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RP: 188604 [Aashi] Meeting of Minds



The Palace

Cyrus Marshal walked along a large holomap of the city which showed the current whereabouts of all current patrols of the city. He watched as patrols moved along the city, performing their daily routines. Cyrus sipped on a cup of coffee, zooming out the scene to encompass a wider area. The holotable displayed the uninteresting, conducting peace keeping ops and the like. The man looked around his "War Room" and watched as his operator were fast at work, directing soldiers to there assigned areas, and relaying orders from Cyrus. However a new sound interrupted the normal flow.

"Excuse me Ma'am but you can not enter the CIC without expressed permission." The guard said at the door to Aashi.

"I think I'll be fine," Aashi said, holding up a hand to him. "I'm here, and that's on the permission of Raphael Castiel, unless you'd like me to go?" Aashi added, nearly knowing that he would not want her to.

Cyrus walked down the raised platform. "Corporal Thomas!" He called as he walked down.

"Yes sir!" Thomas said snapping to attention.

Cyrus nodded at the man and gave him a quick salute. "At ease Thomas. I will take it from here." He said looking over to Aashi. "Good morning miss?" He asked turning and half blocking the door frame.

"Good morning to you," Aashi said coolly, moving her hand to a hip. "I hear you're the one to talk to, I just spoke with Raphael in the garden. Lovely, an angel, you could say," she said, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips while her eyes remained stoic. She stepped forward, towards him, extending a hand. You may have heard of me, but I hope you haven't for your sake and mine, I am Aashi Nath, an Iromakuanhe from Hlarai. I came to you because I work for Uso, and thus, would like to know how I can work for you."

Cyrus nodded and gave a quick smile. "Name is Cyrus Marshal."He said offering up his hand. "A friend of Raphael's is a friend of mine." He added.

Aashi bent her head as they exchanged handshakes, feeling the synthetic skin of the Nepleslian and when they had finished, looked back to him, noticing the scarring on one side of the tall man's face. Though her horns were taller than him, she stood just four inches short of his 6'4" frame. He had a cybernetic eyes that she looked into, something more like an eyepatch. Ironic, a pirate running into a straight-laced leader that bore an eyepatch, a cliche associated with criminals of her type. It was not lost on her, though she betrayed no humorous emotions when she began to speak.

"I am here to find out what it is you do," she paused, then addd, "and what I can do for you."

Cyrus nodded. "Sure. Come on in." He said turning around and walking back into the war room. "Welcome to the War Room. Here is where I coordinate all of my units out in the field. Our operators," He said pointing to the row of people lining the room sitting at workstations. "relay my orders to the squad leaders." He said showing her around the room.

"I like seeing a position of power being used appropriately. Have you been able to keep this title as leader of the Ragnarock long?"

Cyrus smiled. "I would hope so. I did start the damn thing." He said. "We haven't been around for long, but we have grown rapidly since our creation." He said

"The growth is always the greatest. I've seen a lot of growth under my own leadership elsewhere, but I can't say I started the whole thing like you can. Please, may we sit somewhere to talk or would you like to go out?" Aashi asked extending her arm inside the CIC and then out past the guards, relative to what she was saying.

"Sure, come with me." He gestured to the door. He looked to one of the head operators. "Inform me of any developments." He said before stepping out the door and out into the hall. He led her through the winding halls of the Palace till the got to one of the private studies of the nobles that used to live there. It had been turned into Cyrus's private office. "Step inside my office." He said opening the door. The room was very practical. Not an inch of space was used for comfort. Everything in the room served a purpose.

Aashi moved with him and sidled through the doorway and into the well-laid out room, noticing small facets and features as she did. "What is this?" she said, bending over an object foreign to even her.

Cyrus nodded. "That is a component to my arm." He said walking over to her. Her peeled away a patch of synthflesh to show a matching piece of metal work. "I custom built my augs myself." He added, noting his handiwork.

"I, unfortunately," she said, showing her own arm as she lifted up the sleeve of her deep blue thick coat, "am not suited to that. My people, the Iromakuanhe, cannot have augmentations added to them that don't have a biological component to them. Living weapons, if you will, can be grafted to the body but those," she said, looking at the component of his arm, "I could not handle."

"Yeah, one thing about us Nepleslians is that we handle augs well." He said spinning his hand around 360 degrees. "I was attacked my a Mishu. Bastard cut off my arms and legs for fun, then slashed my eye and chest." He said explaining the story. "I was saved by another squad and they patched me up. Some say I am more machine than man." He said only half joking.

"Some say I am more man than woman," Aashi said, continuing with his train of joking manner. "I like to know you handle losing parts of yourself well. I," she thought then said, "I can admire that. I want to know what it is I can add, though, to whatever you need. When I asked Uso who her major assets on this planet were, she gave me a what, instead. She said the Ragnarock."

Cyrus smirked moving to his desk, offering her the seat in front of the desk. "Well we did kind of win over the planet for her..."He said to no one in particular. "So far we have been pretty self sufficient. However we are outgrowing our current accommodations."

"There's not a lack of space on planet," Aashi said, "is there? I've never noticed a lack of space in space, if you're looking to expand," Aashi said, thinking back to her time roaming the Outer Colonies and beyond.

Cyrus let out a hearty laugh. "That is a negative. The world has plenty of space, but the Palace does not. My men have to hotrack at the barracks here and many have to go out and sleep at the inns. I need to create an actual military base for Ragnarock. I was making one when there was an incident. Unfortunately we lost the base and all the supply that we had at the site so I have to start over. If you could help me with procurement that would be a big help. Even if you just pull some strings to get me deals with sellers would be a huge help." He said stepping his fingers.

"Sellers, sellers I know. And deals I know even better. I have people in every port planet save Yamatai's," Aashi said, "I don't mess around there. I don't know I can get you what you want, but I can get you what you need. So tell me not what you want, but what do you really need? What supplies?"

"I need building materials. Hell prefab building would be nice, but I will settle for building materials. This base won't look nice, but there will be a lot of concrete bunkers everywhere. Plus, we need an airfield so we can store and fuel our growing air wing." He replied.

"That can be done," she said, nodding. "I like that you know your limitations but also your strengths. No, it won't be nice but your men don't need it to be nice, they need it to be there. I can get into contact in the next few days and get back to you about what I come up with and where we need to go to get what you need to be here. I'm glad you're not asking for air wings from me. That I could do, still, but it'd take more than a few days to get it."

"Again that would be nice, but I need to take care of our immediate issue. I seriously appreciate you help in this matter." He said nodding to her. He pulled a bottle of brandy from the desk and slid her a glass. "Care for a glass. I know it is early, but..." He said pouring himself a glass.

"Never too early for one," Aashi said as she waited for him to pour hers, hands on crossed legs.

"Aint that the damn truth..." He said pouring some into her glass.

"'Tis true," she said, raising her glass in the air to salute him.
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