed Sierra, but decided to make the next move on his own. "Would you prefer to try them on, so you can get an opinion?"

"Sure it does...." Sierra muttered, harrumphing and shaking her head 'No' at Javier's question. "Go find yourself something. I'll be fine by myself over here." she said, firm in her stance. The redhead walked off, looking very annoyed at Javier.

"I cannot do as you wish, my lady." Javier smiled, following Sierra still, as she plunged into, what for Javier could be called the danger zone, a realm filled with women's undergarments of all shapes and sizes. Undergarments that the nepleslian couldn't help but imagine the redhead modeling for him.

"I'm being serious. You're not going to be seeing anything I buy in this section, anyway, so I don't need your opinion." Sierra snapped, pushing Javier back. "Let me shop, Okay? find something for yourself." the Ginger turned and faced the Blond, tapping her foot expectantly, waiting for him to leave.

"Alright, Alright." Javier shrugs, backing away from Sierra. "You were teasing me in the firstplace, and teasing me before that. This is just me getting back at you. Sorry, Jeez." The Nepleslian turned, and walked away, holding his hands behind his back still.

Sierra huffed again, as Javier walked off, watching the man make his way to the Men's section. She was a bit miffed at him, but not quite as mad as she made out to be. The Rdehead continued to look for a decent bra to wear with a strapless dress, as she actually liked the idea of one enough to give it some thought.

Javier waited in the Men's section, genrally just looking around and only really focusing on the few clothes that he really liked. Unfortunately, he had no fashion sense, so the few clothes he did chose were absolutely horrible.

What a day to do Desk work. Sierra had been completely bored with nothing going on for quite a while when an order came in. Not just any order, not a single ship, or a small batch of Powered armors, or a crate of guns like usual. A BIG order. From the SAoY's newest fleet, the newly rebuilt 2XF. And what did they want? Frames, fighters, and ships. Mostly newer stuff, all stuff that hadn't really been refined to Military use, with perhaps the exception of the Asura. But she'd have to tell Javier.

She'd gone over his head at first due to the importance of the order, Indeed, she went straight to Kensuke, who had suggested sending Origin representatives to work more closely with the Star Army, but it was currently Javier's job to pick the teams from a group of candidates Kensuke had selected, and it was Sierra's job to give him all this info.

Sierra threw her bag, filled with datapads, printouts, and datacards, all to give to Javier, into the Advent that she had been given to use for important occasions like this, and Made her way off to wherever the computer told her that Javier was.

Javier was busy, in one of the gyms owned by Origin onboard Dawn Station. Since Javier was an avid fencer, Kensuke had ordered him to teach some of the new frame pilots hired by OAW how to use a sword. So there he was, him and some 23 other pilots all in fencing gear, taking turns sparring with each other. Javier himself was sparring with another pilot, their thin blades clashing against each other, the blonde Nepleslian focused entirely on his defense to let the pilot be the attacker.

"C’mon, don't be afraid to be aggressive! Push the attack. If you give the enemy an opening, they'll take it with no regrets!"

Thankfully for Sierra, Javier's current location was not very far from where her desk work took place, and the Advent's high speed and flight capabilities made it a breeze to get there. As the Hovercar descended into the parking area outside the Gym, Sierra wondered what exactly Javier would be doing there. Picking up the bag full of things from her passenger seat, she made her way out of the vehicle and into the Gym, searching for Javier inside.

Javier smiled as he nonchalantly managed to thrust the tip of his epee to his opponent's neck. "Next pair is up, three sparring matches for each pair until anything new comes up!" Stepping off the mat, Javier pulled off his padded helmet, pushing sweat drenched blonde hair out of his eyes and unzipping the front of the cuirass just enough to let air in. Sitting down on a bench, he leaned back, looking up at the gym's ceiling, thoughts of Sierra starting to run through his mind.

As the redhead walked deeper into the structure, she could hear the sound of metal pinging against metal, as if people were sparring. Javier likes fencing, right? I'll go look there Sierra thought to herself, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose to see better. She made her way towards the room the sound was coming from, walking into a room with a number of men in fencing gear practicing the sport, not noticing the lone man against the wall to her back.

Noticing the familiar redhead walk into the room, Javier stood up from his seat. Managing to sneak up behind her without getting her attention, he gently placed his hands over her eyes, being careful to slide her glasses up over her forehead. "Guess who this is, Sierra."

