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A Whole New World~

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Running last moment diagnostics on her suit, she would call Cecilia to come meet her at the space port. Egwene had managed to get a deal with some space miners who were planning to go into the nearby asteroid field to mine for heavy metals to sell on the market. Egwene and Cecilia were going to help out in exchange for 1% each of the total claim. It wasn't a great deal, but Egwene didn't really need much and was mostly just using the miners to get into the field so she could scan for what she needed personally.
"One of these days I am going to make myself a ship and then I won't have to faff like this" Egwene muttered, waiting about for her friend.
The woman in question would come jogging along through the crowds of the station, dressed in traveling close with some sort of suit underneath, and a large case on wheels being pulled behind her. She had brought more, but that stuff was not something one dragged through the inside of a space station, much less a starport. Ceilia seemed mostly ready for their sort of adventure, the rest sitting on her brother's ship docked there, waiting for her word that it was needed. "Hey Gwen, I'm here, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?", the girl asked as she greeted the cybernetic woman with a greeting smile and a happy wave.
Looking at Cecilia for a moment and then looking around a bit to see if she was meeting someone else in this exact spot. Because the name had confused her, and she definitely wasn't Gwen. She even remote connected to her public data file to ensure she was not Gwen, and there she was. Doctor Egwene Tai.

"Umm...no Gwen. Just me. Sorry"
"If you take the E off the front and back of your name, it becomes Gwen. I guess I was trying to figure a shorter name to call you by if that's okay, but if not, I understand.", Ceilia answered a bit apologetically. The girl guessed maybe calling friends by shortened, or nick names was more a NDC thing, but was something she commonly did with every person she knew. "Most people call me C for short a lot, even though my name is already pretty short already heh."
"You are missing the e at the end of it. Gwene, to rhyme with lean. Though it is mechanically efficient to call people by singular letters, if we lose our humanity like that we might as well all be robots with no emotion. Gwen is fine if you desire such a cute pet name, though. I'd call you Doll but you don't seem to be one into the lifestyle or for female contact. So I shall stick with Cecilia" Egwene would nod, her rather mechanical thought pattern showing itself now.

Then she would turn, pick up the bulky briefcase next to her and head to the shuttle she had gotten passage on.
"So, unless you have truly mastered miniaturisation technology to a point I am most eager to hear your dissertation, I take it you are not bringing your mech?" she asked, her head cocked gently to one side.
"Well if I wasn't already gunning for someone, yeah I might be interested. You're a peculiar intellect, and I like that. A great deal of what draws me to him as well, even as socially awkward as he is. Who knows, maybe he wouldn't mind a love triangle hahaha." Ceilia answered with a small light hearted laugh at the end, before grabbing the handle of her own case and following. The woman certainly didn't look like she was toting a 14 meter mech with her, and it was doubtful she had it in the case.

"My other shell is currently being transported by my older brother. He'll launch it when we arrive for me. You should meet him later, he usually has contracts he pays out, and a wide circle of people he knows. Mom has been asking to meet my new friend as well, i've spoken very highly of you to her, perhaps she could have use of your talents too. I know you've mentioned needing things, and if I didn't say it last time, I don't mind helping how I can. Anyways I can, and I have many ways."
"Heh.....yea, I'm bad with money. Hilarious, given I've got a computer in my head and should be a master of accounting and finances, but....there are a lot of things I Want to do and it's expensive to do it. The tools and equipment and the gear. I keep costs down these days by mostly repurposing scrap and having staff accomodation on Kenweness, but until that point there was a lot of expenses I am still paying for. Fortunately, not to anyone who will break my mechanical legs for slow payment"

She'd then enter the shuttle and look to Cecilia, leaning back and preparing for take off.
"So, you ever gone asteroid mining before? I got some hand held density sensor if your mech is more combat focused" she'd offer, fishing it out of her pocket. It had a hodgepodge look to it like it was made in a garage from scrap. Which...was exactly what it was. Still worked though.
"I've got a full sensor suite on the unit. It was combat focused off the line, but became more as we worked on it. Quite a number of modifications done to it over the last couple years, some adding solely more utility based functions to it. But thank you for the offer, it's kind of you to make sure I have what I need." The AI girl patted Egwene's shoulder apologetically for having to turn down the offer, but still thankful nonetheless for it. She locked the case to a storage rack before taking her seat, adjusting the leather jacket over the torso area of her suit to be more comfortable in the standard seating. Crossing a cargo panted leg over the other, she played with a bang as they waited for take off, having grown used to shuttle travel by now.

