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[Abwehran] Achtung Assault Shuttle

Fixes discussed on IRC made.

And all of this submission's speeds are based off of an already approved Tech, Wes.
Unless this craft uses some kind of aerodynamics-altering system like a shield or something, there's no way it will hit mach 12. it'd become unstable and break up due to its shape.
Ah...that is my bad then I guess.

Would Mach 10 work instead of Mach 12, because I have the Scramjets going Mach 6 for Civilian, Mach 8 for Escort type Air Warships, and Mach 4 for Aerial Aircraft Carriers.

Anyway, SSharp. I missed something in my little glance through the first time. The old Tri-Armor is kinda obsolete and is used by civilians now. The Achtung would probably use the Escort/Strike Craft Armor.
As Kai said, without shielding those kinds of speeds would superheat the exterior and burn off any part of the shuttle that portrude.

The SR-71 flying at Mach 3+ surface would super heat. and it is aerodynamic/streamline which the Actung is not.
Well, for maximum operating speeds of a scramjet, those are fine, However, it really depends on the airframe it's attached to whether or not the craft can achieve such velocities.
Note, at Mach 3 you're already creating a pressure wave that can kill people if you fly close enough to the ground. This was the exact reason I advocated using m/s, not mach. Mach 12 is pretty much just over 4000m per second, or 4 kilometres. I suggest more research and prudence used when choosing future aircraft speed.
As to the heating issue: The Achtung already has a Hard Bubble Shield, AND a Hazard Shield.

Also, when entering the Atmosphere of a planet or flying at high altitudes it won't be worrying about pressure waves murdering people. If/When it gets close to the ground, it would enter into a VTOL mode and its air speed would slow drastically.

If the Mach Speed is still an issue, I'll elaborate more on it and also drop it down to 9/10.
Entering the Atmosphere and actually flying around are two different things. The listed number you have should reflect how fast it can go under its own power, not the maximum possible speed it may theoretically attain coming into the atmosphere.
Why do you insist on using the Mach system, you know it pushes my buttons. This is a large blunt object travelling at exceedingly fast speeds, no matter what high you decide to super-duper-hyper-ludicrious-speed cruise, you'll only have a few seconds at most between putting your nose down, and becoming a sizeable crater. Please rethink your current speed, if only for the sanity of those of us who have any idea at all what it means.
Jimmy said:
Why do you insist on using the Mach system, you know it pushes my buttons. This is a large blunt object travelling at exceedingly fast speeds, no matter what high you decide to super-duper-hyper-ludicrious-speed cruise, you'll only have a few seconds at most between putting your nose down, and becoming a sizeable crater. Please rethink your current speed, if only for the sanity of those of us who have any idea at all what it means.

So... You're calling me an idiot? Reserve it for private posts Jimmy.

I don't have to debate with you about the speed system used by an ALREADY-APPROVED TECH. If you don't like it: too bad. You're not the one who gets to decide what stays and what goes. If you have no other issue to bring up, please decline from any further participation in this thread. What you've already said has been noted by Reviewers, and they'll take it as they will.
As you wish. I'm not here to start a flame war, although if I thought you were an idiot I'd just tell you, so no, you are not an idiot, but I believe you fail to grasp the speed you are throwing around, that is all.
I feel that I have to restate that this is an Assault Shuttle, and that 'Mach 12' was never intended to be a cruising speed. Mach 12 was to be the 'roof'.

But after doing a little bit more research, and especially after some points that even convinced Abwehran Commander that he needed to update his tech, I've decided that Mach 8 should be the new maximum speed.

This Shuttle has both a Hard Bubble Shield and a Hazard Shield, and it also brakes to VTOL and to drop off troops. The speed stated is meant to be used primarily at high altitudes to avoid the troubles of crashing and pressure waves: YES, I did know that Mach could create pressure waves. Mach 3 both kills humans and is the speed at which our Space Shuttles go to escape Earth's atmosphere.

Other shuttles on SARP -- whether approved because they had 'admin plot armor' as I've heard the term used or not, its common for shuttles in the SARPiverse to go Mach 5.

And these shuttles aren't specifically created to quickly deploy ground forces -- likely behind enemy lines -- or avoid Anti-Air fire while doing so, or to stand up to Anti-Air fire while directly supporting the troops it just dropped off.

This shuttle is meant to be fast. It is meant to be well armed.

Mach 12 might have been insane, but it is achievable. Mach 8 is also achievable, and I do believe that for a design like the Achtung Mach 8 as a maximum speed at high altitudes is perfectly reasonable.

If not, I'm perfectly willing to hear remaining issues about its speed.

I'd like to hear a tech reviewer's take on this compromise before I edit it in.
High speeds are acheivable. The question becomes how long can it be sustained. For example when the Shuttle re-enters the atmosphere it is traveling at Mach 26. But since the upper atmosphere is so thin, the shuttle can survive while it rapidly deaccelerates.

So while the shuttle can hit high speeds, it can not make sudden course changes, and has to deal with heat aka friction. Since you have added the bubble sheild that takes care of the friction aspect.
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking for, Nash, but I think it has to do with G-Force stress.

If not, this is as good a time as any to address it.

The Achtung Assault Shuttle has Unidirectional Gravity Plating to deal with G-Forces and to give it normal gravity while in Zero-G.

Now: Abwehrans come from a Heavy-Grav World (3-Gravities on the Surface) and can withstand up to 25 G's before their skeleton begins to fracture.
(Edit: Figure organs being compromised at around 16G's. Might actually be a bit low, will have to consult Abwehran Commander when he gets back.)




Now, I slightly suspect that you're concerned with maneuverability. Well, you're right: The Achtung can't make sudden course changes going at high speeds -- no vessel can. Can't up and rush in the opposite direction when you're barreling forward.
That's what I was talking about. WIthout something like CFS that allows newtonian physics to be ignored, the shuttle can not make sudden course changes at that speed. That's all I was saying.