Before answering or really even thinking, Sierra's hands moved up and grabbed the wrists covering her eyes. She twisted, lashing out with a leg to pull her assailant's feet out from under him, before using the momentum of her kick and twist to push him to the ground. As the body slammed against the ground, the redhead looked to see who it was, but, her glasses gone, she couldn't quite make it out, and, disoriented, lost her balance on a puddle of sweat from whomever had attacked her, falling straight onto the now grounded man. Losing her grip, Sierra's hands slipped off the wrists as she fell face first onto this man. Luckily, her hand came over something important: her glasses, grabbing them and putting them on quickly, she blinked a few times as her world came into focus.... "Oh... Hi Javier... I was looking for you..."

Javier sighed, smiling as his hands instinctively wrapped around Sierra's waist. "I take it throwing me to the ground wasn't the reason, Ms. Merkur?" Moving a hand from her waist to lightly stroke her red locks, He sat up straight, stretching out his back. "Nor was landing on me like that, I suppose?"

"Uhh... No... I was sent by Kensuke, actually...” Sierra said, remaining as she was, but pushing Javier's hands back out of the way. "Sorry for knocking you down. You just surprised me. I have something for you... Where is it...?” Sierra began looking around, and realized she had flung the bag away during the altercation, and its contents were now scattered about the floor. "Oh dear!" she said, surprised again, suddenly hopping up and beginning to try and gather up all the stuff as quickly and neatly as possible.

Standing up, Javier shook himself off, a neat comb appearing from his cuff as he redid his hair. "So, Sierra, what does the great Kensuke want with me? If he wants me to ramp up frame production, tell him that we're working on fully automating the process." The comb disappeared into his cuff, and he smiled at Sierra. "Since I figure this could take a while, would you like to walk with me?"

As Sierra finished gathering all the stuff into the bag, she rifled through it to make sure everything was there in the neat and proper order. Standing up, she answered "Well, Uhh, it sort of has something to do with that... We got an order from the Star Army... Of Yamatai... a big one."

"How big? And why would the Star Army buy anything from OAW? They can just have KFY make something instead of ordering it from us." The pilot inquired, wondering why KFY would want anything he made. "Besides, I know that the SAOY only uses powered armors. And even if they wanted a frame, they’d want something more feminine than my frames. And probably using Aether weaponry."

"They only bought a few things from OAW... The bulk of the Order is HD-ORV's but..." Sierra stopped, showing not a little bit of excitement, as if she was very happy, all the stress of taking the order having finally worn off and she realized what exactly had just happened. "They ordered 1,000 Frames. 500 Kirin and 500 Asura."

Javier scratched his cheek, smiling. "At least someone appreciates my work. Anyway, like I already said, it will take a few months before we can fully automate the frame production process." Crossing his arms, Javier stroked his chin, forming thoughts. "That still doesn’t tell me what Kensuke wants."

Sierra handed Javier the bag full of information. "You're in charge of the whole thing. Apparently, you've been assigned to select teams to go with you to help the Star Army with our new designs." Sierra began grabbing at some of the folders in the bag and pulled out a few, opening them. "Here are the candidates; you need to select 50 frame instructors and 50 technicians to go along with the frames at first."

The Nepleslian smiled, patting Sierra's shoulder. "Well, I already have my first pick for a technician, right here. Do you have any ideas for other technicians I could rope into this?" Javier shouldered the bag, looking around the room at the other pilots who had come here to train. "That is, if you don't mind being drug into this project with me."

Sierra was somewhat speechless for a moment. "Well, I'm... I'm not on the candidate list..."she muttered, conflicted as to whether she should go or stay. On one hand, she was needed on Dawn to help finish the station, and to do all the other duties she had been assigned, but on the other hand she wouldn't mind getting out of the station for a bit, going somewhere else... "Are you allowed to select me if I'm not on Kensuke's list?"

"Don't worry Sierra, even if you aren't, I can talk Kensuke into letting you go. I need the best people I can get for this, and you are the best technician I can think of right now." Javier's hand on Sierra's shoulder moved to pet her head. "Besides, I couldn't sleep at night leaving you back here on dawn station."

"Oh really? Then why couldn't you get him to not put me at a desk while you're out here having fun?" the redhead asked, suddenly turning Javier's words on him, playfully. "If you're so close then why couldn't you get me favors before?" Sierra wondered aloud.

"Hey, I'm not having fun here. I'm on assignment. Kensuke wants me to train frame pilots how to sword fight, for no reason I can understand." Javier responded, smiling slightly. "These guys have seen too many movies, and don't know how to seperate the realities of the blade from the fiction. Imagine if you had to teach someone how to do wiring in only a week!"

"Wiring takes brains, there is a difference." Sierra noted, looking over Javier. "Still. Are you sure I'm the best one to take along? I'm almost exclusively useful for power systems; the rest of a Frame is mostly beyond me." Sierra adjusted her glasses, as Javier's pat had knocked them down just enough to be annoying.

