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[Abwehran/Gartagen] Of Warriors and Hunters.

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
AF 260, Third Quarter, Seventh Month, Second Day
HMS Victorious, Contact Envoy
Hyperlimit of the Shara System

It had been months since the last message from Commodore Yuki and the request for a political and military envoy had finally gone through the channels. It had been quite slow moving through the bureaucracy of the Imperial Government. Details had to be satisfied before such an envoy could be sent. Personnel had to be vaccinated and cleared medically to keep another Khorsovarolor from happening. Translation programs had to be designed to ensure proper communication between all parties (a requirement that had taken the longest to settle). To top all of this work off, Intelligence, Economic, and Political Analysts had to finish sifting through all the data the Yamataian Civilian had sent them. However, as ponderously slow as the work had been, the paperwork had been finalized, signed, and approved. The Squadron, such as it was, could now leave for the Shara System.

Arriving on the Hyperlimit the day after leaving Abwehran Territory, the HMS Victorious, one of the new Wahrheit-Class Battlecruisers, completed its Fold Operation along with three Löwenhertz II-class Destroyers for escort. It was quite an awkward squadron with the huge Capital Ship dwarfing it's smaller, more venerable escorts.

Military Commander of the Envoy was Kommodore Hildegard Holst, a former fighter pilot who had been pulled from her cockpit to the bridge of a Destroyer at first (mostly to test her meddle) before approving her for Flag Rank. Her Flag Captain, Hauptmann Adolf Gersten was her Second in Command for the operation as well as her Tactical Second.

On the Civilian side, two representatives of the Abwehran people were chosen. First was Helga von Friedman, a member of the House of Nobles and one of the major players of the Conservative Party (whom had protested the use of Progressive Party member for the past view foreign talks). The other was a representative of the economy and a Professor of the Great Imperial University, Karl Kortig. Both were on board the HMS Victorious as guests of the Kommodore.

Sitting in her chair on the Flag Bridge, Hilde glanced over at her Communications Officer and nodded. The Leutnant then went to work on recording the following message, which would be translated:

Shara System Control.  This is Kommodore Hildegard Holst of His Majesty's Weltraumflotte and military commander of the Abwehran Star Empire's Envoy.  We request direction to the designated rendezvous point for two envoys.  Holst Out.
The Abwehran arrival had been rather sudden for Union Naval forces patrolling the Shara system. Considering the fact that the Gartagens had only recently entered the interstellar stage, Abwehran sensor sweeps of the system would find that Shara was very active. Convoys of transport craft were moving back and fourth from Gartaga, the asteroid belt, and Galva the gas giant.

Militarization matched this as convoys of the Union Navy could be scanned on patrol of the home system. The entire defense net work of Shara came to life at the sudden detection of alien hyperfold signatures. Convoys began organizing and moving to their defensive checkpoints in the system. The civilian craft held their course, but began spooling up their own hyperfold drives, and the civilian communications net work went silent with military frequencies becoming dominate.

When the communication was sent, the defensive measures almost immediately dropped.

A message was sent back for Abwehran Translation.
“Apologies, we are currently in a state of war. Though we had been waiting for your arrival, we had grown worried that something may have happened to your detachment. Welcome to Shara. We will battle group to meet up with your convoy. Follow your current heading.”

A hyperfold signature would be detected one the flank of the Abwehran convoy. Two Prosecutor battle ships appeared with three MK1 cruisers and six MK1 Destroyers. The convoy hailed the Abwrehan ship. It would be a visual transmission. “This is Solar Commander Altos of Shara Defense Fleet’s fourth battle group. I will be your liaison for these proceedings, as well as ensuring your fleet’s safety for your stay her in system. It is an honor.” She said looking rather unenthusiastic. On the viewer the Abwehrans would see a blue skinned female Gartagen. She looked young, and her thick hair was held in a tight topknot which was customary for naval personnel. “Our local operative is on board, but we will be bringing you into Gartaga’s orbit. The main question my superiors have is where would you like to do the negotiations”
With visual communication possible, Hildegard got her first look at a Gartagen. They were definitely different from the usual species the Abwehran people had encountered, which the Kommodore could only ponder what that would entail for negotiations. The Kommodore was a typical female Nightwalker with her thick, black goggles covering her eyes. Her gold beret rested upon her pitch-black hair, which had been cropped short, and her officer's duty uniform had the black panels of Command. Her pale skin seemed to stand out against her uniform with a bit of discoloration from the scars along her cheek.

