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SYNC A Question of Clemency


Banned Member
Inactive Member
RP Date
5th Month, YE43
To: Her Majesty, Empress Himiko
From: Senator Iemochi Seinosuke

Your Highness,

I'd like to put forward a humble request for your consideration, if you'd be so benevolent as to take the time out of your busy day to read this.

I find myself at somewhat of a crossroads in life. Sometimes it feels as if I'm being pulled in four directions. A father, a soldier, a senator and a governor. I'm sure you can empathise, given your many roles and responsibilities.

I'm serving aboard the Resurgence currently and I'm very glad to be back in the Star Army's navy after being stationed on Virginia for the latter part of the war. The Star Army provided me with family when I was alone in the world. If I had it my way, I'd spend my whole life in the Star Army, journeying the void to pay back all it's given me.

Being able to lend my experience and knowledge to the crew brings me back to the first days of the Kaiyo I, I feel pride when seeing all the bright new faces and helping them where I can. Koyama-hime in particular is a very promising and fascinating woman, whom I'm glad to have the opportunity to share my experiences with.

However, every day I am reminded that I can be of use to the Empire in different ways as well. Ideas buzz through my mind which the Senate may benefit from hearing, one of which passed recently to help protect our Constitution. I feel confident in my abilities as a governor too, and have immense satisfaction for the good I've done in that role so far.

Most of all, I see my pregnant wife and children needing to be aboard the Resurgence to be with me. I worry that they might be exposed to a harrowing experience one of these days because of that, or they will grow up without having other children around them to play and socialise with.

I've considered my options but there aren't many. I could continue this way, but I'm having to invent new technologies like the Spider Pad just to help make the arrangement more practical.

I thought I'd write to you confidentially and ask: Would it be possible to make an exception to the ST cloning law in my case?

If you allowed me this, I could retire from the Star Army to Virginia. The PAINT system to the Senate from there isn't long, and my family would be safe and happy on-planet.

At the same time, the other me would stay in the Star Army. I'd keep on being a productive and valuable member of the military. In the past, I've contributed to battles, scientific and strategic discoveries and so on. Mostly, I'd like to help Koyama-hime and others reach their full potential, whatever that may be.

On balance, I believe my proposal was worth conveying and the circumstances are clearly different from what that law was written to protect against - abuse of clones.

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,
Taii Iemochi Seinosuke

To: Senator Iemochi Seinosuke
From: Her Majesty, Empress Himiko

Released publicly with original letter

Senator Seinosuke,

It is the wish of the Empress that all citizens follow the laws of the Yamatai Star Empire without exceptions. It is immeasurably absurd that senator, who votes on the laws that bind his people, should ask for me to subvert those laws. It is immeasurably absurd for them, having legal avenues to update the law through senate proposals, should cast those aside and say this law should not bind him because he is a senator!

The Constitution speaks of being an Empire free of corruption and I tell you sir, this is what corruption looks like.--when a leader thnks he is above the law. If I were to allow this, I too would be corrupt too. How dare you! I reject your request with prejudice and I call on you to resign from the Senate of Yamatai.


From: Senator Iemochi Seinosuke
To: Her Majesty, Empress Himiko

Released publicly in response to original declaration

Empress Himiko,

I am astonished that you'd respond with such abhorrence towards this very personal plea from one of your citizens. I never asked for preferential treatment as a Senator, simply to be considered as a citizen in need of assistance.

Part of the constitutional duties of your position is to provide pardons, clemency and such explicitly for those who may be caught in the crossfire of laws that are too nebulous or poorly worded. To consider the law "without exceptions" is a very strong stance, especially as it often needs amending by the Senate and the only legal way to save those accidentally punished is by your "exception" alone.

Also, as you are the one and only nationally recognised 'judge' of the law in the land, as per the constitution, posing such a question to you seemed entirely appropriate before risking my safety and that of my family. We have no national court system - as far as anyone can tell me, judgements are passed on a local level wherever the defendant happens to be arrested. Asking the Virginian authorities about this matter myself could be considered strong-arming, so my only recourse was to ask you directly.

The real corruption would be abusing my Senatorial position to change the law of the land simply to fit my personal circumstances, which nobody should ever do.

In light of this, I absolutely refuse to resign, as my request to you was entirely reasonable given your consolidated power on this matter and your duties that stem from that.

I hope this provides some clarity for the masses that may be reading or reporting on this exchange. Let it be known I consider myself a patriot and have served Yamatai in many ways over the years. I intend to serve Yamatai for as long as I am able.

Senator Iemochi Seinosuke

Attached is a document detailing subsections three (3) and six (6) of the Constitution regarding the Empress of Yamatai, as well as their breakdowns in layman's terms from several scholars and past precedents/uses.
To: Senator Iemochi Seinosuke
From: Her Majesty, Empress Himiko

Senator Seinosuke,

Thank you for your clarifying response. Your commitment and passion pleases us. We will therefore not press the issue of your resignation any further, and will leave it behind us as long as you have the support of your people.


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