"I'm confident that with a little training, you can be a competent co-pilot for a Kirin. Of course, since the Co-Pilot handles the electronics and power systems of a frame, it wouldn't be that hard for me to train you and for you to learn." Javier took his hand off of Sierra's head; holding her arm by the wrist and bringing her hand up to gently kiss. "That is, of course, if you would let me."

"I... I suppose but... who will do my work here? I can't just leave in the middle of such a huge undertaking as this station is..." Sierra said, worrying a little. She was just trying to make excuses, mostly for herself. It was obvious that Javier wanted her there for reasons other than her skills, and she knew their relationship had progressed but... did she want something like this yet? She didn't know.

"Don't worry Sierra; I'm sure that Origin has many more talented people. But right now, I need your help with this. I’m not entirely sure that I can do this without someone like you to help me." Javier responded, still holding Sierra's hands. Honestly, the Nepleslian did want Sierra to come with him because he liked her. But she was also extremely intelligent, something that he could definitely use on this expedition.

"Well, I would hope the galaxy's fastest-growing company has more than one talented person. Otherwise, how would they have gotten this far? Are you certain you need me for this? I mean, what about the team that designed the frames? All I did was help a bit with your wiring and power management systems." Sierra seemed concerned that she wasn't really qualified for the position.

"Well, the team will be staying here, working on other projects without me. But I need to be out there, helping the Star Army with the frames. And, honestly, I don't want to spend that much time away from you, Sierra." Javier pale cheeks grew slightly pinker from his growing blush, his hands slightly tightening around Sierra's.

"Well, it is true that you'd work yourself to death without me." Sierra commented, grinning slightly at Javier's growing blush. "But can't you find anyone else to take care of you? I'm sure there are prettier, dumber women out there who will just do what you see without being such a pain" the redhead joked, adjusting her glasses again.

"It wouldn't be fun and she wouldn't be attractive if it was just some dumb broad. Besides, you're a redhead with glasses. That's extremely attractive to me, if I have to say." Javier's blush grew brighter, shuffling around in the spot. "Well, now that you know that I’m a hopeless fool when it comes to you, can you still stand to work with me?" Meanwhile, the students who had been watching the couple the entire time had crowded in a semi-circle around the two, giving them a wide berth to talk. Though, some of them were just getting plain impatient. "Hey! Redhead! Just go ahead and kiss him already!" "He needs someone with some common sense to keep him alive. He may be brilliant when it comes to fighting and frames, but when it comes to actually getting himself Fed, he's an idiot!"

The other students began to whoop and holler, as if trying to either cheer, or egg on the two. Sierra's face turned nearly as red as her hair, and she began to stutter a bit, before mumbling "...Sorry" and running out of the room, immensely embarrassed. She hung just outside the door, however, hoping Javier could hold off his students before coming out to talk in a more private setting.

Javier stamped his foot on the floor, obviously angry at his students for interrupting him and Sierra. His yells of "Get back To Work!" and "Everyone practice using your off hand when sparring!" quickly dispersed the crowd, as a look of distress crossed his face, running after Sierra. Seeing that she was just waiting outside the door, Javier embraced her in a loose hug, giving her a weak smile tinged with a blush. "Sierra, I'm sorry about the trainees, they can get a bit excited sometimes."

"I-It's okay. I shouldn't have run off like that it's just... I don't like it when people holler like that. It makes it seem like everything I've worked for was nothing since I'm a woman." Sierra seemed a bit distressed, but looked up into Javier's eyes. "You don't see me as, just some hot redhead with glasses do you?"

"If I just saw you as a piece of eye candy, I would never be as interested in you as I am." Javier smiled, reaching his hand up to gently place his hand on Sierra's cheek. "You're wonderful, Sierra. You aren't just beautiful, you're smart, funny, and have an interesting personality. And if I did think of you as only something good to look at, I'd never be able to live with myself."

"Is that the truth, or are you just saying that to get to me?" Sierra asked, blushing, as she leaned in closer to Javier, resting her face on his hand. "Because if it is just a lie then you're too damn good at it, and it's working on me..."

"Trying to lie to someone like you is far too hard. I'd just break my own heart every time I did. You're far too important to me now for me to purposely hurt you, and I'm far too infatuated with you to leave Dawn Station without you." Javier's embrace of Sierra grew stronger, a smile on his face for her.

Sierra simply drew in closer. "You're just saying that..." she mumbled into his hand, her glasses starting to slip off again. She felt comfortable here, pressed against Javier. The only downside was he smelled a bit from the exertion, but it wasn't exactly a bad smell to her, for some reason. "Shouldn't we get to work on this?" the redhead suggested, half-heartedly.