"Thank you, Solar Commander," speaking in a heavily accented Trade, hoping the ship's translators would do their job. Especially considering the impressive size of their Capital Ship. The Victorious was practically half it's size. However, she didn't allow such an impressive sight to phase her. "Please inform your operative that they can choose the site for negotiations and we will be there. Be warned though, our Hyperspace Fold system is not equipped for interplanetary travel. So unless you can form Fold Bubbles, we'll have to take the slower method of travel."
“Understandable.” came a calm response to the Abwehran transmission. “We are your assigned escort for the duration of your stay in our system. I have heard your people are honorable, so our escort is to ensure your safety, rather then our own.”

The Battleship and its smaller ships formed up loosely around the Abwehran group. On board the ship the Solar commander looked at the Abwehran through her holographic projector at the center of the bridge. The XO was a male of Sermac stock and he combed across the central podium looking at the bridge crew in the trench surrounding them. “They resemble the Nepleslians heavily.” He grunted. His heavy frame did not do justice to his agile and fluid movements. “Match their speed, and keep your distance.” He called out. “Our job is to keep them safe not intimidate them.” The operative entered the bridge and quickly climbed up on the podium.

“Transmit basic information on our race, allow them to scan the entire battle group.” The Operative said with out even introducing himself. He then inhaled “Ask them where they would like to conduct the proceedings as well. We want our guests to feel comfortable.”

The Solar Commander nodded, and would turn back to the viewer. “We are transmitting data on our race as a whole, including culture, biology, history, as well as details on our technology. As Liason to our Navy I am permitting you to perform detailed scans of our ships if you so wish, as a gesture of good will. Our operative wishes to know where you would like to conduct the proceedings.
Hildegard motioned to someone just out of view of the camera system, which ended up being a male Abwehran with crimson hair and a rather dark tan. His lower left arm held out a small palm computer to the Kommodore before retreating back out of view. "Thank you for your generosity, Solar Commander," the Kommodore replied. "My orders from High Command were to cooperate in kind. Feel free to make detailed scans of our vessels as well while we transmit basic data of our culture, history, and biology," the female Abwehran replied.

At that point, the Kommodore seemed to look away from the camera. The camera would zoom out a bit to reveal another woman next to the Kommodore's seat, only this one had skin of mohagany and shoulder-length, silvery hair. "Greetings, I am Helga von Friedman, of the House of Nobles," the woman replied. "For the negotiation site, why don't we hold it upon your home world? I am open to suggestions on specific locations as well."
The operative came on screen and stood next to the Solar Commander "The home world is a perfect location for negotiation, arrangements for your reception will be made immediately." He said transmitting the landing coordinates for the Abwehrans to follow. The Blue skinned operative was thin and young. His small framed body looked like it was going to be swallowed up by the robes he wore. His boyish face contorted into a smile that revealed a set of sharp teeth. "Let me say it is an honor to meet you all, and Welcome to Shara."

The Ship's XO was looming over the sensor station off screen. "Their ships are of a utilitarian nature, much like our own. But the design reflects this." he said to the Solar Commander. The Solar commander turned her head and spoke off screen, her words being unheard.

"That ship is a bulwark...these people are regarded as honorable." She said softly. "Their military leader, she has no fear. These Abwehrans are warriors like us."

The XO flicked his tail. "The design of this ship certainly indicates that. It is a shield when compared to our sledge hammer." He stated patting the railing of the podium.
"The honor is ours in being able to set foot upon your world," Helga responded with a smile of her own. "Our envoy will consist of three people: the Kommdore, myself, and Professor Kortig of the Great Imperial University. We had plan on a small honor guard of four Marines, but I believe it would be best to ask if such a act was all right. If not, we can leave the honor guard behind with our orbit-to-surface transport."


Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Victorious, Adolf couldn't help but grimace at the data he was getting off his vessel's scans. "What I wouldn't give for firepower like that," he muttered.

"Yes sir," his Executive Officer, who was in the Auxilary Bridge, stated over their shared connection. "But I've heard R&D is starting to work on Heavier Capital Ships of their own, mostly because of Herr Dietrich's designs. So maybe we'll have monsters like that some day."

"Until then, we've got our Hunter right here," the Flag Captain chuckled as he stroked his command chair a bit.

"Aye," the Nightwalker woman replied with her own smile.
“Your honor guard’s presence is welcome. On our world you have the right to protect your self or your kith as needed, and we will not deny you such protection.” The operative said calmly. “Once we land on my world we can draw up a mutually beneficial charter that will be amicable for both of our worlds. Plus there are many of our warriors who will be curious to see your own.”

