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RP: 188604 [Aashi] Veks on the Beach



The Beach

Aashi Nath lay fully extended on a beach chair, gazing at a point far off in the distance on the beach while her hand hung limply off the chair. Next to her on another beach chair was Uysses Werner and atop him on his chest, sat Aashi's familiar, a Matai Skyfish with its array of colors and black stripes dazzling in the light. All three were dripping and wet from a recent plunge in the ocean and the three lay without concern while drying their bodies by way of the sun. Aashi languidly turned her head to one side and pulled her hair back out from behind her as she saw someone approach.

"Have you ever met a Vekimen?" Aashi looked to Ulysses after she had started speaking, gauging his reaction.

Werner absently petted A, the familiar, as he rested in the lounge chair. He had enjoyed their dip and some time away from working. As Aashi spoke he looked over. "What is a Vekimen?" He said before attempting to turn so that he could see the newcomer, without disturbing the little manta that was napping on his chest.

Uram walked down, wearing his classic goggles and a suit, being followed by another Vekimen very much his opposite. Where he was rather thin, scraggly, and generally looked frail, this Vekimen was well filled out, toned, and curves for days. She was also missing the Vekimens classic set of goggles, nor wearing a suit. She seemed to be squinting a little, but other then that she looked fine.

"Hey there Aashi, funny to see you here! I was just going for a walk with my sister to discuss collaborations between the Labor and Research forces. Zahen has some pretty good ideas if you'll let her act" He said, sounding pleasant. Zahen just seemed to glare with a look void of amusement.

"Uram," Aashi said politely, letting the word draw out as she said it, "I would love to hear your sister's big ideas. You're Zahen? I'm Aashi Nath. I had the lucky opportunity to meet your brother and convinced him to stay with us as we flew you here, to 188604. Feel obliged to talk my ear off, figuratively speaking."

Just then Akemi strolled onto the scene and gave the beautiful and burly beach babes a once over. His eyes naturally settled on the horned one of the pair. "Daaaaamn. You've got hips for daaays," he reflexively remarked. "Are you guys with Uso?"

"I've got hips for nights, too," Aashi replied with a sharp-tongue, then added, "I'm with Uso as are these two. More her subservients than anything, and proud to be under her wing. Seeing the look of you, I'd imagine you to be a part of the royal court, if it weren't for the Neko-ness of you. Which assumption is correct?"

Akemi placed the fingertips of one hand to his neck and slightly inclined his head in a look of theatrical disbelief and amusement. "Me, royalty? Awww. I'm just a super recently made business partner that runs a chain of restaurants which specialize in adult entertainment named Akemi's after me, Koga Akemi."

Aashi raised her eyebrows and turned towards the Vekimen, looking to hear what they were up to with just as much attention as she had when she heard what Akemi was involved in.

Uram chuckled, but Zahen seemed unamused by the comment regarding hips. The male just walked over and found a sunny patch of sand to sit down in. "Yeah, she's a bit of a grouch, don't mind her" He said, the female snapping at him as she walked over.

"I'd rather be productive. Then again, maybe you can be useful Aashi. I spoke with gentleman a few days ago involving his giant robot, but seemed to want nothing to do with helping my team make a better one. Claimed it was an affront and insult to the "Great nation of Yamatai". I don't know if he is naive, delusional, or an idiot, but he refused to help us. If you think you can help us, then maybe I will talk your ear off... Metaphorically" She explained, her tone cool and bored.

Uram chuckled. "Don't lean in too close though, or she might literally talk your ear off. The jaw gets moving to fast she can't - oof!" He started, just as the female slammed her tail down on his shoulders with a powerful THUMP! He clutched his ribs and groaned. "Sorry... I'll shut up now..."

Aashi lifted herself off of the beach chair with one arm and brought her other hand down to pet her familiar while it moved its flappers in exuberance. She said to Zahen, "I can see your needs aren't being met. I can meet your needs," Aashi said, looking away, towards the Pumpkin Eater where two molecular furnaces still were being stored, useless until necessitated, then continued, "but for a quantity and quality that you expect, I will have to ask what in return I would be getting."