"We have time, Sierra. I'd really much rather prefer to spend more time with you." Javier moved his hand from Sierra's cheek to push up her glasses, returning his arm around her waist, his face close to hers as he blushed. "You, smell nice Sierra, if you don't mind me saying."
Sierra made her way into the hangar. It seemed like a bit of a waste of space, an enormous hangar, holding naught but one Kirin. The hangar looked about large enough to build almost anything short of an oversize battleship, and it was practically empty. "Why are we here, again, Javier?" the redhead asked, looking towards the frame in the center of the hangar, seeming small, as it was several hundred meters away at the moment.

Following behind the redhead, Javier smiled at her. "You did agree to let me teach you how to be my co-pilot, and what better way to do it then by getting you in the seat?" The Origin Manager walked ahead of Sierra, turning around to face her as they walked towards the Kirin. "You already have most of the skills necessary, and you're familiar with the power systems of the frame. Really, all the co-pilot does is handle the power systems, the electronic systems of the frame, and handle operation of both the on-board drones and missile systems." The blonde pilot turned around again, facing the Kirin. "Do you think you can handle all that?"

"I can probably handle that, but I've never done more than electronics testing on weapons" Sierra admitted, as she continued walking along. "Why the heck did you park the Kirin so far away? Is this your subtle way of telling me I'm too fat and need to lose some weight?" She asked, half as a joke, half just to see if that was, indeed why Javier had done such. "In any case, you're going to be doing all the complicated parts, right?"

"If I thought you were overweight, Sierra, I would've just said that you were beautiful just the way you are. As for what I think of your weight in truth, you're perfect just as you are, Miss Merkur." Javier continued his walking, trying to hide a rosy blush that had spread across his cheeks. "Anyway, if by complicated stuff you mean piloting a 20-ton giant robot, then yes, I will be doing all the complicated parts."

"Oh, so you'd just lie to me so I'd be happy and complacent and you could just get what you want out of me?" Sierra chided, knowing what Javier meant, whether he said it properly or not. "So, are you ever going to teach me how to pilot a mecha for real?" she asked, starting to wonder just how freaking long it would take to get there, it having been several minutes already and the Kirin not looking too much bigger from her vantage point. "Why didn't we drive something out to it?"

Javier mumbled something under his breath about never being able to win, and sighed. "Well, I didn't think about it. And it didn't seem to me that it would take this long to walk to the Kirin. I guess that I'll have to move it closer next time then." The Nepleslian shrugged, then pulled out a small electronic device, meant to record one's voice. "Idea for a device: Remote control for a frame, that causes it to head towards and retrieve the user of the device." As quickly as he had pulled it out, Javier had ended the recording, and had placed the small device back into his pocket. "Thank you for the idea though, Sierra. I think I'll be able to build a new piloting suit around it... Ah, mentioning the suit, how do you like yours?"

"Hrmm? It's nice enough. a little tight in the chest with the armoring, but it feels nice and doesn't look like it was designed by a pervert like Yamatai's uniforms are." Sierra commented, as they edged ever nearer to the Kirin frame. She could have sworn it was moving away slowly, just to spite them. it would have been so much better if they had put it in one of the hangars outfitted especially for Mecha and then flown it over to this hangar, but then again maybe Javier wanted to teach Sierra how to mount a mecha that didn't have any kind of scaffolding or special connectors to make it easier on the pilot.

"Thank you, Sierra. I was worried when working on the initial design, but it does seem to be quite popular with pilots. We were originally going to simply leave it as a skintight suit, but then we wanted to add a layer of interface systems, and then we added in cloth over that, and then we decided to armor the chest, so we ended up with what we have now. I'm hoping to sell it to the Second Expeditionary Fleet so that pilots will have a bit more protection,but lets not get our hopes up, shall we?" Javier slowed his pace, walking besides the redhead. "You do know how to climb into a frame, don't you Sierra?"

"Well, I can get up to the cockpit; if that's what you mean." Sierra said, as the Kirin was finally close enough that they could get to it. "But can I climb it nicely, or get up there in any decent amount of time? probably not. Perhaps you should mark where the good handholds and stepping points are?" she suggested.

"The best place to climb up is the front part of the legs. Normally, the frame would be kneeling down so entry would be faster and safer, but because of the lowered gravity in this hangar, it should be safe for you to try and climb it yourself. I'll stay here on the ground, and give you directions from down here, and catch you if need be." Javier looked at Sierra, and smiled. "Don't worry, this is perfectly safe."

"You just wanna look at my ass" Sierra grumbled, climbing up the frame, taking handholds on different bits of armor and whatnot, making sure she didn't touch anything that appeared to be lubricated or be a moving part. it really wasn't that difficult, and with only 3/4 gravity, she seemed to be able to pull herself up much easier. "So, now that I'm up here" she called from the cockpit area "What do I do? they are always open when I get to them."