"To answer your question, I've run the gambit on odd jobs before, tend to swap between them every so often. Partly why I know so many people who can offer contracts to help with your expenses if you want them. I know it might seem weird that i'm trying so hard to help, even though this is only our second meeting. But I have a feeling about you, you're unique and interesting, and seem like someone I could count as a good friend. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but I do whatever I need to, in order to help the people I care about and are close to me."
"Excellent!" the sensor was thrown over her shoulder into the rack and she held the briefcase as the ship took off and entered escape velocity, heading for the asteroid field. Egwene would look over the armour-portable mining lasers as she did so, gauging their capabilities for later.

"Double Excellent. It's nice to have competent friends. And don't worry about the helping" She'd said, finishing inspection and opening the briefcase, grasping two handles inside and pulling on them. Quickly, segmented armour plated would slide over Egwene and cover her in the L-3000 Combat Flightsuit. #I understand the desire to aid your fellows with all you can muster#
"Show off, I didn't bring the installation rig for mine!" Ceilia playfully pouted in good fun, waiting for the G-forces of orbital escape to subside. Once it finally did moments later, and she was free to stand, feeling lighter as shuttles never had the best gravitic manipulation. She did so, and flipped open the large case she had brought, inside were the armor sections of her own power armor suit, A Revenant R1-SPA. The leather jacket over her suited torso was discarded to her seat, boots kicked off, then even dropping her cargo pants. Underneath was a tightly fitted undersuit, to which she began attaching the sections.

First was the torso piece, the two pieces lifted over the shoulders, before being clamped together with a slight hiss. Then came the leg pieces, the boots simply stepped into before the lower and upper leg plates were attached. The pelvic section came next, then the upper and lower arms, the bits attaching to the hands being linked to the forearm armor. With all that on, it looked rather nice, light but clearly very flexible. Possibly fast too as thrusters on the back at the top of the shoulders, popped out and adjusted angles in testing.

Satisfied with the feedback and results of boot up, the woman simply chucked the loose clothes into the case before withdrawing the helmet and closing the case. Retaking her seat, Ceilia put the helm in her lap as she began to put her hair up, "Nothing so fancy as a PA suitcase, but it gets the job done, and reliable. I don't normally leave the world without it, so forgive my lengthy suit up, but I have a feeling you didn't mind with the show it gave." The last part was given with a teasing giggle and a playful smile.
"Well, the suitcase weighs six hundred pounds because the armour weighs six hundred pounds. So I don't think anyone outside and FBR Cyborg or a Super Soldier could lift it to begin with" Egwene replied, the faceplate sliding up to show her face. "Though it looks much like my own Combat Flightsuit rather than any suit of powered Armour. I like flying" Egwene shrugged. Then, with both of them ready to deploy, turned to head towards the airlock with the rest of the miners in less fancy suits.

#Why would I have any feelings towards the show? I offered interest, you rejected interest, we are both amicable adults. Do people often keep feelings after they have been rejected?#
"To be honest, I'm single, and been very busy to pursue anything solid. Adults still need outlets, and I am possibly open to such outlets. Such things are consensual though, so up to you. I haven't had anything in over a good year, so some exercise may be in order.", Ceilia said somewhat sheepishly, yet apologetic. She followed Egwene, her helmet hiss as it was put on and the seals locked. When the airlock doors would finally open, armored face plates would slide over the majority of the false visor, leaving only a T shaped slot of it viewable. "My psychiatrist also tells me I should get out more, be more adventurous, find more of mentioned "outlets" as a single mom. Since stress is a very negative health factor, and not good in the long term to go untreated........Might not help that she's basically a succubus."
#But what about your nerd boy? I broke into several computer systems for your romance, and you are saying that you don't want to peruse it now?# she'd state, pushing out of the airlock and into the void. She set up a wide band scanner to index the rocks for quicker density scans when she was up close, and looked to Cecilia. #I am always down to go shopping with you if you want, but you should get your nerd boy. Stress is something the fleshlings have trouble with all the time, and you need to take care of your health#
"It's not like I can rush things, and it's not that i'm not trying to persue him, these things take time. I still have needs you know, and he's a shy one, so it's not like he's just going to hop into bed with me. I'm also not trying to force you to sleep with me, if you say no, then it's no. You're the closest person I know right now, and if I was trusting anyone to help me relief such needs. You're my only and first candidate, so the offer is open, and it's not like I'm cheating on him or anything." Ceilia continued the conversation almost casually, keeping her line to Egwene open as she herself stepped out into the void. She split off a bit and got some distance before sending a signal to her brother to deploy her unit. As she watched it exit the Brimstone's hold and maneuver out into space, then head her way, she added.

"I've started talking to him since our last get together, and was completely honest with him. That I like him, and want to see where things go. Also that I might have partners to....well everything I said before. That makes sense to you right, the body has needs, but some are very intimate. I'm just not that close to him yet, or where he's comfortable with fulfilling those needs as a lover right now."
Egwene would share her index with Cecilia so her scanner could to through the rocks quicker and pick up the good ones to crack open. Cargo Drones hovered behind them, ready to claim any raw ore they found inside the asteroids.