Zahen arched an eyebrow. "I could make one of the greatest Mechs this sector has ever seen. A combination of the armament capabilities and power supply abilities of a Mech, with the speed and efficiecy of Power Armor. I figure I would attempt to make a name for them, and then sell them to people... Less effective than what the Vekimen would field by far, but I would be happy to make sure the profits are split" She commented.

"I don't need profits, I have a salary from Uso and have had riches your mind couldn't comprehend," she said, laying back down.

Zahen rolled her eyes. "Then how can I read your mind? What would you like" She asked, placing hands on her hips.

While the three were occupied Akemi decided to seize the opportunity to silently prance over to the Skyfish. He quickly assumed a crouching position and started gently stroking it, gradually working his way around the creature. Anyone looking could easily see he was quite enthralled with the giant creature and its little gestures.

"You have a powerful work force and I have plans to build what will be the greatest structure this planet has seen. Nay, that this system has seen. I hear Akemi here doesn't have a building yet, either. Build the first floor and a pool next to the beach on the Vek's time off from working for Uso and I'll build you a hybrid of power armor and mecha," Aashi said, face turned away from the sun and towards Akemi to say to the restauranteer, "Isn't that right?"

Akemi looked up while he continued to carefully stroke Aashi's pet to ascertain its weak points. "Yup, I haven't set up anything for myself yet and I'm super jelly of what Van Banning 's just put down."

Werner had slightly dozed off while they all continued to talk, however once Akemi began to pet A, A began to squirm, which in turn woke up Werner. His hand shot out and grabbed the hand touching A. "A doesn't like to be touched." Werner said his eyes still closed, as A settled back down to laying on Werner's stomach.

Akemi leaned forward, upturned his head and wiggled it a little while he scrunched his nose in a mock snarl. "Well A hasn't bit me yet so maybe it just really likes me and you should C yourself out you big meanie."

Werner cracked an eye. "Is that so?" Werner asked letting go of the hand and looked to the one speaking. He softly placed a hand on A letting the manta settle down. "I am the meanie? You are the one who snuck up and tried to pet the familiar of someone you don't know..." He said before closing his eye again.

Akemi huffed. "Well it looks pretty Iromakuanhe to me buster and I don't see any horns on you. Are they buried in your ass? It'd sure explain things."

His eye remained closed when he retorted. "Nope, I am a Nepleslian, but my foot will be in your ass if you don't shove off swabbie. You're blocking my sun..." He said using naval slang.

Aashi looked to her familiar and Ulysses with a bit of surprise in her eyes, then to Akemi, and said apologetically, "Learn to be my friend and you'll be her friend, too."

"Oh yeah? Well you're blocking my fun. If you don't shove off I might just have to slip you some Kaserine and stick my barbed buddy in yours." Akemi turned to Aashi and gave her an incredulous look of disdain.

"Is he always this big of a jerk? Claims I'm the bad guy sneaking strokes meanwhile he's trying to monopolize your Skyfish." The Neko's features relaxed. "Can't say I blame him though."

Werner snorted. "Try it and I will break your neck." He shot back

The Skyfish had zooped off of Ulysses Werner's belly and towards Aashi, recoiling away from the argument and towards Aashi's calming presence. She said to the pair, "There is no reason to monopolize an extension of me when you're ignoring the issues at hand. The more you detract from the importance of putting this planet together, the more you show your tactlessness."

Zahen narrowed her eyes a little, huffing out. She snapped at Uram who straightened up, the two having a rather quick conversation in their own language. Uram seemed to be on the defensive, pleaing to the female, but she verbally beat him into submission. Uram seemed to frown. "She says she just needs the pieces put together. She needs the machines built, not designed... None of us are builders, we are diggers. What would we need to do?" He asked, cowering a little from the aggressive female.

"Nothing, then," Aashi said, waving a polite, but dismissive hand. She tried to assuage her own resentment at the situation but couldn't keep herself from saying, "That is useless to me. I don't need diggers, I need builders. You would spend all of ten seconds digging out a hole for a pool, at the very least, but what then? There is nothing I need you for and nothing that can be traded for something as valuable as what you are asking."