"If I wanted to look at your rear end, I'd have just asked." Javier grumbled, before calling up to the girl. "Okay, Sierra, there should a lever next to the cockpit hatch. Rotate it 90 degrees, then pull, and that should open the cockpit. Go ahead and climb inside, I'll be right up there." The blonde pilot started his climb up the same route as Sierra, taking his time to let her get inside the cockpit of the frame.

"that's easy enough." Sierra responded, grabbing the handle and doing as she was told. The cockpit opened, it's clamshell halves splitting apart, giving Sierra access to the inside of the frame. She noted the two seats and guessed hers was the back; it looked more like what she'd use for electronics diagnostics, and, she remembered the wiring of this was connected to sensors as opposed to actuators. Hopping in the back, Sierra swung herself down and around and began strapping herself into the seat.

Javier expertly swung himself into the pilot's seat, strapping himself in as he ran through the start-up sequences, the two halves of the cockpit doors closing as the Silhouette system and PAWN OS activated. "Sierra, before we start moving this thing, You should know. Your station has direct control over the IAPD's output, meaning that its up to you to keep it from blowing out during combat, and that it activates correctly during startup. Got it?"

"So basically it has a 'keep you from doing anything stupid' Button?" the redhead asked, straightening her glasses. as the thing started up, her screen flared to life, and all the vital signs and important information of the Kirin showed up, ready for her to analyze and interpret. "Would you like me to start them up for you, then?"

As Javier's suit linked him into the Frame's control system, he couldn't help but smile at the progress of Sierra. "She's learning this fast. I wouldn't be surprised if she was ready for combat in a few weeks. Smart, and beautiful. Hah, I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to sneak deadly in on me somewhere and i haven't noticed yet." "That'd be great Sierra, but leave it at 25% output. We don't need it for propulsion, yet. While you're at it, activate the EW suite, and bring it up to 50% coverage. You need to learn how to be proficient at electronic warfare too, if you're going to be my co-pilot."

"Yes, Sir." Sierra responded, in mock military seriousness. She ignited the IAPD's, keeping the thrusters on Idle and only letting the Aether generator make 25% of it's maximum capacity, and set it there. She noticed there was a setting where she could put a ceiling on the power the Pilot could ask the frame for, and that she had several overrides. "Umm... Where's the... Oh, wow, thank you, Frame" Sierra said, attempting to ask where the EW controls, the Frame's AI having guessed what she wanted and brought it up for her quickly, allowing her to set it, even giving her some pointers. "I love this computer system" she muttered, searching through the menus for other settings she could mess around with.

"Well, the AI is something that I can't take credit for. Origin starship design came up with the destiny AI system, I just used the fightercraft computer and adapted it for a powered frame." The frame took a step forward, and then another one, and was soon walking in laps around the hangar. "Sierra, this is your first time in a frame, so if you want me to take it slow, I will."

"Correction, first time in a moving frame" Miss Merkur said, monitoring what she can see on her screens. "And I thought you wanted to teach me how this thing works, right? we gotta learn by doing. so. What are we going to do?" she asked, trying to look around the screens inside the cockpit to get a view of the hangar from this slightly higher vantage point.

"Well, why don't we take this frame out into space, so that you can get to use the drones. I know that a few other pilots are conducting training exercises outside the station, but they're practicing on the old Ashigarus. This Kirin is already loaded up with dummy rounds, so why don't we go crash the party?" The Kirin stopped its laps, and did a quick turn to face the exit of the hangar..

"I suppose I really have no choice, you're along for the ride. I'd be afraid to use anything in here, as big as it is. Knowing me, I'd probably hit the walls and I am NOT paying for repairs." Sierra said, looking around for, and soon finding the controls for the drones. it seemed more like a simple command prompt to tell the drone what to do, with an option to manually control one at a time to do something. "Shall I launch them as soon as we're outside?" the redhead asked.

"That would be best, Sierra. Now, increase the output of the IAPD to 85%, I don't like to be late to the party, but I guess showing up with a bang will have to do!" Javier smiled, and moved the Kirin closer to the opening hangar doors. "Sierra, If I start pulling too powerful maneuvers and you feel like you're going to pass out or get a red-out, just tell me, okay?"

"Pffft. I can handle anything you throw at me! I'm full blooded Nepleslian!" Sierra boasted, flexing her arms in her rear seat before put the settings where Javier suggested, figuring he knew what he was doing, as he was the frame pilot, not her. She readied two of the feathers for launch and began to look over a little tutorial of how they worked on her monitor, waiting for Javier to blast off.

