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RP: 188604 A Stroll Through Town

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Cyrus was working on paper work alone in his office, when a chime stirred him from his stupor. He looked down at his datajockey to see that the Necromancer had arived in orbit. He watched as 5 left the ship and entered the atmosphere. He smiled tiredly and stood up, grabbing a small gift box and walked down the ramp of the Queen's Slave, to meet Errowyn when she landed.

Errowyn landed in a cloud of dust, not caring where it went. As soon as 5 settled she powered down raising the canopy up. Helmet came off and the straps clicked open as she climbed out of the cockpit. She looked around, reaching up and letting her hair fly loose from the restrictive bun she kept in while flying. She gave her head a shake and didnt look to pleased.

Cyrus stepped out and gave her a sympathetic look. "You look like you have had a pretty bad few days..." He said walking up to her, opening his arms for a hug.

Errowyn floated down and leaned against him. "Bit off more than we could chew. We got gunhappy and been spanked!" After a quick hug. "I stink and need to shower." As she stepped away from him.

As she leaned against him, Cyrus gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Well, even so. You made it back in one piece. That is good enough for me." He said with a smile. As she stepped away he inclined his head. "Lead the way." He said.

Errowyn made her way into the Queens Slave. "Definitely heading out to my Island after this. Those I'ee going to need a lot more than a few ships. It was a battle group that was sitting there and you need way more ships than just Necro and a few fighters.

Cyrus followed her up the ramp, stopping short of her room. "We will just need to make some more preperations." He said placing a hand on her shoulder and rubbing it. "Go take yourself a shower I will have a supprise once your finnished." He said giving her a quick kiss before turning and walking away.

He moved to the kitchen and prepared Errowyn a nice meal. He made her lobster, buttersauce, and a salad. As he put the finishing touches, he placed the meal on a tray and placed a cover over it. He picked it up and walked to Errowyn's room and knocked on her door.

"Enter" Errowyn spoke as she sat at her little desk/vanity table in her cabin. She was clean and her hair still glistened with moisture as she brushed it out. She was wearing a her thick fluffy bathrobe that she had picked up while on her sorjourn to 18k Nexxus space station.

Cyrus entered, looking much like a waiter. "I have special meal for you." He said placing the tray on her desk and removed the cover, revaling the lobster underneath. He smiled. "Hope you like." He said passing her the plate.

She smiled warmly at the sight of the food and the aroma of it. She took the plate and set down her hair brush in exchange for eating utinsels. For the next few minutes she ate in silence savoring the food presented to her. "This is awesome!" She spoke between mouthfuls. She finished the meal in short order as she looked at him. "Are you able to salvage anything from your project?"

Cyrus watched as she ate, happy that she was able to relax. As she asked her question he just sighed. "Everything was a wash.The explosin rendered everything usless. Know all I have is scrap." He said rubbing his head, looking like he hadn't sleep well in weeks. He just looked up and smiled tiredly. "I just have to start all over again..."

"You will have to check it out for caves first before you start building again." Errowyn stood up from her seat and moved over to the closet which was crammed with a few dresses she manahged to find from the ruined palace. "To prevent them from doing it again. Any luck in chasing down the mastermind behind the attack?" She looked over at Cyrus.

"We are close. I have all my men out there. Trying to figure out where and how." He said looking at her with a smile. "Hey, catch. This will go well with your dress." He said tossing a box over to her.

Errowyn deftly caught the jewelry box and opened it up. Eyes lit up at the emerald earings. "Wow! Bet this cost you a fortune." She moved to the mirror and put them on. Clipping them into place. She smiled as the emeralds matched her eyes. Both sparkled in delight. "Thanks! I love them!" She moved from the mirror back to the closet to look over her meager selection of dresses. "I need to commision a few of the locals for new outfits."

Cyrus smiled. "There are plenty of people who wpuld love to make you a dress. Just have to ask around." He said standing.

Errowyn nodded. "to bad it will have to wait. to much reconstruction is going on and removal of the sand is still in progress." She picked out a nice floor length dark blue ball gown.

He smiled. "That is still a beautiful dress." He said walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

She leaned back against him, relaxing a bit. "What on Usos Agenda for us? Beside getting ourselves killed. Any serious cargo runs or what?"

"Not much. Hadn't heard much from her after you all broke orbit." He said kissing her on the cheek.

