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RP (non-canon) [Abwehran] LANCE Testing

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Inactive Member
"So, you're sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"You seriously have my back?"

"Yes. Now fire the damn thing so we can go home."

The house undoubtedly held Insurgents, and the two Abwehran Marines nervously waited in the darkness. Khorsoi were mean bastards when they saw an Abwehran around.

"Alright. Firing the Shriek. Here goes..."

With the launcher on his shoulder, and a feeling of ultimate helplessness, the first marine pulled the trigger on an experimental weapon. They were field testing on live targets. Very live.

The magnets inside the launcher activated, propelling the munition and its now-dead battery out toward the house. The thing screeched as it flew, a terrifying hackle-raising scream that abruptly ended as it smashed through the window of the home and into the house inside. Flame exploded into being, and new screams began from within the walls of the house.

The door burst open, a Khorovaroloran in a dirty unkempt uniform appeared at the threshold swinging a rifle up to bear at the unseen enemy. Somewhere off to the two Marines' left, a squad automatic weapon opened up, chewing the first Khorsoi and his few surviving pals up as they exited the building.

But some still got away, rushing toward a vehicle with a flatbed and machine-gun-like weapon mounted upon it.


"Loading an Arrow!"

The vehicle began to move, its weapon chattering at its attackers.

"Loading confirmed!"


It was turning onto the dirt road directly in front of them.



The Exhaust port erupted with hot gas, spewing its contents a clear meter behind the Marine holding the LANCE Launcher. The rocket propelled munition raced out, leaving a smoke trail lit by moonlight. The rocket touched the right-side door of the vehicle's cabin, burst through in a fraction of a second and moved through the driver and passenger like tissue paper and out the other side.

The vehicle, now doorless and driverless, rolled forward and slammed into the tree line. The weapon operator on the flatbed never made it off: scything fire from other Marines cut him down before he even touched the ground.

"Is that a success?"

"Uh... Yeah. The vehicle didn't have enough armor for the Arrow though. Maybe a Railgun Propelled Grenade next time?"


"Probably." The second marine gave his ascent.
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