Zahen rolled her eyes. "If you want an underground structure, we could built it without a problem. Above ground surfaces take skilled workers to put together, none of which we have. Anything past preparing the ground for a foundation, we don't have the resources for because all Uso wanted were miners. If she wanted a labor force to build things, then she should have asked for them. You are asking us for things we do not have, to obtain something Uso has entitled us to. I guess I will go to her" She grumbled.

Uram frowned. "Don't be so mean Sister... They don't understand"

"We can steal you the Yamatain-made armor in due time, as Uso promised. That is not my job. My job is to make this planet habitable. When it's my job to steal your armor, I'll do a fantastic job of stealing your armor. But until then, you need to understand that we don't even know the plans for building your armor. I would have to manually code -again, not my job- your armor specifics into my furnaces, unless you want Iroma-specific VANDR, which would be quite a bit easier, but would be essentially useless to you. Even then, I have my doubts that this would ever work. On top of that, you are asking me to have someone put the pieces together for you when I can't scrounge up a workforce for myself to build a resort. Why would I be able to do that for you when I haven't found a way to do that for my own project?

Zahen continued on grumbling. "Provide me with plans on how this structure is going to be built, and I will see if I can scrounge up enough people intelligent enough to do the work for you. Do not expect it to be fast. The only Vekimen with any real time on their hands are my research teams. I'm going to have to teach them all a new trade" She hissed, obviously upset.

"I don't know what it's like to do something I don't want to do. I've made a habit of doing the exact opposite of that." Aashi stood and ushered Ulysses up, saying, "Let's go to my ship. It's cooler there and we can show you the plans for the building. "

Werner finally sighed and stood. "Enough of your bickering." The Nepleslian said, more than a little irritated that his nap and relaxation was disturbed. "We seem to be at an impasse but I know a third party who can settle this." Werner threw down a small holo projector and called the one man who might be able to make heads or tails of this mess.

An image of Cyrus Marshal came into to view on the sandy beach. "Yes, Captain? I am busy hurry this up."

Werner saluted. "I am sorry sir, but we have an issue and we could use your help." After several minutes of explaining Cyrus rubbed his head. "And how can I possibly help with this situation?" He asked.

Werner looked from the Vekimen to Aashi. "Well sir, Aashi needs electricians, plumbers, and the like, while you need to get the resources out of the ground, underneath your base. " He said looking back to Cryus. "Could you spare us..."

"What about the adorable wasp people?" Akemi interjected, finally deciding to be helpful. "What can they do?"

"They can't help in any way other than needing themselves saved," Aashi retorted, not fully sure what the I'ee could do, only knowing their need for survival was impeding her ability to make the planet one for Uso to call home.

"QUIET!!!" Cyrus yelled over the line. "Werner keep talking."

Werner looked deadpan between everyone and continued. "If you leant Aashi your specialists for say a few weeks on a set rotation, then the Vekimen will mine the minerals under your base, and create tunnels between your existing structures."

Cyrus thought for a moment. Then sighed. "Fine, I owe the girl anyway for getting me those furnaces. Aashi!" Cyrus bellowed. "Your first group of my engineers are being roused now, ETA 60 mikes. Vekimen, we will be in touch to hold up your part of the bargain. Cyrus out." And with that the transmission ended.

"There, everyone happy now?" Ulysses asked still annoyed.

Uram sighed. "We do have 800 Vekimen available outside the agreement... I could send them over to mine the minerals. How much space are we talking though?" He asked, glad the argument could end. He didn't like the fighting, and it was clear by how he seemed shrunken where he sat.

Werner looked to Uram, "The base is built ontop an old lake bed out in the desert. A fairly wide area." He replied.

Once everyone had closed the deal and were inside The Pumpkin Eater, Aashi pumped out a miniature version of the cylindrical building to be built for Uram and Zahen.

"My gift to you," she said as she handed it to them. Then, she asked them, "Who here wants to hear Uram," she paused, looking for the words, "hum very well? He's quite," she paused again, trying to figure out the appropriate words, "approximate to being musical."

Uram nodded. "It won't be near as fast as what we have working right now, but it'll be fine" He explained after thinking about it on his way to the ship. When Aashi asked him to hum, he was a touch confused. Zahen was looking at the building she was given, silently sitting down on whatever was available to leave Uram to his thoughts.