"Mmmmm... " Errowyn spoke thoughtfully. She gave him a quick kiss and then stepped from his embrace. She dropped the robe to the deck and put on the gown. She lifted up her hair as she turned her back to him. "Could you fasten the top button? I will have to go see what she is up to."

"Sure." He said smiling, as he did her button. "We could do that. Or we could just hang out..." He said leaning in close. "Uso isn't going anywhere." He whispered.

"I would love to spend time with you, Cyrus, but I need to stretch my legs." She placed her foot on a nearby chair and strapped on a dagger to her thigh to be covered by the dress. And on her other thigh, she strapped on her service pistol. "There is not much room for a decent walk aboard a ship." She then slipped on a pair of desert sandals that the locals liked to wear. "Come on. Lets see how things are going in town." She smiled at him. "Itr would do you some good also."

Cyrus smiled. "Alright. Lets go take a walk." He said, offering his arm to her.

She grabbed her local currency from the desk drawer and tied it to the belt where it would be hard for pickpockets to get to. She took his arm to signal she was ready to depart for the stroll through the city.

Cyrus smiled. and walked her out of the ship, and into the town. The city was in various states of repair, someparts looking better than others. As they walke, they recived varried looks. Cyrus ignored them and continued to walk. After awhile, Cyrus looked to Errowyn. "How about you lead the way?" He said as they walked.

Errowyn nodded and then started to make her way to the craftmans sector of the city. It seamed that place was better protected as it was the farthest from the fighting and the Palace. She had gotten lost a few times as things looked different from being onm the ground, instead of flying. She spoke the local dialect of the citizens to get instruction and getting nods of approval and easy help to her inquiries. She thanked them and moved on with Cyrus.

Cyrus followed along quietly. More and more people were looking at him. He figured the eye was giving him away. As he would look at people, they would quickly avert their gaze... or sneer.

It was a noticeable difference when entering the Craftman's Sector of the city. It was obvious by the majority of the sand had been rapidly cleaned up and disposed of. This was where the wealth and industry of the city was at that did not depend on the Algea industry. Errowyn was enjoying the outting and seeing other lady of means with their escorts also strolling along the streets as they window shopped or moved with purpose. She found the dress shop that made custom dresses for the well off ladies of the realm.

Errowyn entered the Seamstress Shop. The cool air of the shop felt good after the hike through the city. She browsed through the materials that were on display. A lot of the colors were the basic Prime colors with a few bolts of secondary colors. She was approached by one of the Seamstresses.

"Greeting Ma am. Find anything to your liking?" The Seamtress asked as she gave a warey look at Cyrus if he decided to enter the place.

Cyrus kissed Errowyn on the cheek. "Go ahead. I'll just... wait outside." He said stepping away to look around, staying close to the shop. As he tried to walk to shops, he was quickly turned away. He sighed and just walked away, waiting for Errowyn to finish.

Errowyn made her choices quickly and suffered through the measurements from the Seamstress and her aides. Still it took a good hour or so for her to finish and pay for the commissioning of a new set of fine dresses. She exited the shop and looked both ways for Cyrus. Seeing a better looking tavern a few doors down and across the street. She made her way there.

As she walked towards the bar, Cyrus flew out the door. He hit the ground with a thud. Several men exited the bar. "And stay out freak!" They yelled before returning inside. Cyrus groaned and sat up.

Errowyn did a double hand face palm. "Maybe we need to get you a pair of sunglasses and more synth-flesh..." She then helped him to his feet. "I am done in this part of town. Unless you want to visit the Gunshop farther down the street?"

He sighed. "Nah, let's just get out this part of town." He said giving Errowyn a soft tired smile. "Maybe we can just get some tea or coffee closer to the palace." He said looking over to her.

"Sounds good." Errowyn helped brush the dirt off of him and they headed back the way they came, retracing their steps. She looked around her as they moved through the fancy buildings of stone with their baise relief carvings that majority of the finer details had been worn away with time. She walked beside him as a few of the more braver ones yelled insults at Cyrus and made catcalls of appreciation and some lewd remarks.

Cyrus just continued to walk, reaching out and holding Errowyn's hand gently. He tuned everyone out as he walked to a familar little cafe. As he entered the little shop, several people stormed out in disgust. However the shopkeeper smiled softly. The young man smiled. "If it isn't Mr. Marshal. You made my customers leave... again." The man said preping Cyrus's usual order of coffee.

