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A way to see the combined stats of a forum/subforum...?

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Retired Member

Is there a way to see the value (posts, threads, views) for an entire subforum rather than having to add up individual topics?

The forums display their number of topics and their numbers of posts on the forum. For example, on this page you can see the totals for the First Expeditionary Fleets's subforums (as of this writing, it shows 53 topics and 11,569 posts for the YSS Eucharis forum). Views are only counted per individual threads.
Wes said:
(as of this writing, it shows 53 topics and 11,569 posts for the YSS Eucharis forum). Views are only counted per individual threads.
Holy crap. That's a lot of postage.
I also need to know the combined views or 'hits' each and every thread has had, as a total, to calculate something.
The only way I can think of to do that without doing it manually would be dumping the database table into a CSV and using Excel to sum the views column. I don't know why you'd want to do that though, since that would be the whole forum (in the database all topics are in one table). Are you trying to find which forums are most-paid-attention-to?
No, I'm calculating the liquid worth of Lazarus - which I'm doing with Excel anyway.

So far, I've only included some really basic stuff, like the income amount of the network (based on Google's Adsense revenue model) and some products. Its all up in the air and pretty healthy at the moment, even if I undo the million rule (which basically every company in the SARP follows) because I spent time studying the business models of the worlds most successful companies.

I've factored in the manufacturing costs of the products but I still need to go back and add Research and Development and support costs, which I'm still working out how to calculate.

Keep in mind, while the numbers SEEM gigantic, most of the money (about 45% of it) is being poured into R&D - as a canocial way of explaining HOW Lazarus affords the research they actually do.

I have to say though: this is surprisingly fun.

The manufacturing lease thing (which I do whenever I sell something) is like a 1% profit but none of the manufacturing costs -- basically identical to Microsoft's software business model and it allows organizations to get carried away and produce things in bulk.

If the proportion of profits to costs (in the case of manufacturing costs) is ideal (with the proportion of profits high to the manufacturing costs) even IF the profits are very slim, the investment is really small so you can make huge amounts of money.

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