The black, blue, and green mecha took off from the hangar, hot plasma from the IAPDs streaming behind it as it cleared Dawn Station. The Frame's AI noted the position of the six Ashigaru being used for training, and Javier changing the mech's course to run right into the center of their little game. "Sierra, use the feathers to attack the trainee Ashigaru from the rear, while I rush in from the front. I suggest that you try using the missiles on the drones to shake them up, too."

Sierra nodded, not responding to Javier because she was concentrating on the drones. She ordered six of them to come out, then specified a target for each, and ordered them all to take a wide looping path above and to the rears of all the Ashigaru who were currently practicing AMBAC movement, completely oblivious to the fact that one of their Managers and an Electronics expert were about to attack them.

"Hey, Trainees. This is Javier Feyete, and this is your test. Try to survive for two minutes!" Javier's Kirin immediately began calculating targeting solutions for the six frames, the hyper rifle firing in fast three round bursts. While one hand was holding the rifle, the other reached to the frame's waist, drawing what would be a solid sword, had it not been replaced by a foam baton.

Sierra ordered the Feathers to fire one missile each at the frames, and let their on-board computers take care of the flying for her. She asked the Kirin's AI "Can you do something to confuse their sensors so they don't pick up the drones?" after that was done, she began to watch what she could of the battle from the screens, they hadn't really done much yet.

"Remember Sierra, you have control of the Kirin's missiles as well, so don't just rely on the drones." Javier smiled as the trainee frames returned fire, but their slower firing AK Rifles couldn't manage to hit the nimble frame. "What are you trainees doing, you need to lead your shots!" The Kirin raised its left arm, firing a spread of autocannon rounds and bursts from the Ionic Pulse Weapons, easily disabling one of the unshielded Ashigaru.

"I have the Frame's missiles too? Allright" Sierra worked on bringing up the screen to control the missiles, and beginning to assign targets to each missile before firing them, one after the other. "Anything else I can do?" the redhead asked, looking through her menus for whatever else there was that her console controlled.

The missiles streaked out from the Kirin's calves in a burst of heated drive plasma, four missiles accelerating up to max speed and impacting the central torso of two of the Ashigaru. Of course, none of the missiles were really armed, and only have dummy warheads, but if they had been armed, they would've been Z4 Space Missiles with positron warheads. But Origin isn't stupid, and they would never do something like that, so they were just dummies.

Some of the incoming fire from the Ashigaru were started to be better aimed, as the remaining frames began to fan out around the incoming frame, and leading their shots to impact against the heavier shielding of the Kirin. Three Ashigaru remained, but only two of them were firing at Javier and Sierra now, as Javier tried to slow the frame down and manuever to avoid the incoming railgun-laser-missile fire. The kennewesian smiled as he began maneuvers that induced more Gs on the two people in the cockpit. While they didn't bother Javier, it might be different for Sierra. "Sierra! I need more power to maneuvering thrusters! And find that third Ashigaru!"

Sierra could feel herself being pushed against the seat, and the restraints, and the wall, and the seat again. it was a surprisingly physical thing, sitting here in the cockpit. "Why should I give more to thrusters? you're beating me around like a rag doll back here!" she complained, searching for that third Ashigaru. "The last enemy is trying to sneak around behind us, he's about half a click below and a quarter click to the right" she informed him, highlighting the enemy for Javier.

"Because, Sierra, you don't want to lose, do you?" Javier questioned the redhead, twisting the Kirin so that he could put a constant stream of hyper-rifle rounds into the third Ashigaru. Unfortunately, he was forced to reload ten rounds in, giving the Ashigaru time to to slide a long, panzerfaust like object down the barrel of its rifle and then fire it at the Kirin. As Javier was reloading, he changed targets again, performing another series of high-G maneuvers as he closed the distance between him and one of the Ashigaru, opening fire from almost point blank range with both auto-cannons and pulse lasers to batter down its shielding, and then slamming an ADNR Claw into the Ashigaru's head, two of the sub-arms in the shoulders deploying and firing quick bursts of plasma at the other Ashigaru as Javier focused on just cracking its visor.

It was somewhat unfortunate, however, that the Kirin's sensors still couldn't identify when a projectile was nuclear, just like the one that was barreling directly towards Javier and Sierra was. Of course, it wasn't really a nuclear weapon, it was just set up to detonate in a flash of bright light upon contact.

"Something tells me we won't lose" Sierra muttered, noting the incoming projectile on her radar screen and ordering a drone to intercept it while the rest ganged up on the frame that fired it. "And please refrain from breaking Origin equipment" the redhead quipped, watching what Javier was doing

Javier broke his vice grip on the Ashigaru's head, sighing as using it as a human shield against more incoming rounds from the other one, firing out from behind it using the hyper rifle and all six sub-arms wielding plasma pistols, the Ashigaru's shields already worn down from earlier as more and more weapons fire impacted it, eventually shutting down and informing its trainee pilot, somewhat cheerfully, that he had lost.