"Sorry James, not my fault your countrymen are all xenophobic." Cyrus said as he followed Errowyn up to the counter.

"What can I get for you miss?" James asked.

" Mint tea that has the berry favor to it." Errowyn gave the propieter a soft smile as she settled next to Cyrus.

James smiled. "Anything for the lady." He said looking over at Cyrus. "Mr. Marshal, you never told me you had a girlfriend. You are really dating up." He looked over at Errowyn passing her the tea. "How did he manage to land someone like you?" He asked leaning against the counter.

Errowyn took a exploritory sip as she gave thought to the question. "The job. I find him fascinating." She gave James a smile and a softer smile at Cyrus next to her.

Cyrus leaned his head and rested it against hers. "Something like that." Cyrus answered, looking down at her.

James smiled. "So cute I might throw up rainbows. I will leave you two before I get sick." He said with a broad grin. "If you need something call me."

Cyrus kissed Errowyn. "Tea any good? Never tried it." He said giving Errowyn a soft smile as well.

"Delightful!" Errowyn smiled, "And a lot better smelling that garbage you drink." She nodded to james and relaxed back in her seat. Once they was alone, she looked out the window, then to him. "I noticed a few of the group are not at the palace. What are they up to?"

"They have people out everywhere. Ace and his crew are out on a expedition in the desert. The others are off doing their own thing. Several of them have left Ragnarock and are trying to strike out on their own." He said looking out the window as well. "I have been off in my on little world why you have been gone. Being a CEO of a PMC is costly and time consuming..." He said tiredly.

"Should get them together for a major maneuver or a survival run out into the desert." Errowyn looked at Cyrus. "Every unit has it defectors. What is this.. the second mission for your group?" She raised the cup of tea to her lips and took a sip.

"Well we are readying plans to capture Lewis. The bastard attacked the city." Cyrus said leaning back in his chair. "I have the battle plans all drawn out, just need to coordinate thhe rest of our assets." He added.

"If you need quick air support. You know who to call." Errowyn smiled up at him. "I have no off-world trips planned."

Cyrus's hand reached out and caressed her cheek. "I would apperciate it." He said smiling softly. "Can always use more firepower."

Errowyn took a sip of her tea, finishing it off. "That last sortie into space was a joke. I dont know what I was thinking. I should have stayed here. I would have been more useful." She scowled. "Those Wasp like creatures are in trouble if the Mishuu gets interested in their territory."

He scooted over to her and wraped an arm across her shoulders. "What happened out there baby?" He said, concern plain across his face.

"Once we made our presence known, 1 ship against the fleet of them... Not pretty. We got the worse end of the deal. But we managed to escape." Errowyn looked wistfully with the thousand yard stare out the window. She muttered softly, "wish I was with the 21st still..."

Cyrus's hand softly held hers. "Errowyn..." He said looking down at her. He wasn't sure what to say. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "If... it is any consolation... I am glad your here. With me..."

Errowyn snapped out of her daze and looked at Cyrus. "So am I." She smiled warmly at him. "I have been here longer than most places I have travelled through." Looking thoughful once more. "Maybe getting wanderlust again."

Cyrus looked away for a moment, deep in thought. "Errowyn." He said looking over at her. "If that is what you truly want... I will do my damndest to find them. A few calls, a few greased palms, and I will find them. If that will make you happy, I will do it." Cyrus said softly.

Errowyn studied him for a bit as she played with the empty cup on the saucer. "Its just that I am torn between the call of duty and my sence of worth here. As far as I know. I may have been replaced with a clone by now." She shuddered. "One of me is bad enough.." With a soft humorous smile lighting up her features.

He leaned down and kissed her warmly. "I don't know. Two of you means twice the love." He said. "Though, I will always love my orginal." He said looking up.

Errowyn playfully slapped his arm. But then spoke. "If you are interested in having another woman. It is okay with me."

Cyrus shook his head. "Nope, no desire for anyone else." He said, smiling warmly. "You are the only girl for me." He replied, reaching down and playing with her ears.

Errowyn gave her ears a playful flicker, gently batting them against his fingers. She looked around the nearly empty room. "I think we are ruining this guys business." She whispered to Cyrus, feeling restless. "Lets continue our walk."