The Solar Commander chimed in behind the Operative “As a Naval officer I am very interested to discuss the art of space based warfare with an alien race who has had more experience then we.”

The Battleship and its escorts fanned out in a further ring around the Abwehrans. It began sending out coded signals to the defensive formations in the Shara system. With the system aware of the situation, it would be smooth sailing to Gartaga.
"Thank you for your understanding," the Civilian Representative spoke with a polite nod and a smile.

"And speaking from the military aspect, I believe our Marines would be honored to meet your warriors as well," the Kommodore responded, glad she had chosen the least xenophobic soldiers for this mission. "I too would like to discuss tactics and strategy with you -- when we have the time," Helga replied as she leaned back in her command chair. "Current ETA to Gartaga is three hours, we'll prepare our envoy now. Victorious Out."

T+ 3 Hours

Both Battle Group and Envoy Squadron would reach Gartaga orbit with no troubles. Once in a parking orbit, the three envoy members and four Marines would gather into one of the many Achtung Assault Shuttles (sans micro missile launchers) for the trip down to their designated landing zone. It was a short jaunt, but the Assault Shuttle was meant for quick atmospheric entry with a full rifle platoon. This one only carried a mere seven individuals plus crew.

With landing permission granted, the large parasite craft landed without trouble. One of the side doors slid open quickly as four Marines armored in Light Infantry Armor and carrying Field Rifles hopped out. They quickly took positions with two on either side of the door and came to parade attention, their gray armor gleaming in the sun. All four Marines were males, thus the Gartagens would notice that these individuals had four arms instead of two.

"By the Void," grumbled Helga as she stepped out of the shuttle in full Dress Uniform and family long sword at her hip. "Hotter than home, that's for sure," she commented before turning to aid her Noble counterpart out of the shuttle.

"Very true Kommodore," the Surfacer replied as she smoothed out her ceremonial court attire, which was more a pair of nice slacks and a tailed jacket (with a few ruffles from the tunic underneath). The final person was Professor Kortig, a Surfacer male male who seemed a quite plain and frail compared to the large Marines.
The Abwehrans shuttle did not make its descent alone. Next to it was a Gumia shuttle that accompanied it every step of the way.

The Abwehran shuttle was instructed to land in the “mini” star port that was attached to the old “Imperial” Palace in the Gartagen capital city.

The Abwehrans had noticed the heat, and the dry air of Gartaga. They would also notice the orange sun that was looming over them and high lighting the rings that were around the planet. The pink sky of Gartaga seemed to show the beauty of the world that was not their own. Gartaga was clearly no paradise world, but the Gartagans had some how managed to carve a civilization out of it.

The Palace was vast and old, its spires and walls were made out of stone and obsidian giving it a very ancient feel. The dusty ground that was not draped in concrete had was made into a Garden of rugged looking flowering plants. The Abwehrans would see armed Gartagen Guards posted at the main entrance to the Palace. On the walls were ten foot tall Earth Dancer Exo Suits that were patrolling, and the barrels of anti-air guns could be seen poking out of armored structures. These people were taking the war seriously.

Solar Commander Altos and the Operative approached with a group of four RRF guards. They kept their rifles shouldered. The Solar commander and the Operative paused, and allowed the Abwehran delegation the opportunity to get situated.

The Operative bowed. “Welcome to Gartaga…if you would please follow us, we would be more then happy to get you to an area that has climate control.”
The two civilian Abwehrans seemed to be a bit surprised by the defenses around the area, but didn't say much to further confirm it. "Thank you," Helga replied with a nod. "We appreciate the offer," she continued politely. Professor Kortig seemed to not bother speaking up at that point.

Kommodore Holst glanced at the guards through her goggles, silently observing their alertness as well as their size. The Noble might not have been affected by their stature compared to the Abwehrans, but Hildegard had to wonder how well they could fight compared to enemies like the NMX (and silently pondered their mettle against an Abwehran Soldier).

The operative and the Solar Commander both turned and began walking down the path leading the way towards the palace's star port entrance. The Guards stood at what could be viewed as their version of attention. They did not move, and helt their rifles against their right shoulder with; the barrel facing the sky. These troopers were very clean, and their armor was very finely crafted and featured intricate curvings that seemed to be unique to the individule soldier.

