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A Newcomer Appears!


Inactive Member
What do you call yourself?

Most people call me Moose, so I tend to go by that.

How'd you find Star Army?

While looking up new ways to express my passion for sci-fi. Pretty happy to find this place!

What interested you in joining?

The opportunity to roleplay in a sci-fi setting mostly, but also the general openness of the community to newcomers.

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before?

Yep! Not in the same setting however. Last time was in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world. Loved it to pieces.

Any previous experiences you want to share?

In my previous roleplaying community (mentioned above), I had the great opportunity to participate in a setting similar to SA, and had prepared a detailed character with an equally-detailed lore around his species. Unfortunately the gamemaster didn't get to go very far in the story, and the whole thread eventually succumbed to a slow, premature death. *Snif snif*.

Now for the questionnaire!

Do you prefer:
  • Playing male, female, or other-gendered characters?

    Male, but I am always open to working with female and other-gendered characters.

  • Spontaneous or planned RP?

    Either! If the GM and participants are having fun, then that's all that matters.

  • Military or civilian characters?

    Difficult choice. While I have usually experienced more action and fun playing military characters, I really like the opportunity for versatility in many civilian roles. Is there anything in between?

  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens?

    Humans preferably, but I do like aliens too!

  • Being on a starship or being on a planet?

    Either! Now if I can move from starship to planet and vice versa? Then I'm sold.

  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time?

    Forum posts. My schedule makes it a little difficult to follow in real-time.

On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: 3
  • Violence: 3
  • Sexuality: 1-3 (depends on context really)
What's something cool you'd love to RP?

Thrilling political intrigues, action-packed fights and shootouts, light-hearted comedic scenes... Anything goes!

Reactions: Wes
It's funny, I keep trying to think of a way to have a zombie-infested planet in Star Army so we can offer zombie action to people who want it. The Mishhuvurthyar invaders of some of SARP's previous years actually had flying parasites that turned people into zombies, which is sort of that. Who knows? Maybe this year they'll start their invasions again!

Sorry to hear your last RP fizzled out, although this isn't all that uncommon in the world of online RPs. Because Star Army has a lot of RPs happening at once, it means that if one dies, there's others to go to, so it keeps our site pretty stable. Occasionally we have drama, but so do all families! In spite of that the site has lasted almost 14 years so we must be doing something right! Right? I hope so.

Difficult choice. While I have usually experienced more action and fun playing military characters, I really like the opportunity for versatility in many civilian roles. Is there anything in between?
Well, there's a bounty hunter RP and perhaps some mercenary action to be had, although in the big factions like Yamatai, they tend to prefer to give the action-y jobs to their military forces so these groups operate on the fringes.
Sweet! Well if you're looking with someone with a bit of experience in surviving zombie worlds, I'm your guy!

Yeah I definitely don't expect every RP to reach a glorious ending, but if you guys are still posting after all this time, you're obviously doing things right! I'm so excited!

I think I'm going to start out by reading up some more lore on the wiki and possibly start working on a character. Maybe then I'll have a better idea of where exactly I can fit in this large universe! Quick question: is it possible to use the same characters for different RPs?
Reactions: Wes
Yes, your RP character is usually pretty portable, as in you can spend some time in one plot and then move him to a different one.
Oooh a moose! Freshmeat! (om nom nom!)

hehe, Welcome to the site OsakaMoose! Wes addressed some of what you posted, but I shall talk about some as well. We have quite a few plots on the site, most of which are military-related, very few are civilian related but they are there (I run one), thus if that interests you feel free to talk to me - although its a bit of a slow-paced plot.

Otherwise, a question if I may, do you have experience with GMing a plot?
Thanks for having me!

I mean I really don't mind a military plot to be honest! If it's fun, I like it! I might try out different roles and over time I'm sure I'll have a more defined interest.

Alas, I do not. I do come up with ideas every now and then, but I don't think I have really enough experience with RP in general to be a GM (a quality GM anyway). I'd love to help out any GMs in certain plots if I can for the moment though!
Do you have a squirrel companion and go on cross-country escapades killing supernatural creatures?

Ha! I appreciate the witty reference. I alas, do not. BUT that could make for a VERY interesting backstory for a potential character (who, perhaps, has a very loose grasp on reality).

UX-29 III in the UX-HB-0 Vagabond system had a zombie infestation from one of the earliest experiments involving NMX Neko and those parasites. The main base full of them was air striked to rubble, but there's nothing that says there weren't more bases better hidden...underground tunnels...something! If you want a zombie planet, that could be a good start! Just spotted this and wanted to butt in for a moment.

Also couldn't help but wonder if the new guy is related to @OsakanOne.
Actually they just did a little bit in Jun.. See my Orochi Squadron plot in Open RP when you get a chance. Although it's more setup as a kidnapping scenario, there will be some parasites and zombies in the mix as well for the ground portion of the mission.
Yay! Glad to see an awesome discussion blooming around zombie infestations once more. The nostalgia is overwhelming.

Also couldn't help but wonder if the new guy is related to @OsakanOne.

I'm actually not. OsakaMoose is a user I've come up with long before I stumbled upon SA. The universe is just full of mysteries.

I'll check it out! Thanks for the invitation.
Reactions: Wes
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