"Sure thing sweet heart." He whispered back. He placed sevaeral notes on the counter. "Thank ya James." He called as the man came back out.

"Thank you Mr. Marshal. Treat the girl right! There are plenty of people who will." He said cleanin up after them.

"You wish." He shot back at James. Cyrus held out an arm for Errowyn to take before continueung their walk.

Errowyn took his arm, lady like as they left the cafe. She was silent as she looked around at the other shops of business and locals. She was at ease as the soft warm breeze played with her hair that was loose. "Ever wish you was back on that iceball of a planet?"

Cyrus looked thoughtful for a moment. "I do miss my Iceball planet." He pulled her closer to him. "But, as long as I am with you I will be okay." He said as they walked togther.

"Al teast you dont have to worry about dust and sand as you do here." Errowyn squinted in the harsh daylight.

"Yes, you only have Ice and snow stoms instead." Cyrus teased as they walked. "Where do you want to go now?" He asked Errowyn.

Errowyn looked thoughtful. "I have done all I needed to do." She smiled up at Cyrus. "unless you have anything planned.." As they walked down the street, taking in the sights of a city repairing itself from the storm damages and the brief war.

"Well..." He said looking down at her. "I was thinking we could maybe go spend they day on the island. Just the two of us? I haven't been back there in awhile." He asked as they passed some more stores and the like.

"Sounds like a good idea," Errowyn smiled softly. "We'll have to take one of the Helicopters. My craft is already at the island. Beside with the modification to it. Back seat is now holds the FTL fold generator."

"I can have something arranged..." He smiled as he sent a command for one of his new Corona gunships to met them outside the palace. "Let's get going. Our ride is waiting for us." He said with a smile as he took the lead and started heading back towards the palace.

Errowyn sped up her pace a bit to keep up with him. She was looking forward to some serious time on her island, just relaxing. She still felt the need to resume her journey. She could see the palace looming ahead, looking pretty sad from the battle damage. It was a beautiful building till the brief battle. She could see the Gunship land in a minor dust storm up ahead.

Cyrus smiled back at her, slowing his pace. "We got an upgrade." He said moving his body to sheild her from the thruster wash and sand that was being thrown up. He moved slowly with Errowyn until they reached the tail ramp and acended into the hold. The crew cheif nodded at the pair, and as soon as they both sat the gunship lept up and off towards the island.

"Anxious to get back to the boring patrolling?!" Errowyn yelled to the crewchief of the helicopter, over the clamour of the gunship while strapping herself in. She settled back in her seat to relax for the flight.

As the tail ramp shut, the sound was reduced dramaticly. "Nah, we love when the boss gives us a cake walk like this." The crewchief said, walking up to the foward compartment to give Cyrus and Errowyn some privacy.

Cyrus reached out and took her hand. He smiled softly and interlaced their fingers. Though she could feel that his synth skin was getting pretty worn out.

Errowyn relaxed back in the seat, holding Cyrus hand. "Looks like you need to use the stuff I have gotten you. Its self repairing." She brushed her hair back out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. then did the same to the other side.

"I know, I have just been so busy I haven't had a chance to." He looked away for a second then looked back. "I am sorry about that too..." He said looking down at her, giving her hand a soft squeeze. "I have been so busy I haven't had enough time to spend with you, and I wanted to apologize for it." He said leaning in and giving her a peck on the cheek.

Errowyn turned her head and returned the kiss breifly. "No worries. This is the first moment I have had free myself. Dealing with a cluster fuck of a run in with the NMX Mishuu fleet. And then dealing with my craft. So you aint the only one been busy." She waved off the apology. She knew things could get really busy and hetic at times. "Heres the time to take care of yourself." Giving him a smile and leaned up against him.

He returned the kiss with a smile. As she leaned into him he wraped his arm around her. They stayed in that position for awhile before Cyrus asked. "You want to do something really fun?" he asked with a grin.

"What is that?" Errowyn looking up at him, curious.

Cyrus pinged the pilot and the tailramp dropped as they were still in flight, the air rushed out of the hold and the lake could be seen beyond. He tapped out in morse code on her arm "Freefall?"