"Oh! You mean replicate your music?" He asked, tilting his head. "I could do it again, sure, but I would need a moment to remember the patterns and such" He explained, shrugging. "Shouldn't take me more than a minute or two though." He added.

"So, Akemi, where do you see this adult entertainment fitting into Uso's little planet?" Aashi asked while Uram prepared himself. "Do you want to sway the locals into a life of debauchery and daredevling or are you simply here to make a quick buck?"

"Well both and more," Akemi replied with a cheerful smile, happy to be included in things. "I'd like to get in on feeding the planet as a whole or at least the parts loyal to Uso, provide the locals with stuff they've never eaten before and harvest whatever is unique to this world to send it up into space and make crazy credits while enticing people to come down here. I'd like to make this a resort world. I'd of course also love to corner the flesh market in more than one way."

Uram slowly started to hum a song when people started talking. Zahen was paying attention to the conversation when the comment about cornerig the flesh market came up. "Odd turn of phrase... I take it you mean people, not food with your comment?" She asked, looking the man over. "How can you corner a market on something so freely given? No one in the Vekimen at least have a problem finding more base pleasures" She sighed, looking over the building again.

Akemi placed his hands on his curvy hips and tilted his head to one side. "Well I don't know how you guys do things in lizard land but I have a sneaking suspicion the people on this planet aren't going to be so carefree about this stuff. Besides, customers would be coming for professional services and to sample species they've never even seen before." The Neko extended an upturned palm in Aashi's direction. "It's not everyday someone gets to grab some horn handlebars and go to town on a dusky delight like this one."

Werner listened to the the conversation going on and his face grew redder and redder.

Zahe arched an eyebrow. "Well... Seems your kind really do take those clothes too seriously. With the Vekimen, if you are part of the same family den, it's fair game" She explained, standing up, placing the building down and matching his posture. "Species never before seen though? Do explain?" She inquired.

"Like I said," Akemi answered in a deliberately far too casual voice, "take this prime cut over here. You don't see her kind too often in Yamataian or Nepleslian space. On top of that the vast majority of natives have never left the planet."

Werner ground his teeth as he listened to the two talk. "Excuse me... Would you like to repeat that last statement?" He asked low, almost a whisper.

Zahen looked to Aashi, then turned around to look over her shoulder. "Huh... Am I not exotic enough?" She asked, her tone flat curious rather than playful.

"Given the right clientele, I'm sure you can fetch a pretty penny, too, if you're interested in being bought and sold, it's a lucrative market and one Akemi seems to have pigeon-holed. Would you want to be a part of that enterprise as an exotic delicacy, Zahen?"

Zahen seemed to think about it, swishing her tail about. "Depends. Would it further my personal goals?" She asked, turing back around.

Akemi figured he'd overlook Werner's question as Aashi spoke up for herself and seemed fine with his attempts at humorous praise. "Well, I imagine you and your people are more than rare enough. You sure look quite distinct. You'd probably earn a ton if money 's enough."

Werner sighed and walked down the ramp, he was done. He walked out and waded into the water, taking a moment to cool off.

Aashi looked to the place where one of the molecular furnaces pumped the water from an algae-ridden state into a potable one and looked back to the Neko and Vekimen she was getting to know. She twisted her body to sprawl much in the same way she had been doing on the beach chair and listened to Uram's background music as she spoke freely, "Some of your species should look into offering themselves to the pleasures of travelers and locals of 188604, alike. Akemi's is an equal opportunity employer, are you not? I assume you're in the business of mainly hiring women, though. Zahen, you might find it more enjoyable to get a taste of something different while being the "something different" served up."

Zahen thought about it. "This "job" seems much too simple. What is the catch as to why it pays so well?" She asked simply, turning to the group. Uram had finished his song and looked at Zahen with a bit of an awkward look.

"Sister... You do have family members to settle that need, you know..." He mentioned, the words sounding to imply something.

"And how close are you, as family members?" Aashi asked, putting a hand on her thigh where a series of blue lines coiled and coalesced.

Zahen just rolled her eyes. "He is rather traditional, and aggravated lately that I am his only family mate in the mission currently. I've apparently been "avoiding" him" She muttered, causing the male to give his first scowl.