The drone that Sierra had sent to intercept the incoming panzerfaust had done its job perfectly, pulse lasers causing it to prematurely "detonate" in a bright flash of light. Its brothers were doing well too, a rain of pulse lasers battering down the remaining Ashigaru's shielding to let the barrage of missiles through, summarily ending the match in victory. Javier's voice came over the com system of all five Ashigaru, praising them for lasting long enough, and telling them where they needed to improve, and where they were doing well.

Once all was said and done, Javier let go of the Ashigaru he had been holding, smiling as disengaged the silhoutte system to look back and smile at Sierra. "You certainly seem to have adapted well, Sierra. Well, what do you think? Still want to come along with me?"

Sierra looked at the blonde whose face was turned towards her. "Depends. are you going to beat up on all the trainees, or are you going to be a gallant hero?" she asked, smirking at Javier and recalling the drones. "Once the shock wore off it was pretty easy to realise we weren't in a real battle. I'm not sure how i'd do in one of those." The Nepleslian woman adjusted her glasses through her helmet a bit, and began to look around the cockpit once more.

The views out of the 360 degree screens were very beautiful, showing bits of the station here, and bits of space there. There was even a faint hint of the nearby nebula off in the distance. "Now, without the others around, the view is much better, don't you think?" Sierra asked, referring to the serene picture of space.

Javier shrugged. "Sure, space is beautiful and all, but the most beautiful view I can think of is right here in the cockpit with me, even if that beautiful vista is going to tease me for being so corny." The blond shrugged again, set the Kirin's autopilot to return them to the station, leaned back in his seat to cross his arms behind his head, and closed his eyes, a slight blush crossing his cheeks as he thought about how cute Sierra was when she was embarrased. "And of course I would be the gallant hero. Someone needs to give people hope in times like this, and I'd be honored if I could do so."

"So you're going to be the only hero then? Why, millions of women will throw themselves at you! what ever shall we do about that?" Sierra responded, jokingly. "Knowing you, you'd try to make promises to every single one of them and fall utterly short of it." she grinned, poking the back of Javier's helmet from behind his seat.

"It doesn't' matter how many women throw themselves at me, Sierra. I honestly only have eyes for one." Javier shook his head in response to the poke, and stretched out his back. "Besides, I won't be the only hero Sierra. I just want to give hope to people. The real heroes are the people fighting the war, and the people supporting those people. All I'm trying to do is make it so that things aren't so bleak during these dark times. That, I guess, is kinda why I made all of the frames such large humanoid designs. It would've been easier to make a fighter or a tank, but a giant metallic guardian, defending people from evil? It makes them feel like they have a giant knight in shining armor protecting them. A tank or a fighter can't do that, Sierra." Javier looked back at Sierra, blushing but with a smile on his face. "You don't think it's stupid, do you Sierra?"

"Well, I think everything you say is stupid, but that only goes so far" she continued to tease, watching the stars go by out the viewscreens "But it does sound nice to have a knight in shining armor. Hey Javier, will you get me one? I need someone to protect me." Sierra leaned back in her chair as well, smiling at the back of Javier's seat as they made their way back to the hangar.

"I can't just find you one, Sierra. Especially not when I'm here." Javier continued to smile, looking at the roof of the cockpit. "You wouldn't mind, would you, if I were your knight in shining armor? Because I would enjoy that, Sierra."

"You? a Knight? you're too nerdy for that." Sierra joked, wishing Javier would Joke back more often. Oh well, that's just how he was, and he was a lot better than most of the other men Sierra had known. She stretched in the cockpit a little bit, and asked "So how far to the hangar? your fat head is in the way."

"I take back my earlier statement, Sierra. If I'm too nerdy to be a knight, you're far too tomboyish to need protecting." Javier tried to joke back, closing his eyes again. "And you'll know how far we are to the hangar when we get there, Missus Freckles."

"Just because I don't need protection doesn't mean I don't want it." 'Missus Freckles' retorted, noticing the station's arm rapidly approaching on her sensors screen. "Well, it doesn't look like too long from where I sit." she said, increasing the power slightly so they could get back faster. Sierra wriggled around in her pilot's suit, wondering why there was so much armoring on it.

"Its not like any guy besides me would be able to put up with you for any meaningful amount of time, much less protect you." Javier responded, and leaned up, taking control over the Kirin again to guide it into the hangar. "I guess you're stuck with my nerdy self, and I'm stuck with the girl who shows her friends she likes them by teasing them all the time."