#So much hassle to maintain a fleshy bag that can't even throw a car. What is the point?# Egwene replied, somewhat teasingly but with a hint of seriousness to her. #But vibrating finger aside, I don't just have sex. It's not my scene. If you want to deal with your needs I do have a lovely prostitute friend in the university. But if you come to me I deal with your needs in a far more, elegant fashion. A fashion you might be surprised to behold#

Jetting up to the nearest rock, she'd scan it. It had basic ores but t that was fine, time to crack it open. The Neutron repulsor charged up and blasted a hole in the Asteroid's rock face, allowing Egwene ingress to the thing proper to start pulling it apart.
Despite knowing Egwene could never see it, Ceilia couldn't but help raising an eyebrow at that offer. One that definitely had her curious now as her unit slowed to a halt adrift in the void before her. It's chest chassis split open as it's armored sections seemed to blossom out, just before extending out a coffin like pod on an extending arm. It's shell opened in sections like a metallic cocoon before she floated over to the great machine. Climbing in, she took a rested position inside and closed her eyes as it enveloped the girl. When she seemed to open them again, it was her own little world, her digital space as it were. A sense of nostalgia washed over at seeing it again, it was special, and had been a decent time since her last visit.

The bubble that was this space, displayed everything from diagnostics, comm feedback, loadout read ups, digital windows into the outside world, radar and other sensors. One thing that stood out, were old image stills of personal things here and there. It was Ceilia's way of decorating it with a little more touch of memorable moments from her times having used this space. She sighed in relaxed relief as she re-opened her comms with Egwene from inside her mech, "You definitely have me curious, and interested, I think I would like to see this method. Something tells me, your method is far more then what any normal organic could enjoy. As much as I defended being me before, I still can't deny that I am far from same as the human I once was. I have so much more to experience as I am now, and some things just don't apply to me as they used to when I was human. Perhaps you can teach me these things, show me everything I've been missing."

With her reply given, she let her sensations and mind slip into this armored giant like a hand into a glove. She felt the cool emptiness of space wash over her, no, her hull. She felt her reactor warm with power as her very heart, and the flow of information from every sensor and system. This was something else she missed, the practical tingle that enveloped her being as she took on a shell that was more then flesh and bone. Never would she give up on it, but it was still admittedly addictive when the moments were present. Blinking to take the view of her machine, she had the computer assist, label the most prime target for her based on the readouts Egwene had gathered.
#I dunno, never done it before. Probably, probably not. You will be an experimental doll# Egwene said, her words were somewhat nerve wracking, twice as much when said in such a calm and clear tone like that. After smashing a hole into the asteroid, she'd inset the driller to carve it out and collect the materials needed. They were cute little things she had built in the lab, nothing special but moderately helpful in mining once you got up there and blew a hole in it. It was more a convenience than a groundbreaking invention though.

#Though it is intimate and possessive. I can't do such a thing while you are trying to court your other guy. So finish up with him first#
"I guess that's fair, shame. I apologize for making things awkward. By the way, I mentioned our last meeting to mom, and she's very interested in meeting another scientist. Said she doesn't get to meet many women in the same profession, seemed excited at the idea of getting to talk to someone about research and things. I might have said all that already, sorry in case, my mind is always in a spin after a transfer. All this data, the explosion in processing, it's a lot to switch to." Came Ceilia's reply once she had settled in to her chassis, lasers and claw digging into the rock as she plucked chunk after chunk for processing later.

It was strange to think this was her body, the giant machine now doing something so peculiar as mining a asteroid like a person picking seeds from a large melon. It was strangely archaic, yet abnormally advanced of a sight to see. Truly were the times strange when such people as the pair existed, showing just how much technology blurred the lines of life.
#There is nothing awkward with talking about such a thing, darling. Don't worry about that. Obligatory commentary about how being a machine is way better than being a fleshling. And I would love to meet your mother, scientists are always so fascinating. They can think of things that you'd never think of just because they haven't been thinking about them, if that makes any sense#

'Sonic...disturbers....' she thought to herself, looking at the rock and gathering the ore that was spat out of her drone, putting it into the basket behind her and running some basics on the idea.
"Whispers of such thing back home have been talked about a lot lately, something about some new project called "Operators", and revising current cloning processes. I don't know the details, but I feel a lot of change coming. Especially with the Lord's daughter taking the throne recently. Mom probably has a hand in some way in both projects, not much that she doesn't these days, or didn't back in the old days either. She's a smart woman, and one most NDC tech can be attributed to save for her predecessor, Rose Ironhart.", Ceilia replied as she continued to excavate all she could before moving on to the next rock. She was happy to carry on their chatting as she did so, just doing repetitive work tended to become boring anyways, so a partner in crime so to say was always nice. The AI woman enjoyed talking to her too, not many were like her, so it made making friends hard at times.
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