The Solar Commander looked back to find the Military Members of the group were observing the RRF troopers who guarded this palace. The small uniformed woman slowed her pace to let the pair catch up. "These are the Rapid Reaction Force." She said gesturing to the guards. Each guard they passed held out his rifle as a salute. 'They are responsible for guarding the ship's of the Union Navy, and responding to military situations as they unfold. You see them guarding this palace as an Honor they earned for besting the Union Army in a series of war games a few years back." The Solar Commander spoke all of this in a calm, abit indifferent voice. But she was a member of the Navy. "They currently have engaged the NMX on a world called Ether, and though I can not give details, Rumor has it that the RRF are making them fight for every inch of that planet."

The group would enter the palace hall, and make a sharp left into a large ornate conferance room. The Room was decorated with obsidion walls and had dim lighting. Furnashing it was a large 15X4 table with pillows. The table sat low to the groun meaning the whole party would conduct this meeting sitting on pillows. The wall had a glass case which feature models of Gartagen star ships, and had a Star Map looming over it. At the center of the table was a large bowl shaped device that had many lenses, directly above it was a similar device built into the ceiling.

"Oh?" Hildegard replied thoughtfully. "Sounds a lot like the Weltraumflotte's Marine Corp...only your Rapid Reaction Force seems to be separate from your Navy," the Kommodore deduced as they continued away from the shuttle pad. "The Imperial Palace back on Abwehr does their security differently though. We have a Special Force trained to guard both the palace and important persons. They're pretty much elites brought over from our Planetary Forces and Marines." the Officer explained before they entered the palace hall.

The Solar Commander nodded as Hildegard spoke. "The ones protecting this Palace are the best of the best from the RRF, specially trained and equipped. They are however very much their own entity, but they work VERY closely with us." She said calmly. On entering the room the Operative decided to kick start the negotiations by speaking

“Your people were spoken very highly of by the Yamatians, who I am authorized to inform you that we have entered into a defensive pact with. The negotiations with the Yamataian Star Empire went well and we came to a mutual understanding. They however made it a point to direct us to you.” He kneeled down at the table activating the holographic projector at the center of the room which showed a 3 dimensional star map. It showed the all the races encountered by the Union. The image zoomed in on Lorath, Abwehran, and Gartagen territory. “We have expanded to the areas several light years out side of our home system, rather swiftly. The war with the NMX is in full swing, and the Lorath; a race we have yet to speak to but whom we are aware have set up a colony near our claimed territory. Aside from them though, your people are our closest neighbors.”

“By that definition we are taking our diplomatic negotiations with your people very seriously, and we are hoping for the greatest out come and mutual cooperation.” He then zoomed to the empty expanse in between Abwehran and Gartagen space, and drew a line below Gartagen territory. “The question is the zone of colonial expansion. It will affect both of our futures. But I will say the Union has no interests in hindering the expansion of your empire. So the question we have is what are you current colonial plans and how may we help you in keeping to those plans?”

Glancing at the map, Helga nodded in understanding. "Thank you for your consideration," the Noble replied. "And to answer, I have been pondering very much the same since I was assigned to meet with you. The simplest answer to the 'Expansion Issue' would be a simple matter of direction. If the Union would be kind to keep their expansion towards the galactic north and north-east, the Abwehran Star Empire would keep our expansion towards the galactic east and no farther north than the two stars approximately 30 light years west of your Gamjie Colony and ten light-years north east of Ether."

"This is much too generous!" The Operative said smiling. "We find these terms aggerable, but wish to state that your people are free to explore the systems in those buffer zones freely. If a world is discovered that is habitable of of value we should meet to inform each other of the desire for acquisition in the buffer zone." He said calmly. "We would not see relations strained due to border conflicts; and fear of military aggression. Are we in agreement?"

"We are not like Yamatai in the fact that we can develop planets at rapid paces," Helga replied with a small smile. "It will probably take us a few years before we can even expand that far, so this is a perfectly good plan," the Noble continued before pausing a moment to ponder. "That seems acceptable to the Empire."

"Now then onto the other diplomatic issue. We seek to establish a Free Trade agreement with the Abwehran empire. In that Civilian ships may enter each other's territorys provided they announce them selves and submit to any laws or searched each nation feels the need to preform. An unrelated agreement we have largely stipipulates that civilians, if they so wish may immigrate to each nation, using the nations immigration laws to the fullest in order to apply for citizen ship. We are an autocratic nation, but we do not need to keep our people here with walls and machine guns."

"We are seeking close and friendly relations with your Empire. If not closer, so as a gesture of good will we will finance the construction of a fully equipped embassy on our home world, in our capital city to your specifications and needs. This Embassy and the land it is built on will be considered Abwehran territory for all intents."

