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A touch of brain

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Bolting from the room in tears wasn't an expected reaction, but Egwene was pretty sure what had caused it. Of course, someone who denied the idea she was a fabrication would be terrified of the possibility. It's why Egwene had faced it and ensured her thoughts on the matter long ago. It was just a weakness waiting to happen. So, letting her run off, Egwene followed, back enough that the hysterical flight would make it hard for her to spot the oncoming mecha girl.

"Additional benefit of mecha body" Egwene commented, as the woman tripped over her feet, and Egwene took it as a moment to close the gap. "Great sense of balance. Though I see I struck a nerve. Are you in a mindset to talk or are you in a mind set to shoot me? I wouldn't mind either so long as the latter is personal sidearms"
Ceilia was surprised to find the woman here, too unsteady to run again, she just leaned against the wall for support. She ignored the stares she had attracted with the outburst, her nerves fried, but too tired to even be mad for the moment. Her cheeks were wet, a sleeve wiping that which threatened to drip from her chin. No need to get her school uniform wet with tears afterall.

"Struck and nerve are understatements. If I might be frank in turn this time, you scare me, you seem to know how dig up people's greatest fears. To answer your question however, mom raised me better then to lash at those who upset me, and yeah I miss that balance, but I can't dance with people very well with it." She said with a small sad chuckle, a touch of feint snark admittedly, despite the weaker smile upon her lips. Looking down to the pad which lay on the floor where she fell, the picture on clear display, her irises glowed red for a moment before the screen turned off, as if to hide any ammo from this woman to use in probing her further before leaning down to scoop it up. A bump was at the base of her neck, something buried under the skin, most likely what caused the peculiar effect with her eyes.
"Really? I programmed a dancing subroutine in my spare time. It reads the other person's biological movements and adjusts on the fly to ensure that you can dance properly. If I turn it off I've got two left feet, but often I much prefer to watch things done properly than do them improperly" Egwene shrugged, and took out a hanakchief, handing it to the woman.

The bump at the base of her neck was interesting, and Egwene flicked through a few spectrums to see if it was anything spectacular, but wasn't too pushy with it. Just curious.
"But no, I only dug up your fear, and only by accident. Because I have had the same fear before. I died, in the transfer. Everything was just, nothing. I don't know how long it took to resuscitate. Or if I even did. But then I looked at it like this; At worst, the real one is dead and I am alive, so I am going to live my life regardless. At best, Identity lies within the Beholder. If you are a perfect copy of a dead person, what separates you from them? Know in your heart you aren't truly them, but don't let that detract from living your life. And if you are a perfect copy of them, their life is your life"
"Do you just enjoy digging the knife in deeper? Seriously, what is your problem, do you enjoy toying with me? And for your information, a subroutine isn't going to help a 14 meter mech learn to dance with a 2 meter tall partner. I am never changing who I am, who I want to be, and there is no other Ceilia then me. Whether you feel I'm a fake, or not, I am me and only me.", Ceilia gave back with a bit of agitation, pulling her own handkerchief which had become a permanent item on her person in the last year.

"Saying I should accept I'm not being Ceilia, but still lives as Ceilia is hardly a change. So just stop and let me believe, let me trust in myself, that I am the one. I can't prove that I am, but I know I am, just accept that move on from trying to make me believe something else."
"Not with that attitude it won't" Egwene flicked her eyebrows and grinned. But then she got all moody again and Egwene shook her head softly. "You are the one who just hysterically ran away from the mere mention of the possibility of the fact. Clearly as much as you like to put on a brave face, it's a massive button for you, and if someone pushes it in a situation where even a few seconds is the key between victory and defeat...

It's not something I want to risk for any of my students. So I want to help you internalize it. I want to aid you in coming to grips with who you are, whoever that is. So you don't have such a massive glaring flaw that could get you or another killed when exploited at an inoppitune moment"
"I appreciate that, I do, thank you. Without their father, I'm all my children have, I have to survive for them. I also could not bare to be the reason my step-mother cries over the loss of another child. And my brother needs me, I can't leave him behind again. There's also someone I might want to ask out still, so I have a lot of reasons to stay alive, and people who would miss me.", Ceilia admitted thank fully. She gave an apologetic nod, offering a hand, "So let's try this again, kinda got off on the wrong foot for a first meeting and introduction.....well kinda literally for me given I fell like a clutz."
Well, it worked out eventually. That was good.

"Mmm, don't worry. You were a cute clutz, I have already planned out several outfits for you to wear about the place to bring out your less subtle attributes and make you attractive and enticing" Egwene said. It was with such a mechanically deadpanned voice that it was hard to tell if she was just messing with the girl or if she was gonig to get a new wardrobe in the mail a few days later.

"So, so~ Do tell~ You've got children and the father is still around but there is someone else you want to ask out?"
Ceilia looked at the woman with a miffed yet blank look, "I can't tell if you're being serious, or not.....though I would appreciated that." She gave a nervous chuckle before giving an expression of how to explain her answer in a way that didn't bring up emotions she'd been continually struggling with. Taking a breath, hopefully calming her nerves enough for this, "My husband has been dead for over a year now. My home nation was attacked and many died, he was on of the assassins' targets given his relation to my step-mother as her adopted son. She is the head of DOARAD, and a member of the NDC council. I ran to get the children to safety while he chose to buy us time."

The girl was quiet for a long moment before continuing, "Ever since, I've been taking things easy...for the most part. Helping her in the labs with her work, and the man I've recently taken an interest in, also works in her lab. His name is Waylan, a very intelligent man, bit dense, but he's got his own charms."
"Ohh, without their father as in their father is gone. Not as in their father is an obvious part of the family dynamic and is inherently included in the count" she commented, scratching her head. Then Ceilia mentioned the other guy. Waylan, who worked here. Made him an easy enough target for Egwene to go trawling for his porn site account and pull off what might interest or attract him. She had a rather, mechanical way of viewing the world on occasion. Things were, and that was that.

