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A New Terrible Player


Inactive Member
Why hello there all, It is I, a fellow roleplayer who

What do you call yourself?
It is a terrible idea to state my full name on the internet, However I can let you all know my name is Alexis, I usually go by Alex, and in the gaming sphere I am known as the GrammarNaZ.

How did you find the star army?
I stumbled onto this site looking for an injury generator (I was writing a short story) and instead of finding a good generator I have found the Star Army! A good thing too because I was looking for roleplay sites.

What Intrested you in joining?
The free format of the roleplay I suppose, the lore seemed nice and after reading a few plots I have found that everything seems cool. I've only experienced medieval fantasy roleplay and I always wanted some good Sci-Fi roleplays and drama.

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before?
I have DM'ed a dungeons and dragons campaign 5e for several months now, and at this point and time I actually have to go dm for four hours. My other roleplay experience lies in Gmod roleplay servers and my occasional roleplay of a Zealous Crusading knight in another game called for honor. I have made attempts to join other roleplay scenes such as roleplay servers in mmorpg's and even text only games with no success to immerse me. Other times I roleplay by myself in single player games and try to create my own little story by adding personalities to NPC's...
Any previous experiences you want to share?

My other roleplay experience lies in Gmod roleplay servers and my occasional roleplay of a Zealous Crusading knight in another game called for honor. I have made attempts to join other roleplay scenes such as roleplay servers in mmorpg's and even text only games with no success to immerse me. Other times I roleplay by myself in single player games and try to create my own little story by adding personalities to NPC's...

Now for the questionnaire!

Do you prefer:

  • Playing Male, Female, or other-gendered characters?
Male, Other, and then Female in that order. Though there is not much of a difference
  • Spontaneous or Planned RP?
It must always be a balance. Having a bit planned goes a long way to setting a good course for the story and it can provide relief when awkward scenarios happen and everything is going at a slow pace. However the best moment in roleplay are when they are spontaneous and people have to react. In the words of my Director, acting is reacting, and if the players act like their characters and react to the situations around them, it creates a sense of true immersion where you are someone and somwhere else. Which is the main reason why I think people roleplay.
  • Military or Civilian Characters
Tough choice, but I think in the end, military encounters provide the most drama and can cause civilian characters to become rounded characters. Unless of course Civilian characters include bounty hunters and assasins, in that case Civilian characters are the most V E R S A T I L E and thus more fun to mess around with.
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens?
Androids, humans, anthros, and aliens in that order.
  • Being on a starships or being on a planet?
Starships are much better for roleplay in general and can give access to planetary involvement.
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time?
Real-time usually provides for more realistic responses and more spontaneous instances. Post by post allows a lot of time to think about a situation, something that would not happen in real life and thus not very good for roleplay. However if we are all going to be writing in 3rd person past tense and in great detail describing actions and the scenery then post by post is much better and is extremely flexible.

On a scale of 1 to 3 , what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: 3 - Any kind of language works for me, I don't mind
  • Violence: 3 - I'm okay will all kinds of violence, but not when it's excessive and for no reason to exist.
  • Sexuality: 2 - It exists, it's fine with me. As long as it's not violent and to another player I do not mind, but please don't go into in depth descriptions when I am around... it's just weird in my opinion.
What is something cool you would like to RP?
I want to roleplay the grandson of a bounty hunter, a military tactician, or a ruin delver researching other species and fighting for knowledge. In other Rp's I want to play a lizardman named Svear who wants to speak and read a language as well as learn about the world around them, the same comes from a mispronunciation of the first word he learned, (Spear).
Welcome to SARP, I saw you lurking for a couple of days now. I assumed you wanted time to look through the place on your own since you didn't say hello in the chat yet. =u=

I'm happy you're finally interested enough to write a 'Hi' thread and make yourself known, though! I'm Talarn, I Co-G-- nnaaww, never mind I won't advertise. Welcome to the site!

Stay forever. Please?
Reactions: Wes
You've assumed correctly! I was just looking around the forums for plots and other references in the universe! You've got a keen eye there! I hope to be among your ranks as a natural soon enough!
Reactions: Wes
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