Being a typical woman, her eyes widen at the thought then looked at the height/disdtance from the surface of the lake. "Race ya!" She yelled as she hit the release and rushed off and out of the gunship. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayeeeeeeeeeeeee..............." As she fell tumbling head over heals towards the lake.

Cyrus smiled and punched his own release, sprinting down the ramp after her. He jumped and went into a straight dive down, his head looking down at the water and Errowyn. He got underneath her, then slowed himself, spreading his arms and legs out.

At last possible 50 ft, Errowyn manipulated gravity around her and slowed herself down to a safe speed and then went into a clean dive into the lake. She dove deep and then worked her way to the surface. Once clear of the water, she orientated herself anmd took off towards the island with an easy paced swim.

Cyrus on the other hand, did not have manipulation over gravity. He popped several pannels on his arms and legs to increase his surface area and aerobrake. At the last possible moment, he pencil dived into the water, feet first. He hit the bottom and pushed off. He looked around, finding Errowyn swimming towards shore. He swam up underneath her and grabbed, dunking her underwater with him.

Errowyn tensed up at the grab and dunking. Then relaxed realizing it was Cyrus. She broke free and rose to the surface. She angled her head and the light flashed off the emerald earrings she still wore. She didnt want to lose them. She resumed to swim to the shore. When she exited from the water, the dress clung to her physique She had a satifying smile on her face. She had noticed the Gunship had taken off from the island with those stationed there to guard the place from unwanted intruders. She smiled and removed the soaking wet dress. Wearing panties, bra, knife and service pistol, plus the earrings. She spread the dress out on the grass to sun dry. She removed the knife scabbard and pistol from her thighs to lay them on the ground next to her dress.

Cyrus surfaced a few moments later. His own cloths were soaked as he stood and exited the water. He smiled at Errowyn as he moved and stripped off his own clothes, down to his underwear. He moved and layed out his own clothes next to hers. Then scooped Errowyn up into his arms, walking back towards the cabin. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked with a grin plasted on his face.

"Just as many times I've told you how handsome you are!" Errowyn wrapping her arms around his neck with her hand clasped together. "Now would be a good time to replace your synthskin with the newer stuff."

Once passed the threshold into the island cabin. Errowyn wiggled and slipped from his grasp. Landing on her feet, she scampered over to the cabinet that held the arasol can of synthskin and tossed it to Cyrus.

Cyrus caught it and began applying it to his arms and legs. The new skin began to meld with the skin already there, forming new connections, and replacing damaged tissue. He moved and found a towel and drapped it over himself while removing his soaking wet underwear. He wrapped the towel around himself and placed his underwear on the deck to dry. He moved backinside and sat on the couch so Errowyn could change.

Errowyn grabbed two big towels and headed back outside while he applying the synthskin to himself. She moved back to where her stuff was laided out. She settled down after spreading out the towels to relax on. At least the air was much cleaner as she began to clean her service pistol and knive.

Cyrus moved and laid down next to Errowyn as she cleaned her weapons. He smiled and enjoyed the sun as it hit his face and chest. "This is nice." He sighed his hand reaching over and coming to rest on her shoulder.

"Definitely is," Errowyn smiled as she quickly finished up her weapons care. She dried of the synthetic materials of the hosters and scabbards. "I could easily move out here permently and say hell with the rest of gang and Uso." She enjoyed the warm sun, the cool air off the lake.

Cyrus smiled and scotted up next to her. "What about me?" He asked proping himself up on his elbow looking down at her.

Errowyn looked at him, thoughtful, "I will come kidnap you when I need you." Then she broke out in a smile with a soft belly shaking giggle.

Cyrus smiled down at her. "I would like that very much." He said leaning in and kissing her deeply. As he broke away, he said. "I would be the easiest person to kidnap if you were the one doing it." He added.

Errowyn returned the kiss when kissed, and listened to what he had to say. "Its a deal then." She secured her stuff. Flipped over the dress to finish out the drying of it. Off in the distance a boat was making its way towards the island dock. "Oooohh.. fish day!" She stood up and put on the slightly damp dress. She scampered off to the cabin, disappeared inside, to return with a bag of coins as she headed for the docks.

He smiled as she watched her go, standing and moved to follow her. "Fish day?" He asked as he caught up to her. "What's fish day?"