"I don't think that was what she meant at all Zahen" Uram muttered, looking at the ground. "We are of the same Family Den. Inbreeding has never been a problem with Vekimen, and we have been inbred on the station for so long it actually doesn't matter. Usually the VDTF frowns on two Vekimen of the same parents mating, but after that it doesn't matter" He explained.

"Well unless you guys suddenly overrun the planet you should be in high demand given your rarity here," Akemi replied. He was really glad the Vekimen were apparently so easy to talk to about this kind of thing. "You'd likely receive a lot of people asking for you if word gets around enough so you'd have high earning potential based on the sheer number of interested clients alone. I let my workers set their own prices too so on top of that you could all get together and decide to charge more than the locals would in the same position."

"Akemi seems to have the same interests as the two of you," Aashi said, amused. "How did you stumble upon this business idea, Akemi? What spurred the motive behind it, besides that sex sells and burgers taste," she paused, then balled her fist together and closed her eyes, "so good," before ending her sentence with, "hmmm?"

Zahen rolled her eyes. "Honestly I do something right now if it would end your childish whining, but I'm fairly sure our company aren't like Vekimen in that regard" She snapped. Uram just replied, down trodden in Vekimen.

Aashi put down her balled fist and stared at the Vekimen for a moment, trying to decide what kind of societal cues and implications they did or did not understand before listening to Akemi as he spoke.

Akemi shrugged. "I saw Neppies and figured I'd try to out Nepleslian them. One obvious way to lucratively do that was to go after their loins and not just their stomachs. They're big on vices and they've got a gender imbalance so even their ordinary run-of-the-mill women are treated special. They'd thus probably be extra open to experimenting with those of other species. At the end of day just about everyone likes to eat and fuck anyway."

"As for whether my business is equal opportunity, sure, but we focus on employing women and we usually separate the genders into different stores with different themes."

"What will the "theme" of Uso's first burger palace be?"

"Burger?" The two vekimen asked in unison.

"I dunno," Akemi admitted. "Themes aren't really permanent. They change all the time, even daily. Like one day everyone 's sporting certain outfits and the next the style might go in the opposite direction. Whatever sells and whatever my employees feel like doing is what goes. We serve a heck of a lot more than just burgers by the way."

"What's more important to Akemi's, the girls or the grub?" Aashi asked as she watched her familiar move away from her. Nonverbally, she asked it where it was going and found it on a mission to visit Ulysses in the water. It flapped its wings at him as he noticed it, then dove under the water, only to reappear to splash Ulysses' torso, avoiding his face, kindly.

Werner smiled. "Hey my girl, what you doing over here?" He asked sitting down in the water and holding a hand out to A. He moved and laid down in the water now, the water covering up his chest, the only thing above water was his head as he relaxed in the cool green ocean.

Both the Vekimen were staring at the two, waiting with hungry looks. "Burger?" They both asked again, uncanny with how in time they were with each other.

"I see which you two value over the other at this current moment, unless I'm mistaken."

Zahen narrowed her eyes. "Neither of us have eaten in a few days... Supplies are in short demand while everything gets settled on our end, and given we have the lowest physical workload, we are the last on the priority" She explained sharply, not removing her eyes from whoever was the one who may actually have the meal. The way they both picked someone, their slitted eyes unblinking, unmoving could be unsettling.

The Neko turned to the Vekimen for a moment. "I personally wouldn't mind if you two go ahead and get to business right here. At the very least it'd be educational."

"It's really a toss up," he said, returning his attention to the Iroma. "The food and drinks are the backbone of the business as they can appeal to anyone. Everyone needs to eat. But then who serves the food and how it's done is a big draw. People pay for atmosphere and style. The fact that you might also order your waitress to satisfy another appetite is pretty enticing. And people simply like a place with an easygoing air they can potentially find someone to hook up with in."

The Neko's comment was the only thing that broke the males concentration, a quick glance at Zahen the only indication the comment meant anything to him. He was back to staring though. Food was good for him too.

"So," Aashi said, "why not Yamatai? You're a Neko, they're mainly Nekos, why not serve there?"