The operative would wait for a response then go on to say. "If you have any issues or treaties you would like to be addressed, please by all means. If not then I shall hand the floor over to the Solar Commander."

"A Free Trade agreement would work perfectly," Karl finally spoke up, taking the reins from a slightly annoyed Noble. "Of course, we'd have to figure on some restricted lists for items that are illegal in our territories, but that can be decided upon at a later date." the Professor continued before Helga spoke up.

"As for immigration, we are perfectly fine with accepting those who wish to join our Empire. We are currently working out an amendment to our Constitution to allow dual-citizenship, though it is taking a while to get through Parliament." the Noble explained. "We too would like to form an Embassy in your territory if you would allow us. Very few nations seem to agree to Embassy from our experience."

"Understandable. An Embassy would allow easy communication between our two nations, and possibly avert a war due to mis-understanding. Speaking of wars..."

The Solar Commander handed the Military Commanders of the Abwehrans two data pads. "We do not know how you are about letting your civilian leaders view military documents. But this is why I am here."

The Solar Commander would hit a button on the table changing the star map considirably. "This star map is a listing of our military scans." Several red blips showed up in the gulf between Gartagen and Abwehran space, as well as many bright ones in the middle of the Yamataian front. There was on massive blip which was where Ether used to be, as well as scans indicating known star ship positions.

"Our forces are left off the map due the stragity of the war. The NMX." She said. "We know little about them, we know what the Yamatians have let us know, and we know they are technologically and numerically superior to us. We have joined the war because we had to face the reality that when the NMX are finished with Yamatai and Nepleslia; we will be slaughtered."

"However the Yamatians are not weak, and we have to consider what happens if and when the Yamatians win this conflict? So far the Yamatians have been kind to use, but races like the Lorath and NMX alarm us. The idea I was sent to try to convay, both are aggressive, and from what the Yamatians say the Lorath are aggressive, and patient. Not to mention any other hostile and technologically powerful race."

"We are not proposing a war of aggression in any way; we are not an imperialistic race and have no deigns on galactic domination of any alien species. We are proposing a mutual defense pact. We are close neighbors, but as a race new to the galactic scene, we seek to guarentee your own species right to exist as free people, and your nation's right to be a nation. Like wise we would only be bound to help each other if one nation was activly attacked. The sharing of military intelligence is a given. We would also be willing to allow for joint training and perhaps even operations in order to learn from each other. More importantly different minds can produce powerful technology. It is all very big, but it is a reality we the Gartagen Union had to accept when we were discovered. We are not the biggest fish in the pond, and we need to seek out reliable and honorable allies."

"I don't think," Helga began before Hildegard spoke up, interrupting the woman.

"Interesting data," the Kommodore stated with an eyebrow raised over her goggled-eyes. "And much of your data would confirm basic intelligence packets I've received," she went on even as the Noble seemed about ready to throw a fit. "A mutual defense pact would be beneficial, however..."

"However, the Abwehran Star Empire does not," Helga tried to get in her protest.

"I'm afraid the Government maybe hesitant about defense pacts. They tend to force nations into situations they are ill prepared for." the Kommodore stated, surprising the politician a bit. "But I believe a mutual defense pact against 'future' enemies would be acceptable." Hildegard stated, as if explaining that the Empire wasn't willing to jump into the current war against the NMX at that point.

"This is understandable. So far the NMX have not pushed against your race. We have destroyed three scouts attempting to do long range scans into your territory. But have no desire to pull your people into a war." The Solar Commander said looking at the woman and transmitting the data of the encounters to the data pads of her Abwehran counterparts. The Data would detail the location of the scans, and the details of the battles. The battles were done at long range, with the Gartagens striking the craft down using their star figh"We just wished to try and make it official that if your empire is attacked, you may call on use to defend it. Even if the agreement is not mutual. From a stratigic stand point...if your empire falls it would only hurt us and endanger our soverign right to exist. I am sure you race can see that if we were to fall the same can be said."

"The offer of a mutual defense pact will remain on the table for your government to look over."

Deciding not to acknowledge receiving the data at that time, since it probably would have sent the Noble over the edge, the Kommodore nodded silently.

"I believe the Empire would find that acceptable," Helga stated politely, her voice neutral. Though something about her seemed to say the Kommodore would be getting an ear-full later. "Would the Union have anything else to discuss?"

"I would say these proceedings have gone well." The Operative stated. "The only thing I have to say is do you have any questions or proposals that need to be addressed? If not then shall we tour this palace so learn more of each other's respective peoples?"

"We have no more questions,"

"Then these proceedings are concluded."
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