Star Army

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A raid before breakfast


Inactive Member
Skhaal and the thaxarians wove throughout many alleyways trying to find a good place to hide untill the heat died down.

Pete was getting Dawn's breakfast ready and running through the departure of Skhaal. He quite liked it now they where gone. They where nice people really, but a little to boisterous for his tastes. He quickly and methodically assembled eggs on toast (Dawn had asked him to get her something simple), and began to head for Dawn's room.

Dawn had come out of her room for the first time. She had no reason too, with an en suite bathroom and her food brought to her by Pete, but she felt like a change of scenery. She saw Pete coming with a loaded tray and walked to meet him.

"Forty-ounce, this is Ghost Six. In position."

"Miss Dawn, I didn't expect you out of your room."

"Well, you can't stay cooped up forever." Dawn stretched; she was becoming more and more comfortable around Pete.

"Will miss be wanting to eat in her room or in the dining hall?"

"I'm tired of my room Pete. Show me to the hall please." Dawn was looking forward to seeing the rest of the house.

Pete gestured with one hand, balancing the breakfast tray in the other, and walked down the stairs before making a left, to a large room dominated by a long mahogany table and chandeliers.

Dawn let out a low whistle, this place didn't cease to amaze her.

Suddenly, the door to the small place exploded into hundreds of shards, and a team of heavily armed police in dark blue and tactical vests and helmets burst forth into the room. BAM!! a deafening boom and a blinding light filled the room. "DOWN ON YOUR KNEES! DOWN ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES!" the men were shouting, pointing guns at Dawn and Pete as several surrounded the two and the others fanned out through the building.

Dawn knew that you always did what the police said. Not doing so got you killed, or worse. So she dropped to the floor thinking, "Why, why when things are actually go well, does this have to happen?"

Pete assessed the situation very quickly, and quickly did the same. "Can I ask what you want? I'm sort of the custodian of this house, and like to keep events under wraps."

"Grab the girl!" one of the cops shouted, and immediately her arms were seized by the tight grasp of two muscular men, who dragged her towards the door. "GOGOGO!" As Dawn was moved out of the way, a seven foot policeman aimed a nasty-looking hand-held energy weapon of some sort at Pete's head. "WHERE IS HE? ANSWER!"

"By HE, I will assume you mean Mr. Skhaal. He left the premises yesterday, and didn't tell me where he was going, he left Miss. Dawn here in charge." Pete said smoothly, unfazed. The fact his 'brain' so to speak was in his chest may have helped this.

"So you work for him," the interrogator quickly deduced.

"I'm owned by him, and as such I work for him. I care for the needs for those in this house, and look after the house itself. And look after the drones. How did you get passed them?" Pete did not feel like being too subservient. He was a little annoyed that people came in without an invite, and the danger was giving him a bit of a rush. He spent a microsecond marvelling at the programming that made that possible.

"Scalar pulse," the cop explained. "Did you know about his murders?"

"Murders? No. I am a servant, such things are not discussed with me, and I delete all information I overhear. Listening in on conversations is rude." He felt like adding that breaking and entering also was, but held himself back.

"Your owner is wanted for some very serious crimes. Where would he be going?" the man demanded to know. The other police buzzed around the room, looking for evidence and occasionally taking samples. In the next room over, one of the policemen took off his helmet and asked Dawn if she was okay.

"I don't know anything about crimes, trivial or serious. Where would he be going? The slums I suppose. Isn't that where you would go if you where in trouble and didn't want to be found?"

"Yeah," the cop nodded, sounding not particularly happy at the prospect of going out there where the planet's poorest and most vile lived.

"I'm fine, sir." Dawn was in fact terrified of the police. Whenever they became involved something bad always happened. Like having her new home broken into.

"You're free to go," the one with his helmet off told Dawn, running a hand through his hair. "Can I buy you a drink or something?"

Pete let out a synthetic sight "Is there anything else I can help you with?" His in-built subservience program gave him a deep nagging feeling if he wasn't polite.

"What weapons does he have?" another asked Pete.

"Can't I stay here? It was left to me." Dawns natural fear of speaking up to a policeman was forced down by the panic she felt over returning to the street.

"Weapons ... Each of them has a Force Cascade Pistol, and Mr. Skhall took his Stoneturner relic. I don't know what that does, but it's some old technology. Oh and of course they all have their swords."

"That's up to you," the policeman said, giving her a funny look. The one that appeared to be the leader made a radio call, and all of the FCPD guys in the building began to clear out. "You sure you'll be okay?" the man asked, putting his helmet back on. The police then all started to leave, heading back to their armored van outside.

"I'll be fine, sir. I have Pete." As she said those words she felt as if she really meant it. She trusted Pete, and he was all she had.

Pete got off the floor and went over to the door. If he had human features he would have looked sad. "That was a beautiful door, and now reduced to tinderwood. Where is the justice?" He quickly made arrangements in his head to get a new door.

Dawn walked up behind him and put her hand on his cold metal shoulder. "Just us again then?"

"For the moment, yes miss. I'll try and get the drones back up tonight. Scalar damage isn't easy to fix though," he turned to face her "Would you like your breakfast now?"

She laughed. It had been years since she laughed, but it was a fine silvery sound "Why not? A raid before breakfast, well what do you expect on Neplesia?"

Zakalwe: Dawn and Pete
Wes: Police
Skhall: Thaxarians