"Yamatai 's not as free as Nepleslia is," Akemi answered in a matter-of-fact manner. "It's more regulated and you don't get to deal with criminals as much to be frank. I'll take money from and work with anyone, even Mishhu as long as I'm not violating some kind of law and risking my establishments being closed down."

"Hmmmm," Aash said, relaxing as she sat sprawled, "I understand the beauty of working with criminals over keepers of the peace. Not everyone's got a need to get some, though," she said, reflectively, "but those that do are willing to pay a high price. I like that you'll breathe new life into Uso's planet, it really seems like it needs it. Any other grand schemes for the planet or are you happy to reserve yourself to what you have cooking at Akemi's?"

Both Vekimen seemed to deflate as food seemed no where near showing up, but Uram seemed to take a sudden interest in Zahen now that he was over his hunger focus. His mane was puffed up unusually, and he would look down at the ground at times.

"Do you really not mind?" He muttered, not looking up.

"Please, no," Aashi said. "No mating on my ship. Go outside to do that, if you don't mind."

"Well I heard this place has nobles so I'd sure like to goof around with them and see if I can marry one or do whatever else you have to do to get a title," Akemi replied quickly, starting with what first came to mind. "I want to get into general agriculture since there's so much advanced technology and knowledge to share with the natives but I already implied that. Maybe I'll create my own little fiefdom or something. I mostly just want to have fun and meet beautiful women and befriend and bed them. I'm a pretty simple guy."

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you I can never be one of those women, but the Iroma are well known for being capable and confident in their biomatter abilities. Many aspects of our very ships are living. I would love to get into creating plant matter on this little planet. I come from a tropical homeworld, I miss the greenery of it."

The male Vekimen nipped at the female, who met it with a quick smack across the muzzle. "Not... Now..." She snarled as the poor Uram yelped and moved back.

"Yes, quite," Aashi said to the Vek, simply putting her foot down. "Akemi, would you like to work together on a planting pet project sometime soon? I can produce something like seeds to start the process with one of those," she said, pointing her hand to the molecular furnace, "which should make the transition to growing plant matter here smooth."

"Sure," Akemi answered enthusiastically. "I'd also be down with running my first store out of your resort. I've got my own skilled laborers and other resources I can call upon."

Aashi said, "Very good to hear, we'll work together finely."

"I will say it's a real shame you're not on the market but I've already got my eye on this super smokin' Spacer that absolutely hates Neko though so I'll live. Her name 's Arccos. I'd beat that like a drum." After having such a riveting time with the high sheriff the Neko figured he'd start having some fun casually telling everyone how much he fancied her. Maybe if he was lucky she'd suffer some torturous teasing as a result. Uso seemed a likely source.

Thinking back to the gallows, Aashi said, "The sheriff? I wish you the best of luck."

Zahen stretched out a little and looked at Akemi. "Well, maybe we should talk a little more if you are interested in talking about getting a few females from my kind. I might be interested" She sighed as she released the stretch.

The Neko gave Zahen a polite smile. "Certainly. I can't say no to the possibility of such easy money."

Aashi got up and walked down the ramp to the water, eyeing Uram and saying quietly, "Not on my ship," to him before joining Ulysses in the water. "Not too bad, the way the furnace keeps it clear for a short distance. Now, to put them to use building this resort," Aashi said, happy to have the dream's plans finalized. "We should look after the Vek and Cyrus' men together, make sure it gets done. Unless The Necromancer direly needs you on board it, then I'll understand if you're not there for it."

Werner looked up after dozing off in the water while A played. "Oh hey. No the ship is fine with out me for a bit. If they need me they will call me. Until then they think I am running errands for Uso." He said with a small smile.

Zahen looked down at the now even further miserable looking Vekimen who was crouched down. "Maybe I can give this one what he wants, if you really are so interested in what you called an "Educational" experience". I'm sure this one would appreciate it"

Akemi lit up like a Christmas tree at the opportunity to annoy Aashi just as she was settling in. "Are you suuure they can't use your ship?"

Werner looked over from his spot in the water and heard what was said. He turned and yelled back. "Do it in the lady's ship and I will fornicate with you skulls!"
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