"You of all people know I have my charms" Sierra retorted, in a suddenly sultry voice, leaning forward in her seat to drape her arms over Javier's shoulders and begin playing with the bottom of his helmet. " and I have other ways of dealing with people, you're just really fun to tease" she chuckled, smiling again.

"As much as I think you're attractive and all, Sierra, and trust me, I think that you're extremely attractive, this isn't going to work on me this time." Javier said, ignoring Sierra's playing, focused intently on guiding the Kirin back into the hangar, carefully. "Besides, if I know one thing about you, its that you won't use your body to manipulate guys like me to get what you want. You aren't a slut. A tease, yes. But not a slut. Never would you be a woman like that, you're too good for that."

"I don't have to be a slut to use my body to get what I want, Javier. Women are capable of subtlety." Sierra clarified, grinning at the compliments. Silly as he was, he was very flattering, which, next to diamond rings and chocolate, is the best thing you can give a girl to make her feel good. Speaking of which.... "Javier, I want something sweet. do you have any candy in here?"

"Sure, I keep it right next to the powdered unicorn horns. No, Sierra, I would not keep candy inside a 10 meter tall war machine." Javier grumbled, trying to focus on the task at hand. "I'll, go buy you some candy or chocolate or pastries or jewelry once we land, okay?" The Nepleslian offered the redhead a little bit more than she could ask for, not realising it until the last second. "You aren't going to let me take the last one back, are you?"

"I was going to let it slide but you caught yourself. Just so you know, I wear a 5, and nickel turns my skin green, so don't cheap out." Sierra stuck her tongue out and winked at Javier, waiting to see how flustered he got at it. "If you're nice I'll tell you some other sizes I wear." she cooed.

"I'll get you the ring, fine." Javier blushed, briefly thinking about the other sizes Sierra mentioned before shaking the thoughts from his head. "Let me guess, you want a nice fancy dinner with that too? And maybe a bouqet of flowers?" The nepleslian had given up by now, figuring that Sierra was going to find a way to convince him to spend more of his money on her anyway.

"You need to learn to quit when you're ahead" The redhead snickered, watching Javier get more and more flustered. "Now pay attention to landing, I don't want to fall over in a gravity block." Sierra logged away Javier's suggestions in her mind, remembering to take down some of the cockpit recordings so she could 'blackmail' Javier into giving her that dinner.

Javier sighed, and focused on landing the Kirin, managing it easily. "Sierra, with you, i'm never ahead. Ever. Even if it looks like i'm ahead, its just because you're a lap ahead of me and are about to pass me again. Secondly, I'm not going to be able to eat this month, am I?" The pilot resigned himself to his fate, kneeling the frame down on one knee and opening the cockpit, climbing out first and removing his helmet, then offering a hand to Sierra to help her out of the ovoid space.

Sierra smiled as she removed her helmet- gingerly so as to not knock her glasses off, before throwing it off of the frame and letting it clatter to the ground ith a loud series of thuds, watching it bounce away for a bit, before taking Javier's hand and pulling herself up closer to him. "Thank you, Javier." she said, climbing down from the frame quickly, slipping a little at the end and thudding to the ground, where she quietly complained about the use of hard metals as flooring, before scooting a little bit out of the way and watching for Javier to come down.

"My pleasure, Sierra." Javier smiled, easily following the redhead to the ground(but staying on his two feet) and holding a hand out to help her up. "It is always nice to help a beautiful lady out, especially one such as you."

Sierra held her hand up to Javier's grabbing his proferred hand and waiting for him to give a tug before she started up, and once on her feet, she simply let momentum take her forward and let her bump into Javier's armored chest. with a slight "oof" and the sound of the chest-plates smacking into each other, she looked up at Javier and smiled. "Even when that beautiful lady is always giving you a hard time?" she asked

Javier couldn't help but wrap his arms around Sierra's waist, fighting to keep a blush off his face as he shook his head, returning Sierra's smile. "Yes, even when she is always giving me a hard time. I'd rather that she give me a hard time, compared to being a boring damsel in distress. She's more interesting that way."

"Well, I'd be damned if I were a damsel" Sierra joked, leaning in to rest her head on his shoulder, sandwiching it between the armored bits and his neck. "The suit smells funny" she observed, but didn't move for a few moments, before realizing she had thrown her helmet a good distance away. The redhead suddenly perked up, pulling out of javier's arms and ran to get the object. "Almost forgot it!" the glasses-clad girl noted, blushing slightly. At what, it was hard to tell.

Javier sighed, shaking his head at the redhead. "Well, it was nice while it lasted. Lets get going Sierra, I have to buy you that ring, don't I?"