"I get the first choice of fish these locals catch before returning to their lakeside village. They were very pleased when we.. the guards and I cleared out some bandits that was harrassing their village. The fish is excellent cooked up." She came to a stop on the dock as the small sail boat pulled up longside the docks.

The fisher crew eyed Cyrus warey as they tied up the boat and invited them aboard the craft. The crew laid out several large fishes on a crate to be haggled over. "Howdy MiLady. Freshly caught today."
The captain of the boat stepped forward waving a hand at the big fish being laid out.

Errowyn moved up to look them over with interest. "I will take the first three. Could you have your men move them to the cabin?" She looked up at him and held out the bag of coins to him. "The help was given the day off."

The captain of the boat laughed nodding. as several of the crew lightly complained that they was gonna jump ship and work for her. Heaccepted the bag of coins and gave orders. Three of the crew grabbed a fish and carried them to the cabin. Errowyn tagged along with the Captain as they talked about what was happening in the village while she was gone. Once the fish was secured in the coolers, they headed on back to the boat.

Errowyn looked at Cyrus, "Fish day." Watching them board the boat and take off back out on the lake to resume fishing and then head to their village.

Cyrus smiled as Errowyn came back out. "I am guessing my kidnapper wants me to cook for her too?" He asked with a michevious smile.

"Since you chased off the help. Or I can call the boat back. I am sure the ships cook will be more thasn happy to." Errowyn smiled at him as she made her way back to the cabin. "They even gut them for me. before showing them to me. They use the innards as bait for the other type of fish. Looks like a lobster. But I aint to sure." She threw on an apron over the dress and got the stove warming up. She pulled out one of the Fishes. It was at least two feet long weighing at least 25 lbs.

Cyrus smiled and moved to begin cooking the fish. He prepared the fish three different ways. He lightly fried on of the fish, he grilled the other, and lastly he baked the fish. As they cooked he made garnishes to go with each one. After several minuets of cooking he looked to Errowyn. "It's all done." He said as he plated the three fish. "Dig in."

Errowyn made a salad of vegetables while he was cooking up the fish. Once he was done, she settled at the table, serving herself some of the vegetables salad. She ate with delight. "I could get used to this easy living. The locals out here away from the city are pretty easy going."

"I can imagine." He said giving her her choice of the fish. He set the rest of the garnishes out on the table and poured some wine for her. "Here you go. Anything else?" He asked as he poured himself a drink.

"I am fine." She smiled at him, taking a sip of the wine. She then began to eat, savoring the fish.

Cyrus sat and began eating the fish. He ate the fish and smiled. "That is awesome." He said to Errowyn. "The fish tastes very good. All the different flavors between the three fish."

Errowyn nodded, "Normally I just cook one up per meal. These are big fishes." She still put away the cooked fish and the salad. She sipped the wine enjoying the time together with him in companionable silence.

He sighed as he finished his own fish. "Oh that was good." He said as he took a sip of his own wine. He looked to Errowyn. "Do you want me to make you a dessert?" He asked.

"I am stuffed." Errowyn patted her belly. "I may have to go running to keep my weight down so I can fit in my craft," smiling a bit.

Cyrus grinned. "I might have to as well." He said then looked thoughtful. "Though... I can't really go running... cause I don't burn any caloreis running, or weight lifting..." He said as the thought about it.

Errowyn nodded. "Advantage of being part machine I guess. But alas, I am organic and need to watch my weight and stay in shape." She sighed softly, "To each their own. I guess." She laid her eating utensils on her plate and stood up. She began to clear away the table, putting the uneaten portions away for later. "Since you cooked, I will clean up. One of the gaurd forces has a stash of cigars. Help yourself to one."

Cyrus smiled and helped a bit, cleaning up the table. Then he went and walked outside and found the stash cigars the soldiers had stashed. He cut it and lit the cigar. He took a deep breath and held it in, before letting it out slowly. "That is good stuff..." He said softly as he stood out on the pourch and took anoher puff on his cigar.

Errowyn cleaned the dishes and the place up. Once done she moved to the porch to watch the sun settle over the distance mountains. She looked at Cyrus with a soft smile. "Enjoyying the simple life?" Watching his face light up from the ember on the end of the cigar.

He smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist. "As long as I am with you, it doesn't matter where we are." He said holding the cigar away and resting his head against her's.

Errowyn snuggled within his embrace, enjoying the moment....
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