"Wait, are you sure you should be spilling so much of your guts to me? Sounds pretty personal and secretive. I could be evil, or related to evil"
A small smirked turned the corner of her mouth amused, "You act like I don't have a military grade combat mech for a body to hunt after people who piss me with. Trust me, I generally get my targets, and his killers learned that one the hard way. Besides, I have nothing to hide, I'm just a simple girl trying to live the way she knows how." Her smirk turned to a smile before giving a giggle that was followed by a slight head shake. "You don't seem like someone with cruel motive either, for the most part. You're going through a lot of trouble to help for someone who's given a lot of reasons that you wouldn't screw me over. I also have nothing on my Geist for you to steal other then your class notes and a few family photos of mine."
"Be a shit assassin if I did seem like I had cruel motives. Might as well wear a sign, there" She'd comment, grinning. "Though I do know about having a combat suit to blow people's heads off if you need to" She'd nod at that one, thinking about her suit. Hardly a mil-spec combat mech, sure, but it was nice enough for the things she needed it for.

"Zero? Really? Huh...ohh, wait, no, here is some. Ohh, wait, no, this is rhetorical" Egwene seemed to be looking at something else and talking to herself before flicking back to look at Cecilia proper. "Guy's a virgin. 73.164% chance. So, try to be gentle with the whole....everything. Though, given his browser history, you've got more chance enticing him in a mech body than the organic one. Can relate"
"Wait, did you seriously just look up my crush's browser history while we were talking?.........share what you found, I want to see. Even if it's nerd stuff, I can work with that. Just gonna take a bit of creativity I think.", Ceilia said after he surprise and slight shock wore off. She responded rather quickly to the idea of seeing the results, despite how clearly a breach of privacy that was, which did bring pause. But at the same time, wasn't she wanting to get closer, and it's not like any of what was found was private right?

"Also I don't think my Possessor will be fitting any lingerie any time soon.....However, maybe I can pull an old note from one of my dates with Kyle maybe? Provided he has a Geist to that is. Hmmm, but how am I going to check that?", It was the AI girl's turn to kinda talk to herself, already trying to figure options as she waited to possibly receive Egwene's findings.
"I did, yes. I needed to know what to dress you up in when you go talk to him. But, uhh....nothing to send....Zero hits on anything. Not even a VPN or encrypted system. Because if you are going to all the trouble of making yourself a mechanical brain and an auxiliary MI to go along with it, you gotta give it some toys. Thought gotta be careful what you poke in. Last slip up and I had a friendly man with a big gun giving me a strict list of stuff to avoid" Egwene rambled, shrugging casually.

"So! I guess we are going at this normally like responsible adults. Isn't that a terrifying thought?"
"Hon, we literally have a demon queen as our psychologist, and she carries her coffee with a spinal bone tail that looks like it could stab someone. Sometimes weird is just dependent on where you live, weird is kinda common to even horror flick levels of degree. Also I have to be a responsible adult most days, though I was hoping this wasn't one of those things I had to. Sometimes I wish things were simpler.", Ceilia answered giving a sympathetic smile, and a light pat on the shoulder. Her last words came with an exasperated sigh. Sometimes she also laughed at just how normal her problems were some days, despite what she was.
"Ain't nothing I can do to help you here, darlin'. Short of drugging him with something and blackmailing him into a relationship with you. Which, is really unethical and super rocky ground to start one.

All I can say is he seems enthusiastic and pretty focused on his projects, so get him talking about that and make a friend and then broach the subject if you still feel like you want to. Doesn't seem the kind of guy to respond to tits, even shoved in his face"
She gave Egwene a mischievous grin, "I don't know about that, I might still tease him with em. A little too in my nature not to at least once, but I'll try to hold off until it might be received a bit better." The expression lost it's flare back to just a normal kind hearted smile, before the girl did something that might have been unexpected, maybe a bit surprising even. With a sudden warmness, Ceilia hugged the other woman she had only met today. "You know, you remind me a lot of my mother. Thank you for your kindness and help. Hopefully with the advice given, I can maybe win him over, and if not. Well, I'm sure I'll always find another person who's right for me."

After she had let go, Ceilia added, "Even after we're done talking today, I wouldn't mind staying in contact if okay with you."
"Well he is your sex slave to be, so you can deal with him as you feel is best, I am just here for advice" Egwene gave that sultry eyebrow flick and then grinned warmly. It was nice, being called similar to a person's mother. It made her feel all tingly inside.

"Hey, I am always down to have friends in mil-spec mech gear. We can tag in with some indie miners and go eat some asteroids. I need a few dozen liters of Methane and some carbon-based ore to add some lasers to my suit. It would help mining and scavenging a great deal. And I can always do with more money"
"I can definitely help with that sometime, I normally carry enough munitions to slag away rock. Plus with its size, it can carry away decent sized junks for processing. I guess just hit me up when you want to do that sometime.", Ceilia answered, finding the idea a bit odd, but a nice detour from her usual activities. This had become a rather pleasant change of pace, but the topic of her crush also made her hold her head just a bit higher.

The brunette's expression became surprise as the sex slave comment set in, "Hmm not sure if slave is the extreme I desire. Though, I realize now probably need to reorient myself on bedroom affairs."
"Excellent! I'll sort out the logistics and give you a ping when we are ready to set out. Till then, good luck with the guy" Egwene gave her a wink and then turned away. Her dear student's dataslate would then pop up with some infomation to contact Egwene should she need it in the future.

"Don't be late for the next lesson!"
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